It is within the natural order of things that a nation's men are the defenders and protectors of society at large; just as women have a similar role concerning the family and nurturing of the young. The events of the last year and a half have displayed for anyone who cares to look at the facts that both sides of the gender spectrum have failed. As a consequence, we have both a failed society and a failed democracy. It is tempting for many on the Right to blame the so-called 'Biden-Harris Administration' but the reality is that a Civilization rots from the bottom up and not from the top down. This is especially true in Constitutional Republics, as the citizens become more corrupt, they delegate more of their responsibilities to the State, which in turn grows larger, more powerful, and staffed by some of the worst elements in Society.
In a functional society men will choose as leaders those whom they respect; and the leaders are men who earn that respect. History is filled with stories of leaders who in some way shared the hardships of other men. It's even a proven fact of Male Psychology that men will respect an actual enemy who's willing to fight and die for a cause more than they respect men who support them but sit on the sidelines out of the action. I knew some WW2 veterans who said that they enlisted with hatred for the Japanese; but after fighting on various islands---usually in hand-to-hand combat with a well-trained force who believed in death before defeat---they came away with a different attitude. Even years after the war, most spoke respectfully of the Japanese while having nothing but contempt for American draft-dodgers. I had older relatives who wouldn't watch certain celebrities because they sat out the war and made money while the others did the fighting. Korean and Vietnam War veterans had very similar attitudes.
Somewhere around the turn of the Century this attitude changed among Conservatives. They projected an image where 'leaders' stood aloof from the actual work and outlined plans for others to follow. A man's duty was changed from following a leader he had chosen to obeying a leader who was supposedly superior. Those who questioned a leader's fitness were sneered at as envious losers. In fact, men who learned how to game the system---pretending to go along with it while feathering their own nests on the side---became the sort of New Model Conservative male. There was also circulating online (and still is) a kind of faux Stoicism preaching a phony "rugged individualism" which were really only philosophic smokescreens for unbridled Egoism, hypocrisy, and opportunism. The reason for this shift happened largely because many of the post-Reagan Conservative leadership of the 90s and 00s were men who'd managed to slither out of going to Vietnam themselves. In the 2010s and since, the rise of the Red Pill movement in the Manosphere worked this diabolical subterfuge into a formal system which they call Game; and the corrosive effects on American Masculinity has really taken a toll.
So, Pastor Doug Wilson, a Red Pill orbiter, has chimed in with his advice on Vaxx Passports. His idea is that the solution to the problem is to get fake passports. That way, a Churchian can still go with the flow while not believing in what they're doing. Outsmart the Regime; beat them at their own game.
It's difficult to put into words how deeply I despise Conservatives like this; and I live among a lot of them. I actually feel dirty trying to explain why it is unethical and immoral to behave like this. So, let's hear quote from the late Spencer Tracy in the 1961 film, Judgement at Nuremberg:
"There are those in our own country too who today speak of the protection of country; of survival. A decision must be made in the life of every nation; at that very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at it's throat. Then it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy: to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Only then, the question becomes: 'Survival as what?' A country isn't a rock; it isn't an extension of oneself. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult."
Wilson contends that his position is Biblical. He says, "There are wisdom issues involved also, and so you should do a reasonable cost/benefit analysis with regard to whatever it is you are doing." So, to his mind, it is all a matter of personal benefit. That's not a Biblical position. As Christians we are told to live lives to draw others to the Faith. How does conforming to an evil policy accomplish that? Conforming either teaches an unbeliever that Christians approve of the policy (not knowing the Passport is fake); or else it teaches that Faith is worth less than whatever benefit one obtains from having one.
On top of all of this, it won't work. The Deep State always plays with loaded dice. Take for example this recent flap over 'Eviction Moratorium' extensions. In the 1990s, the RINOs repealed most of the New Deal Era protections for low-income renters. Landlords were allowed to charge up to 30% of income on fixed and low income tenants. There were no more restrictions on fair market value and property prices underwent massive inflation. These smart guys thought they were gaming the system too. Then the Scamdemic happened. Rent Forbearance was enacted. Stripped of their easy money, these landlords were unable to pay their mortgages. The Federal subsidies promised have yet to be delivered. The landlords couldn't sell to private homeowners, since no one wanted to purchase homes filled with deadbeat tenants. That drove down the values, large corporations have since swooped in to buy them at discounts. And who's going to get the subsidies? The Elites who bought these places will.
Those with fake Vaxx Passports are going to get the 'rights' of the compliant; but they seem to forget that they'll be under the same obligations. As the Regime takes more and more of their lives, they're going to find it increasingly difficult to back out of their decision. Putting on mask or flashing a passport is giving passive support to the Regime's policies, and the more one complies the more the Dictatorship is going to demand.
The attitudes I've seen from Conservatives have been appaling. Some have even offered assistance in schemes to sue the government for damages arising from the Mandates. As if principles were for sale or taking a stand is just another angle to work. This seems to be a general attitude among the American public today and among the so-called Right in particular: somehow nothing is worth supporting or doing unless there is a personal ulterior motive involved. This is one reason why I have feel pessimism towards the immediate future. The Left fears our values and reflexively moves in unison to oppose. Obviously, an every-man-for-himself attitude on the right isn't going to amount to much of an opposition. We saw that in action during and after the Revolt. Throughout 2020, from the local power seizures to the final Putsch, the Right completely collapsed. All the way from 73 million voters to the Senate Majority Leader, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Vice-President of the United States, everyone looked out for Number 1 and waited for somebody else to act. And even when some did try to act, nobody had their backs.
Male Nature doesn't change, and there's a plurality on the Right still fighting back in various ways. But men are not going to fight for a population where the prevailing attitude is "I got mine; let the guys with nothing to lose do the work." They are not going to fight for some self-appointed 'Alpha' or 'Sigma' perched in a cushy job needs them to defend his lifestyle and position. The Vietnam War ought to have taught us that. Masculine Psychology doesn't accept being used as a pawn very lightly. Take for example a man like John Kerry. Kerry went to Vietnam and had a distinguished record. But somewhere along the line, he couldn't stand it any longer and switched sides. He's always been a warrior; though he's fighting for the Great Reset now. Wesley Clark---another high-profile example. No one wants to admit it, but a number of supposedly 'MIA/POW' unaccounted for went to North Vietnam and fought for them instead. Our allegedly callous military leaders in those days had a policy of listing them as missing to spare the families the disgrace.*{see note}
So, no: advice like Wilson's is not helpful to anybody. In fact, it's counter-productive advice. He has a big church with a large community: he ought to be organizing that community to self-reliance and setting up relief programs for those impacted by the persecution. Sadly, those most impacted are likely to be met with an indifferent shrug, and "sucks to be you." And as long as Wilson doesn't rock the boat too much, I'm sure the Elites will let him keep his position and complain all he wants to. The Elites want compliance; consent is irrelevant. So, taking Wilson's route isn't fooling or helping anybody.
(*This was known to happen in the Military for some time. An old veteran of WW1 told me that one morning before sunrise, he and five others were taken for a special assignment. They found out that they were serving on a firing squad. The soldier whom they executed was convicted in a Court-Martial of cowardice and desertion in combat which led to the death and capture of other US soldiers. He later learned however that his commander had sent the official letter home to the soldier's family stating that he had been Killed in Action. That policy was obviously the policy of an era when empathy and honor meant something to people: before we evolved and found out that human tragedy could be publicized, trafficked, and marketed like any other commodity).