Sunday, June 16, 2024


    For some unknown reason, we in the Prozac Nation like to pretend that national holidays still have any actual meaning. Today is Fathers' Day, probably the most meaningless one of them all, and that's saying a lot. I suppose in the case of kids who grow up in families like Pete Buttigieg's where they have two dads it's a big deal; or cases like based and Red Pilled pundit Bruce Jenner or Health Secretary Dick Levine who used to be dads but are now moms, it might be more confusing. To keep pretending though that fathers---or men in general---are respected in this society sounds more like a cruel joke than a solemn occasion. 

     In fact, the state of American men has gotten so bad that after 30-40 years the experts are just now noticing that there is a problem. A report from investigated the declining numbers of men joining the US Military and made what we're sure will be a shocking revelation to us all.

    "Experts pointed to broader issues with American men, including a national crisis of masculinity. Rates of suicide and drug overdoses have risen, while men have become less likely to attend college or build a career. In fact, the media outlet said, US men are slowly disappearing from the general workforce. The trend goes way beyond military recruitment,” said Ronald Levant, an Ohio psychology professor and former president of the American Psychological Association“It really has to do with social change. I think there is an amotivational syndrome that seems to permeate a lot of young men today. They’re just not motivated to do very much.”

    So, American men are feeling deeply discouraged and alienated these days. Seriously, who knew? This is almost as major a revelation as yesterday's breaking news report informing us that the New York Times has an anti-Conservative bias. Thankful we should all be that our Expert Class is right on top of these things. 

    Never ones to let a good crisis go to waste, the Controlled Opposition pounced on the story to shore up their pathetic poll numbers. To bolster the narrative that America's crisis of masculinity only started under Biden, the President-in-Exile spoke at a campaign rally hosted by shady Neocon front-group, Turning Point USA. TPUSA is headed by Christian Nationalist and Deep-State spook, Charlie Kirk; is heavily funded by shady Neocon think-tanks, and features WEF Young Global Leader Dan Crenshaw as one of its top promoters. The President-in-Exile vowed to "end gender insanity" being promoted in our institutions. So said George Bush in 2000; and Trump seems to have forgotten a Proclamation he himself made in 2019:

    "As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!"

   He also seems to have forgotten that the Congressional leaders with whom he spoke this week lined up with the Democrats only two years ago to enshrine homo 'marriage' as national law. Never mind, though: if we hold our noses and vote for the GOP, it will all be different this time and the crisis in masculinity will disappear magically along with all of our other problems. 

   It ought to be obvious that the crisis in masculinity is something that we're not simply going to vote our way out of and hope that some Alpha Superman will fix the problems that American parents, churches, and schools largely brought upon themselves. Decades of looking the other way and sacrificing the long-term good of the nation for short-term personal interest has brought us to this point. On a large nation-wide scale, realistically the situation is probably irreversible. There is neither the political nor popular will even to address the problem. The only solutions coming out of the Controlled Opposition is to restrict immigration (which we probably need) and various top-down schemes that are more show than substance. 

   The reality of the situation is that, unless the will to change suddenly materializes, what is a crisis in the 2020s is going become a national emergency circa the 2040s. Unfortunately, the average American's idea of the future is what happens next week and ignoring issues until it's too late is normative in the approach to social policy. As long as we can make it all somebody else's problem we simply don't care: and that's what caused the crisis to begin with. 






  1. Good post.

    Somebody smart once said that, "the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference." That's my primary beef with the political class these days, they seem completely indifferent to the decades long suffering of the people they were supposed to govern. Biden didn't create the drug epidemic or the crisis in masculinity or the horrible economy. He certainly hasn't helped, but conservatives have been sweeping these things under the rugs for decades. We are now reaping the fruit of all that indifference.

    1. What's worse, they haven't learned anything from it. I'm watching the Right in Europe and the Middle East and they are doing concrete things for the people. It's interesting that for the most part they want no more to do with American Conservatives than they do with American Liberals. They see the problem, but our people can't.
