On Friday, President Trump issued a proclamation, the likes of which haven't been seen in the U.S. now for far too long. Here's the relevant portion of it, although the full text of his remarks are on the White House website.
President Trump has brought back a law which became effective during the Truman Administration. As far as I know to the contrary, it hasn't been observed since Truman left office. I can't remember any president during my teen years onward who's ordered a National Day of Prayer on Memorial Day.
It's truly astounding that since the Trump Administration took office, Americans are learning that it's OK to pray again. One of the monumental achievements of this Administration has been overhauling the DOJ Guidelines so that Christians are no longer persecuted by anti-religious bigots and their pals in Big Government. It's been noticeable that the tear-down-the-crosses gangs have been remarkably silent during the last few Christmas and Easter Seasons.
On a related note, the President will be in Japan during Memorial Day on a state visit. I hope that he reminds Akihito and his camarilla of just how many thousands of American men are specifically being honored on Memorial Day for giving their lives in a conflict which the honorable fathers of the Japanese leadership were responsible for starting. It would be nice if the Japs formally apologized for a few war crimes committed against the United States too.
I have a feeling though that the President is sending a more subtle message to the Imperial Cabinet simply by appearing in Tokyo during the holiday. The old militarism has been making a comeback in Japan and Trump needs to remind them that such things won't be tolerated. His rapprochement with North Korea and the new paradigm in US-South Korean relations dealt a severe blow to Japanese designs on the Peninsula.
But it's not only Japan who was thwarted, but the interests of the supposedly 'peace-loving' American Liberals were likewise frustrated. Remember where Obama's 'Pivot to Asia' got us only three years ago. And it's also not widely known; but had Hillary been elected, the DNC had already decided to arm the B-2 bombers which Obama had recently deployed to Korea with atomic bombs. Although I disagree with much of Trump's policy in the Middle East, he has been far less aggressive than his immediate predecessors. The Trump Administration has been a relatively peaceful one.
So overall we're making Memorial Day Weekend great again. If you live on the West Coast or some other enclave infested with uptight Liberals have a good barbecue and a moment of prayer this weekend.
"I, the Night Wind know many things, because I walk by night. Many strange tales of those who have stepped into the shadows...and of those things which they dare not speak."
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Friday, May 17, 2019
If there's one type of creature in the Political Swamp more detestable than any other, it's a fake Conservative. Liberals can be defeated with Reason as we saw in 2016. But fake Conservatives do damage because they undermine Conservatism by portraying it in a negative light---and the Liberal Media and Academia take full advantage of that portrayal. Fake Conservatives typically come in two varieties. One is the familiar Neocon/RINO type. That class is usually found in entrenched Republican districts and only pay lip-service to Conservative issues. In reality, they are moderate Liberals and will switch sides when they're forced to take a stand.
The other class are what we term Alt-RINOs, a loud and vocal group made of various crackpots who claim to be part of the Far (or 'Alternative') Right. In reality, these are the reactionary Liberals. They're in basic agreement with all of Liberalism's methods, but represent interest groups marginalized by the Left. The Red Pill Cult is a good example of this kind of organized reaction. Thus, they advocate things like Affirmative Action (but only for Whites to the exclusion of other races) and Gender Identity Politics (but in which male supremacy replaces radical feminism). In this convoluted mindset, things like Racism and Misogyny become virtuous; just like under Liberalism reverse-discrimination and misandry are standard policies.
Jimmy Weidmann, blogger of the now-defunct Chateau Heartiste, was one of the masterminds behind radicalizing both the Men's Rights Movement and the Alternative Right. He also was responsible for formulating the cultish creed behind the Red Pill Philosophy of 'Game' which justified the use of psychological manipulation and other immoral tactics by which the Red-Pilled 'Alpha' asserted his superiority over others. Weidmann also taught his disciples that the hideous Dark Triad is natural behavior for the Alpha Male to exert over women. So what did this Manly Alpha Leader do after Wordpress banned him? Played the Victim Card and blamed everyone else for his downfall. The first one he blamed was, apparently, President Trump.
Can it be any clearer that the Red Pill is nothing but Reactionary Liberalism? Yes, we need Tulsi Gabbard because the last Liberal Democrat from Hawaii worked out so well as President...
The idea of breaking up large companies is a decidedly Left-Wing position. Here's Weidmann---freely posting away on Gab---complaining that other social media giants need to be broken up because they won't tolerate his disgusting behavior. Antifa argues the same thing.
And, of course, it's also the fault of this motley group who targeted him:
'Deplorables' in other words. Now for his consummate conclusion:
Translation: he'd been warned before and continued violating Wordpress' rules anyway. They finally had enough (after three years of patience, if Weidmann is to be believed) and pulled the plug. On top of that, his explanation is ridiculous. If this were really the work of some SJW cabal to stop Roosh Valizadeh's speaking tour---why wasn't Roosh's website taken down instead? And also, Weidmann and Valizadeh have been 'associated' for years. The heresy sniffers didn't notice this association until last week?
The last couple days' worth of posts is mostly Weidmann reposting his followers' paeans of praises to himself. If any discouraged young men are reading this and considering 'taking the Red Pill' just remember that Weidmann's present could easily become your future.
And here---for public consumption---are a few specimens of what other Red Pills are saying about Weidmann. Judge for yourself why we call the Red Pill a cult:
So much for the downfall of another fake Conservative. At bottom, the fakes are usually exposed in the end for the frauds and fanatics that they really are.
The other class are what we term Alt-RINOs, a loud and vocal group made of various crackpots who claim to be part of the Far (or 'Alternative') Right. In reality, these are the reactionary Liberals. They're in basic agreement with all of Liberalism's methods, but represent interest groups marginalized by the Left. The Red Pill Cult is a good example of this kind of organized reaction. Thus, they advocate things like Affirmative Action (but only for Whites to the exclusion of other races) and Gender Identity Politics (but in which male supremacy replaces radical feminism). In this convoluted mindset, things like Racism and Misogyny become virtuous; just like under Liberalism reverse-discrimination and misandry are standard policies.
Jimmy Weidmann, blogger of the now-defunct Chateau Heartiste, was one of the masterminds behind radicalizing both the Men's Rights Movement and the Alternative Right. He also was responsible for formulating the cultish creed behind the Red Pill Philosophy of 'Game' which justified the use of psychological manipulation and other immoral tactics by which the Red-Pilled 'Alpha' asserted his superiority over others. Weidmann also taught his disciples that the hideous Dark Triad is natural behavior for the Alpha Male to exert over women. So what did this Manly Alpha Leader do after Wordpress banned him? Played the Victim Card and blamed everyone else for his downfall. The first one he blamed was, apparently, President Trump.
Can it be any clearer that the Red Pill is nothing but Reactionary Liberalism? Yes, we need Tulsi Gabbard because the last Liberal Democrat from Hawaii worked out so well as President...
The idea of breaking up large companies is a decidedly Left-Wing position. Here's Weidmann---freely posting away on Gab---complaining that other social media giants need to be broken up because they won't tolerate his disgusting behavior. Antifa argues the same thing.
And, of course, it's also the fault of this motley group who targeted him:
'Deplorables' in other words. Now for his consummate conclusion:
Translation: he'd been warned before and continued violating Wordpress' rules anyway. They finally had enough (after three years of patience, if Weidmann is to be believed) and pulled the plug. On top of that, his explanation is ridiculous. If this were really the work of some SJW cabal to stop Roosh Valizadeh's speaking tour---why wasn't Roosh's website taken down instead? And also, Weidmann and Valizadeh have been 'associated' for years. The heresy sniffers didn't notice this association until last week?
The last couple days' worth of posts is mostly Weidmann reposting his followers' paeans of praises to himself. If any discouraged young men are reading this and considering 'taking the Red Pill' just remember that Weidmann's present could easily become your future.
And here---for public consumption---are a few specimens of what other Red Pills are saying about Weidmann. Judge for yourself why we call the Red Pill a cult:
So much for the downfall of another fake Conservative. At bottom, the fakes are usually exposed in the end for the frauds and fanatics that they really are.
Monday, May 13, 2019
So this morning, while checking out the news and tracking enemies of freedom, faith, and civilization; I checked through some of the Red Pill blogs and saw this:
Yes---the execrable Chateau Heartiste is no more; joining The Daily Stormer, Alpha Game Plan, Return of Kings, and The Red Pill and INCEL Subreddits into long-overdue and well-deserved oblivion. The Chateau Heartiste probably did more damage, however, to the cause of men's rights than the aforementioned ones combined.
The Chateau was the brainchild of a NGO bureaucrat living inside the Beltway named Jim Weidmann. It's undergone many name-changes over the past 12 years or so, but the message was the same. Weidmann is a rabid White Supremacist, anti-Semite and anti-Christian, latent homosexual, and sleazy Pick-up Artist. He was a major force in co-opting the Manosphere and infecting the Alt-Right with his venom. Such Red Pill cultists and extremists as Dalrock, Vox Day, Roosh V, Andrew Anglin, Ricky Vaughn, Rollo Tomassi, and Matt Forney were all Chateau readers. Even Alex Jones penned a tribute to him.
A pair of Weidmann's imitators---bloggers Aeoli Pera and Captain Capitalism---announced that they are taking 'vacations' after the Heartiste ban. Just a coincidence, surely.
Wordpress hasn't issued any explanation for the ban, but this hasn't stopped anyone from claiming 'censorship' is at play here. I'm not sure why Conservatives miss this important point; but Wordpress and other similar companies happen to be private entities. They are not obligated to follow a Strict-Constructionist interpretation of the 1st Amendment. The Bill of Rights applies to government; private institutions set their own policies. When one reads the User Guidelines at Wordpress, we see that they are not especially onerous. Basically, they prohibit criminal activities, incitement to violence, doxxing---but that's about it. As in many other recent cases, Weidmann didn't get suspended for what he said, but for what he did. Weidmann actually has another Wordpress site called Goodbye, America. Weidmann hasn't posted there in about six weeks, but the blog is still up and comments are published there. So much for 'censorship'.
I would suspect that Weidmann was suspended over the 'incitement to violence' clause. He was endlessly writing about the supposed 'necessity' of a race-war. It's also interesting to note that the perpetrators of our two most recent synagogue shootings were admitted readers of Chateau Heartiste. Whatever the reason for the ban, the disappearance of that site is no great loss to the world.
Yes---the execrable Chateau Heartiste is no more; joining The Daily Stormer, Alpha Game Plan, Return of Kings, and The Red Pill and INCEL Subreddits into long-overdue and well-deserved oblivion. The Chateau Heartiste probably did more damage, however, to the cause of men's rights than the aforementioned ones combined.
The Chateau was the brainchild of a NGO bureaucrat living inside the Beltway named Jim Weidmann. It's undergone many name-changes over the past 12 years or so, but the message was the same. Weidmann is a rabid White Supremacist, anti-Semite and anti-Christian, latent homosexual, and sleazy Pick-up Artist. He was a major force in co-opting the Manosphere and infecting the Alt-Right with his venom. Such Red Pill cultists and extremists as Dalrock, Vox Day, Roosh V, Andrew Anglin, Ricky Vaughn, Rollo Tomassi, and Matt Forney were all Chateau readers. Even Alex Jones penned a tribute to him.
A pair of Weidmann's imitators---bloggers Aeoli Pera and Captain Capitalism---announced that they are taking 'vacations' after the Heartiste ban. Just a coincidence, surely.
Wordpress hasn't issued any explanation for the ban, but this hasn't stopped anyone from claiming 'censorship' is at play here. I'm not sure why Conservatives miss this important point; but Wordpress and other similar companies happen to be private entities. They are not obligated to follow a Strict-Constructionist interpretation of the 1st Amendment. The Bill of Rights applies to government; private institutions set their own policies. When one reads the User Guidelines at Wordpress, we see that they are not especially onerous. Basically, they prohibit criminal activities, incitement to violence, doxxing---but that's about it. As in many other recent cases, Weidmann didn't get suspended for what he said, but for what he did. Weidmann actually has another Wordpress site called Goodbye, America. Weidmann hasn't posted there in about six weeks, but the blog is still up and comments are published there. So much for 'censorship'.
I would suspect that Weidmann was suspended over the 'incitement to violence' clause. He was endlessly writing about the supposed 'necessity' of a race-war. It's also interesting to note that the perpetrators of our two most recent synagogue shootings were admitted readers of Chateau Heartiste. Whatever the reason for the ban, the disappearance of that site is no great loss to the world.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
A little more than 20 years ago, a pair of Christian-hating homosexuals named Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris---two losers who shouldn't even have been in the school in the first place---committed the worst school massacre since the Bath Township School was bombed in 1927. This week, another duo of Christian-hating homosexuals attempted a repeat of the murders just a few miles from Columbine where Klebold and Harris rampaged right under school officials' noses. And schools at all levels have been targeted between then and now.
Since Columbine, the Whacko Left has responded with gun control and anti-bullying laws. This has been their policy since the 1990s and obviously hasn't had any effect on stopping would-be mass-murderers. And among the Alt-RINOs, Dalrockian Red Pill blogger Captain Capitalism suggests that abolishing public schools and requiring homeschooling would stop school shootings. It's about as fanciful an idea as gun control.
While we certainly support homeschooling, it's unrealistic to believe that we could ever make it universal. People like Captain Capitalism naively assume that the same parents and communities who let our public schools deteriorate in the first place would miraculously become proficient educators if left to their own devices. True, many parents would like to homeschool but cannot for various reasons. Abolishing public schools wouldn't make them any better able to homeschool than they are now.
Our public schools haven't turned into disaster areas because of access to guns, or school bullies, or because of government control. For many years now, our public schools have been dominated administratively by the political Left. And that is the real cause of public education's decline. As proof of this, let us examine what Liberals have accomplished running some of our once great cities. These communities were once meccas for families and businesses. Under Liberal rule, families and businesses have fled; the cost of living has skyrocketed; the government can't provide even basic services efficiently; the cities are ridden with crime, drugs, perverts, and violence. Similarly, our public schools have seen the best families leave for private schools; the cost of education has become scandalous while teachers can't even get basic supplies. Obviously security is underfunded---and our schools are basically nothing but cesspools of all manner of crime and vice. Everywhere Liberalism reigns, civilization collapses.
The Corporate Media tries in vain to hide the fact that most mass-shootings (and school violence in general) is occurring in Liberal-run school districts. And odds are that most overpaid and underqualified administrators have better security in their country-clubs and gated residential communities than any of their schools have. Changing the culture in our school administrations is the key to curbing these crimes---as well as offering decent educations for once and drastically cutting the costs both economically and in human tolls.
Since Columbine, the Whacko Left has responded with gun control and anti-bullying laws. This has been their policy since the 1990s and obviously hasn't had any effect on stopping would-be mass-murderers. And among the Alt-RINOs, Dalrockian Red Pill blogger Captain Capitalism suggests that abolishing public schools and requiring homeschooling would stop school shootings. It's about as fanciful an idea as gun control.
While we certainly support homeschooling, it's unrealistic to believe that we could ever make it universal. People like Captain Capitalism naively assume that the same parents and communities who let our public schools deteriorate in the first place would miraculously become proficient educators if left to their own devices. True, many parents would like to homeschool but cannot for various reasons. Abolishing public schools wouldn't make them any better able to homeschool than they are now.
Our public schools haven't turned into disaster areas because of access to guns, or school bullies, or because of government control. For many years now, our public schools have been dominated administratively by the political Left. And that is the real cause of public education's decline. As proof of this, let us examine what Liberals have accomplished running some of our once great cities. These communities were once meccas for families and businesses. Under Liberal rule, families and businesses have fled; the cost of living has skyrocketed; the government can't provide even basic services efficiently; the cities are ridden with crime, drugs, perverts, and violence. Similarly, our public schools have seen the best families leave for private schools; the cost of education has become scandalous while teachers can't even get basic supplies. Obviously security is underfunded---and our schools are basically nothing but cesspools of all manner of crime and vice. Everywhere Liberalism reigns, civilization collapses.
The Corporate Media tries in vain to hide the fact that most mass-shootings (and school violence in general) is occurring in Liberal-run school districts. And odds are that most overpaid and underqualified administrators have better security in their country-clubs and gated residential communities than any of their schools have. Changing the culture in our school administrations is the key to curbing these crimes---as well as offering decent educations for once and drastically cutting the costs both economically and in human tolls.
Monday, May 6, 2019
Vox Day and his Red Pill Cult camp-followers are at it again. Since about Easter or so, they've joined hands with the Radical Left in denouncing the concept of our 'Judeo-Christian Heritage': attacking Conservatives who think otherwise as Churchians and Cuckservatives. Presumably, this includes President Trump, who's referenced it many times.
Both the Red Pills and the Radical Left fumble by confounding the differences between Jewish and Christian religious beliefs with the fact that both cultures share similar social beliefs. In the Red Pills' case, this mythology is augmented by deeply rooted Anti-Semitism. Vox makes it a particular point to attack Jewish Conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Praeger. These pundits are simply literary proxies for Vox to attack Jews in general.
Thus Vox says:
This is Gnosticism, not Christianity. And note how, with a rhetorical sleight-of-hand, Vox slips in the old libel of Jewish leaders having interactions with the Devil. Here again, he brings in another old mythology:
In this case, the libel that Jews are behind anti-Christian activities. It's very typical of cults like the Red Pills to sow social division like this. Not only do groups like the Jews serve as scapegoats for the Red Pills' social failures; marginalizing such groups further isolate the cults from the mainstream. Cults build cohesion by duping their followers into believing that the world is ruled by spiritual evil; thus blunting any appeal to Faith and Reason that come from outside the cults' echo-chambers.
And such tactics seem to be having the desired effect. It wasn't long before a Red Pill whacko from Washington State ended up in jail last week after sending death threats both to Ben Shapiro and to President Trump's Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner. And did Vox have to say about that?
But the Red Pills never advocate violence, right?
The Anglosphere has had a strong affinity with Christianity's Jewish roots ever since the Protestant Reformation. In America, the Pilgrims were inspired by the stories of the Exodus and often turned to the Mosaic Law in drafting civil laws for their own new Promised Land. In Britain itself, such tendencies asserted themselves about a century later following aggressive Methodist, Baptist, and Quaker evangelism. A Judeo-Christian social heritage has been implied in Anglo-American culture and policy since the early 17th Century.
In modern times, the earliest contemporary reference we could find to the term occurred in 1939 in a review written by British author George Orwell. It caught hold in public sentiment, apparently to distinguish Christianity from the anti-Semitic ersatz 'Christianity' promoted by the Nazis and Fascist regimes in Europe. In America, The National Conference of Christians and Jews was founded in 1938. The earliest American reference to Judeo-Christian Tradition' that we could uncover was in 1944: in a dissertation published by the President of Howard University, Dr. William Nelson.
In a 1952 speech, President Eisenhower declared: “our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is. With us, of course, it is the Judeo-Christian concept.”
But Vox doesn't believe Ike any more than he believes Trump:
To which we would respond: those appeals to the teachings of false 'alt-history' revisionisms rather than historical truth are the certain signs of the cult. It's better to be on the side of history than pretending that history doesn't exist.
Both the Red Pills and the Radical Left fumble by confounding the differences between Jewish and Christian religious beliefs with the fact that both cultures share similar social beliefs. In the Red Pills' case, this mythology is augmented by deeply rooted Anti-Semitism. Vox makes it a particular point to attack Jewish Conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Dennis Praeger. These pundits are simply literary proxies for Vox to attack Jews in general.
Thus Vox says:
This is Gnosticism, not Christianity. And note how, with a rhetorical sleight-of-hand, Vox slips in the old libel of Jewish leaders having interactions with the Devil. Here again, he brings in another old mythology:
In this case, the libel that Jews are behind anti-Christian activities. It's very typical of cults like the Red Pills to sow social division like this. Not only do groups like the Jews serve as scapegoats for the Red Pills' social failures; marginalizing such groups further isolate the cults from the mainstream. Cults build cohesion by duping their followers into believing that the world is ruled by spiritual evil; thus blunting any appeal to Faith and Reason that come from outside the cults' echo-chambers.
And such tactics seem to be having the desired effect. It wasn't long before a Red Pill whacko from Washington State ended up in jail last week after sending death threats both to Ben Shapiro and to President Trump's Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner. And did Vox have to say about that?
But the Red Pills never advocate violence, right?
The Anglosphere has had a strong affinity with Christianity's Jewish roots ever since the Protestant Reformation. In America, the Pilgrims were inspired by the stories of the Exodus and often turned to the Mosaic Law in drafting civil laws for their own new Promised Land. In Britain itself, such tendencies asserted themselves about a century later following aggressive Methodist, Baptist, and Quaker evangelism. A Judeo-Christian social heritage has been implied in Anglo-American culture and policy since the early 17th Century.
In modern times, the earliest contemporary reference we could find to the term occurred in 1939 in a review written by British author George Orwell. It caught hold in public sentiment, apparently to distinguish Christianity from the anti-Semitic ersatz 'Christianity' promoted by the Nazis and Fascist regimes in Europe. In America, The National Conference of Christians and Jews was founded in 1938. The earliest American reference to Judeo-Christian Tradition' that we could uncover was in 1944: in a dissertation published by the President of Howard University, Dr. William Nelson.
In a 1952 speech, President Eisenhower declared: “our form of government has no sense unless it is founded in a deeply felt religious faith, and I don’t care what it is. With us, of course, it is the Judeo-Christian concept.”
But Vox doesn't believe Ike any more than he believes Trump:
To which we would respond: those appeals to the teachings of false 'alt-history' revisionisms rather than historical truth are the certain signs of the cult. It's better to be on the side of history than pretending that history doesn't exist.