Monday, July 22, 2024


     The impeding and (sadly predictable) implosion of the 2024 'Red Wave' began in earnest today with the usual pompous pundits and the Log Cabin Crew desperately scrambling to rally whatever is left of the 'base' and to do damage control. In the last 24 hours, the Democrats have raised a record-breaking $81 billion in campaign cash and Kamala Harris has enough delegates secured to win the Democrat nomination. Despite all of the experts' predictions of a Democrat Party in disarray, it seems as though Kamala's endorsements are piling up faster than one can keep pace with. Throughout social media, other people seem to be getting the message too.

    Unfortunately, this Democrat is correct: trying to win an election by being as much like the opposition as possible was a bad strategy. It didn't work for Dole in 1996 or Romney in 2012; but it seems that the RNC Establishment is incapable of learning. To demonstrate this even further, the first political statements coming after Biden's withdrawal had nothing to do with any tangible policies issues but slammed Kamala for 'knowingly covering up Biden's poor health,' and vowing further Lawfare if the Red Wave is successful. 

    Elsewhere, things have really gone off the rails:

     Dead or alive, it isn't going to change the fact that the Republican Establishment is about to achieve the seemingly impossible and lose a national election to Kamala Harris. Why is anyone surprised? These are the same people who blew Senate races two years ago to the likes of John Fetterman and Raphael Warnock. Immigration hysteria, China-bashing, and Lawfare aren't winning issues or strategies. 


  1. Well, I wouldn't write the Republican concession speeches quite yet, but other than that I agree with what you've said. The Bible says "pride goes before a fall." That really seems to be the Republican mantra, constant arrogance before predictably snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. That, and just sticking their fingers in their ears and refusing to listen to any valid criticisms.

    In their defense, it is surreal to read these glowing comments of praise about how wonderful Kamala is, how intelligent, and how excited they are about her. I'm sure some of it is just propaganda and bots, but a lot of them are actual people.

    1. Their overweening arrogance really turns a lot of people away. This is one reason why Bush/Cheney is such a toxic reminder of it in actual practice. They've really bought into this whole Alpha philosophy that everyone admires power for its own sake and that those who don't are either envious (domestic policy) or too afraid to fight back (foreign policy).

      In fairness to Kamala Harris, considering her peers, she really doesn't have a very high bar to overcome to seem intelligent and competent. As for her public support, remember what George Carlin said: 'Think about how stupid the average man is, and then you realize that statistically half of the others are stupider than that.'
