Sometimes a picture says it all. If anybody doubts that the NFL hasn't completely self-destructed, note the attendance in this photo from the Cowboys-Redskins game from November, 2008:
And this one from tonight's game between the same two arch-rivals:
It used to be that the Cowboys-Redskins games were sold out months in advance. Ticket scalpers used to snare well over $100 per ticket at this time of year. We're guessing from the looks of this picture that NFL ticket-scalping isn't especially profitable anymore.
What caused the change? Fans are sick and tired of the NFL's disgusting political correctness:
Combined with their thuggery both on
And off of the field.
The NFL leadership chose Trash Culture and Political Correctness over sportsmanship and fair play---now they find themselves increasingly marginalized. The centennial anniversary of the NFL's founding is only a few years away: they may not survive until then at this rate.
"I, the Night Wind know many things, because I walk by night. Many strange tales of those who have stepped into the shadows...and of those things which they dare not speak."
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Although we haven't given the subject much attention here, everyone no doubt has heard about various 'sex scandals' exploding all over the Liberal political wing. Senators, Congressmen, pundits, and media figures have been going down (no pun intended) from coast to coast. NBC anti-Trump doofus Matt Lauer was fired just yesterday.
One of the reasons why we've given so little space to these 'scandals' is because most of these guys were part of a political culture that persecuted heterosexual men for acting like---heterosexuals. Some have been real cads, but that's hardly reason to lock them up. The only ones who really deserve any jail time are guys like Anthony Wiener, who compromised national security by sexting on a government phone storing sensitive information. Or guys like former Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who committed actual homosexual rape.
However, in the upside-down world of the Whacko Left, a man who shows any sign of having functioning testosterone is a horror who must be suppressed. It's like being born White or believing in God: all perfectly natural things to normal people, but signs of inherent character defect to the Left. As Left-Wing crackpot radio host Tom Hartman always says: "Testosterone is the world's most dangerous drug."
So why are so many of the Liberal leaders suddenly under fire for these scandals? We're going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this may be an organized Party Purge.
This has happened before on the Left. The 2016 Democratic Primaries had a lot of similarities to the 1968 events. In 1968, the Far Left moved to hijack the DNC and sabotaged the incumbent, Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was the last of the 'New Deal' Democrats and probably had a legitimate chance going head-to-head with Richard Nixon. In 2016, the incumbent Obama was more-or-less obliged to endorse the Clintons, though his sympathies were clearly with Sanders.
After the Far Left failed to gain control of the DNC in 1968, they geared up for 1972 by sabotaging as many old-school Democrats as possible to get their own candidate, George McGovern, nominated. What we're suggesting is that the same thing might be going on again. Considering that the McGovern/Carter/Clinton Faction were radicals of 1972---and they're the ones being targeted today---we can imagine how extreme their intended replacements are going to be. Sanders himself was barely one step away from outright Bolshevism himself. We easily could have had 2017 America looking like 1917 Russia if things had gone in Sanders' favor.
The DNC Election in 2017 very nearly went for Keith Ellison, a deep-dyed radical, who lost to a Clinton-backed candidate by only 8%. The DNC Election is a very clear indication that the radicals are making power-plays.
Could it be then that the blitz of 'sex scandals' on the Liberal Left is a way to clear out the 'old guard' and bring in even more radical elements? It could be. It seems as though a lot of the men being accused are disproportionately men of the Clinton Faction and a corresponding number of so-called 'progressives' doing the accusing.
But if we're seeing a repeat of 1972 on the way to 2020, take heart. 1972 was a crushing Electoral win for the Republicans; and Trump can no doubt wipe out any candidate whom the Radical Left might offer.
One of the reasons why we've given so little space to these 'scandals' is because most of these guys were part of a political culture that persecuted heterosexual men for acting like---heterosexuals. Some have been real cads, but that's hardly reason to lock them up. The only ones who really deserve any jail time are guys like Anthony Wiener, who compromised national security by sexting on a government phone storing sensitive information. Or guys like former Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who committed actual homosexual rape.
However, in the upside-down world of the Whacko Left, a man who shows any sign of having functioning testosterone is a horror who must be suppressed. It's like being born White or believing in God: all perfectly natural things to normal people, but signs of inherent character defect to the Left. As Left-Wing crackpot radio host Tom Hartman always says: "Testosterone is the world's most dangerous drug."
So why are so many of the Liberal leaders suddenly under fire for these scandals? We're going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this may be an organized Party Purge.
This has happened before on the Left. The 2016 Democratic Primaries had a lot of similarities to the 1968 events. In 1968, the Far Left moved to hijack the DNC and sabotaged the incumbent, Lyndon Johnson. Johnson was the last of the 'New Deal' Democrats and probably had a legitimate chance going head-to-head with Richard Nixon. In 2016, the incumbent Obama was more-or-less obliged to endorse the Clintons, though his sympathies were clearly with Sanders.
After the Far Left failed to gain control of the DNC in 1968, they geared up for 1972 by sabotaging as many old-school Democrats as possible to get their own candidate, George McGovern, nominated. What we're suggesting is that the same thing might be going on again. Considering that the McGovern/Carter/Clinton Faction were radicals of 1972---and they're the ones being targeted today---we can imagine how extreme their intended replacements are going to be. Sanders himself was barely one step away from outright Bolshevism himself. We easily could have had 2017 America looking like 1917 Russia if things had gone in Sanders' favor.
The DNC Election in 2017 very nearly went for Keith Ellison, a deep-dyed radical, who lost to a Clinton-backed candidate by only 8%. The DNC Election is a very clear indication that the radicals are making power-plays.
Could it be then that the blitz of 'sex scandals' on the Liberal Left is a way to clear out the 'old guard' and bring in even more radical elements? It could be. It seems as though a lot of the men being accused are disproportionately men of the Clinton Faction and a corresponding number of so-called 'progressives' doing the accusing.
But if we're seeing a repeat of 1972 on the way to 2020, take heart. 1972 was a crushing Electoral win for the Republicans; and Trump can no doubt wipe out any candidate whom the Radical Left might offer.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Here we are nearly two decades into the 21st Century, and it seems like we have to explain things to some men that boys used to understand no later than Kindergarten or so. Let's start with one basic tenet:
Real men do not beat up or assault women.
True, sometimes a man has to act in self-defense; but even that is no excuse for excessive retaliation. But, for some reason, there's a contingent on the Far Right who seems to have absorbed the Leftist idea from Hollywood that women are fair game to be roughed-up like men. We can expect that the modern Media---filled as it is with resentful homosexuals and other perverts---but from Conservatives (or those who claim the title) we must expect higher standards and better behavior.
This phenomenon is especially blatant in the Manosphere and their confederates among the so-called Alt-Right. Red Pill writers like Dalrock, Roosh V, and Matt Forney praise domestic violence. Others like Rollo Tomassi and Chateau Heartiste teach that women are no better than chattel. Vox Day and Andrew Anglin are notorious for vicious troll attacks against women. Most of these writers are probably latent homosexuals, and some such as Jack Donovan, Milo Yiannapoulous, and Lucien Wintrich overtly so. They make heroes out of scumbags like Nathan Damigo who beat up girls half their size.
The aforementioned Lucian Wintrich is the latest girl-beater who's now sitting in a Connecticut jail after losing it during a speech and pouncing on a female protester. Wintrich was giving a speech at the University of Connecticut when a woman appeared to take some papers from the podium.
So what would have been the masculine response to such a situation? Wintrich could have calmly asked for the papers back. If she refused, go on with the speech ex tempore or move on to other topics. Treated the whole thing as rather humorous, in other words.
But Wintrich flew into a rage, jumped off the podium and attacked the woman with all the suppressed rage of his type. Police had to pull him off and dragged him out of the building as he screamed hysterically.
"I can confirm that the speaker has been arrested and is in police custody." a university spokeswoman told the Corporate Media. "There are no other arrests or any injuries."
Some may be inclined to defend Wintrich. But let's ask this question: how did his actions benefit the Conservative cause in any way, shape, or form? We hardly need to give examples of how the Corporate Media is spinning this story. But that aside, when 'conservatives' behave like liberals it doesn't win us any support from the general public. Why? Because nearly all Moderates and even a few Liberals know that it's wrong for boys to beat up on girls.
And Wintrich should have known better. Some Corporate Media jackass assaulted him last Spring at the White House. That incident certainly did little to dispel the public's negative opinions of the MSM.
We don't need Right-Wing versions of Keith Olbermann. We aren't trying to impose a 'new order' on society like the Left is. We hold that our values are really mainstream values, based upon centuries of tradition and learning. Our ideals don't need force to validate them. We use force to defend them, as Wintrich is going to learn when he appears before a magistrate tomorrow.
Real men do not beat up or assault women.
True, sometimes a man has to act in self-defense; but even that is no excuse for excessive retaliation. But, for some reason, there's a contingent on the Far Right who seems to have absorbed the Leftist idea from Hollywood that women are fair game to be roughed-up like men. We can expect that the modern Media---filled as it is with resentful homosexuals and other perverts---but from Conservatives (or those who claim the title) we must expect higher standards and better behavior.
This phenomenon is especially blatant in the Manosphere and their confederates among the so-called Alt-Right. Red Pill writers like Dalrock, Roosh V, and Matt Forney praise domestic violence. Others like Rollo Tomassi and Chateau Heartiste teach that women are no better than chattel. Vox Day and Andrew Anglin are notorious for vicious troll attacks against women. Most of these writers are probably latent homosexuals, and some such as Jack Donovan, Milo Yiannapoulous, and Lucien Wintrich overtly so. They make heroes out of scumbags like Nathan Damigo who beat up girls half their size.
The aforementioned Lucian Wintrich is the latest girl-beater who's now sitting in a Connecticut jail after losing it during a speech and pouncing on a female protester. Wintrich was giving a speech at the University of Connecticut when a woman appeared to take some papers from the podium.
So what would have been the masculine response to such a situation? Wintrich could have calmly asked for the papers back. If she refused, go on with the speech ex tempore or move on to other topics. Treated the whole thing as rather humorous, in other words.
But Wintrich flew into a rage, jumped off the podium and attacked the woman with all the suppressed rage of his type. Police had to pull him off and dragged him out of the building as he screamed hysterically.
"I can confirm that the speaker has been arrested and is in police custody." a university spokeswoman told the Corporate Media. "There are no other arrests or any injuries."
Some may be inclined to defend Wintrich. But let's ask this question: how did his actions benefit the Conservative cause in any way, shape, or form? We hardly need to give examples of how the Corporate Media is spinning this story. But that aside, when 'conservatives' behave like liberals it doesn't win us any support from the general public. Why? Because nearly all Moderates and even a few Liberals know that it's wrong for boys to beat up on girls.
And Wintrich should have known better. Some Corporate Media jackass assaulted him last Spring at the White House. That incident certainly did little to dispel the public's negative opinions of the MSM.
We don't need Right-Wing versions of Keith Olbermann. We aren't trying to impose a 'new order' on society like the Left is. We hold that our values are really mainstream values, based upon centuries of tradition and learning. Our ideals don't need force to validate them. We use force to defend them, as Wintrich is going to learn when he appears before a magistrate tomorrow.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Monday has hopefully seen the merciful conclusion of one of the Corporate Media's sickest programs: The Resistance with Keith Olbermann. Olbermann announced today that this would not only be his final show, but that he "was retiring from political commentary" altogether.
And just a few days ago, we were complaining that Liberals never contributed any positive things to the holiday season....
Olbermann has had these kinds of dramatic exits before. He was formerly a sportscaster with ESPN before jumping ship to join Al Gore's now-defunct media venture Current TV. He had a brief run at MSNBC. The Resistance was hosted by the ironically-named Gentleman's Quarterly: the same outfit which recently named Colin Kaepernick its 'Person of the Year', or something like that.
Probably with good reason, some pundits believe that Olbermann was doing for GQ's bottom-line about what Kaepernick has done for the NFL's. To be fair, Olbermann did have something of a cult-following among the Left---he did, after all, popularize the 'Resistance' meme. The problem was that his program was typically a Howard Beale-like rampage where everyone who hates Trump could listen to a madman vent their collective outrage. Olbermann rarely made any actual sense; for example he often accused Trump of engineering a pro-Russian coup while simultaneously calling on Liberal bureaucrats to stage a coup of their own. Last night, he confidently predicted the imminent downfall of the Administration while only a few months ago he was predicting that we would never have free elections in the US again. He viciously criticized Trump on every episode for a whole year while claiming at the same time that the Administration was suppressing dissent.
If anyone is interested, Olbermann based last night's prediction upon the 'scandal' wherein the President recently referred to Senator Warren as Pocahontas. Whether Olbermann believes this will lead to Indian uprisings and massacres in America again, we weren't told. At any rate, it didn't stop him from calling Education Secretary Betsy DeVos an even worse (and unprintable) name.
Bryan Anderson of the blog Downtrend said it best. Olbermann's retirement announcement, he stated, "is like Lena Dunham promising not to post nude photos of herself on Instagram anymore. Not only will nobody miss it, it comes as a great relief."
While Olbermann's ridiculous outbursts did provide some occasional comic relief, he won't be missed. There's no telling how many other loons he's triggered to commit violent acts, though. At any rate, it would be great if his 'retirement' signals a policy-shift at GQ. But that may be hoping for too much.
And just a few days ago, we were complaining that Liberals never contributed any positive things to the holiday season....
Olbermann has had these kinds of dramatic exits before. He was formerly a sportscaster with ESPN before jumping ship to join Al Gore's now-defunct media venture Current TV. He had a brief run at MSNBC. The Resistance was hosted by the ironically-named Gentleman's Quarterly: the same outfit which recently named Colin Kaepernick its 'Person of the Year', or something like that.
Probably with good reason, some pundits believe that Olbermann was doing for GQ's bottom-line about what Kaepernick has done for the NFL's. To be fair, Olbermann did have something of a cult-following among the Left---he did, after all, popularize the 'Resistance' meme. The problem was that his program was typically a Howard Beale-like rampage where everyone who hates Trump could listen to a madman vent their collective outrage. Olbermann rarely made any actual sense; for example he often accused Trump of engineering a pro-Russian coup while simultaneously calling on Liberal bureaucrats to stage a coup of their own. Last night, he confidently predicted the imminent downfall of the Administration while only a few months ago he was predicting that we would never have free elections in the US again. He viciously criticized Trump on every episode for a whole year while claiming at the same time that the Administration was suppressing dissent.
If anyone is interested, Olbermann based last night's prediction upon the 'scandal' wherein the President recently referred to Senator Warren as Pocahontas. Whether Olbermann believes this will lead to Indian uprisings and massacres in America again, we weren't told. At any rate, it didn't stop him from calling Education Secretary Betsy DeVos an even worse (and unprintable) name.
Bryan Anderson of the blog Downtrend said it best. Olbermann's retirement announcement, he stated, "is like Lena Dunham promising not to post nude photos of herself on Instagram anymore. Not only will nobody miss it, it comes as a great relief."
While Olbermann's ridiculous outbursts did provide some occasional comic relief, he won't be missed. There's no telling how many other loons he's triggered to commit violent acts, though. At any rate, it would be great if his 'retirement' signals a policy-shift at GQ. But that may be hoping for too much.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
For those who haven't been following the Corporate Media: the Whacko Left has been encouraging vehicular attacks lately. Obviously inspired by ISIS attacks in Europe and the Alt-RINO rampage in Charlottesville; there have been a number of increasingly-violent politically-related traffic incidents over the last few months.
Today a motorist in a red van attempted to attack the Presidential Motorcade in Florida. The van was intercepted by the Secret Service and Palm Beach Police took the driver into custody. The driver hasn't been identified; but he was screaming anti-Trump expletives and making obscene gestures at the cameras as he was dragged away, according to Fox-TV 61.
Just a few weeks ago, a 50 year-old woman---employed by a government contractor---lost her marbles and rode a bicycle alongside the Motorcade screaming obscenities and making obscene gestures. She was fired the next day; but equally unbalanced Leftists started a fund-raiser for her---now up to over $100,000. Nothing like giving financial and media incentives to attack the President.
Basically what the Left is doing---through the media hyenas--- is offering fame and fortune for vulgar and violent actions directed at Trump and other Republicans. By holding these losers up as public heroes, the Left hopes to reach other losers eager to grab the public spotlight. Rob Mello, the kook who started the fundraising campaign for the cyclist, wrote on GoFundMe: "She is an inspiration to us all. This week we learned that she was fired from her employer for exercising her First Amendment rights."
Sure: like a government contracting company is going to tolerate sophomoric outbursts against the Head of State from its employees. And incidentally, the woman in question actually admitted what she did to her employers.
But applauding people for this leads inevitably to more and more of it---such as the unidentified van driver today. Liberal crackpots on Thursday unsuccessfully tried to disrupt the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade too.
While there's really no way to stop these incitements legally, we can combat it on a community-level. Expose the media for what they are doing; and pour as much public disapproval upon such actions as possible. This will push the Left back to the margins, where they belong.
Today a motorist in a red van attempted to attack the Presidential Motorcade in Florida. The van was intercepted by the Secret Service and Palm Beach Police took the driver into custody. The driver hasn't been identified; but he was screaming anti-Trump expletives and making obscene gestures at the cameras as he was dragged away, according to Fox-TV 61.
Just a few weeks ago, a 50 year-old woman---employed by a government contractor---lost her marbles and rode a bicycle alongside the Motorcade screaming obscenities and making obscene gestures. She was fired the next day; but equally unbalanced Leftists started a fund-raiser for her---now up to over $100,000. Nothing like giving financial and media incentives to attack the President.
Basically what the Left is doing---through the media hyenas--- is offering fame and fortune for vulgar and violent actions directed at Trump and other Republicans. By holding these losers up as public heroes, the Left hopes to reach other losers eager to grab the public spotlight. Rob Mello, the kook who started the fundraising campaign for the cyclist, wrote on GoFundMe: "She is an inspiration to us all. This week we learned that she was fired from her employer for exercising her First Amendment rights."
Sure: like a government contracting company is going to tolerate sophomoric outbursts against the Head of State from its employees. And incidentally, the woman in question actually admitted what she did to her employers.
But applauding people for this leads inevitably to more and more of it---such as the unidentified van driver today. Liberal crackpots on Thursday unsuccessfully tried to disrupt the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade too.
While there's really no way to stop these incitements legally, we can combat it on a community-level. Expose the media for what they are doing; and pour as much public disapproval upon such actions as possible. This will push the Left back to the margins, where they belong.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Harrisburg, the capital city of Pennsylvania, is having a meltdown in their public schools. Just before the Thanksgiving (or whatever PC name they call it) holiday, school officials were stunned after teachers' union reps pointed out that 45 elementary teachers had resigned up to the end of October; and that 'several more' wouldn't return after the New Year.
According to Fox 43-TV, the resignations are mounting because of extreme violence in the schools. Teachers recounted stories of having to evacuate classrooms while kids beat each other with furniture. One teacher---who teaches first grade testified that her students held her arms down while others kicked and punched her.
The Harrisburg School District responded to all this by denouncing the teachers who spoke out about the problem in public. "We find it unfortunate that our teacher organization has chosen to engage in public discourse as opposed to factual and substantive discussions," snorted the local Academic Elite, "The District is committed to promoting a safe and healthy environment."
Superintendent Sybil Burney, who clears a $160,000 annual salary to keep up public pretenses that she runs a real school, suggested more meetings to ascertain "whether there are needs that need to be serviced."
This is not a new phenomenon: last year Harrisburg was considering putting armed police officers on patrol in the schools. The idea was turned down; according to some critics, the presence of police officers was 'triggering'; and one even stated that most of the students in Harrisburg Grade Schools already hated authority and that police presence would make it worse. No, really---a school official actually said that.
The real question though is not why so many teachers are leaving Harrisburg schools: the question is: 'Why are parents putting up with this?'
Who would send their small children into a hecatomb like this? The Harrisburg School District ought to be closed. It doesn't serve any purpose except to pad administrators' bank accounts while they turn an entire community's youth into barbarians. If that sounds radical, ask yourself whether or not the City of Harrisburg would lose anything if their schools were closed. It's obvious that the schools are doing nothing of any value for the city.
This is a hard fact about public education. If it fails to educate, then it's worse than useless. There is no point in having schools at all if they turn into jungles like Harrisburg.
What we are likely witnessing in Harrisburg is the culmination of several decades of the Cultural Marxist's stranglehold on Academia. They have encouraged rebellion against tradition and authority; and now they're reaping what they've sown. These violent brats are the feral offspring of a generation steeped in hatred for everything Western Civilization represents. It should be no surprise that their kids have no more respect for their elders or for the social order than the parents had for theirs. The difference is that now, the parents and teachers represent the Establishment.
Marxist and Anarchist schemes always end in disasters like this. We need school reform---and soon---before Harrisburg becomes 'a new normal'.
According to Fox 43-TV, the resignations are mounting because of extreme violence in the schools. Teachers recounted stories of having to evacuate classrooms while kids beat each other with furniture. One teacher---who teaches first grade testified that her students held her arms down while others kicked and punched her.
The Harrisburg School District responded to all this by denouncing the teachers who spoke out about the problem in public. "We find it unfortunate that our teacher organization has chosen to engage in public discourse as opposed to factual and substantive discussions," snorted the local Academic Elite, "The District is committed to promoting a safe and healthy environment."
Superintendent Sybil Burney, who clears a $160,000 annual salary to keep up public pretenses that she runs a real school, suggested more meetings to ascertain "whether there are needs that need to be serviced."
This is not a new phenomenon: last year Harrisburg was considering putting armed police officers on patrol in the schools. The idea was turned down; according to some critics, the presence of police officers was 'triggering'; and one even stated that most of the students in Harrisburg Grade Schools already hated authority and that police presence would make it worse. No, really---a school official actually said that.
The real question though is not why so many teachers are leaving Harrisburg schools: the question is: 'Why are parents putting up with this?'
Who would send their small children into a hecatomb like this? The Harrisburg School District ought to be closed. It doesn't serve any purpose except to pad administrators' bank accounts while they turn an entire community's youth into barbarians. If that sounds radical, ask yourself whether or not the City of Harrisburg would lose anything if their schools were closed. It's obvious that the schools are doing nothing of any value for the city.
This is a hard fact about public education. If it fails to educate, then it's worse than useless. There is no point in having schools at all if they turn into jungles like Harrisburg.
What we are likely witnessing in Harrisburg is the culmination of several decades of the Cultural Marxist's stranglehold on Academia. They have encouraged rebellion against tradition and authority; and now they're reaping what they've sown. These violent brats are the feral offspring of a generation steeped in hatred for everything Western Civilization represents. It should be no surprise that their kids have no more respect for their elders or for the social order than the parents had for theirs. The difference is that now, the parents and teachers represent the Establishment.
Marxist and Anarchist schemes always end in disasters like this. We need school reform---and soon---before Harrisburg becomes 'a new normal'.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
The President and Mrs. Trump held a Rose Garden Ceremony yesterday to announce the official Thanksgiving Proclamation. The President spoke to the crowd: "As we gather with our families on Thanksgiving and give thanks for our many blessings, we are reminded of the national family to which we along belong." said Trump, "This Thanksgiving let us also renew our national bonds of trust, affection, and loyalty between our fellow-citizens as part of the proud family of Americans."
The President ceremonially pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey. Although the media calls this a 'tradition' it actually began with George Bush Sr. who did it somewhat tongue-in-cheek to silence a gang of radical animal-rights types who were protesting at his Thanksgiving speech. The practice of sending an official turkey to the White House is recent too; it began during Franklin Roosevelt's Administration. Ironically, presidents previous to Roosevelt were receiving so many turkeys as Thanksgiving gifts that they officials had to limit it to a single gift.
The Radical Left was spending the holiday spouting their hatreds, as usual. In general, Liberals are a dour lot; and they dislike American holidays especially. They hate New Years because it expresses hope; they hate Independence Day because it's about freedom; they hate Labor Day because they hate work; they hate Columbus Day because it's the only remaining holiday named for a white male. They don't like Memorial Day or Armistice Day because they hate the Military; nor Easter or Christmas because the days stand for Christian values which Liberals oppose. Thanksgiving is about family and gratefulness for prosperity and Liberals envy people who have both.
But therein lies the value of national holidays, as President Grant recognized when he established them in 1870. (Prior to that time, they were proclaimed by Executive Order annually---President Washington proclaimed our first official Thanksgiving in 1789). The modern word holiday is derived from the term Holy Day. Ancient Christians, Jews, and Pagans all celebrated them as way of unifying their communities. National holidays serve the same purpose. Hence, it grates on the Left to see Americans coming together under a common cause when they are constantly seeking to divide us.
If we're going to divide anything on Thanksgiving, it's better to divide up meals at dinnertime to our families or guests. What could be more pleasing to God than to see a family together on a special day enjoying the bounties which He has provided and made possible? There is something Eden-like about such scenes.
Holidays should be times of joy and thankfulness. Don't let the cranks and pathological malcontents spoil it; nor fall for the scams and insanity of the Black Friday lunacy tomorrow. A day named after the beginning of the Great Depression can't possibly be productive of any good.
The President ceremonially pardoned the Thanksgiving turkey. Although the media calls this a 'tradition' it actually began with George Bush Sr. who did it somewhat tongue-in-cheek to silence a gang of radical animal-rights types who were protesting at his Thanksgiving speech. The practice of sending an official turkey to the White House is recent too; it began during Franklin Roosevelt's Administration. Ironically, presidents previous to Roosevelt were receiving so many turkeys as Thanksgiving gifts that they officials had to limit it to a single gift.
The Radical Left was spending the holiday spouting their hatreds, as usual. In general, Liberals are a dour lot; and they dislike American holidays especially. They hate New Years because it expresses hope; they hate Independence Day because it's about freedom; they hate Labor Day because they hate work; they hate Columbus Day because it's the only remaining holiday named for a white male. They don't like Memorial Day or Armistice Day because they hate the Military; nor Easter or Christmas because the days stand for Christian values which Liberals oppose. Thanksgiving is about family and gratefulness for prosperity and Liberals envy people who have both.
But therein lies the value of national holidays, as President Grant recognized when he established them in 1870. (Prior to that time, they were proclaimed by Executive Order annually---President Washington proclaimed our first official Thanksgiving in 1789). The modern word holiday is derived from the term Holy Day. Ancient Christians, Jews, and Pagans all celebrated them as way of unifying their communities. National holidays serve the same purpose. Hence, it grates on the Left to see Americans coming together under a common cause when they are constantly seeking to divide us.
If we're going to divide anything on Thanksgiving, it's better to divide up meals at dinnertime to our families or guests. What could be more pleasing to God than to see a family together on a special day enjoying the bounties which He has provided and made possible? There is something Eden-like about such scenes.
Holidays should be times of joy and thankfulness. Don't let the cranks and pathological malcontents spoil it; nor fall for the scams and insanity of the Black Friday lunacy tomorrow. A day named after the beginning of the Great Depression can't possibly be productive of any good.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Some may recall an incident in 2011 in Afghanistan where a squad of USMC snipers were court-martialed for 'desecrating' Taliban casualties by urinating on them and posting a video on Youtube. Now what these Marines did was inexcusable and unprofessional and rated about 30 days of KP. But the controversy back then was that Obama sought to punish these men far out of proportion to what they actually did.
Just in time for the holidays, a military appellate court overturned the conviction of Squad Leader Joseph Chamblin, citing yet again "undue command influence." The Trump Administration is aggressively seeking to have the other convictions overturned---in spite of his do-nothing Defense Secretary, James Mattis.
The Appeals Court found that Obama's USMC Commandant James Amos pressured the officers investigating the case, demanding that the errant Marines "be crushed." General Amos even removed and transferred officers who opposed his heavy-handed policy. Fortunately this scumbag has since left the Military. He was under investigation for interfering with other courts-martial even during Obama's term. General Amos, however, did end USMC resistance to including women and homosexuals in the Corps. He was equally aggressive imposing the new PC policies as he was in breaking non-PC Marines.
But things have changed inside the Beltway. One of the original defense lawyers in the Court-Martial, John Dowd, is a member of President Trump's White House Legal Advisory Staff. Trump's Chief-of-Staff, General John Kelly, was a witness for the Defense during the Court-Martial.
I think that we can safely predict that all involved in the incident will be exonerated. We're not so confident that General Amos will be punished; though he certainly should be. The hypocrite now operates a veterans' charity.
The important thing though is that we've now seen several servicemen who have been exonerated from wrongful convictions under Obama. There have been at least three who were in prison on phony rape charges. And all of these cases have been overturned on the grounds of Unlawful Command Influence. It should be pointed out that, until Trump, military convictions were rarely overturned on such grounds. This fact is deeply suggestive of the level of corruption and political nepotism rife in the Pentagon under Deep State rule.
Overturning these convictions is good news and seeing justice done. But we also need a serious housecleaning in the Pentagon to rid our Military of the parasites who participated in these injustices as well.
Just in time for the holidays, a military appellate court overturned the conviction of Squad Leader Joseph Chamblin, citing yet again "undue command influence." The Trump Administration is aggressively seeking to have the other convictions overturned---in spite of his do-nothing Defense Secretary, James Mattis.
The Appeals Court found that Obama's USMC Commandant James Amos pressured the officers investigating the case, demanding that the errant Marines "be crushed." General Amos even removed and transferred officers who opposed his heavy-handed policy. Fortunately this scumbag has since left the Military. He was under investigation for interfering with other courts-martial even during Obama's term. General Amos, however, did end USMC resistance to including women and homosexuals in the Corps. He was equally aggressive imposing the new PC policies as he was in breaking non-PC Marines.
But things have changed inside the Beltway. One of the original defense lawyers in the Court-Martial, John Dowd, is a member of President Trump's White House Legal Advisory Staff. Trump's Chief-of-Staff, General John Kelly, was a witness for the Defense during the Court-Martial.
I think that we can safely predict that all involved in the incident will be exonerated. We're not so confident that General Amos will be punished; though he certainly should be. The hypocrite now operates a veterans' charity.
The important thing though is that we've now seen several servicemen who have been exonerated from wrongful convictions under Obama. There have been at least three who were in prison on phony rape charges. And all of these cases have been overturned on the grounds of Unlawful Command Influence. It should be pointed out that, until Trump, military convictions were rarely overturned on such grounds. This fact is deeply suggestive of the level of corruption and political nepotism rife in the Pentagon under Deep State rule.
Overturning these convictions is good news and seeing justice done. But we also need a serious housecleaning in the Pentagon to rid our Military of the parasites who participated in these injustices as well.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
The hyenas in the Corporate Media have been spending Thanksgiving Week doing what they do best: sex-shaming men while simultaneously peddling salacious soft-core stories to titillate all those who are 'above' such things. Sex sells; and the Media no doubt needs something to boost their ratings since its predicted that the traditional Thanksgiving Day NFL games will be the least-watched ever.
We can all be thankful, though, for America's farmers and ranchers. And they, in turn, can be thankful for the Trump Administration. The USDA announced on Monday that Fiscal Year 2017 will be the 3rd-highest year of American agricultural exports since President Lincoln established the cabinet post in 1862. Exports totaled over $140 billion: up 30% from Obama's last year in office.
Soybean exports were the commodity leader; hitting a record high and likely about to go higher. President Trump negotiated a lifting of China's import ban on soybeans in Beijing last week. Indeed, China has surged to become America's leading agricultural customer. This is largely again due to Trump negotiating Chinese purchases of rice and beef earlier this year. China had a ban on importing both for over a decade.
Cotton exports jumped 70% with wheat (21%) and corn (6%) rounding out the top gains.
It's interesting to note that the countries following China as top importers were also countries with whom Trump negotiated trade deals. In second place is Canada, with whom Trump negotiated a bilateral lifting of trade restrictions last Spring. Mexico is third, with whom Trump negotiated a deal on sugar and corn. The Japanese Empire is fourth; the Imperial Cabinet recently agreed to lift bans on US potatoes and poultry. South Korea, the fifth, repealed bans on American poultry last Summer and has also agreed to import eggs, though with some conditions.
As a holiday side note, cranberry and pumpkin production was also up slightly, although these crops are not widely exported. Turkey production was stable. Mexico is America's largest importer of turkeys, accounting for about 70% US turkey exports.
One would think that a story like this would be headline news. American Agriculture today is a Bull Market. For the first time in decades, we're starting to see significant entrepreneurial interest in farming, fisheries, and processing. Trump's recent meetings at the ASEAN Summit holds promise for expanding exports into Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines---representing a consumer base of nearly 300 million people.
A lot more exciting than hearing about who pinched some newswoman's tush 30 years ago, don't you think? While the media dwells on that, though; others are busy feeding the world.
We can all be thankful, though, for America's farmers and ranchers. And they, in turn, can be thankful for the Trump Administration. The USDA announced on Monday that Fiscal Year 2017 will be the 3rd-highest year of American agricultural exports since President Lincoln established the cabinet post in 1862. Exports totaled over $140 billion: up 30% from Obama's last year in office.
Soybean exports were the commodity leader; hitting a record high and likely about to go higher. President Trump negotiated a lifting of China's import ban on soybeans in Beijing last week. Indeed, China has surged to become America's leading agricultural customer. This is largely again due to Trump negotiating Chinese purchases of rice and beef earlier this year. China had a ban on importing both for over a decade.
Cotton exports jumped 70% with wheat (21%) and corn (6%) rounding out the top gains.
It's interesting to note that the countries following China as top importers were also countries with whom Trump negotiated trade deals. In second place is Canada, with whom Trump negotiated a bilateral lifting of trade restrictions last Spring. Mexico is third, with whom Trump negotiated a deal on sugar and corn. The Japanese Empire is fourth; the Imperial Cabinet recently agreed to lift bans on US potatoes and poultry. South Korea, the fifth, repealed bans on American poultry last Summer and has also agreed to import eggs, though with some conditions.
As a holiday side note, cranberry and pumpkin production was also up slightly, although these crops are not widely exported. Turkey production was stable. Mexico is America's largest importer of turkeys, accounting for about 70% US turkey exports.
One would think that a story like this would be headline news. American Agriculture today is a Bull Market. For the first time in decades, we're starting to see significant entrepreneurial interest in farming, fisheries, and processing. Trump's recent meetings at the ASEAN Summit holds promise for expanding exports into Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines---representing a consumer base of nearly 300 million people.
A lot more exciting than hearing about who pinched some newswoman's tush 30 years ago, don't you think? While the media dwells on that, though; others are busy feeding the world.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Despite his claims of immortality, arch-criminal and cult leader Charles Manson died today at the age of 83 after an unspecified illness. Manson was sentenced to the gas chamber in 1971, but California Liberals repealed the Death Penalty before justice could be carried out. He stayed in prison, though, where he became something of a celebrity. (Readers would actually have to have lived in California to make sense of that, but it's true.)
Manson and his cult murdered Hollywood starlet and model Sharon Tate.
Sharon had recently married and was 8 months pregnant at the time of the murder. In the days before murdering unborn babies was renamed A Woman's Right to Choose by the same Liberals who spared Manson's life; this atrocity counted as a double-murder. Four other people who were visiting Sharon at the time were stabbed to death as well.
The Cult then murdered Mr. and Mrs. Leno LaBianca, a socially prominent family of Beverley Hills. Manson's followers planted false evidence at both killings to implicate the Black Panthers. His purported goal was to start a race war and rule America in the aftermath as king. The supposedly racist LAPD, however, refused to take the bait and implicated Manson instead. Since then, the Manson Family rose to the apex of America's then-nascent Trash Culture: their exploits generating dozens of books and films.
David Wilson of Birmingham City University in England---one of the world's leading criminologists---believes that Manson's ongoing cult appeal relates to the fact that his career and crimes exposes vulnerabilities in American culture. We noted the same in relation to American obsession with Lee Harvey Oswald and other presidential assassins. The fact that a complete loser from the bottom of dregs can strike at any moment against our social elites is very unsettling to many of us. Like Oswald, Manson was the polar opposite of those he attacked (note the similarity, the traitor Oswald kills the war-hero Kennedy; Manson the social outcast targeted a glamorous and well-liked celebrity).
Wilson, along with Manson's prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, also speak of Manson's personal charisma. The reality though is that men like Manson become a symbolic figure for disaffected and disillusioned people. Hitler was probably the most prominent historical personage of this type; and Manson was admirer of the Nazi Fuehrer. These types are people who rise from social obscurity to wreak incredible acts of destruction on the existing social order and thus gain notoriety. This really explains most of their so-called 'charisma'.
To such admirers of Manson one can best recall Bugliosi's parting words to him after the death sentence had been pronounced. Manson began boasting that he almost succeeded in his insane plan to rule America. Bugliosi replied: "No, Manson. You never even came close. You took a bunch of sad kids and played your prison-games with their minds. You're not even important anymore."
True enough: Manson has only been as important as people have made him ever since. In 1974, one of his disciples attempted to assassinate President Ford, but since then his cult has died out and become nothing but a Cult of Personality among society's bottom-feeders. With Manson's death, hopefully that will die out too.
Manson and his cult murdered Hollywood starlet and model Sharon Tate.
Sharon had recently married and was 8 months pregnant at the time of the murder. In the days before murdering unborn babies was renamed A Woman's Right to Choose by the same Liberals who spared Manson's life; this atrocity counted as a double-murder. Four other people who were visiting Sharon at the time were stabbed to death as well.
The Cult then murdered Mr. and Mrs. Leno LaBianca, a socially prominent family of Beverley Hills. Manson's followers planted false evidence at both killings to implicate the Black Panthers. His purported goal was to start a race war and rule America in the aftermath as king. The supposedly racist LAPD, however, refused to take the bait and implicated Manson instead. Since then, the Manson Family rose to the apex of America's then-nascent Trash Culture: their exploits generating dozens of books and films.
David Wilson of Birmingham City University in England---one of the world's leading criminologists---believes that Manson's ongoing cult appeal relates to the fact that his career and crimes exposes vulnerabilities in American culture. We noted the same in relation to American obsession with Lee Harvey Oswald and other presidential assassins. The fact that a complete loser from the bottom of dregs can strike at any moment against our social elites is very unsettling to many of us. Like Oswald, Manson was the polar opposite of those he attacked (note the similarity, the traitor Oswald kills the war-hero Kennedy; Manson the social outcast targeted a glamorous and well-liked celebrity).
Wilson, along with Manson's prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, also speak of Manson's personal charisma. The reality though is that men like Manson become a symbolic figure for disaffected and disillusioned people. Hitler was probably the most prominent historical personage of this type; and Manson was admirer of the Nazi Fuehrer. These types are people who rise from social obscurity to wreak incredible acts of destruction on the existing social order and thus gain notoriety. This really explains most of their so-called 'charisma'.
To such admirers of Manson one can best recall Bugliosi's parting words to him after the death sentence had been pronounced. Manson began boasting that he almost succeeded in his insane plan to rule America. Bugliosi replied: "No, Manson. You never even came close. You took a bunch of sad kids and played your prison-games with their minds. You're not even important anymore."
True enough: Manson has only been as important as people have made him ever since. In 1974, one of his disciples attempted to assassinate President Ford, but since then his cult has died out and become nothing but a Cult of Personality among society's bottom-feeders. With Manson's death, hopefully that will die out too.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
President Trump's Cabinet appointees for the most part have been doing a good job at reforming the Beltway Culture and restoring public confidence by making public service their highest goals. Most have---but not all of them. As far as the Pentagon goes, the 2016 Election may has well not have happened. RINO Defense Secretary James Mattis has done absolutely nothing different from when he served under President Obama unless he's been forced to by Trump.
Mattis has left a number of corrupt and incompetent commanders in the same positions as Obama appointed them. The recent scandals at West Point are a prime example of how nothing has changed under Mattis. There have been a number of foreign policy blunders committed by our officers too---now comes yet another out of NATO.
NATO was conducting joint military exercises in Norway this week; and had a war-games map depicting enemy countries and leaders as potential targets. One of these countries was Turkey along with President Erdogan and a picture of Turkey's founding-father Kemel Ataturk.
The problem is that Turkey is a NATO member and had troops of their own in the war games. We say 'had' because President Erdogan withdrew them in protest. The blunderer responsible for this---who ought to be withdrawn by Trump---is General Curtis Scaparrotti, American NATO Commander who was appointed by Obama in 2016.
Granted, Scaparrotti is probably an improvement over his predecessor General Breedlove, but this isn't saying much. While it's true that Obama-appointed commanders often attack the wrong targets, they at least do it in countries or regions presumed to be hostile. Attacking one's own allies because our commanders don't even know who they are is inexcusable.
Scaparrotti was a favorite of Obama and of the Swamp RINOs for his fanatical anti-Russia paranoia. He recently testified before Congress dishing out a ludicrous theory to the effect that Russia was responsible for US military failures in Afghanistan.
Scaparrotti with his pal, Obama.
He also was favored for his slavish devotion to the social engineering in the Military by the PC Left---very much true of most of our current commanders, including the RINO Mattis himself.
The Trump Administration has been trying to restore good relations with Turkey; but this isn't even the first time that Scaparrotti has incited tensions between the two countries. He publicly condemned Turkey's military purges after a failed coup, and accused Erdogan of being a dictator. This was in December, 2016---obviously a move designed to complicate matters for the incoming Trump Administration. Besides which, he has no authority whatsoever, as a military leader, to comment on diplomatic matters.
If we are really committed to restoring American greatness, we are going to have to institute some major military reforms. Mattis is showing that he is either unwilling or unable to do this by leaving these Obama-Era dolts in power. It's past time for real change at the Pentagon.
Mattis has left a number of corrupt and incompetent commanders in the same positions as Obama appointed them. The recent scandals at West Point are a prime example of how nothing has changed under Mattis. There have been a number of foreign policy blunders committed by our officers too---now comes yet another out of NATO.
NATO was conducting joint military exercises in Norway this week; and had a war-games map depicting enemy countries and leaders as potential targets. One of these countries was Turkey along with President Erdogan and a picture of Turkey's founding-father Kemel Ataturk.
The problem is that Turkey is a NATO member and had troops of their own in the war games. We say 'had' because President Erdogan withdrew them in protest. The blunderer responsible for this---who ought to be withdrawn by Trump---is General Curtis Scaparrotti, American NATO Commander who was appointed by Obama in 2016.
Granted, Scaparrotti is probably an improvement over his predecessor General Breedlove, but this isn't saying much. While it's true that Obama-appointed commanders often attack the wrong targets, they at least do it in countries or regions presumed to be hostile. Attacking one's own allies because our commanders don't even know who they are is inexcusable.
Scaparrotti was a favorite of Obama and of the Swamp RINOs for his fanatical anti-Russia paranoia. He recently testified before Congress dishing out a ludicrous theory to the effect that Russia was responsible for US military failures in Afghanistan.
Scaparrotti with his pal, Obama.
He also was favored for his slavish devotion to the social engineering in the Military by the PC Left---very much true of most of our current commanders, including the RINO Mattis himself.
The Trump Administration has been trying to restore good relations with Turkey; but this isn't even the first time that Scaparrotti has incited tensions between the two countries. He publicly condemned Turkey's military purges after a failed coup, and accused Erdogan of being a dictator. This was in December, 2016---obviously a move designed to complicate matters for the incoming Trump Administration. Besides which, he has no authority whatsoever, as a military leader, to comment on diplomatic matters.
If we are really committed to restoring American greatness, we are going to have to institute some major military reforms. Mattis is showing that he is either unwilling or unable to do this by leaving these Obama-Era dolts in power. It's past time for real change at the Pentagon.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
So it's official now: one of the Red Pill Cult's most notorious sites, The Incel Subreddit has joined The Daily Stormer and gone defunct. Reddit suspended the site about a week ago and has now made the ban permanent. The Subreddit had about 41,000 subscribers.
The statement from Reddit basically sums it up: "This subreddit was banned due to violations of our content policy; specifically our site-wide rules against violent content." Yes, to say the least. This particular gang of cultists considered the Isla Vista mass-shooter, Eliot Roger as a hero, calling him "St. Eliot" and even making iconic memes of him. The posts and commentary there more or less reflected others of Eliot Roger's mindset.
The term Incel is internet shorthand for Involuntarily Celibate. In the earlier days of the Manosphere, Incels were mostly concerned with solving relationship issues---specifically men who had problems getting girlfriends, etc. Involuntarily Celibacy is an actual problem in most of the Anglosphere; but since it affects men society really doesn't care too much about it. The main reasons for Involuntary Celibacy are: 1) there is a huge surplus of single men in the English-speaking world; and 2) misandryist social policies have limited male opportunities to interact with women.
Basically, men who are sexually deprived and not taken seriously because of it are ripe candidates for radicalization; and this is what happened to the Incel Movement. The Incel segments of the Red Pill Cult today are not only rabidly misogynistic, they advocate violence against women---including rape and murder---as justifiable. This is a long, long way from their origins that stressed making romantic encounters easier.
The whole idolatry of Eliot Roger shows how far off the rails they went. Roger was probably a latent homosexual. He had social and economic opportunities and lived in a part of the US known for attractive women---advantages that most men never had. His erratic behavior and arrogant attitude was probably a subconscious defense-mechanism because, in reality, he was sexually repelled by women. His entire Manifesto is interlarded with his simultaneous contempt for heterosexuality and his envy of heterosexuals. That fits the pathological profile of the homosexual male perfectly.
The way to get rid of the Incel problem is not by advocating or committing violence against women. The way to solve it is to advocate more sex-positive and less anti-male attitudes in our culture. And there are plenty of cultures which don't have demographic gender imbalance as ours. With those two considerations in mind, it can be seen that misogyny and racism can only make the Incel problem worse.
The downfall of The Incel Subreddit should actually make easier for sincere men with relationship issues to start from scratch and work on positive solutions.
The statement from Reddit basically sums it up: "This subreddit was banned due to violations of our content policy; specifically our site-wide rules against violent content." Yes, to say the least. This particular gang of cultists considered the Isla Vista mass-shooter, Eliot Roger as a hero, calling him "St. Eliot" and even making iconic memes of him. The posts and commentary there more or less reflected others of Eliot Roger's mindset.
The term Incel is internet shorthand for Involuntarily Celibate. In the earlier days of the Manosphere, Incels were mostly concerned with solving relationship issues---specifically men who had problems getting girlfriends, etc. Involuntarily Celibacy is an actual problem in most of the Anglosphere; but since it affects men society really doesn't care too much about it. The main reasons for Involuntary Celibacy are: 1) there is a huge surplus of single men in the English-speaking world; and 2) misandryist social policies have limited male opportunities to interact with women.
Basically, men who are sexually deprived and not taken seriously because of it are ripe candidates for radicalization; and this is what happened to the Incel Movement. The Incel segments of the Red Pill Cult today are not only rabidly misogynistic, they advocate violence against women---including rape and murder---as justifiable. This is a long, long way from their origins that stressed making romantic encounters easier.
The whole idolatry of Eliot Roger shows how far off the rails they went. Roger was probably a latent homosexual. He had social and economic opportunities and lived in a part of the US known for attractive women---advantages that most men never had. His erratic behavior and arrogant attitude was probably a subconscious defense-mechanism because, in reality, he was sexually repelled by women. His entire Manifesto is interlarded with his simultaneous contempt for heterosexuality and his envy of heterosexuals. That fits the pathological profile of the homosexual male perfectly.
The way to get rid of the Incel problem is not by advocating or committing violence against women. The way to solve it is to advocate more sex-positive and less anti-male attitudes in our culture. And there are plenty of cultures which don't have demographic gender imbalance as ours. With those two considerations in mind, it can be seen that misogyny and racism can only make the Incel problem worse.
The downfall of The Incel Subreddit should actually make easier for sincere men with relationship issues to start from scratch and work on positive solutions.
Friday, November 17, 2017
While the Liberal Media and the Swamp RINOs have been busy accusing each other of behaving like heterosexuals, the US Department of Justice essentially stripped the entire Federal bureaucracy of its power to rule the American people by decree.
It's true, many will say, that the Bureaucracy never had the legal authority to do so anyway. That was exactly what Attorney-General Jeff Sessions said today when announcing the termination of the policy.
The repealed policy worked like this: Whenever a certain Law or Executive Order is enacted, it falls under the jurisdiction of a relevant Federal agency, which in turn issues Guidelines to the State and Local jurisdictions responsible for its implementation and enforcement. The last three administrations had the practice of adding de facto regulations by amending these guidelines "to evade required rule-making processes," in the words of the Attorney-General.
Many, if not most, of the onerous and intrusive federal regulations imposed upon the American public during the last three decades were enacted in this way. Agencies regulating the environment, the energy sector, and the public schools were among the worst offenders. Although Sessions' policy is within the Department of Justice alone, it effectively strips all Federal agencies of this abuse of power since the DOJ is responsible for enforcing Federal regulations.
"Guidance Documents can be used to explain existing law, but they must not be used to change the law or impose new standards to determine compliance with the law." Sessions stated. "The Justice Department will not use Guidance Documents to circumvent the law and we will proactively work to rescind existing Guidance Documents that go too far... Effective immediately, Department components may not issue Guidance Documents that purport to create rights or obligations binding on persons or entities outside of the Executive Branch."
Yes! We have a government now that actually rescinds illegally-imposed regulations! That is some of the best news going into the Holiday Season in a long time. Certainly more deserving of headlines than salacious and titillating soft-core stories about so-and-so kissing or touching some female---as if men never did anything like this in all of human history. Women once knew that long, manicured fingernails and high-heeled shoes not only were pretty, but could be converted into weapons to deter creeps at a moment's notice. Watching girls use them on cads was a lot more fun than listening to them complain to the Press.
But not only does this new policy repeal regulations, it prohibits agencies from creating rights---that is, imposing unequal favoritism for special interests as part of the regulation (if not part of the original law). This was another widely-abused practice of the Deep State to impose Political Correctness or benefit vested financial interests.
Anybody still sorry that Hillary Clinton lost last November? Imagine another four years of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch-style administration at DOJ instead of Jeff Sessions. There are probably plenty of fired bureaucrats, jailed Obamacare fraudsters, fined financial crooks, imprisoned gang-leaders and drug-pushers who'd rather have had Hillary. But most of the rest of us hope that the Sessions Steamroller keeps running for a long time.
It's true, many will say, that the Bureaucracy never had the legal authority to do so anyway. That was exactly what Attorney-General Jeff Sessions said today when announcing the termination of the policy.
The repealed policy worked like this: Whenever a certain Law or Executive Order is enacted, it falls under the jurisdiction of a relevant Federal agency, which in turn issues Guidelines to the State and Local jurisdictions responsible for its implementation and enforcement. The last three administrations had the practice of adding de facto regulations by amending these guidelines "to evade required rule-making processes," in the words of the Attorney-General.
Many, if not most, of the onerous and intrusive federal regulations imposed upon the American public during the last three decades were enacted in this way. Agencies regulating the environment, the energy sector, and the public schools were among the worst offenders. Although Sessions' policy is within the Department of Justice alone, it effectively strips all Federal agencies of this abuse of power since the DOJ is responsible for enforcing Federal regulations.
"Guidance Documents can be used to explain existing law, but they must not be used to change the law or impose new standards to determine compliance with the law." Sessions stated. "The Justice Department will not use Guidance Documents to circumvent the law and we will proactively work to rescind existing Guidance Documents that go too far... Effective immediately, Department components may not issue Guidance Documents that purport to create rights or obligations binding on persons or entities outside of the Executive Branch."
Yes! We have a government now that actually rescinds illegally-imposed regulations! That is some of the best news going into the Holiday Season in a long time. Certainly more deserving of headlines than salacious and titillating soft-core stories about so-and-so kissing or touching some female---as if men never did anything like this in all of human history. Women once knew that long, manicured fingernails and high-heeled shoes not only were pretty, but could be converted into weapons to deter creeps at a moment's notice. Watching girls use them on cads was a lot more fun than listening to them complain to the Press.
But not only does this new policy repeal regulations, it prohibits agencies from creating rights---that is, imposing unequal favoritism for special interests as part of the regulation (if not part of the original law). This was another widely-abused practice of the Deep State to impose Political Correctness or benefit vested financial interests.
Anybody still sorry that Hillary Clinton lost last November? Imagine another four years of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch-style administration at DOJ instead of Jeff Sessions. There are probably plenty of fired bureaucrats, jailed Obamacare fraudsters, fined financial crooks, imprisoned gang-leaders and drug-pushers who'd rather have had Hillary. But most of the rest of us hope that the Sessions Steamroller keeps running for a long time.
Recent Swamp-draining efforts inside the Beltway have hit the US Department of Veterans' Affairs yet again. Last Summer, over a hundred VA employees were arrested for stealing Opioids and selling them on the Black Market. The level of thefts was so high that authorities discovered it when veterans legitimately prescribed the drugs couldn't get prescriptions filled because the supplies had run out.
In 2007, the VA appointed Glenn Pearson---a Massachusetts police sergeant---as a Fiduciary for disabled veterans. Pearson also ran a tax preparation firm and acted in this capacity for eight veterans. In some cases, Fiduciaries are appointed for persons unable to manage their finances.
The IRS and FBI have jointly charged Pearson with robbing these veterans of nearly $250,000. Under the VA program, Pearson set up trusts for these clients, but took VA funds for himself illegally by fraudulently assigning them to other expenses. The IRS discovered the crime during an audit of Pearson's company also revealed that he was taking bribes to prepare false tax returns for customers.
Might we suggest that the VA has a definite problem in screening the people whom they put in positions of authority? This is a Swamp which really needs drained. And another Swamp Rat got taken in the VA this week as well.
Russell Ware, a VA official, was taken into custody after being caught diverting veterans' benefits into his own bank account. Investigations revealed that Ware also had accomplices to whom he sent veterans' benefits (although they weren't veterans at all) who sent Ware a kickback for the thefts.
Last and arguably least: Secret Service Special Agent Shaun Bridges was jailed for money laundering in connection with Operation Silk Road, an Obama-Era sting operation targeting Black Market activities online. This was the sting that caught California gangster "Dread Pirate" Roberts. As part of the sting, the Secret Service set up a Bitcoin account as a front. Bridges was in charge of that account, but siphoned off over $10 million for himself and tried to throw the blame on Roberts. It didn't work, though, and Bridges will be joining Roberts in the Federal Pen---for the next 8 years, anyway.
Over the last several years, Americans have lost confidence in their government; and that is because of government employees and contractors like the ones above. One of the most important contributions of the Trump Administration is making government work again---and work for the people instead of for the Deep State.
In 2007, the VA appointed Glenn Pearson---a Massachusetts police sergeant---as a Fiduciary for disabled veterans. Pearson also ran a tax preparation firm and acted in this capacity for eight veterans. In some cases, Fiduciaries are appointed for persons unable to manage their finances.
The IRS and FBI have jointly charged Pearson with robbing these veterans of nearly $250,000. Under the VA program, Pearson set up trusts for these clients, but took VA funds for himself illegally by fraudulently assigning them to other expenses. The IRS discovered the crime during an audit of Pearson's company also revealed that he was taking bribes to prepare false tax returns for customers.
Might we suggest that the VA has a definite problem in screening the people whom they put in positions of authority? This is a Swamp which really needs drained. And another Swamp Rat got taken in the VA this week as well.
Russell Ware, a VA official, was taken into custody after being caught diverting veterans' benefits into his own bank account. Investigations revealed that Ware also had accomplices to whom he sent veterans' benefits (although they weren't veterans at all) who sent Ware a kickback for the thefts.
Last and arguably least: Secret Service Special Agent Shaun Bridges was jailed for money laundering in connection with Operation Silk Road, an Obama-Era sting operation targeting Black Market activities online. This was the sting that caught California gangster "Dread Pirate" Roberts. As part of the sting, the Secret Service set up a Bitcoin account as a front. Bridges was in charge of that account, but siphoned off over $10 million for himself and tried to throw the blame on Roberts. It didn't work, though, and Bridges will be joining Roberts in the Federal Pen---for the next 8 years, anyway.
Over the last several years, Americans have lost confidence in their government; and that is because of government employees and contractors like the ones above. One of the most important contributions of the Trump Administration is making government work again---and work for the people instead of for the Deep State.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Our dysfunctional postmodern culture has expressed hatred of traditional masculinity and male heterosexuality in particular since the 1990s. In an era when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were held up as male role models and frauds like the Tailhook Scandal were widely publicized, things were bound to get worse.
Thus, Gentleman's Quarterly---once a widely-read and followed men's magazine---hit its nadir by naming disgraced ex-NFL thug Colin Kaepernick as its 'Citizen of the Year' (formerly known as The Man of the Year Award). GQ is also the same media outlet which hosts the neurotic Keith Olbermann on television. We've spoken before about GQ's parent-company and its ties to the DNC.
GQ also named foul-mouthed 'comedian' Steven Colbert as its Bad Hombre of the Year, whatever that means. Like Kaepernick, Colbert is another multimillionaire who makes a living spouting profanity against Trump and blasphemy against Christians. Most of his monologues sound about like the rantings of some drunken barfly after taking about a quart of rum, but Liberals pretend to themselves that he makes sense.
Kaepernick, as we remember, pushed the NFL into its further descent as a theater of political protest by refusing to honor the National Anthem. What's conveniently forgotten by the Media Elites is that Kaepernick turned to these demonstrations after his career had taken a turn for the worse. In his last two seasons, his record as a starting quarterback was a dismal three wins and sixteen losses. He's currently suing the NFL saying that no team will hire him because of his political beliefs: not because he alienates fans, can't win games, and doesn't work well with his teammates.
Kaepernick, Olbermann, and Colbert: wouldn't any father be proud of having three sons like these?
As for myself, I'd chose a real man for a son like another former NFL quarterback, Warren Moon. Moon has been critical of Kaepernick; especially regarding the pending lawsuit. But let's look at Warren Moon's history. Moon was born in a poor part of Los Angeles as the only son in a family of seven. His father died, leaving 7 year-old Warren as the 'man of the family.' Because he had to help work, he only played one sport in school: football; and he became proficient through practice and hard work. He played for a small local college on an athletic scholarship and his performance won him another scholarship with the NCAA powerhouse, the Washington Huskies.
Moon wasn't drafted into the NFL, but he wouldn't quit. He went to Canada and played six seasons in the Canadian Football League. He did so well that the NFL and CFL engaged in a bidding war. At the age of 28---a year younger than Kaepernick is now---Moon signed with the NFL's now-defunct Houston Oilers and starred there for 10 seasons.
At 38, Moon was released by the Oilers as too old, but he signed with the Minnesota Vikings where he started for three more seasons---in two of which he was selected as an NFL All-Pro. At the age of 41, he was signed by the Seattle Seahawks where he played two seasons and was the NFL passing leader one year. In total, Moon played 16 years in the NFL; 6 years in the CFL; and now lives in Seattle and works as a sportscaster. In 2006, he was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame.
Like all of us, Moon's personal life wasn't always perfect; but he married his high-school sweetheart and raised a family and well as supporting his mother. But most of all; Moon deserves a Man of the Year Award because his entire life is that of a real man who achieved the pinnacle of success because he wouldn't quit. The story related above shows several points where most men would have stopped. Moon set his eyes on his goals both in football and his marriage and keeps on going.
Contrary to GQ, that is what real men do. Flapping their arms and playing the Victim Card is not.
Thus, Gentleman's Quarterly---once a widely-read and followed men's magazine---hit its nadir by naming disgraced ex-NFL thug Colin Kaepernick as its 'Citizen of the Year' (formerly known as The Man of the Year Award). GQ is also the same media outlet which hosts the neurotic Keith Olbermann on television. We've spoken before about GQ's parent-company and its ties to the DNC.
GQ also named foul-mouthed 'comedian' Steven Colbert as its Bad Hombre of the Year, whatever that means. Like Kaepernick, Colbert is another multimillionaire who makes a living spouting profanity against Trump and blasphemy against Christians. Most of his monologues sound about like the rantings of some drunken barfly after taking about a quart of rum, but Liberals pretend to themselves that he makes sense.
Kaepernick, as we remember, pushed the NFL into its further descent as a theater of political protest by refusing to honor the National Anthem. What's conveniently forgotten by the Media Elites is that Kaepernick turned to these demonstrations after his career had taken a turn for the worse. In his last two seasons, his record as a starting quarterback was a dismal three wins and sixteen losses. He's currently suing the NFL saying that no team will hire him because of his political beliefs: not because he alienates fans, can't win games, and doesn't work well with his teammates.
Kaepernick, Olbermann, and Colbert: wouldn't any father be proud of having three sons like these?
As for myself, I'd chose a real man for a son like another former NFL quarterback, Warren Moon. Moon has been critical of Kaepernick; especially regarding the pending lawsuit. But let's look at Warren Moon's history. Moon was born in a poor part of Los Angeles as the only son in a family of seven. His father died, leaving 7 year-old Warren as the 'man of the family.' Because he had to help work, he only played one sport in school: football; and he became proficient through practice and hard work. He played for a small local college on an athletic scholarship and his performance won him another scholarship with the NCAA powerhouse, the Washington Huskies.
Moon wasn't drafted into the NFL, but he wouldn't quit. He went to Canada and played six seasons in the Canadian Football League. He did so well that the NFL and CFL engaged in a bidding war. At the age of 28---a year younger than Kaepernick is now---Moon signed with the NFL's now-defunct Houston Oilers and starred there for 10 seasons.
At 38, Moon was released by the Oilers as too old, but he signed with the Minnesota Vikings where he started for three more seasons---in two of which he was selected as an NFL All-Pro. At the age of 41, he was signed by the Seattle Seahawks where he played two seasons and was the NFL passing leader one year. In total, Moon played 16 years in the NFL; 6 years in the CFL; and now lives in Seattle and works as a sportscaster. In 2006, he was inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame.
Like all of us, Moon's personal life wasn't always perfect; but he married his high-school sweetheart and raised a family and well as supporting his mother. But most of all; Moon deserves a Man of the Year Award because his entire life is that of a real man who achieved the pinnacle of success because he wouldn't quit. The story related above shows several points where most men would have stopped. Moon set his eyes on his goals both in football and his marriage and keeps on going.
Contrary to GQ, that is what real men do. Flapping their arms and playing the Victim Card is not.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The 2018 Electoral Cycle is just getting underway and we have our first Media-fabricated scandal over Alabama US Senatorial candidate, Roy Moore. Essentially a woman who worked for the Clinton Campaign is accusing Moore of acting like a heterosexual male back when the 'accuser' was a young nubile.
Are these allegations true? Answer: who cares?
First of all, consider that the US Mainstream Media---a collection of neurotics, drug-addicts, perverts, and cultists---are the ones who are pushing the story. These is the same group who attacked Moore when he was a judge for refusing to take down a monument displaying the Ten Commandments. They are the same group who think nothing at all is wrong with interjecting homosexual scenes in children's Disney cartoons or depicting lurid sex and violence on prime-time television. It's no accident that cities with the highest per capita number of homosexuals and drug-addicts are also major media centers.
This whole obsession with older men and younger women as being somehow morally wrong is a completely recent innovation: inspired by Radical Feminists and other anti-heterosexual groups. Though hardly a senior citizen, I well recall married women and mothers in my high-school graduating class. Just looking back at the Night Wind Family Tree, male ancestors were taking brides of 15-19 for six generations going back to the year of immigration.
But some will say---have we ever leaders in the US who've had relationships with teenagers or much younger women? Well, yes there were. Let's start with the only man who won two non-consecutive terms as President:
Grover Cleveland was engaged to his ward, Frances Folsom, when she was 14. She wanted to finish school before marriage, and the two were wed when she was 19 and the President was 49. Theirs is still the only marriage ceremony that has taken place in the White House.
The President who escaped an assassination attempt and held the country together in the wake of the Civil War; sacrificing his own political career for the good of the country:
President Andrew Johnson married 17 year-old Eliza McCardle in 1827. She was an educated woman, incidentally, and Johnson was an autodidact. So much for a man 'taking advantage'of a younger female.
Former Governor of California, general, and the first Republican candidate for the Presidency:
John C. Fremont was engaged to Jessie Benton---daughter of a US Senator---when she was 15. They married shortly after her 16th birthday.
Civil War Cavalry hero, Commander-in-Chief of the US Army; founder of Yellowstone National Park and former president of the NRA:
Phil Sheridan married at 44 to Irene Rucker, 18, daughter of another general.
America's greatest inventor, a leading businessman, and the man who made electricity and mass communication possible:
Thomas Alva Edison married Mary Stilwell when she was 16. The couple had three children. Mary later died of an illness, and Edison's second wife was 20 years his junior.
On the subject of great inventors and great American patriots:
Benjamin Franklin proposed to Deborah Read when she was 15. She lived as Franklin's common-law wife from her mid-teens despite being later forced into an arranged marriage with another man. She continued to live with Franklin as a wife until her death. They had three children.
The point of this being that a man's tastes in women is absolutely no reflection on either his abilities or his character. As President Cleveland used to say of critics during one election: "If my choice of a wife costs me an election, so be it. I wouldn't want to be the leader of any people who choose their leaders on that kind of basis."
Our modern political system could stand a few more like Cleveland.
Are these allegations true? Answer: who cares?
First of all, consider that the US Mainstream Media---a collection of neurotics, drug-addicts, perverts, and cultists---are the ones who are pushing the story. These is the same group who attacked Moore when he was a judge for refusing to take down a monument displaying the Ten Commandments. They are the same group who think nothing at all is wrong with interjecting homosexual scenes in children's Disney cartoons or depicting lurid sex and violence on prime-time television. It's no accident that cities with the highest per capita number of homosexuals and drug-addicts are also major media centers.
This whole obsession with older men and younger women as being somehow morally wrong is a completely recent innovation: inspired by Radical Feminists and other anti-heterosexual groups. Though hardly a senior citizen, I well recall married women and mothers in my high-school graduating class. Just looking back at the Night Wind Family Tree, male ancestors were taking brides of 15-19 for six generations going back to the year of immigration.
But some will say---have we ever leaders in the US who've had relationships with teenagers or much younger women? Well, yes there were. Let's start with the only man who won two non-consecutive terms as President:
Grover Cleveland was engaged to his ward, Frances Folsom, when she was 14. She wanted to finish school before marriage, and the two were wed when she was 19 and the President was 49. Theirs is still the only marriage ceremony that has taken place in the White House.
The President who escaped an assassination attempt and held the country together in the wake of the Civil War; sacrificing his own political career for the good of the country:
President Andrew Johnson married 17 year-old Eliza McCardle in 1827. She was an educated woman, incidentally, and Johnson was an autodidact. So much for a man 'taking advantage'of a younger female.
Former Governor of California, general, and the first Republican candidate for the Presidency:
John C. Fremont was engaged to Jessie Benton---daughter of a US Senator---when she was 15. They married shortly after her 16th birthday.
Civil War Cavalry hero, Commander-in-Chief of the US Army; founder of Yellowstone National Park and former president of the NRA:
Phil Sheridan married at 44 to Irene Rucker, 18, daughter of another general.
America's greatest inventor, a leading businessman, and the man who made electricity and mass communication possible:
Thomas Alva Edison married Mary Stilwell when she was 16. The couple had three children. Mary later died of an illness, and Edison's second wife was 20 years his junior.
On the subject of great inventors and great American patriots:
Benjamin Franklin proposed to Deborah Read when she was 15. She lived as Franklin's common-law wife from her mid-teens despite being later forced into an arranged marriage with another man. She continued to live with Franklin as a wife until her death. They had three children.
The point of this being that a man's tastes in women is absolutely no reflection on either his abilities or his character. As President Cleveland used to say of critics during one election: "If my choice of a wife costs me an election, so be it. I wouldn't want to be the leader of any people who choose their leaders on that kind of basis."
Our modern political system could stand a few more like Cleveland.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The day prior to the holiday, the US Department of Justice announced that a Seattle-area banking contractor, Northwest Trustee Service was indicted for 28 violations of the Servicemen's Civil Relief Act. This is the second such indictment since Trump took office.
The SCRA was signed into law by the last President Bush, but rarely enforced under Obama. The law provides debt protection to active-duty servicemen by suspending or changing various processes related to collections. The last Federal suit won a judgment on behalf of 61 veterans whose vehicles were illegally seized under SCRA. Friday's indictment against Northwest involves illegally foreclosed homes. Under the law, if a serviceman takes out a mortgage and is subsequent called to active duty, the Financial Cartels are prohibited from foreclosure until 12 months after the end of deployment.
"Our investigation revealed that Northwest Trustee Services repeatedly violated a law which is meant to insure that our troops do not have to fight a two-front war---one on behalf of all of us, and the other against illegal foreclosures." stated an FBI Financial Investigator.
We learned last year from Wiki Leaks that both Obama and Hilary Clinton were little more than puppets of financial crooks like Goldman-Sachs and George Soros. Small wonder that they did very little to prevent these kinds of things from happening.
Northwest Trustee Services itself has a very shady reputation. One of the company's founders, attorney David Fennel was suspended for one year by the Washington State Bar for unethical practices. The company has been sued over a hundred times and---judging by what former employees have said on the Internet---maintains a work environment with low pay and high turnover. Nonetheless, numerous banks subcontract to this gang even though their dubiousness is hardly a great secret.
If the indictment is successful, Northwest will be forced to compensate the veterans whose homes were stolen and pay federal fines of nearly a quarter-million dollars per offense. Hopefully, that will bankrupt this gang of scoundrels and prevent them from doing our country any further harm.
The SCRA was signed into law by the last President Bush, but rarely enforced under Obama. The law provides debt protection to active-duty servicemen by suspending or changing various processes related to collections. The last Federal suit won a judgment on behalf of 61 veterans whose vehicles were illegally seized under SCRA. Friday's indictment against Northwest involves illegally foreclosed homes. Under the law, if a serviceman takes out a mortgage and is subsequent called to active duty, the Financial Cartels are prohibited from foreclosure until 12 months after the end of deployment.
"Our investigation revealed that Northwest Trustee Services repeatedly violated a law which is meant to insure that our troops do not have to fight a two-front war---one on behalf of all of us, and the other against illegal foreclosures." stated an FBI Financial Investigator.
We learned last year from Wiki Leaks that both Obama and Hilary Clinton were little more than puppets of financial crooks like Goldman-Sachs and George Soros. Small wonder that they did very little to prevent these kinds of things from happening.
Northwest Trustee Services itself has a very shady reputation. One of the company's founders, attorney David Fennel was suspended for one year by the Washington State Bar for unethical practices. The company has been sued over a hundred times and---judging by what former employees have said on the Internet---maintains a work environment with low pay and high turnover. Nonetheless, numerous banks subcontract to this gang even though their dubiousness is hardly a great secret.
If the indictment is successful, Northwest will be forced to compensate the veterans whose homes were stolen and pay federal fines of nearly a quarter-million dollars per offense. Hopefully, that will bankrupt this gang of scoundrels and prevent them from doing our country any further harm.