Friday, October 25, 2024


       This week, Early Voting started; and so, barring any 'incidents' (accidental or otherwise), the die has really been cast for this year's Election. By some accounts, Americans are on the verge of mass-hysteria (again) over this most important election of our lifetimes; an election which ultimately will decide whether we transition smoothly into the Great Reset by staying with the Democrats or plunge into the New World Order headlong with the Republicans. 

      According to Forbes Magazine, 129 billionaire Corporate Oligarchs have made up for most of the campaign spending. 79 of these support the DNC, 50 support the RNC; but when the dust settles, they'll shake hands and go back to running the country again. More than a few of these moneyed interest groups have operatives in both parties, though that little detail isn't widely reported. If it were reported, people might start getting the right idea about the kind of political system that we actually have in the United States

      The Strategy of Tension, which we've discussed here before as well, blatantly also has been on full display. The venom and vulgarity displayed by both parties and their respective media machines has equalled Scamdemic-level paranoia and demonization. 

      Whichever side 'wins,' the campaigns have given us a fairly good indication of how the victorious Party intends to govern the Nation. Despite all of the Media yapping about Civil War 2.0, a far more likely threat is the sheer number of Brownshirts that either side can mobilize to enforce its will on the rest of us. The events of 2020 showed us all just how easily a large percentage of the population can be fanned into turning against each other. Don't imagine that in the intervening four years since that the Deep State hasn't been busily working with their think-tanks and research facilities on doing and improving on the same kinds of things.

     No sooner had the National Panic Attack initiated in 2020 subsided than the Elites began the build-up to 2024. Scarcely a day has gone by during this entire time when one hasn't been bombarded with Enemy Images, often punctuated by the most egregious and abominable lies---many such falsehoods unquestioned by gullible partisans and credulous ignoramuses. Nobody has stopped to think that the Corporate Overlords removing a candidate who'd already won all of the Primaries and coronating another; or the other Party bringing in WEF operatives to manage its policies might mean that we're all being lied to for ulterior motives. 

    Both sides too have freely engaged in overt acts and statements of hypocrisy; accusing each other of doing what they do. This is done deliberately. It's a form of negative advertising principles. An advertiser seeks to find one's deepest desires and sell a product to improve their lives; this type of propaganda seeks to find one's deepest fears and to project them upon the opposition. This type of propaganda also is designed to unify a base of people who don't let moral scruples get in the way of achieving an objective. Sadly, there's no shortage of such people exactly like that in the United States today. 

    Both Parties say that the Enemy is within; which is partly true although not in the way that they mean it. The Enemy Within is ourselves and much of this Election has been a quixotic quest for many to find a leadership who'll save them from themselves and tangentially save themselves and profit at others' expense. Like 2020, we've seen Trash Culture again on full display and we need to start taking stock as a nation as to what our national character really amounts to, and what we need to do as a nation to change that. 

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