Wednesday, June 5, 2024


    In their ongoing attempts to try and appear relevant in this year's Election Circus, the Conservative-Industrial Complex has taken on many woke positions---alongside their continual posturing about enforcing the New World Order more robustly than the Democrats. Their completely out-of-touch commentaries on the Trump Verdict---pretending that we had an absolutely pristine Justice System until last week---is getting laughed out of the news cycle, so they've apparently gone back to abandoning 'social issues' as part of their strategy of owning the Libtards.

   William Briggs had a good article up today showing the latest in these trends. Not satisfied apparently with going woke on Abortion, homo 'equality,' and drug legalization, the New Right is promoting euthanasia as a new 'Conservative' value. Richard Hanania of the shady Neocon think-tank the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, praised WEF Young Global Leader Mark Rutte's Holland for its for enlightened policies of reducing useless eaters. Following the case of Holland's extermination of a woman probably suffering from depression, Hanania wrote: "This woman was on a wait-list for three years {nota bene: since she was 26}. Doctors concluded it was hopeless after doing what they could {no doubt prompted by Big Pharma} What right do people think they have to tell her that she should go on? It's not your decision." 

   Hanania's position, as seen in his concluding statement, is basically the standard one of the New Right, typically expressed as "Why should I be responsible for others' bad choices?" Or, to use the Biblical expression: "Am I my brother's keeper?" 


    In the aftermath of the Second World War, government-sponsored programs to exterminate the 'unfit' through sterilization, abortion, euthanasia, genocide, and other means fell into great disfavor once the reality of what those policies actually translated to in practice became known. Proponents of Eugenics changed the name of their program to Population Control and sold the program to the Whacko Left Wing under various disguises as to their true objectives. In the case of Euthanasia, extermination of the unfit was re-sold as 'death with dignity' and other such nonsense. 

   Today, the New Right has taken the same arguments are re-selling them as free choice and the medical death-camps offering such services as part of the free market. All of this is further proof that amoral Capitalism is as grave a threat to civilization as godless dictatorships. Neither put the slightest value on human life other than as it serves the ends of the Corporation or State respectively. 

   Depopulation is, of course, part of the policy behind the Great Reset. The Whacko Left Wing has typically framed their support for such policies as the phony threat of overpopulation; that is, pretending that there is a scarcity of resources because there are too many people---not because the Woke Corporations have looted and mismanaged resources as well as suppressing new technologies to keep their stakeholders' profit-margins high. 

   The Right, however, seems to have taken a slightly different variation on the theme. The general feeling on that side seems to be that too many people are 'losers' who don't deserve any resources in the first place. In their minds, the earth belongs to the strong, and power and success are a measure of man's value. Now it is true that Christianity traditionally held that the meek shall inherit the earth and strongly suggested that the duty of the strong was to uplift and encourage the weak: but Churches today tend to ignore everything that Jesus taught and think of the Pharisee as the more realistic and pragmatic type. The Pharisee's prayer: "Lord I thank thee that I am not like the rest of mankind: rapacious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as my neighbor here" seems to have replaced the Lord's Prayer as the new based and Red-Pilled doxology.

  The position of most religions is (or should be) that all life belongs to God and God alone decides when it should end. These days, though, that position gets a predictable response.

    Of course, people who deny this don't ask the next logical question: if God doesn't have the power over life and death, who does? That would be the State (according to the Whacko Left) or Big Pharma (according to the Woke Right). Now, if these smart-aleck Atheists or self-righteous Churchians would care to explain why governmental or corporate bureaucracies should be entrusted with God-like powers, please feel free to leave a comment. The myth of the Divine Right of Kings was exploded a long time ago, but it doesn't seem to me that presumed 'right' was inherited by anybody else.

   "But," somebody might object "Can't someone choose to end their life? Isn't it a personal decision?" Maybe so; but Euthanasia is hardly an individual choice. As Briggs points out: "All this is before we consider how the glamour of having a doctor kill you is portrayed, and how that affects weak minds. Minds susceptible to propaganda. Which you must know by now are the majority. Read what the killed woman said again: 'My whole friends and my support system, we really did it together'".

   What friends and a support-system actually would do in a less sick society is try to help someone this distraught overcome their despair and live up to their highest potential. We're to presume, of course, that these very non-judgemental persons in her support system only acted with the purest of motives: her 'friends' weren't hoping for a big slice of her estate; and the 'doctors' did all of this for free and didn't get a fat paycheck from Big Pharma. Certainly none of them cared about social media approval or publicity or anything like that.

   Unfortunately, the social atmosphere cultivated and promoted by the Corporate State today isn't one that promotes Life or self-fulfillment. Suicides are rampant throughout Western countries for a reason: our postmodern dystopia sees individuals as expendable, failures as inexcusable, and offers conformity to the shifting sands of public opinion as the highest goal in life. Alienation and isolation are encouraged in such a system to weed out the non-conformists, with occasional human sacrifices offered as an incentive. Drug addiction---the slower version of suicide---is also encouraged.

   In the larger scheme of things, the Right is once again failing to show how it is any improvement over the Left. Holding our noses and voting for Neocons isn't going to do much to revive our sense of responsibility towards our neighbors---which is something that we really need if we're going to Make America Great Again.






  1. Arrgg, euthanasia, what a terrible thing! All of these issues, including your last post on AI, revert back to a prolife argument. Either life has value and we are made in the image of God, or we can just apply cost effectiveness measures and out source our soul and intellect to computers.

    In casual conversation there was recently an end of life discussion about the urgent need to sign advanced directives. I horrified everyone by suggesting I do indeed wish to be kept alive by machines, to be medically tortured, and to become a burden for as long as possible. A bit tongue and cheek of me, but I said it because the deck is already stacked, the programming has begun. Also, the shaming has already been deployed, as in "how can you be so irresponsible, so thoughtless." Advanced directives are allegedly about "honoring your choices" but of course there is only one acceptable choice. A 20-30 yr old with mental health issues does not stand a chance against the social onslaught.

    1. At least (for now) Americans have something like a choice about it. Holland and Canada are already taking the 'cost-effective' approach and patients are more or less obliged to follow the 'settled science' and let doctors and Big Pharma decide.

      We hear a lot about the 'Culture of Death' but really it's a symptom of a deeper problem. The Cultural Elites have been instilling in the population a sense of hopelessness and meaninglessness; the 'Culture of Despair' would describe it more accurately. The Corporate Elites want a society of what amounts to human livestock which exist for no purpose other than to serve them.
