Sunday, June 2, 2024


     So, in the aftermath of this week's Trial of the Century, Americans are reacting. Some are celebrating the decision, others are faking outrage, and the majority are most likely stocking up at the Marijuana Dispensary and eagerly following the really important news stories,


   The verdict in the Chad Daybell Case even ranked higher than the Trump Case did. The bright spot is though that at least that case wasn't a miscarriage of justice even if did take four years to accomplish. Still, one would think that political show-trials in America, a situation in East Asia about to spiral out of control, and the ongoing genocide in Gaza would be higher priorities. 

  To try and generate some interest in the American political situation, the hyenas in the Corporate Media are trotting out the usual experts painting lurid scenarios of Right Wing Extremist violence. The Whacko Left, of course, is well-known for its peaceful acceptance of its opponents' positions and never engages in violent public rages or in any way ever condones extremist actions of any kind. Meanwhile, the Controlled Opposition is excited because they think that the Trump Verdict is going to be the Magic Bullet that turns the American Public to embrace the Red Wave. Lockdowns, mandates, race riots, stolen elections----none of those things did: but this verdict will. 

    I've been hearing this baloney from the American Right ever since the Waco Massacre in 1993. By gosh, if those Liberals push us any further we're going to get reallllllly mad! Not to say that the Right is doing nothing: they're holding another Congressional Hearing over the Trump Verdict next week. Nothing about addressing our broken Legal System and proposing meaningful reforms: instead they're going to give two New York City officials---over whom they have absolutely no jurisdiction---a serious tongue-lashing. No word yet as to whether the Congressional Committee will be wearing diapers to show their solidarity with the Cause. Since June is now officially Pride Month in the Prozac Nation, they can even wear rainbow-colored ones to show their wokeness. 

    In a toxic culture like ours, it's important for people to remind themselves that we're living in abnormal times. This is why it is so important to be grounded with others of like mind in a community, because we all need positive reinforcement desperately. Getting stoned on the High Times Flavor-of-the-Month or taking the Red Pill and becoming an aloof Alpha Superman is exactly what we should not do. The sociopolitical collapse we're experiencing today is a direct result of Americans abandoning their sense of responsibility to others and focusing exclusively on themselves. While such attitudes produce an efficient Corporate bureaucracy and an aggressive consumer base, it contributes very little in the interests of Civilization. 

    When a Society is based on a Cult of Power and Personality and the majority are focused on getting from it everything that they think that they're entitled to, it logically results in the kinds of absurdities we see around us today. Twice now in the last three decades presidents have been indicted for sexual impropriety while at the same time it's seriously being debated as to what constitutes Torture and Genocide. Suicides and overdoses are running rampant among American youth while our 'leadership' thinks that social media and access to tobacco products are the greatest threats to young people. Violent street scum are terrorizing our cities and towns while we worry about Chinese weather-balloons drifting into American airspace: and so on. 

   We have to reject this nonsense and come back to an understanding that there are Moral Absolutes in the Universe, whether the settled science or public opinion chooses to recognize them or not; they are still in operation. That fact should be both our consolation and our hope. 


  1. oh hai mr. nightsoils,

    I am a liberal, or as you call me a libtard...

    I am curious, how come all these muscle head seal guys and spechul farces guys like Mr. (Chip'n) Dale Comstock a huge Trumpsters but Biden and the Democrats seem even more hungry to get us in someone else wars? I mean wouldn't they be better off voting for Democrats so they could get sum (military) action? I mean shouldn't incels such as yourself vote for womyn too be huger sluts just so you can get sum action? Remember an abortion clinic on every corner wear there is fast food, mmmm....

    1. Remember that a lot of those Alpha (or Sigmas or whatever) like people to be afraid of them---not necessarily do any actual fighting. After all, nobody picks on Superman and if Biden wasn't such a Beta Weenie, everyone would be too in awe of him to start wars in the first place.

      BTW, I saw where Andrew Tate had some tweets up bragging about how Trump was (and he really said this) 'a bad Nigga' like himself who wasn't afraid of jail. Since so many of the Red Pilled Alphas often end up in jail, I could understand where they might think of Trump as a kindred spirit. It would be better though if Trump could go free and Comstock and Tate could share a cell in his place.

  2. "It would be better though if Trump could go free and Comstock and Tate could share a cell in his place."
    Boom Chicka WahWah! Sounds like a great porno Make AmeriKKKa Gay Again! Starring Andy "Do I really half too bottom again" Tate and Dale "Sexecutioner" Comstock!

    IDK about letting Trump free but I must admit, Biden's unchecked dementia and war lust scares me. I'm surprised he hasn't brought back Killary to be a warcheif or sumfin'.

    See us male feminists can be a barrel of monkeys when we aren't trying to bash other men for a lil sweet poontang or in my case, trantang!
