Sunday, June 9, 2024


       While the Exceptional United States was busy this weekend pushing homo 'equality' on schoolchildren and using beauty pageants to promote Fat Acceptance, the International Monetary Fund issued a stern warning to the Biden/Harris Junta to the effect that they are displeased with massive US Government deficits. This follows last year's warning from High Finance which saw a downgrade in American credit worthiness for only the second time in history. 

     Admittedly, there has been some anomalous features in this year's election. There has been an uneasy lack of unity among the Whacko Left Wing who have been uncharacteristically vocal in their dissatisfaction with the ruling Junta (despite 81 million supposedly voting for them just 36 months ago). The Media has been circulating fake polls which also uncharacteristically are showing momentum for Trump. We've seen too recently the Billionaire Class seemingly warming to the Trump Campaign with fat donations.

     Since the Global Corporate Cartels actually control the US Government (we just elect management teams posing as political leaders), this can't be happening by any kind of accident. True, the Biden/Harris Junta has grovelled slavishly to the agenda behind the Great Reset, but there's no doubt that the West's actual ruling class is less than satisfied with Democrat job performance. Their inability to stop the BRICS nations economically, their military failures in Ukraine and Palestine, and their inability to contain popular unrest against them in their European satellites have frustrated the Oligarchs. 

     What may be a more important indicator given the IMF statement is that the Oligarchy may be entertaining serious doubts about the Junta's reliability. IMF Chairwoman Kristalina Georgieva---who sits on the WEF Board of Trustees---was challenged for re-election to the IMF post in 2021 by Biden-backed Deep State spook Joseph Stiglitz. The Oligarchs notoriously are unforgiving to their operatives (which Biden actually is) getting above themselves and taking on Upper Management. Harvey Weinstein, Andrew Cuomo, Sam Bankman-Fried: these are all specimens of characters who thought that they too were too big to fail. 


      At this point, it's too early to say that the Democrats are in electoral trouble, but Upper Management clearly is putting them on notice that they are expendable in the larger scheme of things. Much will depend on whom Trump picks as a Vice-President. Right now the choices are not looking especially promising: mostly Bush Machine appartachiks and WEF Young Global Leaders. Choosing a character like that will be an indication that the Elites are giving up on Biden; a populist choice like Ben Carson or a nonentity like Kristi Noem or Doug Burgum will signal the opposite. 

     Trump himself is not part of the Deep State, but he likewise is expendable. Trump is only one man and, unfortunately, American Conservatives like having one man do all their thinking for them and take upon himself responsibility for self-government. This is why strategically the Controlled Opposition within the Deep State are taking careful pains to ingratiate and insinuate themselves within his campaign. Trump is nearly 80 years old, and should he actually win in November accidents can happen to a man that age, and we'll have the Bush Years all over again. 

    It all comes back to the reality: the American people are not really in control of the American Government, and the Corporate Elites are counting on keeping up the fantasy that the people really are in charge. We're not going to hold our noses and vote our way out of any of these problems, the change is going to have to come from the American people realizing that their own corruption and selfish apathy is driving the failure of the System.  

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