Friday, June 7, 2024


      For obvious reasons, there wasn't much said about this story in the Controlled Opposition Media. Earlier this week, Weidong Guan, Chief Financial Officer of The Epoch Times landed in jail for---well, a lot of things

     According to the NBC affiliate in New York City: "Guan, a resident of Secaucus, New Jersey, managed the Epoch Times’ 'Make Money Online team,' which carried out the scheme to buy criminal proceeds and transfer them to bank accounts linked to the media outlet, according to his indictment. From 2020 to 2024, the team allegedly used a crypto platform to buy tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds at discounted rates, of 70 to 80 cents on the dollar, in exchange for cryptocurrency. The crime proceeds, which came from sources including fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits, were loaded onto tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards.

    "After purchasing the proceeds, participants allegedly used stolen personally identifiable information to open various types of accounts and transfer the proceeds into bank accounts linked with the media outlet and related entities. They were often laundered again through other accounts, including Guan’s own personal bank and crypto accounts. To hide the illegal nature of the proceeds, Guan and his co-conspirators allegedly lied to banks and other entities about their sources."


    For those unfamiliar with The Epoch Times, it is for the Controlled Opposition what Soros and Gates-funded Media outlets are for the MSM. Just about any story published by that outlet is slurped up without question by most 'Conservative' pundits: especially because of its fanatical anti-China positions. It has just about as much credibility as those MSM outlets have.

   Epoch Times was founded in 2000, by John Tang, who is deeply connected to the dangerous Falun Gong Cult. Falun Gong was chased out of China mostly for doing the same kinds of crimes there as they've since practiced here. Unfortunately, our new, realistic Conservatives have no aversion either to cults or criminals as long as they're based. Just about anybody who flees China today with the police two steps behind him can come to the US and be sheltered and turned into an anti-China dissident or a China expert. The results are usually predictable: Guan's case is not an isolated example

    Admittedly, the Liberals are just as bad---the Dalai Lama being a prime example of cultish charlatans embraced by the Whacko Left. The WEF even has one of these yo-yos on their Board of Trustees. However, we shouldn't be acting like the Whacko Left and that's the whole point. 

    The American Right has lost its Moral Compass, which is how characters like Guan get away with doing what they do. The problem is that Postmodern Conservatism has forgotten what it stands for; under Neocon leadership and the influence of that nest of vipers, the Alt-Right, gaining power has become an end in itself. That makes us no better than the Left, which has the same goal and employs the same amoral means to get there. 

    Pundits of the Epoch Times stripe claim that we can't win elections unless we abandon our commitments to things like faith, family, and freedom; but this is disprovable just by looking at recent global political trends. Vladimir Putin, a social Conservative and a nationalist, was re-elected to a sixth term with 88% of the vote. Those who've followed his policies have won elections, ousting US Deep State-backed satraps---Slovakia, Iraq, and (soon) Georgia; and socially Conservative leaders rejecting US Cultural Imperialism have been re-elected resoundingly---Belarus, Hungary, Turkey among others. The expansion of Chinese influence which these pundits also so fear is happening simply by the observable results of Chinese Foreign Policy versus the Corporate American Model

   Unfortunately, our side has become so obsessed with success at all costs that it's tended to double-down on its mistakes instead of correcting them. If we, by some chance, actually have a 'Red Wave' in November we'll come to a brutal reality-check as to what we've put in power. 


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