Monday, March 2, 2020


    As a general rule, I don't like making posts based on suspicions; but when public safety seems to require it---or there's a high probability that someone may be in actual danger---the risk of later being wrong has to be undertaken. And admittedly, there have been times when a seemingly serious situation turned out to be not as bad as it first appeared. 

   But when dealing with cults, we often have to assume the worst until proven otherwise. There's a pragmatic reason for this. Cult members are often deeply mentally unstable; and they also tend not to be reticent about using violence. By instinct, cultists are bullies and particularly direct their aggression against women and children. Despite their pretensions of holiness, cultists fear neither God nor man; nor the consequences of acting against either's laws.

  We've had occasion recently to mention a couple of women trapped in Owen Benjamin's based and Red-Pilled Bear Cult. One in particular has been the subject of a lot of recent discussion online.

   Allison Slattery married Bear Cult nutcase Nathaniel Slattery in July of 2019. Nasty Nate employed a lot of the Dark Triad PUA tactics (he's a huge follower of Vox Day) to bring this about. She was known in the sect as Singalong Bear because she plays guitar and ukulele and had music sessions with other girls who hung out in their chats. 

   Though Allison used to livestream frequently, she hasn't appeared in person---as nearly as I can determine---since late last December. There have been a few scattered and brief posts allegedly from her on Facebook and Social Galactic recently: but no actual proof that they came from her. Nasty Nate has mentioned her on his own podcasts recently; but again, we don't actually see or hear her anywhere. It's especially worrisome, because she (or someone writing under her name) posted on DLive:

   So why---if she's taking a hiatus---would she suddenly appear on the other two sites and say practically nothing? 

   Now it's not uncommon for Internet personalities to leave the online world. But what stirred a lot of speculation came in mid-February when several of Nate's enemies began saying that Allison had left home. Nasty Nate didn't do a podcast between February 10th and February 16th (he usually posts daily). On his broadcast of the 16th, Slattery rather ominously stated that Allison was "sick", and that a few "marital issues required him to restore morale" and discipline around the home. On February 17th, he went on for the first seven minutes about what sounded like some very serious marital issues. 

   We've mentioned before that Nasty Nate is a closeted homosexual and often spergs about his violent fantasies. A fanatic, he's actually said that men have a moral right to kill prostitutes. And Nasty Nate's no stranger to local law enforcement. During his previous residence in Washington State, he was a frequent visitor to the Court System:

   And apparently shortly after marrying and moving to his new residence, he received a warm welcome from the county sheriff:

  During the week following this unspecified incident, Nasty Nate continued his podcasts, though from a different location---claiming that he was on vacation. This included one very blasphemous production where he jested over a prophecy of Christ's Passion. In other words, this guy is perfectly capable of doing harm to other people. 

  If anybody has any updates on Allison, please let us know; but if anyone who's close to her hasn't heard from her recently, please let the officials in the jurisdiction where she was living know of your concerns. 

UPDATE: Ipse Inquisitor shared this article on Reddit, and, from reading the comments, there a couple of points that I wanted to clarify: 1) Mrs. Slattery is not officially a Missing Person. The Police haven't done a welfare check (yet). 2.) I found her name as Allison on some of her music video chats, where her fans referred to her by that name. Some Redditors say her real name is Ani. I don't know---but it's not uncommon for younger girls to go by nicknames. 3.) Some have said they can't leave comments here---I apologize, but it's an ongoing problem with Blogger. Some comments just disappear and I never even see them. Some readers seem to get around the problem by posting as 'Anonymous.' I only delete comments if they're rude, trolling, or spamming. 


  1. This is Ipse. I'm going to share this column with the Gamma Secret Kings, if you don't mind. We've all been wondering about the missing Missus Slaughtery Bear.

    By the way, what were the charges Nasty Nate faced in Washington? Also, is it true he hails from Owen Benjamin Smith's hometown? I think I've heard him make that claim in the past. Finally, the link provided shows their current residence as being in North Carolina, is that correct?

    I will keep you updated if I uncover anything along the way.

    1. Hi Ipse: you can share anything you want from here. Do you have a link to Gamma Secret Kings? I've heard of them and want to check them out.

      I'm not sure what all the charges were, because the actual cases weren't online. But if you have a lawyer or policeman friend, he can look up the case numbers for you. Nate used to live in Everett, Washington---about two hours drive from where Owen lives now. I'll send you an e-mail in a few minutes more specific about where he lives now.

      FYI, Nasty Nate was on some podcast today and claimed that Singalong had a miscarriage. That doesn't seem to square with other things he's said, though. Here's the link: the part with Nasty Nate starts at around 4:13:00.

    2. Re: The Secret Kings, that's just what the more active coterie over at r/owenbenjamin call ourselves.

      I will check my email. I might be able to find out just with the information provided here. I wasn't planning to go into this area too much, but you have me wanting to shed some light on this mystery. Hopefully, we get some proof of life from the woman, at least, before it gets too much further.

    3. The best way to do it would be to contact the Iredell County Sheriff, explain the situation, and ask them to do a welfare check. Since you're an investigative reporter, you'll probably have some credibility for them since you've collected a lot of the facts already.

  2. Shiiit... we cant say we didnt warn her. My best guess is to see if Nate did any concrete work around his property lately, shes probably encased in there somewhere.

    1. Allison's a good example of why young single girls need strong men like fathers, brothers, etc. who would keep dinguses like Nate away from them. It's a glaring defect in feminine psychology, but some women will magnify one quality in a guy and ignore 5 dozen blatant red flags.
