Friday, May 3, 2024


      As we go into the weekend, nearly 2,000 of our fellow-Americans are in jail for criticizing US Foreign Policy. It all brings back memories of 2020 when Americans were being jailed for criticizing the Scamdemic Hoax. Now, as then, so-called 'Conservatives' are leading the charge, while our servile public and press stands silent. Meanwhile the Vulture of Critique's site has given us a comprehensive summary of all of the new DEI violations that our Woke GOP Congress has given future college campuses. In fact, we've actually managed to exceed Canadian levels of Free Speech repression. In Canada, only Christians are singled out for so-called hate speech, our Congress includes Orthodox Jews who criticize Zionism and the Moslems---whom our compassionate Liberals cared about so much yesterday will be walking on eggshells along with the rest of us tomorrow.

    The RNC is quite delighted at the campus crackdowns---just like when the genocide in Palestine broke out, the Republicans see a great campaign marketing opportunity; a chance to own those Libtards and to portray Biden as a weak-willed weenie while positioning themselves as leaders. In our Postmodern Corporatist Dystopia recall that 'image' is the only thing that matters: merit and ability, not so much.

    To underscore this point, one Kevin O'Leary, a Canadian media figure who considers himself a financial guru, boasted that he and his Corporate Deep State cronies are now employing AI to screen out and blacklist potential job applicants who don't show sufficient loyalty to the WEF's position on Zionism. I guess this is a new angle when marketing oneself these days: a willingness to look the other way while institutions exterminate entire populations and lock up its critics is considered a desirable characteristic in a potential employee. 

   O'Leary---who is also a leader in Canada's Conservative Party---warned that “It’s happening right now as we speak. I’m just one firm doing this. When we dig deep into the dark web for your background, I’ll see you. We don’t even consider that person. Why would we when we have lots of other people that aren’t burning stuff? If your passion for a cause is more important than your future career, go for it.I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. I think you should think about your future. Think about your career. Think about your personal brand. Think about all the opportunities you’ll never know that you missed. You’ll never know why you didn’t get that loan, or that mortgage, or that job, or get that board seat.”

       That is Postmodern Conservatism all over! Why tarnish the illusion of Democracy with a dictatorship, when we can outsource it all to the Free Market? If you think that a cause, say, opposing Regimes that murder children in cold blood, well, go for it! Just don't think that it won't tarnish your personal brand {nota bene} which will, in turn, make you a social pariah. Your duty is to the Collective; personal feelings are passe these days; in fact, having them can be dangerous. 

      The Canadian Deep State isn't the only foreign entity warning Americans that their reach of Surveillance is infinite. The Zionist Secret Police are also sending us friendly reminders that the Corporate Nanny State is watching:

      Israeli spyware companies are major contractors to both the US and Canadian Governments: and while we were all worrying about things like Chinese spy cranes, weather-balloons that blow off course, and Tik-Tok, our Uniparty secured a huge expansion of Domestic Espionage capabilities. Government officials did exempt themselves from such snooping, but the rest of us are now at the mercy of the Corporate Deep State which, as Kevin O'Leary and the Mossad notes, can result in one being frozen out of society. 

    It is a mistake to assume, as many do, that the extermination of the Palestinians or jailing American protesters is the ultimate goal in all of this. To the Oligarchy, all human life is expendable. They don't care about the dead or incarcerated: the objective here is to strike terror into the hearts of the living and free. A Regime which is capable of mass-murder and mass-arrests is capable of anything. These reminders that they are watching are in reality veiled threats. Add into all of this the Oligarchy's capriciousness about what is acceptable and their ability to change the Official Narrative on a whim, is what is keeping the population in constant fear of being behind the Power Curve. A few human sacrifices here and there reinforce that fear. 

   Our system of Inverted Totalitarianism is a cruel refinement over the old-fashioned dictatorships. In a Fascist, Communist, or Monarchical Regime one always knew where they stood vis-a-vis the Ruling Class. In our system, one never knows. With the informal networks of Social Media enforcing conduct and opinion we've even evolved a system of Ex Post Facto laws where what is not 'acceptable' today can be leveraged against something someone said or did decades ago. Technology and the Marketing Mentality has created an atmosphere where we all live essentially in an electronic Hall of Mirrors forcing people into continual self-examination and mass conformity. That explains in a large measure this paradoxical cultural aspect of contemporary American life that is simultaneously Narcissistic and yet submissive to authority. 

   Those familiar with concepts like the Cycle of Abuse in domestic relationships recognize the pattern being played out on a larger scale. Bessel van der Kolk, a Dutch psychoanalyst wrote during the 1980s that "People in general, and children in particular, seek increased attachment in the face of external danger. Pain, fear, fatigue, and loss of loved ones and protectors all evoke efforts to attract increased care and most cultures have rituals designed to provide it. When there is no access to ordinary sources of comfort, people may turn toward their tormentors. Adults as well as children may develop strong emotional ties with people who intermittently harass, beat, and threaten them. Hostages have put up bail for their captors, expressed a wish to marry them, or had sexual relations with them; abused children often cling to their parents and resist being removed from the home; inmates of Nazi prison camps sometimes imitated their captors." 

   That is the effect that abusers produce in their victims, through an alternating series of inflicting pain and fear alongside providing 'security' and offering protection. Van der Kolk also demonstrated what Freud had discovered about the Compulsion to repeat the trauma---or as pop culture expresses it, 'triggering': "The ambivalence and confusion when protective figures are simultaneously a source of terror leads to hyper-arousal states for which the memory can be state-dependent or dissociated, and this memory only returns fully during renewed terror. This interferes with good judgment about these relationships." 

   The Deep State is not invincible, and what characters like Kevin O'Leary most fear themselves isn't so much public knowledge about what they are doing as it is learning how they are doing it. Knowledge is power in such cases. Again, drawing the parallel to abusive relationships, the victim usually finds freedom when they realize that they are not random victims of an unpredictable fate, but of a systemic, organized plan. The Elites know that communities deciding not to participate in their schemes spell their downfall; hence the urgency in high places to suppress dissent and target foreign governments which stand up to them as National Security Threats. Like all abusers and bullies, their whole system is built upon a bluff: maintaining the illusion of power. They display and parade around their trillions of dollars, but the equation that they really want to keep out sight is that this Elite Top 10% is heavily outnumbered by the remaining 90%. 



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