Tuesday, June 4, 2024


    While today in the Prozac Nation our nominal Head-of-State was busy kicking off Pride Month and the Controlled Opposition was hand-wringing over the newly-discovered revelation that our Legal System is dysfunctional, the real rulers of the former Western democracies were meeting at the World Economic Forum to hold a symposium on imposing Artificial Intelligence on their subject populations. The Oligarchs' cover-story is that this meeting is about using AI to combat 'climate change;' if they admitted its real purposes (i.e. mind control, displacing workers,  weaponizing bureaucracy, etc.) it would be a much harder sell to a gullible public. 

   AI, like all technologies, has the potential for positive uses. The Chinese, for example, have been experimenting with AI to solve complicated medical procedures and engineering problems. China also has been a leader in using AI for increased food production. However, given that in our region, companies like MicroSoft, Google, and BlackRock are driving most of the innovations, we do well to question to what purposes it is being employed here. 

   In a cultural atmosphere where the general population outsources its thinking and is predominantly self-centered on hedonistic distractions, Artificial Intelligence spread like wildfire after it became mainstreamed in 2023. Consumers welcomed Smart Homes where they were relieved of such complicated tasks such as turning on light switches and adjusting thermostats. AI use has become so pervasive in forming Official Narratives and Fact-Checking the same narratives that Media Cartels have been laying off personnel. Likewise, we've seen a rise in AI-generated images and chat-bots which obviate the need for actual social interaction. 


    It's really a sad commentary on the state of American Culture when we actually need to have our thoughts validated by a robot or our social acceptance based on cartoon characters, but here we are. McDonald's for the Mind and the Amazon Marketplace For All Your Social Needs: this is a Market-Driven Economy devoid of ethics reaching its logical conclusions. Mechanization of the mind, body, and soul is the godlike power that the Overlords pushing this agenda seek to achieve.

    A body without a mind or soul is, by definition, a corpse; if it retains some motility, it is a zombie: here we get a fairly good impression of what life under the Great Reset would actually be like. Both reason and spirituality would be vitiated and existence (because one could no longer call it living) subject to the arbitrary will of a few overlords creating the illusion of peace, security, and freedom. 

   As gloomy as this scenario is, we must remember that our bodies, souls, and minds are subject to a Higher Power than the World Economic Forum. We have the Free Will to sell ourselves into slavery; which is what most Americans are doing: but we can also reject these impositions and usurpations as we should. For this reason, the Great Reset ultimately will fail. Technology has never beaten Nature yet; Man has never outsmarted his Creator, and I don't give the Fourth Industrial Revolution any better odds than its predecessors of achieving its delusions about World Domination. 

    What those in charge of the Globalist Deep State are counting on is their ability to deceive and distract: and that is where AI's greatest benefit to them lies. In the aftermath of the fall of the Third Reich, people were surprised to learn how small the Gestapo really was. Everybody in Europe feared them and believed that they were everywhere at once; when in reality, the Gestapo relied heavily on informants and what we'd call today Deep Fakes which were highly publicized in the Nazi Press. AI, in the hands of the Oligarchy is being employed the same way. At their core, all repressive regimes rely on their ability to create an illusion of omnipotence. The greatest fear of all of them---and this includes the de facto dictatorship here---is that the majority (or even a plurality) see through their deceptions. 

   No matter what the Tech Lords and their Media sycophants say, AI is no match for the human brain---if we would only choose to rely upon it. 






1 comment:

  1. Fast Food prices are oppressing me, I have Prader Willi Syndrome and can't control my appetite! When will they give me free burgers and sodas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BTW, these trannies are getting moar and moar passable...


    I think Rosh V got "tricked" hehehehe!!!!
