Wednesday, June 26, 2024


      Earlier today, there was some actual good news making the rounds. After a harrowing battle going back to the mid-Obama Administration, Julian Assange unexpectedly was released from prison after a plea deal with the US Deep State. Assange was a victim of our capricious and vindictive Legal Establishment and was expected by many of us to die a martyr to the great cause of destroying the Globalist Corporate Cartel threatening to extinguish centuries of progress made in Western Civilization. The reasons for the Biden/Harris Junta's sudden decision was probably politically motivated, since Assange had supporters across the political spectrum. What will happen to any of their promises after the Election is an open question, but for now, Assange is returning home. 

     The other good news came from Africa. Kenya, which like the US, had a heavily US-backed election recently and since has plunged headlong into the Great Reset agenda, found out what the Kenyan people really think of American Neoconservatism

At least we always have the consolation of seeing good men doing good things abroad. Here in the Prozac Nation we're all breathlessly anticipating tomorrow's Show of the Century, where both the Democratic Presidential Leader and his Republican counterpart are gearing up to launch accusations and innuendos at each other. 

      On Tuesday, the Trump Campaign announced that his Vice-Presidential nominee (whom he has not named) will be at CNN headquarters in the audience. The known attendees then were depressing enough, but then came this distressing news. 

   "So the latest juicy rumor going around social media tonight is that Vivek Ramaswamy will be Trump’s pick for Vice President… As hard as that may be to believe, Trump said his VP pick will be at the debate in Atlanta on Thursday, and Ramaswamy will be attending the debate. So that’s what has set off social media tonight."


I hope that this is only a rumor. That's exactly what we need: a 78-year old President with a WEF Young Global Leader and Soros protegee as the second in command. Unfortunately, there's reason to suspect that it might be true. Ramaswamy was heavily pushed by the billionaire Tech Lords dropping massive loads of cash on the RNC recently, and he's acceptable to both them and the Bush Machine via his deep connections to Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the WEF. Of course, too, he represents diversity. 

     Even more disturbing is the exuberant slobbering going on among Social Media 'influencers' at the prospect; the narrative that Ramaswamy is just the sort of unrestrained Manly Alpha Leader that America now needs. Consider some of these gems from 'influencer' Noah

     "Speculation has been swirling about who it will be, and whether we will get the full announcement on Thursday night or just a whittling of the field to those confirmed to be in attendance. My initial top choice was Kari Lake."

     Like most of these would-be 'Alphas,' Noah's first choice was a strong independent woman. Never mind that Kari Lake's most recent achievement was fighting to overturn an abortion ban in Arizona, but we digress...

   "I see plenty of fine Republicans, but no one that has that same DNA as Trump and Lake until Vivek came along...He was a fearless leader, doing what he thought was right and not answering to anyone else, definitely not to pollsters. He leads just like Trump."

  Given how Trump has been 'leading' lately, that sadly may be true. Ramaswamy certainly was a fearless proponent of expanding government power during the Scamdemic. Nonetheless:

  "Not to say Vivek is better than Trump, but he does have perhaps even wilder platform issues, like shutting down 90% of the Federal Government!"

  Obviously because Corporate America is too heavily regulated and the government hasn't ceded enough power to Wall Street. Imagine the fun that the Gates Foundation and BlackRock could have if even the minuscule authority that the Government has over them were completely removed. Now for the good part:

  "That’s what President Trump needs, an 'insurance policy' that if they take him out somehow, the backup is just as much of a badass — if not even more so! I think Vivek has Javier Milei vibes, some of what are even more extreme than President Trump. And that’s what we need in a VP for this second term.We need a wild man!"


      If this any way reflects the thinking of the average Republican voter, then a Republican victory in November is even more dangerous than a Biden victory would be. Javier Milei (another WEF member, BTW) is a problem for South America. A character like that in charge of the United States would be a problem for the entire planet. 

    Make no mistake about it: Vivek Ramaswamy is dangerous. Even more dangerous are sock-puppets like this 'Noah' character who not only don't see the danger, but openly promote it as desirable. We've seen this trend throughout the 2020s. Pundits embracing the likes of Andrew Tate, Steve Sailer, and Doug Wilson. Governors acting in defiance of civilized norms of governance. A Congress wholly focused on vengeful abuses of power. Religious Conservatives advocating genocide and even calling for deploying atomic weapons in their 'righteous' cause. This has become a movement not about restoring our Republic, but simply one determined to seize power and to exercise that power to its maximum potential against anyone they fear, hate, or envy. 


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