After successfully overthrowing the United States Government, the nation's new managers met in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum's annual meeting. Democrat Senator Kristen Gillibrand, Democrat Congressmen Ted Deutsch and Stephanie Murphy, and arch-RINO never-Trump douchebag Adam Kizinger were the only American political representatives who spoke. Since the WEF actually runs the U.S., the Administration didn't need to attend: they'll simply get their orders afterwards.
But there are other upcoming events that the Junta will attend: the Elites are planning a 'climate change' forum in Scotland this November. The meeting was postponed from last November pending the outcome of the Election Steal because of Scam-demic concerns. Long-term Deep Statist John Kerry---appointed by the Junta as an unelected plenary on the Climate Change scam---gave an interview with the BBC and pompously proclaimed that “Glasgow will be extremely important. In fact, I would say that in my judgment, it is the last best chance the world has to come together in order to do the things we need to do to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis. Three years ago, we were told we have 12 years to avoid those consequences. Three of those years were lost because we had Donald Trump, who didn’t believe in any of it. And now we have nine years left to try to do what science is telling us we need to do.”
Now, let's see: nine years from now is 2030. Where have we heard that date before? But, of course, the Great Reset is just a kooky, tin-foil hat conspiracy theory; in spite of the fact that the WEF has widely publicized it, international High Finance is donating to it; and the Junta is itself packed with WEF operatives. The WEF even brags about the Great Reset's proud sponsors, including:
Amazon (Jeff Bezos)
Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg)
Google/Alphabet (Eric Schmidt)
Microsoft (Bill Gates)
Unilever (Alan Jope)
McKinsey Co. (one of the 'Big Three' management consultancies)
ARM Corp. (Britain's largest 'smart technology' firm)
Huawei (The Communist Party of China)
Salesforce (Big Tech)
Price-Waterhouse (High Finance)
Emerald2/ERM (High Finance)
John Kerry has himself long been involved in shady enterprises. He himself became a billionaire after marrying the widow of H.J. Heinz III, who died under suspicious circumstances in 1991. (See note at end of article).
Most readers here know, of course, that man-made global warming is a hoax; and that the Earth has gone through many geologic and meteorological changes without man's interference. And the Earth also seems to be able to 'reset' itself with just as little interference from Man. Our world would be a lot better served studying those phenomena instead of chasing phantoms projected on a screen with Junk Science.
The Glasgow summit itself has had a bit of an unsavory relationship with Energy Cartels. In fact, the British Government seems to had to go to some extraordinary lengths cover up their participation in the event after a few 'true believers' in Greenpeace exposed them. It's too bad that Greenpeace didn't go further and question the motives of the participants, too.
Scientists who question the validity of any of the Elite's Climate theories are immediately shut down in Academia, Inc. or by other powerful interests. Among non-professionals, the Whacko Left labels opponents as 'climate change deniers.' Nobody actually denies that the Earth's climate changes, of course. The label is just thrown about casually to depict anyone who disputes the (hired) scientific consensus as a crank.
All that Academia, Inc. has actually proven is two phenomena: 1.) that mean global temperatures have risen during the last century and a half, and 2.) that CO2 levels have risen in the atmosphere along with O3 depletion during the same time period. Because this period coincides with the Industrial Age, neo-Marxists and vested financial interests began spreading the story that the two events were connected. All that was left was for Ameroboob gullibility and scientific illiteracy---and considerable suppression of any opposing opinion---to do its work and generate a panic.
For example, nobody seems to notice that the same time period in question has also been one of recently unprecedented volcanic activity and large wildfires. Many of these events have released more pollutants into the atmosphere than the entire output of the world's factories in one century combined. We also know that within recorded human history there have been Glacial Epochs and global cooling. There was no industrial output at the time. Desertification of areas like the Sahara were recorded during the Roman Empire. No one knows what causes these events; but we know that nothing Man can do influences the climate on this kind of scale. All of the babble about reducing our carbon footprint is just virtue-signalling, like wearing a mask to stop an equally nonexistent 'pandemic.' Real science never fears free inquiry; and all of this hysteria and eagerness to shut down any opposition to the consensus ought to raise suspicions in anybody's minds.
But sadly most Americans prefer lives of drug-induced drama to living in freedom; so Kerry & Co. can push their apocalyptic scenarios without much concern about the narrative being questioned .
In spite of all of the climate-hysteria they preach, these WEF and UN jugheads don't believe a word of their own propaganda. Population Control and monopolization of resources are the real objectives here. The world's population really isn't too large for the Earth to sustain it. It's too large for the Elites to find forced employment in the new economic paradigms they've envisioned. History teaches that slave surpluses can be dangerous to the slave-holding classes, so they see culling the herd as necessary. Terms like Eugenics, Lebensraum, and Ethnic Cleansing have fallen out of favor; so the Elites have devised new terminologies to disguise their actual intentions. Isolating us and reducing us to poverty via the Scam-demic is the first step towards taking us useless eaters out piecemeal. Controlling the food supply and restricting transportation (along with Contact Tracing) is the way they control the workers until they become expendable too through transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence.
That's the world that the Elites envision: a sort of perverted Garden of Eden where they live as earthly gods and repopulate the world with their own kind.
Now, the Elites aren't real gods, and their whole Great Reset is founded upon and sustained by lies. Thus, it ultimately it is doomed to fail. But these scum can create a lot of suffering and misery before that happens. Bear in mind what destruction they've caused already. This is not going to stop until we stop it; and there are ways that this can be done. One way is for farmers in local communities to form cooperatives and bypass the national distribution chains (i.e. set up independent contracts with smaller grocery stores in local areas). This can be accomplished with the assistance of independent trucking firms. While this won't knock Big Ag out of business, it takes away a significant share of their profits (which would go directly to farmers for a change) as well as taking a huge portion of the nation's food supply out of the system while keeping local markets supplied. Disengage, disconnect, disunite. These Climate-Control fantasies can stay in Glasgow.
Note: Most of us are well aware of the suspicious deaths surrounding the Clinton Family, but it's not generally known that the Bush Family likewise has racked up a considerable number of political opponents who met untimely ends. The aforementioned Senator Heinz was a Reaganite who vehemently opposed Bush Sr.'s New World Order schemes was rumored as a potential primary challenger in 1992. The following day after Heinz' death, Heinz' friend, ex-Senator John Tower, who was also opposed to Bush's policies and threatened to expose him in an upcoming book, died in a similar mishap. The manuscript was never found, and Tower's daughter, who was transcribing the work, perished in the same crash.
Under Bush Jr., Senator Paul Wellstone, who had become the leader of the opposition to war in Iraq, died in an aerial accident shortly after vowing to expose the Administration's lies about Iraqi involvement in the 9/11 Attacks. Oddly enough, there were allegedly no flight recorder instruments found on Wellstone's plane. Rep. Paul Gillmor, GOP Banking Committee chair blocked big box stores like Amazon and Walmart from collusion with banking interests and was found dead "from blunt head and neck trauma consistent with a fall down the stairs." Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who was driven from office on trumped-up charges after opposing Bush's conflicts of interest with a new regulatory agency he'd set up to oversee oil drilling, died in a 2010 plane crash. This was only a week after Stevens reopened his investigation into Bush following the BP Oil Spill. Rescuers didn't search for Stevens until three days after the crash citing "bad weather conditions."