Saturday, June 29, 2024


       So CNN treated us all on Thursday to a Reality TV show disguised as a profound political event. From what I've seen so far, both had stirring debates over each other's golf games and allegations of sexual perversion; but they did both agree that Russia is responsible for all of our national problems. CNN even had---like most Reality TV shows---a live viewer-vote on who had the best performance. The general consensus seems to be that the team of Joe & Kamala shouldn't be dancing in this November's season finale. 

     In case anybody's wondered why the debate broke with precedent and happened prior to the Party Conventions, about three weeks ago we suggested what might be afoot behind the curtain. The Oligarchs haven't been especially happy with the Junta's performance in pushing ahead the Great Reset; and their bungling of Foreign Policy across the globe must be displeasing to the Corporate Masters who are losing billions at the hands of the Yemeni military; not mention that the subjugation of Gaza is running months behind schedule; Ukraine hasn't recovered a single yard of territory; China is refusing to be intimidated; African countries are kicking out their Western overlords; and Europe's subjugated population is growing increasingly restless. 

   So after this anomalously timed debate, we're seeing almost as though it were scripted every Corporate mouthpiece from Bloomberg to the New York Times calling for the Head-of-State to withdraw from the race. To underscore their seriousness, billionaire hedge-fund scumbag and Bill Gates crony Bill Ackman---one of Chuck Schumer's top contributors---joined with a growing number of woke Oligarchs to support the Trump campaign.  

    That's right, Franklin; although saying that nowadays gets one branded a dangerous Conspiracy Theorist instead of getting elected four straight times. 

   The question right now is not if, but when, Biden will be removed. California Governor and WEF Young Global Leader Gavin Newsom is the most talked-about replacement. It all brings back memories of the 2000 Election when the GOP coronated George Bush Jr. who also wasn't interested in running until a groundswell of support suddenly materialized. 

   Despite all of the crowing from the Controlled Opposition, this Election has been following a script from the beginning. The Oligarchs are hedging their bets by filling the Trump team with Swamp RINOs and interest-group cash, but even the clear Republican lurching to the Left won't be enough to save them when Biden is replaced. It's all building up to a dramatic finish like the Super Bowl, but in the end only the Deep State will win.


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