Monday, October 30, 2023


    This weekend, Israeli death-squads made some forays into Gaza, destroying two more hospitals among other civilian targets. There is some conflicting reports about the level of US involvement; one thing though that we have learned from circa 1989 forward is that nothing that our Pentagon or MSM say about our operations or casualties can be believed. The maniacs in the Israeli Deep State have been instigating border-clashes with Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt and broken diplomatic relations with Turkey. Local patriots in Syria and Iraq have been making sporadic attacks against the Pentagon's forces illegally occupying those nations' oil fields. The Oligarchy's objectives in the region are becoming increasingly clear; but here in the Prozac Nation, division and distraction are the orders of the day, while the Princes of Supranational Commerce to carry out their plans unobstructed. 

    Once upon a time in the US, we had an actual Opposition which at least tried to put the American people's interests first. The fake Conservative fruitcakes making up the Controlled Opposition managed to make even bigger fools of themselves than they already have. First, their new role model as a Conservative leader, Emmanuel Macron announced that he was signing a law enshrining Abortion as a constitutional Right in France. The Christian Conservative House Speaker---elected nearly a year after the 2022 Congressional turnover---already is lining up behind the Junta to stuff the Military-Industrial Complex' pockets shoring up the thugs Netanyahu and Zelensky. Probably at least 4/5 of the $106 billion that Biden and Mike Johnson plan to expropriate from US taxpayers will never even get to Israel or Ukraine; and what that kind of cash actually could do to solve American problems is not open for discussion or debate. 

     The outrage of the week on social media, however, concerns 'conservative' activist Adam Guillette, whose residence was 'swatted' on Friday. Guillette is complaining to every sympathetic news outlet (i.e. the entire MSM) that the swatting was carried out in retaliation for his pro-Israel activism.

   Assuming that Guillette didn't swat himself for publicity, it might be well to consider what sort of activism Guillette has been performing. He's been touring various East Coast universities with his flying monkeys in a bright red van. His first tour at Harvard featured the van "covered in digital LED screens, displaying the names and photos of Harvard students who had allegedly signed a letter stating that Israel was 'entirely responsible' for Hamas’ surprise attack under the heading 'Harvard’s Leading Antisemites' while circling the school’s Cambridge, Massachusetts campus." His subsequent activities included buying "web domains for the student leaders’ names and 'set up profile pages to educate the public on what they’ve done,' rigging these to appear prominently in Google search results."

   If this kind of behavior was being committed by the Whacko Left, it would hardly raise commentary because it is so typical of their tactics. Where, though, is the criticism from Conservatives over this? We condemn the Left for doxxing people, shouting down political opponents, and launching smear-campaigns. Is it suddenly justifiable now because a so-called 'Conservative' does it? Swatting people for their political positions certainly ought to be denounced, but why overlook Guillette's actions? That should be the real debate here.

   Trash Culture seems to have taken over the Conservative Movement. It really began about a decade ago with the rise of the vulgar Alt-Right. The Neocons, since 2020 at least, have adopted their tactics---which isn't surprising because the two factions are natural allies. I used to refer to the Alt-Right as Alt-RINOs for this very reason. Both factions believe that ends justify the means; that controlling the 'narrative' is more effective that standing on principle; and that winning at all costs and rule by an 'Alpha' superman is the ultimate goal of politics. Force, fraud, and fear is the ideal of both when it comes to actual governance. 

    Adam Guillette's career is an example of this kind of Trash Culture writ large. He is the president of a leading 'Conservative' organization called Accuracy in Media. AIM's top three Corporate sponsors are Chevron---which has interests in the Gaza oil fields; IBM---which is deeply tied to Israel's tech and defense companies; and Novartis---a Big Pharma concern and part of a consortium selling the Scamdemic Vaxx to Israel at $56/dose. All three are WEF Top 100 Strategic Partners. The largest NGO supporting AIM is the Smith-Richardson Foundation, a think-tank widely believed to be a CIA cutout that was instrumental in promoting Bush's War on Terror. Oh well, at least Guillette isn't a Democrat; which seems to be about the only qualification one needs today to be part of the Conservative Movement. 

    Today's Conservative Movement is not only a national embarrassment, it's become an object of disgust. Conservatives need to start grasping the fact that we don't have a Conservative Party in the US right now and that we need to do some real soul-searching about our future. 


  1. Nightwind- you have been on an all-star posing the last few weeks. This is a little longer response, but allow me.
    I read the comments at Citizen Tom and the interaction you offered. The issue is CT is like so many evangelicals today. They do not properly divide what the Bible has to say to the Jews and the church or Gentiles. We do not worship Judeo Christ; we worship Jesus Christ. This term never appeared until after WW2, and the Baby Boomers really used it most. The Jews must reject Judaism and embrace Christianity through Jesus Christ. The entire Western civilization is Christian, and this is what is occurring; we have an attack on Christianity. Paul spoke of this in Thessalonians- the spirit of anti-Christ. People have been conditioned, and I hate to say it- it was the Boomers who caused this- to accept Judeo Christianity and involvement in policing the world. America is no longer a free nation or a Christina nation. You correctly pointed out that Russia, Iran, and China have been pushing back on the Clown World the West has become. You did not get a response from CT when you pointed out those pertinent points, as CT only deflected the issue.
    We are going to, if intelligent minds do not get involved, get Iran, Turkey, and Russia involved in what will change the course of history: WW3; if we are not careful- it is a serious threat. I remind you, as you have attempted to, that none of this would be happening if we had not rejected Christianity in the 1960s and embraced equality and feminism and "hippie" Christianity.

  2. Sorry for the typos- if you can edit-thanks
