Monday, July 22, 2024


      Bowing to Wall Street pressure, Head-of-State Biden officially withdrew his candidacy for a second term today. He endorsed Kamala Harris as his replacement, although we'll see what happens at the Democrat Convention next month. The impotent Republican Congress has rushed through another publicity stunt---demanding that Biden resign rather than finish his few remaining months in office which has no more chance of passage than anything else that the Congress has proposed.

     On Sunday, the Democrats recorded their biggest single-day donation totals on record and even before Biden's announcement, polls showed Trump with only a two-point lead over Kamala Harris. Apparently Hulk Hogan, Amber Rose, and Waheguru didn't help the Republicans much.

    The Conservative-Industrial Complex is suddenly faced with a hard dose of Reality. The only issue they've had is running against Biden's age and physical and mental health. Now they're going to have to explain why they're better than the Democrats. They really can't. They've thrown aside pro-life, pro-family, and fiscally responsible policies. During the last two years, the GOP Congress has accomplished nothing but continual Lawfare, political infighting, and pointless publicity stunts. What little legislation they've passed are things that Biden wanted anyway---Biden hasn't vetoed anything from the GOP Congress. 

   It's quite telling that even before Trump issued a statement the first responses came from the RNC's top donor Elon Musk and WEF Young Global Leaders Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy. They sense that the moneyed special interests are about to drop the GOP like a hot potato and leave them holding an empty sack (and in Musk's case, several million dollars poorer). 

   With or without voter fraud, this Red Wave is going down the drain (again). As we've said for the last nearly four years, the only way forward for Republicans was to repudiate Neoconservatism and distance themselves from the jackals on the so-called 'Alt-Right.' Run candidates and a platform based on the simple principle of a commitment to securing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans and restoring the Constitutional Rights that the Bush/Clinton/Obama Machines and their Wall Street overlords have gutted for three decades. But no: they wanted to keep their power and win at all costs, and now they're going to pay a price. 

   A real Conservative movement has to appeal to people's better natures and unify us under the common banner of our shared traditions. Playing footsie with financial Robber Barons was a losing strategy from the start. The Plutocracy is not made up of ideologues. They could care less who manages the government for them as long as the government protects their positions and power. As for the extremist 'influencers' who've latched on to their movement: they'll provide what they always have, namely, a soft target for Democrat propaganda. 

   Speaking of propaganda: the Controlled Opposition is spinning the narrative that Biden's withdrawal is going to ensure a Republican victory. They're going to be singing an entirely different tune the closer we get to November. 


  1. I'm a bit concerned about all the anti-female branding starting to really emerge from the Republican side? The public relations people are more polished, but millions of social media users are not. So every enemy in the court of public opinion right now is female, from Kamala to Amber Rose, from Hillary to the head of the Secret Service Cheatle, from Jill Biden to press secretary Karine. I'm not a fan of any of them and would like to see them all fired and replaced. The problem is there are a whole lot of female voters in this country and eventually the mockery, the pornographic memes, the constant complaints about all things female begin to take their toll. Right on schedule some of the usual suspects from the "religious right" are now advocating for revoking the 19th amendment.

    It's kind of like becoming the caricature of a right wing boogeyman that D's always use to energize their base.

    1. I'm not surprised: the Red Pills can't control themselves when it comes to women. It's not going to be long before Kamala's campaign is going to get plenty of free advertising from those guys.

      While I'm pro-Life and favor women taking traditional social roles, what the 'usual suspects' want is something closer to Male Supremacy. They're going to help about as much getting support from women as the 'Race Realists' have helped getting minority support.

  2. Not too fast on Kamala's victory... Let's see one good interview done without a prompter.. I couldn't find one.
    I agree that the GOP is vastly underestimating her attack skills. Her interrogating of a number of poor souls at various hearings left a indelible mark, and she will be vicious during any debate.
    Obama is holding his powder.... She has the delegates so they say.... we shall see.

    1. The Democrats are quite capable of self-destructing too, Hillary Clinton proved that. I think that Obama's probably waiting until Kamala needs his endorsement and he'll have some leverage for getting favors.

      The best outcome would be if the Uniparty managed to create so much disgust and apathy that neither base turns out to vote and Kennedy upends them both lol.
