Saturday, July 6, 2024


       So here in the Prozac Nation, the mid-week holiday concluded with yet another new controversy, this one surrounding a Social Media post from the President-in-Exile.

     I must confess that I'm not quite sure how Trump could disagree so strongly with a document that he knows nothing about or how he doesn't know who's behind it despite attending multiple fundraisers hosted by the same interest groups who published it: but gaffes and cognitive decline doesn't effect 78-year old Conservatives. That only happens to 81-year old Liberals. 

   The document in question, bearing the suspiciously similar title to such things as UN Agenda 2030, is a near-thousand page tome outlining the New Right's plan for copying everything that the Biden/Harris Junta is doing only from a based and Red Pilled standpoint. The President-in-Exile didn't specify what exactly he considered ridiculous and abysmal, but there's no shortage of material in Project 2025 to which that assessment could apply.

   The RNC, in spite of the controversy, is apparently doubling down“If you’re an organization that is purporting to be pushing ‘Trump policies,’ it’s probably the last organization that we’ll take references from for personnel,” said an aide to the Campaign. Maybe instead of demanding to know who's in charge of the Democrats, the Controlled Opposition should start asking who's really in control of their own Party. 

    The answer is, of course, that the same people are in charge of both parties. If anyone needs an idea of where the RNC will "take references for personnel" one only need look at the five candidates currently rumored to become the GOP Vice-Presidential nominee. Doug Burgum, a crony of Bill Gates; Vivek Ramaswamy, a WEF Young Global Leader; Marco Rubio, a protegee of Jeb Bush; Tim Scott, a protegee of Lindsey Graham; and J.D. Vance, a crony of Peter Thiel. Any one of those worthies is about as qualified for the position as Kamala Harris is. Nobody seems to care, though, as long as they have an 'R' after their name. The only important thing is getting rid of the Democrats: what we replace them with is irrelevant to the goal of winning, which has become an end itself. 

    It is worth re-posting a quote from an old sage here: 

    "They have given the world the classical expression of the slave's ideal: the ideal, I mean, by which the crushed and cringing servitor would like to live if only he were strong and free. The power to get or do the things that he wants to do or get is every man's desire; but sheer Power---hard, empty, hectoring Power---is the daydream of the downtrodden. To such, the real meaning of Liberty is veiled; they neither understand nor want that equal fellowship of mutual consideration, courtesy, and self-respect which among themselves the free-born take for granted. What the slave longs for is to be, still more to feel himself to be, the kind of man that he thinks that his master is...Their philosophers have given us the supreme expression of the slave's ideal---the neurotic slave dreaming himself a king."

   This is the mentality driving both the ideology behind Project 2025 and those who allegedly disavow it. The main forces driving the Postmodern political Right today is utterly devoid of anything other than the sheer desire to seize power and lord it over the Left (and everybody else). As a specimen of this mentality, witness the statement from the Trump Campaign on July 4th:

   The statement concludes with Make America Great Again, but did we see a single word about how that will be accomplished? Did we see a single statement about anything that will restore our Civil Liberties, raise the Standard of Living, or anything else that would actually benefit the American people?

   No: what we read is an appeal to all those who can't wait for a change in Administrations to get even with, and own those Libtards. Insert the names of Republicans in the same post and it would be indistinguishable from anything that someone like Keith Olbermann would write. It's exactly the same kind of appeal that the Obama Campaign used to make to then out-of-power Left: you too can be the kind of man your master is!

   At this point, that is all that the American 'Right' really amounts to: the Reactionary Left. It is the same Corporate-managed, top-down, big government solutions pandering to the worst elements in human nature. What we must begin doing is rejecting the slave mentality and demanding a country where there are no more slaves again.


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