Tuesday, July 30, 2024


      Among the news items in the Controlled Opposition Media today was a piece from the Pink Triangle boys at Breitbart highlighting remarks by President Trump about the horrible display opening the Paris Olympic Games. 

     “I thought the opening ceremony was a disgrace, actually,” he said. “I thought it was a disgrace...We won’t be having a Last Supper as portrayed the way they portrayed it the other night. Look, I’m for everybody. I’m very open-minded. but I think what they did was a disgrace.”

    There is no doubt that it was a disgrace or that the Trump Campaign has proven itself to be quite open-minded (i.e. flexible) when it comes to such matters. It's not a disgrace, of course, that this year alone Mar-a-Lago has hosted at least one homo 'wedding' or that homo activists have raised millions for the Trump Campaign with at least three fundraisers. It's not a disgrace that perverts like Elon Musk and Peter Theil are directing the campaign and even choosing its top candidates

   “The mocking of The Last Supper,” alcoholic single-mom Laura Ingraham replied. “Catholics and Christians across the globe are outraged.” There likewise was no such outrage at opening the GOP Convention with a prayer to a heathen deity. 

       The President-in-Exile and the Establishment simps on Fox News weren't the only ones faking outrage and hoping to spin the narrative for political gain. Andrew Tate, one of the New Right's role models of "offering a different vision that encourages men to seek respect by becoming impressive" was involved in an anti-Olympic protest too. Tate is currently out of jail but unable for legal reasons to leave Romania. 

  "I am protesting outside of the French embassy for mocking Jesus during the Olympic ceremony." Tate proclaimed. "I was expecting a large crowd. Where are the Christians in Romania? Why are there only a few protesters? I was expecting a huge crowd of Catholics and other Christian groups to register their protest over the mockery of Jesus across the world." 

  I would suggest that the reason is that---unlike their American counterparts---no self-respecting Romanian Christian wants to be seen within a mile of the likes of Andrew Tate. While it's true that American Churchians with their devotion to the Prosperity Gospel may see such statements as



....are perfectly consistent with the teachings of Christ and 2,000 years of theological scholarship and the highest divisions of philosophy and natural science, Christians living in far-off lands unacquainted with the blessings of American Exceptionalism seem to hold on to unrealistic superstitions like the Golden Rule or that Christ, not grifters or politicians, should be imitated and respected.

   All of this brings up an interesting question: while we've seen just about everybody on the Right condemning the Paris Olympics, why no criticism of the Trump Campaign cozying up to the Rainbow Mafia? Why isn't anybody speaking out against Andrew Tate? Or, if the so-called Christian Right doesn't wish to condemn such things, let's hear some of their defenses for it.

   Somehow, I doubt though that we'll hear either any criticism or justifications. As we've pointed out before, winning the elections (i.e. coming into power) has become for the so-called American Right an end in itself. No matter how much rationalizing, no matter how much paranoia and fear-mongering, or how much ridiculous and petty mudslinging that they engage in, nothing can disguise the mounting evidence---increasingly obvious to everyone---that the New Right has nothing to offer the nation that makes them better than the Democrats. Their message from beginning to end has been based on the Cult of the Superman, the worship of Force, and appeals to the basest elements of envy, greed, and revenge in human nature. As reactionaries, they have only accomplished the feat of exceeding the Left in self-righteous arrogance and blatant hypocrisy. 




Friday, July 26, 2024


      While the Tech Lords in the US are busily scrambling about trying to buy political influence and whatever is left of NASA is recovering from last month's Pride events, Chinese social media is buzzing at the recent discoveries found in lunar samples from the successful return of Lunar Probe Chang'e-5. At China's Institute of Physics, researchers discovered a previously unknown mineral compound which is enriched with water molecules and ammonium, which they have named ULM-1.

     Since the Apollo Moon Missions---from an era when the US still had a space program---scientists have held that the moon is completely arid. The last Apollo Mission was in 1972 when technology for more detailed analysis had not yet been developed. Instead of accepting the settled science and focusing on celebrating diversity, China developed its own space program with qualified engineers. 

    China's most recent lunar probe, Chang'e-6 returned to earth this year. The Chinese opened an international Space forum with a goal of building a permanent station on the moon, which they hope will be manned by 2035. The discovery of hydrolyzed water crystals opens new possibilities for bringing such a plan to fruition. 

      Zhang Chuanjun, a senior aerospace engineer stated that "if in the future our taikonauts can extract water vapor or water from these crystals, it would solve a major issue in future manned lunar missions and the construction of lunar research stations, as we would no longer need to transport water from Earth. This would address a significant concern in manned lunar exploration, meanwhile saving substantial costs."

    Chinese scientists have also discovered that the newly-discovered lunar crystals have properties similar to basalt crystals formed on earth near volcanoes. This not only raises interesting possibilities about volcanic activity on the moon; but it greatly facilitates experiments leading to an extraction process which could be applied on the lunar surface. China currently is decades ahead of the US in biodome and terraforming technology, so the possibilities of building manned lunar colonies is well within China's reach. 

    The anti-China hawks in the US could do little more than seethe with impotent rage at the discovery. The real issue, though, goes back to the old saying that Nature abhors a vacuum, and the real reasons that we've fallen behind China are twofold. Wang Yanan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge Magazine, stated the most obvious problem: "One of the root causes for such problems is that the US has developed many large technology conglomerates, which for a long time have benefited significantly from government orders and industry monopolies. Consequently, in many complex engineering fields, the level of attention given is greatly insufficient. It also reflects the US' lack of long-term strategic planning for its manned space program...it reflects a systemic issue in the US space industry - the overall weakening of engineering capabilities."

   On top of turning over our entire Space Program to crony capitalists who have anything but the interests of the United States in mind, government regulations imposed by these and other special interests discourage innovation and rewards for actual merit. Wang was completely correct in noting that this is a systemic problem, although it actually goes much deeper than what mere bureaucratic incompetence reflects. In the first place, we have a culture, now deeply rooted in our institutions, which has wholly alienated a generation of young men (primarily) from pursuing careers which would be of enormous social benefit. Another issue is that we no longer have a culture that prioritizes education. It was learned during the Trump Administration that the failed No Child Left Behind policies of the Bush Years created an enormous deficit in educational opportunities in STEM throughout most of our public schools. Vice-President Pence also led an initiative to revive the moribund Space Council; but Americans chose to panic over a flu outbreak and today we're right back where we started from.

   The other main issue is that the same Corporate takeovers of our Space Program (another problem for which we can thank the Bush Administration) has led to the massive diversion of otherwise valuable technology into programs expanding Domestic Espionage and so-called 'National Security' programs. American technological advancements during the 21st Century has overwhelmingly focused on expanding the Surveillance State and paramilitary capabilities. What's worse, the current trend, led by Silicon Valley disciples of the Dark Enlightenment, seek to 'deregulate' the Oligarchy's power even further, proposals which have drawn praise from no less than Jeff Bezos.  

   As a culture, we need to stop pretending that China's successes are part of some nebulous 'China Threat' and that somehow Chinese motivation stems from envy of our way of life which, for some always unspecified reason, they seek to destroy. Unlike the US, China is working for its own good. If our technology has become inferior to theirs' we have no one to blame but ourselves. China recently celebrated the 20th Anniversary of their moon project---we need to ask ourselves what we have been investing in during the past two decades. 


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


       Just in time for the implosion of the New Right, the Churchian wing of the GOP-controlled Congress is rolling out the red carpet for the spiritual successor of King Herod, Israeli strongman Benjamin Netanyahu. The purpose of the visit originally was part of a publicity stunt to bolster the Official Counter-Narrative that Biden was being too much of a weenie when it came to supporting Israel by not encouraging even more barbarities than he was already doing. The Churchians, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson, are nonetheless determined to double-down on their posturing on behalf of their hybrid Judeo-Christian faith; Johnson recently vowing to arrest elected representatives who might question Netanyahu on certain details of his policies.

     With Biden no longer in the picture, and Conservatism Incorporated not having a backup plan, the Party pundits are having difficulty shifting their attacks towards Kamala Harris. Some have even accused the current Deputy Head-of-State of being an anti-Semite---woke Conservatism's equivalent of accusing people of homophobia. It happens awkwardly enough though, that Kamala Harris is not only married to a Jew; her domestic partner happens to be a prominent figure in the pro-Zionist lobby. In fact, Hubby Harris heads the White House Task Force suppressing pro-Palestinian dissent combatting anti-Semitism. Even before the Palestinian Civil War broke out, Harris' husband organized a roundtable on the subject which included a few currently very prominent Republican political figures

    Whatever Netanyahu says or does during this visit is actually irrelevant to much of anything since any political points either Party hoped to score off it are more or less moot. Netanyahu is going to meet with Biden, Kamala, and Trump; given his WEF connections, Netanyahu is probably taking advantage of the situation to analyze the American political situation so that his bosses in Davos can better determine a winner this November. The best that the world can hope for is that the IDF takes advantage of Netanyahu's absence and stages a coup. 

   The Oligarchy here, however, seems to be shifting towards Kamala. Yesterday, the slithery Elon Musk to Red Pill cultist Jordan Peterson that he is apparently having second thoughts about whether or not the GOP is a good investment after all.

   "'What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,' Musk told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson in an interview aired on Monday. 'I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump'... In the interview with Peterson, Musk said he created America PAC, which he said would support Trump but 'is not supposed to be a sort of hyperpartisan.' The X owner said he was drawn {note the past tenseto the Republican candidate because he believed {nota bene}the GOP was {nota benemore in line with his thinking around issues like meritocracy and freedom.

    "'One of those values being meritocracy, as much meritocracy as possible, so you get ahead as a function of your skill, and nothing else,' Musk told Peterson, adding that he hoped {nota beneTrump would bring as much freedom from government intervention as possible. Musk also said his political thinking is not the same as Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again, but rather 'MAG,' Make America Greater. The Tesla co-founder added that he doesn’t follow any cult of personality around Trump, but feels the former president showed 'great courage' after surviving an assassination attempt."

   Musk has had a long history of buying influence with candidates---mostly Democrats---and it wouldn't be surprising to see to him and the other billionaires currently investing in the Red Wave start slipping towards Kamala, especially after she (predictably) began overtaking the President-in-Exile in the polls. The GOP all along has carried an inflated opinion of its own support; believing that the public's lack of confidence in Biden translated into support for themselves. They inferred from that faulty logic that they could snub their own base and that we would just have to take it for lack of an alternative. 

  They should have noted though that their other candidates aren't doing all that well. Congress' own approval rating is barely out of single digits; and it's unlikely that cracking down on protests and threatening their opposition with arrest is going to improve their favorability very much. They've followed the same strategy that's lost time and time again and executed it with an intolerable arrogance; but instead of reforming, their pundits will probably spend the next three months trying to figure out how to blame their failures on China.






Monday, July 22, 2024


     The impeding and (sadly predictable) implosion of the 2024 'Red Wave' began in earnest today with the usual pompous pundits and the Log Cabin Crew desperately scrambling to rally whatever is left of the 'base' and to do damage control. In the last 24 hours, the Democrats have raised a record-breaking $81 billion in campaign cash and Kamala Harris has enough delegates secured to win the Democrat nomination. Despite all of the experts' predictions of a Democrat Party in disarray, it seems as though Kamala's endorsements are piling up faster than one can keep pace with. Throughout social media, other people seem to be getting the message too.

    Unfortunately, this Democrat is correct: trying to win an election by being as much like the opposition as possible was a bad strategy. It didn't work for Dole in 1996 or Romney in 2012; but it seems that the RNC Establishment is incapable of learning. To demonstrate this even further, the first political statements coming after Biden's withdrawal had nothing to do with any tangible policies issues but slammed Kamala for 'knowingly covering up Biden's poor health,' and vowing further Lawfare if the Red Wave is successful. 

    Elsewhere, things have really gone off the rails:

     Dead or alive, it isn't going to change the fact that the Republican Establishment is about to achieve the seemingly impossible and lose a national election to Kamala Harris. Why is anyone surprised? These are the same people who blew Senate races two years ago to the likes of John Fetterman and Raphael Warnock. Immigration hysteria, China-bashing, and Lawfare aren't winning issues or strategies. 


      Bowing to Wall Street pressure, Head-of-State Biden officially withdrew his candidacy for a second term today. He endorsed Kamala Harris as his replacement, although we'll see what happens at the Democrat Convention next month. The impotent Republican Congress has rushed through another publicity stunt---demanding that Biden resign rather than finish his few remaining months in office which has no more chance of passage than anything else that the Congress has proposed.

     On Sunday, the Democrats recorded their biggest single-day donation totals on record and even before Biden's announcement, polls showed Trump with only a two-point lead over Kamala Harris. Apparently Hulk Hogan, Amber Rose, and Waheguru didn't help the Republicans much.

    The Conservative-Industrial Complex is suddenly faced with a hard dose of Reality. The only issue they've had is running against Biden's age and physical and mental health. Now they're going to have to explain why they're better than the Democrats. They really can't. They've thrown aside pro-life, pro-family, and fiscally responsible policies. During the last two years, the GOP Congress has accomplished nothing but continual Lawfare, political infighting, and pointless publicity stunts. What little legislation they've passed are things that Biden wanted anyway---Biden hasn't vetoed anything from the GOP Congress. 

   It's quite telling that even before Trump issued a statement the first responses came from the RNC's top donor Elon Musk and WEF Young Global Leaders Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. They sense that the moneyed special interests are about to drop the GOP like a hot potato and leave them holding an empty sack (and in Musk's case, several million dollars poorer). 

   With or without voter fraud, this Red Wave is going down the drain (again). As we've said for the last nearly four years, the only way forward for Republicans was to repudiate Neoconservatism and distance themselves from the jackals on the so-called 'Alt-Right.' Run candidates and a platform based on the simple principle of a commitment to securing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and restoring the Constitutional Rights that the Bush/Clinton/Obama Machines and their Wall Street overlords have gutted for three decades. But no: they wanted to keep their power and win at all costs, and now they're going to pay a price. 

   A real Conservative movement has to appeal to people's better natures and unify us under the common banner of our shared traditions. Playing footsie with financial Robber Barons was a losing strategy from the start. The Plutocracy is not made up of ideologues. They could care less who manages the government for them as long as the government protects their positions and power. As for the extremist 'influencers' who've latched on to their movement: they'll provide what they always have, namely, a soft target for Democrat propaganda. 

   Speaking of propaganda: the Controlled Opposition is spinning the narrative that Biden's withdrawal is going to ensure a Republican victory. They're going to be singing an entirely different tune the closer we get to November. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024


       This weekend, according to the Controlled Opposition Media, Conservatism Incorporated has the 2024 'election' all sewn up. Polls are only showing a slight lead so far for the GOP and the Party has done nothing to combat the voter fraud that put the Democrats in power; but trust the plan, people are waking up! Some have seen the potential of this: many pundits are claiming that the Biden/Harris Junta are 'flooding the country' with illegal immigrants to shore up their vote totals---how the Junta still managed to steal the last election with Trump's immigration restrictions in place, they haven't explained. In Postmodern Newspeak, facts don't care about your feelings; which is even more so when the Party Bosses decide what the facts are. 

     Those of us remaining on the Right who insist upon pointing out that the 2024 GOP's official narrative conflicts with Reality, are dismissed as Commie-Pinkos. I don't mean to sound defeatist, but it is a fact, as opposed to your feelings, that when one's optimism is based on an illusion, that isn't optimism, it's fantasy. The Republican Convention was such a spectacle of political putrefaction packaged and sold to the lowest and most degenerated intellectual, political and moral levels that some of us have wondered whether all of those Disney and Bud Light executives who were forced out of their positions haven't gone to work for the RNC.  Amber Rose, a reality TV star who authored a book titled How to Be a Bad Bitch performed there; and on the last night of the convention, Trump’s keynote speech was preceded by Kid Rock performing his song American Bad Ass, while pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan screamed and tore off his shirt. The final speaker introducing Trump was Ultimate Fighting Championship promoter Dana White, who invented the power slap competition in which individuals sit opposite one another and attempt to slap one another’s faces as hard as possible. The President-in-Exile entered the stage while pop star Lee Greenwood belted out God Bless the USA and Trump thanked God for sparing his life---although the first night of the Convention, we learned that the god that everybody had in mind was an obscure South Asian deity whose disciples ritually smoke marijuana. The Log Cabin Republicans---who openly boast that their goal is to get a 50% gay turnout for Trump apparently don't find Jahve inclusive enough these days in spite of His having created the Rainbow.

       However, despite all of this we are to believe that the Republican Party is truly committed to bringing back traditional values and valiantly opposing Trash Culture---despite having shelved any vestige of actual Conservatism from their Party Platform. Such political speakers available during the pop-culture fest included Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, who not only fought to overturn her State's abortion ban, she openly criticized the Democrat Governor for not being aggressive enough supporting the Right to Choose. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum---whose largest campaign donor is Bill Gates---gave a nauseatingly hypocritical speech trashing Biden's energy policy when only a few years ago he was praised by the Biden 'Administration' for his commitment to so-called Green Energy goals. Then there was VP pick J.D. Vance who only two years ago said on Manosphere cretin Jack Murphy's podcast that he had recently taken the Red Pill and that nobody should pay attention to his past as a Silicon Valley/Hollywood lobbyist and corporate lawyer. 

     We're also to believe that these woke billionaires from Big Pharma, Big Ag, and High Finance flooding the campaign with cash really too have seen the light and that they have renounced the globalist Great Reset agenda---even though at least four convention speakers (that I've identified so far) are WEF Young Global Leaders. 

    Now, we have to ask: does it sound like the narrative about the Republican Party standing for the average American is Reality, or does it sound like fantasy?

      At this point, it must be mentioned that many well-meaning Americans---probably including Trump himself---have reached such a point of desperation that they're completely blind to the sea of red flags surrounding this 'campaign.' As a specimen of this, one of the stupidest articles yet crossed the desk this morning celebrating that the 'Old Guard' Republicans, represented by the likes of Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, and William F. Buckley are giving way to the 'New Breed.' The dunces who wrote this seriously argue that the Conservatives of the mid-20th Century impeded socially Conservative causes and bowed to Neoliberal economics! It's telling that they didn't mention the Bush Administrations or anyone connected with them, which shows where "the Republican Party of the Future," is really going. 

    The more cynical of the Republican hierarchy might argue that we have to be realistic; that the intended audience for this kind of message actually is on such a low moral and intellectual plane and so willing to submit to an Alpha Leader that it might as well be the Republican faction in power. There is some truth to this, unfortunately; however if what they say is true then it would in theory be just as realistic an approach to offer programs and policies appealing to people's better natures as it is to appeal to their worst. That alone shows the falsity and true intentions of the so-called 'Realists.' Their 'realistic' approach is only a rationalization for serving Vested Interests while posing as smart operators. 

   The reality is that, as things stand right now, no matter what happens in this 'election' nothing of any consequence will change, and the same Plutocrats behind the Great Reset will continue amassing more wealth and more power. What is incumbent upon us is seeing through the illusions and doing what we can to defeat the Uniparty.




Friday, July 19, 2024


        So last night, the RINO-fest in Milwaukee came to a merciful conclusion. Reince Priebus and the other Establishment Republicans who organized this whole carnival at least can't be faulted for rushing through a flurry of very carefully scripted and choreographed performances which blew in and blew out before anyone had a chance to analyze any of it. To this end, they received considerable (and rather suspicious) support from the Corporate Media despite an equally considerable lack of any substance from any of the speakers.

     There was considerable irony manifested at the performance. There was effusive thanksgiving to God mentioned for Trump's narrow escape from an assassination attempt---shortly after the invocation to “Waheguru, our one true God” at the opening ceremonies. Waheguru is the chief divinity of India's Sikh religion which, probably fittingly for the Convention, "traditionally drinks shaheedi degh, an infusion of cannabis, to become closer with God." After considerable denunciations of the alleged immigration invasion changing the American political landscape, foreign-born Elon Musk pledged $45 million to the Cause. There was also extensive bashing of China---supposedly good friends with Biden and exercising undue control over the government---which was followed by an Israeli operative bragging of his country's influence over the GOP. After denouncing DEI programs and Political Correctness in American schools, another Israeli operative appeared on stage to applaud the Right's push for DEI and Affirmative Action for his co-religionists. At least four WEF Young Global Leaders spoke at the convention while other politicians denounced the Globalist Agenda.

    On the final night, Trump called for 'National Unity' although what noticeably was absent from the 'Conservative' rally was much tolerance for pro-Life, pro-Family, or Constitutionalist Conservatism. 

   Pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan gave a roaring speech on the final night concluding by ripping off his shirt; he was preceded by a musical performance by Kid Rock. This followed up a week of other figures from pop culture: porn star Amber Rose and country singer Lee Greenwood. 

   So we'll ask again: Are you tired of winning yet?

    Typically in American politics, a candidate sees a boost in poll numbers following a Convention; but neither that nor the recent assassination attempt on Trump nor the rapidly deteriorating health of Head-of-State Biden nor the servility of the American Media has produced much momentum. Trump's favorabilty ratings are about what Hillary Clinton's were in 2016 with over half of Americans having an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. He and Biden are virtually tied if a (fair) election were held today. The Republican-controlled Congress is still struggling to stay into double-digits of favorability

    Despite these inconvenient truths and their wholesale abandonment of anything remotely resembling Conservatism, the Controlled Opposition's pundits are already making plans for loading the Executive Branch with suitable RINOs. Bill Gates crony Doug Burgum stated that he was in line for a Cabinet post---likely USDA. Billionaire hedge fund robber baron John Paulson is a leading contender for the Treasury Department, although CEO of WEF Strategic Partner JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon is also being considered. Slimy Neocon Mike Pompeo and psychopathic Senator Tom Cotton are among those considered for Defense and CIA posts. Bush Family operative Marco Rubio is in line for the State Department. Tom Homan, former head of the notoriously corrupt ICE and general thug, is said to be the leading contender for the Department of Homeland Security. WEF Young Global Leader Vivek Ramaswamy has been suggested for a post.

     For some reason, many on the Right seem not to grasp the truth: the term 'Uniparty' includes Republicans. We can't expect national salvation from the Republican Party any more than we can expect it from the Democrats. Willful ignorance of this truth is what the Establishment Republicans are counting on to bring their faction into a position of authority. What they will have only amounts to 'authority' because, like the Democrat politicians, they will have no real power. The sole purpose of the Political Class is to manage the territory of the United States on behalf of Globalist economic powers. If by some chance, the Oligarchs decide to appoint the Republicans to power in November, it is not a Second Trump Administration we'll be getting but a Third Bush Administration with Trump as an unwitting proxy. 

    Our so-called 'System of Government' ceased to be a representative republic many years ago. Today, it is a Managed Democracy---both controlled by and operated like a vast corporation. Trump is expendable, as the situation that we're seeing with the Democrats' leader Joe Biden clearly shows. So are all of the RINOs he's currently surrounding himself with, and so are all of the Democrats. The people who actually own the United States don't care about the personal ambitions of any politician, nor about the interests of the American people. This is what makes all of this smug 'Alpha' peacocking from the 'leaders' on the Right so appalling and unbearable. Not only are they themselves the cringing, fawning toadies of people more powerful than they are; they have the gall to pretend that they are superior to the rest of humanity and that everyone else envies or fears them. 

     The American people, however, are by definition the ultimate leaders of their own country; and we have no one but ourselves to blame for this sorry state of affairs. Out of a combination of selfish personal greed and a cowardly desire to evade personal responsibility by hiding behind a strong government, we've essentially sold ourselves into serfdom. The clown show we saw in Milwaukee was not merely a silly political demonstration, it was a reflection of how calculating marketers and advertisers appeal to the masses and what they think of the psychology of their intended audience. The reason that these campaigns sink lower and lower every year is the same reason that commercials and advertising get worse and worse: the lowest common denominator is getting lower. 

     There is no political solution to our problems today. We fundamentally have to change as a culture, whether we still have it in ourselves to do so is an open question. 



Wednesday, July 17, 2024


     After a rousing night at the Republican Convention that ended with a rich California trial lawyer offering prayers to the great god Waheguru, and a former California corporate lawyer coronated as Vice-President, tonight's feature presentation included WEF Young Global Leaders Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy endorsing the New World Order Red Wave. 

   Reality TV Star Savannah Crisley also spoke, claiming that her celebrity parents, now in prison on multiple counts of bank fraud and tax evasion were targeted for their Conservative beliefs---the little detail that they were indicted by Trump's Justice Department was discreetly not mentioned. A few other victims of crimes committed by immigrants were brought in to bolster the GOP's proposed Bush-level expansion of the Police State to deal with the supposed 'immigrant invasion.' Like the War on Terror, this crackdown only will apply to certain immigrants, others will get automatic Green Cards, foreign lobbyists will be untouched, as will elected officials with dual nationalities

    So, the question for those on the Right is: Are you tired of winning yet?

     Apparently, a growing number of us are growing frustrated with this kind of 'winning,' and this is causing some backlash among the GOP leadership who feel that we should be willing to become human sacrifices for the greater glory of the Conservative-Industrial Complex. As an example, after pointing out some of these inconvenient truths in the comments section elsewhere, I received an e-mail saying the following (obscenities edited):

     "You’re really not as smart as you think- Trump now epitomizes what Kennedy epitomized- expanding the civic-populist-republican statecraft system of the Founding Fathers to the whole of society. You have zero real statecraft intelligence knowledge. When you say, “Conservatives,” in quotations, it’s just embarrassing for you. You’re a traitor, and you’re a stupid amateur. Suck a d**k, traitor f***ing faggot! 🔫🥷🏻 We’re going to be stacking bodies, of people like you, if Trump doesn’t win!"

    Fan mail from based and Red-Pilled jackasses like this are not that uncommon, but I thought that it would be instructive to share a specimen of the sort of intellect driving the GOP's new woke ideology: the same sort of intolerance we're accustomed to see from the Left. In fact, one can find similar deep thoughts all over social media and often in the articles written by 'Conservative' pundits themselves. It comes from the likes of Alt-Right scum like Steve Sailer and Andrew Tate who were idolized by Tucker Carlson, one of yesterday's convention speakers. 

   The fountainhead of this latest incarnation of extremism is called the Dark Enlightenment, of which J.D. Vance is a disciple. It originated in Silcon Valley and is deeply connected with and promoted by the 'Alpha' Cult of the Superman prevalent in the Manosphere. Curtis Yarvin, one of the ringleaders of the movement stated that "incremental reforms to democracy will not save Western society; instead, a 'hard reset' or 'reboot' is necessary." Does that sound familiar?

    Yarvin is also believed to have coined the term Red Pilled, and "
advocates for a centrally managed economy led by a monarch – perhaps modeled after a corporate CEO – who wouldn’t need to adhere to plodding liberal-democratic procedures." That sounds like a concept we've encountered here before too

    So, in the Summer of 2024, this is where we stand. Take the Red Pill. Pray to Wahoo-Guru. Support Man-Boy Love and Abortion for Blue States. Stand for Ethnic Cleansing. Accept your Alpha Superiors and don't be a jealous Gamma. Bow to the Police/Surveillance State as heroes of the New Order. You're with us or you're against us. Trust the Plan. 

  Be sure too to wave a flag, say that you stand for the Bible and the Constitution and call yourself a Conservative. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024


     So barely had President-in-Exile Trump emerged from the hospital than the next installment of the Election Year Extravaganza kicked off in Milwaukee with the Republican National Convention. The controversy over the assassination attempt---really just another specimen of bungling American Law Enforcement---must have come as a relief to the Conservative-Industrial Complex who were spared having to discuss their rather watered-down Party Platform

    The star-studded gala---featuring such celebrities as cue-ball headed Amber Rose---along with Tucker Carlson, Kimberley Gillfoyle, Franklin Graham, Lee Greenwood, and several RINO politicans and fat-cat woke billionaires is expected to drag on until Thursday night.

     The big news of the day was the selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, a longtime associate and former Corporate lawyer for some of the most woke Tech Lords in Silicon Valley. Like Barack Obama, Vance has only served two years in the US Senate before being elevated to a position perilously close to a seat in the Oval Office.

    In 2016, Vance was a vocal Never-Trumper who supported independent candidate Evan McMullin. He rose through the ranks of Ohio politics---notoriously run by Never-Trump fanatics John Kasich and Mike DeWine. Recall that RINO DeWine was the one of the first State Governors to suspend the Constitution during the Scamdemic. In 2022, his old boss WEF Young Global Leader, Log Cabin Republican, and Tech Lord Peter Thiel  heavily bankrolled his campaign and, along with other globalist interests, were instrumental in promoting Vance's meteoric rise to the Vice-Presidency. Vance stated at the Convention tonight his commitment to making certain that the Defense Contractors in Big Tech would be well taken-care of.

          Despite much of his talk about opposing arming Ukraine, Vance has been on board with the idea since the beginning. His nomination today drew praise from many leading Neocon war-hawks:

     What's probably even more concerning about Vance is that, by his own admission, he is deeply influenced by the poisonous philosophy of the Dark Enlightenment. He sees Curtis Yarvin, also known as Mencius Moldbug, as sort of intellectual and spiritual leader. Yarvin is an advocate of Transhumanism and an outright Neo-Fascist. "What America needs is a national CEO [or] what’s called a dictator. If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia." 

    The is the direction that the so-called New Right is taking; but it's really a throwback to the Techno-Fascist Scientism which characterized 1930s Europe. Then, as now, the blind fear and fanatical hatred of the Left (which admittedly posed then as now a real threat) drove people to seek the 'protection' of a strong, reactionary government instead of demanding greater Rights and freedoms for themselves. The Conservative-Industrial Complex reacted to yesterday's assassination attempt with a plea for unity but their actions say something more akin to you're with us or with the enemy. 

    It's time to stop and think. Trump is a 78-year old man and he is all that stands between us and unrestrained Bush-Era authoritarianism. The incompetence and stupidity of the Democrats is certainly a threat; but is the solution an efficient and determined Reactionary clique? 



Sunday, July 14, 2024


       Yesterday, in the middle of a speech outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, President-in-Exile Trump and three others were shot by a local dirtbag. One is dead, two in critical condition, and Trump was left with an injury to his ear. The Whacko Left Wing has been all over Social Media displaying their various mental disorders for all to see; while the Controlled Opposition---never letting a good crisis go to waste---is exploiting the tragedy for all of the political capital that they can possibly squeeze out of it. 

     In a degenerated culture like ours, these kinds of events are bound to happen. With both factions of the Uniparty playing to the lowest common denominators in society and to the worst elements in human nature, it should come as no surprise that political violence is going to occur. For the past few weeks, the Corporate Media and the Left in general have been calling for this very thing. Their denunciations of the shooting only add hypocrisy to their other crimes.

    The Controlled Opposition has been playing the hypocritical game too. Despite all of their fake outrage, they not only egg on political violence, they defend it when it actually occurs. Names like George Allen Kelley, or Daniel Perry, or Michael Cassidy, among others, come to mind. 

    Aside from the mendacity and the mercenary attitudes of the Political Class, what we really witnessed on Saturday was another manifestation of the Strategy of Tension.  The Wikipedia site summarizes the Strategy of Tension as "a political policy wherein violent struggle is encouraged rather than suppressed. The purpose is to create a general feeling of insecurity in the population and make people seek security in a strong government."

   This should be concerning to us all as the recently-adopted Republican Party Platform has abandoned, along with most social issues, standing against fiscal responsibility and the growth of the Police State. It should be noted too that the five finalists for Trump's Vice-Presidential selection are all Big-Government, authoritarian-leaning RINOs; and yesterday's shooting should remind us how easily any one of them could assume the Oval Office. 

   We must now especially guard ourselves against Reactionary elements. Two wrongs don't make a right; and our focus should be centered on stopping the elements within our Deep State who profit off of sowing violence and division.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024


      This weekend, as the Republican Party was negotiating a Politically-Correct Platform behind closed doors and the Democratic Party was conniving to overthrow Biden and replace him with the Clinton Machine, government cyber-security contractor ThreatMon quietly removed sensitive data from a bombshell report. The report alleged that Chinese hackers, operating in an official capacity, were conducting a program called Volt Typhoon to undermine US 'national security' and this report was one of the pretexts that the Uniparty used to expand domestic espionage under the so-called 'revision' of a Bush-Era act which essentially nullified privacy safeguards enacted during the 1970s. 

     The report's editing came after Chinese officials exposed Volt Typhoon as a complete hoax; the evidence supposedly linking hacking operations to the Chinese Government was traced to a known network of international organized crime. The Chinese Report was released in April---two months before Congress' near-unanimous passage of the Bill, yet the issues that China raised were never considered nor debated nor covered to any great or questioned by our so-called 'free press.'  

    More importantly, the Chinese report also revealed that WEF Strategic Partner and major beneficiary of the Bill, Microsoft was behind the fabricated information, as was Lumen Technologies, a telecom consortium headquartered in House Speaker Mike Johnson's home state  and about 1/6 of whose company stock is owned by WEF linchpin BlackRock

   "The report revealed that the two US companies that mentioned Volt Typhoon are partners of the US government. Just two months before Microsoft released its report, it received the first list of task orders worth approximately $3.8 million for the $9 billion Joint Warfighting Cloud (JWCC) project from the US Department of Defense on March 24, 2023, and one month before Lumen Technologies released an analysis report linking the KV-Botnet to the Volt Typhoon, Lumen Technologies had just won a five-year contract order worth $110 million from the US Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on November 7, 2023."


    Isn't it interesting how all of these scandals and controversies always seem to lead back to the same people? These same people, too, who invariably tell us that some far-away nation is a threat, while the real threat of supranational Corporate cartels is shrugged off as fake news and Conspiracy Theory. That, in spite of the fact that organizations like the WEF have been publishing agenda papers for nearly two years demanding further unaccountable police powers over the Internet.

    As we mentioned in an earlier post, with or without government support, Big Tech is already acting even more tyrannically towards Americans than even the Chinese allegedly do to their citizens. China has a Social Credit System---the extent of which is blown out of proportion by American interest-groups--- which is essentially a system of perks for Chinese businesses in the private sector which have policies aligned with the Communist Party of China. They have nothing like our de facto Social Credit System where corporations in our supposedly 'free market' can blacklist and embargo individuals and products with impunity. Nobody in the Chinese Communist Party brags that  “We dig deep into the dark web for your background. We’ll see you. We don’t even consider that person...If your passion for a cause is more important than your future career, go for it. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that. I think you should think about your future. Think about your career. Think about your personal brand. Think about all the opportunities you’ll never know that you missed. You’ll never know why you didn’t get that loan, or that mortgage, or that job, or get that board seat.”

     These same Corporate scum hyping the China Threat and stoking fears of 'electoral interference from foreign actors' has cemented its control over both factions of the Uniparty---making it impossible that their objectives will meet with any kind of resistance. The Democrats pursue a policy of doling out lucrative contracts and subsidies to these gangsters to carry out their will with impunity, while the Republicans tout fake deregulation which will allow the Corporations to carry out their crimes with no oversight. 

   Even though the Deep State redacted the fake evidence promoting the extension of the FISA Bill, no one will ever be held accountable for it, and the Bill will never be revisited nor revoked. Nor is there really any popular will to do anything about it either: the doped-up populace is far too concerned with distractions and finger-pointing and too obsessed with bloviating their hatred for various partisans to care anyway. Sadly, the so-called Conservatives seem to want to conserve the Status Quo and fantasize about using these extraordinary powers on their own perceived enemies. That orientation---based on playing to the lowest elements in human nature---has marked the American Right ever since the Bush/Neocon Machine assumed control over it. 

    Zhuo Hua of the Beijing Foreign Studies University told the Chinese Media that "In the field of international cybersecurity, the US is the least qualified to point fingers because it has no national credibility in this area. Over the past twenty years, the world has witnessed the US fabricate false intelligence to launch wars. Its intelligence agencies recklessly conduct cyber espionage and surveillance on countries, including its allies, deploy cyber weapons, and paralyze critical infrastructure of other countries through actual APT attacks. The US is the primary threat that supports cyberattacks with national power." 

   Lin Jian, of the Chinese Foreign Ministry agreed. "China has exposed the US for spreading false information about 'Volt Typhoon' targeting China on Monday, and today's news about China's cyberattacks being hyped up by the Western media. This coincidence leads people to suspect that there may be certain countries manipulating behind the scenes to divert attention. We advise relevant parties to keep their eyes open, distinguish right from wrong, and not to help other countries at their own expense, ending up with a loss for themselves and others."

   If Americans still had any capacity for feeling shame, it would mortify us reflecting that Chinese politicians and pundits are saying what their American counterparts should be saying. More likely though, Americans will respond with more drugs and distractions, and carrying on as though the next Election actually will change anything.