Saturday, June 15, 2024


       The forces driving the Great Reset suffered two major defeats abroad during the past week, potentially losing two of its major national backers. The verminous Corporate Media and the Beltway Establishment have been trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation; with the Biden/Harris Junta lamely trying to position itself as the champions of the New American Century. The lackluster performance at the G-7 meeting and the lukewarm reception of some transparently fraudulent peace deals in Ukraine and Palestine---along with the successful installation of a globalist puppet in the Mexican Elections---are being touted as momentous polar shifts in geopolitics. The Controlled Opposition, meanwhile, has been playing up all of these failures; highlighting the President-in-Exile's trip to the Beltway where Trump met with the same people who threw him under the bus during his term in office---receiving assurances from them that he has their support this time. The pundits from that side are again dusting off their Year 2000 playbook: hold your noses, vote for neocons; trust the plan; we can't win on principles; and don't ask questions. We should all remember how well that worked out. 

     The first blow came in the EU Parliamentary Elections. Anti-Globalist parties made significant gains; and while not enough to change the direction of the EU, regional victories caused the downfall of two WEF Young Global Leaders: Emmanuel Macron in France and Alexander de Croo in Belgium. The French Opposition is headed by Marine Le Pen, daughter of the founder of France's nationalist party. Unlike American Neocons, Marine Le Pen promised concrete results if elected

     "The World Economic Forum and their agents' evil ideology is not welcome in the country. Give me one reason, only one, to keep on our territory foreigners who collaborate with a totalitarian ideology that wants the death of the French? The French who adopt the ideology of the enemy must be brought before justice and punished.” As side note, recall that three WEF Young Global Leaders are currently under consideration for the Republicans' Vice-Presidential slot in the US; and that Macron has been hailed as hero to the American Right.  

   Should France break from the New World Order, the damage would be significant. France itself has a long road of recovery from decades of living under the Beltway jackboot; but France has been a key player in NATO and other globalist enforcement schemes. More importantly, France is a necessary swing-vote on the UN Security Council where it has been a loyal lapdog of US/UK initiatives. That could change the balance of power both in Europe and the UN.

   The second blow came in the Middle East after Saudi King Mohammed bin Solomon allowed the 50-year old treaty establishing the Petrodollar as the sole currency of kingdom's oil trade exchange lapse. Under his leadership, the Saudi government has been pulling steadily away from the Globalist orbit and the economic blow both to the US Dollar and the Oil Cartels will be massive. In January, Saudi Arabia was invited to join BRICS but has yet to follow up. 

   Like France, Saudi Arabia has grown exasperated with Beltway arrogance and incompetence. Lulled into a disastrous proxy war with Yemen, bin Solomon reversed course and ended the mad scheme of the Globalists to control the Red Sea after seeing no benefit to his country. Since the US takeover of Iraq under Bush in 2003, Saudi Arabia not only has been pushed unwillingly into Beltway military adventures, it too like the French has been the recipient of aggressive American Cultural Imperialism. And, no: this policy didn't just start under Biden

   The recent shifts in France and Saudi Arabia are further indications that---everywhere other than North America at least---the Great Reset under Wall Street Economic hegemony is meeting with resistance. Americans themselves under decades of this type of social policy have become too effete and both culturally and spiritually to fight for their Rights. Other peoples have witnessed the effects of this at home and in their own countries. 

  The results can be seen in both the experiences of the US and Russia. In the Year 2000, Americans rejected a field of genuinely Conservative candidates and coronated the Neocon Bush, while Russia elected Vladimir Putin and his Party. Russia has reversed much of the damage caused by American Corporate influence after the fall of the USSR and grown into a respected world power. The US, in contrast, has been mired in growing malaise and degeneracy---relying further and further on its ability to impose its will at home and abroad by sheer force. 

  Given the control that the Oligarchs have over American institutions, combined with the capacity for self-delusion among the general public, the chances of a turnaround of any kind here are, at present, remote. Americans today lack both the character and the ability for effective self-government. With no sense of cultural values, and clinging as they do to the blind worship of authority, Americans are probably much closer to an outright totalitarian regime at present than it is of following the example of other nations. We must first deal with our own defects before we can expect a government which will do the same.



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