Friday, September 9, 2022


     As if the world urgently needed more meaningless distractions, the Corporate Media is pounding the drums and saying that we should all be in throes of grief of the passing of Elizabeth Windsor-Mountbatten, aka Queen Elizabeth II. For some unaccountable reason, most of the Anglosphere and Northern Europe (excepting France) still cling to this Divine Right of Kings nonsense. Americans for some reason also join in, mostly because everybody else is doing it. It's doubtful that 3 of 4 Americans could find Britain on a map, but we're all expected to sing along with "God Save the Queen" because Canadians do and the MSM tells us to.

    My opinion of a royal's decease is a little different. To my mind, it's only Nature finally doing what the guillotine should have done a long time ago. When we see a fellow-American wailing in sack-cloth and ashes over Elizabeth, we should politely ask them exactly what good any member of the British Royalty ever did for the United States. Our forefathers made a lot of sacrifices to eject that collection of parasites from our shores and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren made many sacrifices to keep them from coming back. Britain was considered a hostile foreign power by the US until the World Wars, and even then Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt had to beg our media not to display footage of British royalty for fear it would turn public opinion against the British. It's taken decades too undo much of the damage they caused while here like building the Slave system and inciting the Indians against settlers. Not to mention what they've done since: like stretching their tentacles into American markets and dragging us into wars to defend their interests.

     Royalty today is the product of centuries of inbreeding, unearned wealth, and unaccountability from civil law. Monarchy really began in both the West and in the Near East after the fall of the Roman Empire. Among the Barbarians who ushered in the Middle Ages, the only qualification for kingship was being the most ruthless and toughest thug in the tribe. These early rulers were also cunning enough to realize that the people might revolt against some of their future less virile descendants, and so, with the aid of some corrupt clerics, devised the myth that they were appointed by God to defend their Christian subjects (up to and including suppressing other Christians who dared point out that the Church-State system's policies and actions often conflicted with the Bible). That strain of brutality, intolerance, and protecting its privileges at all costs has been a constant royal trait since the beginning. 

    Witness the current situation in Buckingham Palace. The Queen's carcass had barely reached room temperature before Prince Charles pounced on the vacant throne and declared himself the British Head-of-State. 70 million citizens of the UK along with millions more Commonwealth sycophants in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand hail this degenerate as 'sovereign' whose realm also includes a few wayward sons of the Crown (e.g. Americans, Irishmen, South Africans, Indians, among others). 

   Charles III, as he is now known to the world, exceeds even his father Prince Phillip in villany and moral corruption---and that is saying a lot. In Britain, Charles is widely suspected---not without good reason---of having involvement in the death of his first wife Lady Diana Spencer, whom he abused and gaslighted mercilessly. He was also deeply involved in the sexual blackmail and money-laundering operations of Jeffrey Epstein---whose 'suicide' he's also widely suspected of having engineered. Charles is widely believed to be a latent homosexual, as his uncle and self-described mentor, Lord Louis Mountbatten was a notorious pervert who preyed on young boys.

   Not surprisingly, Charles is a good friend of Klaus Schwab's and spoke favorably of the Great Reset. The connection between Buckingham Palace and Davos is so blatant that Tiananmen Trudeau had to bring in a WEF official to spread counter-propaganda to the CBC and allay Canadian fears about their incoming King. Charles has a particular interest in reducing human population---presumably among nations who don't recognize the sovereignty of monarchs. His father Prince Phillip, who once mourned the fact that malaria epidemics were no longer wiping out large swaths of the Asian populace and once expressed hope that he would be reincarnated as a deadly virus to decimate the earth's population, started Charles down this ideological path. Such is the erudite reasoning and scientific acumen behind Charles' positions on the subject. 


    Hopefully, once all of the media hoopla and hero-worship finally fizzles out and cooler heads prevail, the British people will decide finally to rid themselves of these royal leeches and declare for a Republic of Great Britain. Aside from the mischief they cause with the likes of Schwab and Epstein, the royals serve no actual purpose in the interests of Britain except to provide fodder for the tabloids and scandal-sheets. The amount of tax dollars and hoarded wealth expended to maintain these people would be employed much better to improve the situation among the commoners---who are actually despised by the very aristocracy whom they support. 

   In America, we have organized crime families too: only here they're called the Mafia and it would be an interesting exercise to explain how the Mafia and the Royal Family are any different in actual principle. It ought to be instructive to the British people that other countries that abolished Monarchy haven't expressed any especial desire to get them back. After the Iron Curtain fell, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria---not one of them wanted their royal families to return. France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, China have gotten along well without them. Even the Nazis didn't want the Kaiser back, and neither did post-war or post-reunification Germany. 

   It's time that Britain and the rest of the Anglosphere Commonwealth did the same. Nobody is going to be any worse off for the loss.


  1. I'm with you on this one! Americans have an odd relationship with royalty. We fought a war to set ourselves free of the whole mess and then we promptly idolize all the pageantry of monarchies?

    Samuel in the Bible has a really interesting discussion about kings, where God basically says they want a king, "because they have rejected me as their king." He says, "warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” In spite of all this wisdom and warnings the people still demand their king.

    1. In the Revolutionary-Era pamphlet 'Common Sense' Thomas Paine quoted that passage from Samuel arguing against 'Divine Right.' Biden ordered flags flown at half-mast: think of this, over public cemeteries holding Revolutionary War and War of 1812 veterans. Harry Truman didn't order that when Elizabeth's father died nor did FDR when her grandfather died, though they both sent condolences.

      In our mutual State, we have the double absurdity of lowering the State flag---with a picture of George Washington on it---in honor of a Monarch. I protested this on a local media site and you should have seen the fury that generated. The general attitude seems to be that whatever our ancestors did in 1776 and 1812 is completely irrelevant and the 'New Normal' demands that we kiss the royal ring.

    2. Excellent post. It is no secret that people do not care especially so called conservatives. Look at the fake vaxx and Ukraine “war”. I would respond with a simple just turn your football game back in, everything will be ok since that is all people really care about.
