Saturday, July 20, 2024


       This weekend, according to the Controlled Opposition Media, Conservatism Incorporated has the 2024 'election' all sewn up. Polls are only showing a slight lead so far for the GOP and the Party has done nothing to combat the voter fraud that put the Democrats in power; but trust the plan, people are waking up! Some have seen the potential of this: many pundits are claiming that the Biden/Harris Junta are 'flooding the country' with illegal immigrants to shore up their vote totals---how the Junta still managed to steal the last election with Trump's immigration restrictions in place, they haven't explained. In Postmodern Newspeak, facts don't care about your feelings; which is even more so when the Party Bosses decide what the facts are. 

     Those of us remaining on the Right who insist upon pointing out that the 2024 GOP's official narrative conflicts with Reality, are dismissed as Commie-Pinkos. I don't mean to sound defeatist, but it is a fact, as opposed to your feelings, that when one's optimism is based on an illusion, that isn't optimism, it's fantasy. The Republican Convention was such a spectacle of political putrefaction packaged and sold to the lowest and most degenerated intellectual, political and moral levels that some of us have wondered whether all of those Disney and Bud Light executives who were forced out of their positions haven't gone to work for the RNC.  Amber Rose, a reality TV star who authored a book titled How to Be a Bad Bitch performed there; and on the last night of the convention, Trump’s keynote speech was preceded by Kid Rock performing his song American Bad Ass, while pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan screamed and tore off his shirt. The final speaker introducing Trump was Ultimate Fighting Championship promoter Dana White, who invented the power slap competition in which individuals sit opposite one another and attempt to slap one another’s faces as hard as possible. The President-in-Exile entered the stage while pop star Lee Greenwood belted out God Bless the USA and Trump thanked God for sparing his life---although the first night of the Convention, we learned that the god that everybody had in mind was an obscure South Asian deity whose disciples ritually smoke marijuana. The Log Cabin Republicans---who openly boast that their goal is to get a 50% gay turnout for Trump apparently don't find Jahve inclusive enough these days in spite of His having created the Rainbow.

       However, despite all of this we are to believe that the Republican Party is truly committed to bringing back traditional values and valiantly opposing Trash Culture---despite having shelved any vestige of actual Conservatism from their Party Platform. Such political speakers available during the pop-culture fest included Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, who not only fought to overturn her State's abortion ban, she openly criticized the Democrat Governor for not being aggressive enough supporting the Right to Choose. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum---whose largest campaign donor is Bill Gates---gave a nauseatingly hypocritical speech trashing Biden's energy policy when only a few years ago he was praised by the Biden 'Administration' for his commitment to so-called Green Energy goals. Then there was VP pick J.D. Vance who only two years ago said on Manosphere cretin Jack Murphy's podcast that he had recently taken the Red Pill and that nobody should pay attention to his past as a Silicon Valley/Hollywood lobbyist and corporate lawyer. 

     We're also to believe that these woke billionaires from Big Pharma, Big Ag, and High Finance flooding the campaign with cash really too have seen the light and that they have renounced the globalist Great Reset agenda---even though at least four convention speakers (that I've identified so far) are WEF Young Global Leaders. 

    Now, we have to ask: does it sound like the narrative about the Republican Party standing for the average American is Reality, or does it sound like fantasy?

      At this point, it must be mentioned that many well-meaning Americans---probably including Trump himself---have reached such a point of desperation that they're completely blind to the sea of red flags surrounding this 'campaign.' As a specimen of this, one of the stupidest articles yet crossed the desk this morning celebrating that the 'Old Guard' Republicans, represented by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, and William F. Buckley are giving way to the 'New Breed.' The dunces who wrote this seriously argue that the Conservatives of the mid-20th Century impeded socially Conservative causes and bowed to Neoliberal economics! It's telling that they didn't mention the Bush Administrations or anyone connected with them, which shows where "the Republican Party of the Future," is really going. 

    The more cynical of the Republican hierarchy might argue that we have to be realistic; that the intended audience for this kind of message actually is on such a low moral and intellectual plane and so willing to submit to an Alpha Leader that it might as well be the Republican faction in power. There is some truth to this, unfortunately; however if what they say is true then it would in theory be just as realistic an approach to offer programs and policies appealing to people's better natures as it is to appeal to their worst. That alone shows the falsity and true intentions of the so-called 'Realists.' Their 'realistic' approach is only a rationalization for serving Vested Interests while posing as smart operators. 

   The reality is that, as things stand right now, no matter what happens in this 'election' nothing of any consequence will change, and the same Plutocrats behind the Great Reset will continue amassing more wealth and more power. What is incumbent upon us is seeing through the illusions and doing what we can to defeat the Uniparty.




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