Sunday, January 31, 2021


    After successfully overthrowing the United States Government, the nation's new managers met in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum's annual meeting. Democrat Senator Kristen Gillibrand, Democrat Congressmen Ted Deutsch and Stephanie Murphy, and arch-RINO never-Trump douchebag Adam Kizinger were the only American political representatives who spoke. Since the WEF actually runs the U.S., the Administration didn't need to attend: they'll simply get their orders afterwards. 

   But there are other upcoming events that the Junta will attend: the Elites are planning a 'climate change' forum in Scotland this November. The meeting was postponed from last November pending the outcome of the Election Steal because of Scam-demic concerns. Long-term Deep Statist John Kerry---appointed by the Junta as an unelected plenary on the Climate Change scam---gave an interview with the BBC and pompously proclaimed that “Glasgow will be extremely important. In fact, I would say that in my judgment, it is the last best chance the world has to come together in order to do the things we need to do to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis. Three years ago, we were told we have 12 years to avoid those consequences. Three of those years were lost because we had Donald Trump, who didn’t believe in any of it. And now we have nine years left to try to do what science is telling us we need to do.”

   Now, let's see: nine years from now is 2030. Where have we heard that date before? But, of course, the Great Reset is just a kooky, tin-foil hat conspiracy theory; in spite of the fact that the WEF has widely publicized it, international High Finance is donating to it; and the Junta is itself packed with WEF operatives. The WEF even brags about the Great Reset's proud sponsors, including:

        Amazon (Jeff Bezos)

        Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg)

        Google/Alphabet (Eric Schmidt)

        Microsoft (Bill Gates)

        Unilever (Alan Jope)

        McKinsey Co. (one of the 'Big Three' management consultancies

        ARM Corp. (Britain's largest 'smart technology' firm)

        Huawei (The Communist Party of China)

        Salesforce (Big Tech)

        Price-Waterhouse (High Finance)

        Emerald2/ERM (High Finance)

    John Kerry has himself long been involved in shady enterprises. He himself became a billionaire after marrying the widow of H.J. Heinz III, who died under suspicious circumstances in 1991. (See note at end of article).

   Most readers here know, of course, that man-made global warming is a hoax; and that the Earth has gone through many geologic and meteorological changes without man's interference. And the Earth also seems to be able to 'reset' itself with just as little interference from Man. Our world would be a lot better served studying those phenomena instead of chasing phantoms projected on a screen with Junk Science. 

   The Glasgow summit itself has had a bit of an unsavory relationship with Energy Cartels. In fact, the British Government seems to had to go to some extraordinary lengths cover up their participation in the event after a few 'true believers' in Greenpeace exposed them. It's too bad that Greenpeace didn't go further and question the motives of the participants, too. 


   Scientists who question the validity of any of the Elite's Climate theories are immediately shut down in Academia, Inc. or by other powerful interests. Among non-professionals, the Whacko Left labels opponents as 'climate change deniers.' Nobody actually denies that the Earth's climate changes, of course. The label is just thrown about casually to depict anyone who disputes the (hired) scientific consensus as a crank. 

   All that Academia, Inc. has actually proven is two phenomena: 1.) that mean global temperatures have risen during the last century and a half, and 2.) that CO2 levels have risen in the atmosphere along with O3 depletion during the same time period. Because this period coincides with the Industrial Age, neo-Marxists and vested financial interests began spreading the story that the two events were connected. All that was left was for Ameroboob gullibility and scientific illiteracy---and considerable suppression of any opposing opinion---to do its work and generate a panic. 

  For example, nobody seems to notice that the same time period in question has also been one of recently unprecedented volcanic activity and large wildfires. Many of these events have released more pollutants into the atmosphere than the entire output of the world's factories in one century combined. We also know that within recorded human history there have been Glacial Epochs and global cooling. There was no industrial output at the time. Desertification of areas like the Sahara were recorded during the Roman Empire. No one knows what causes these events; but we know that nothing Man can do influences the climate on this kind of scale. All of the babble about reducing our carbon footprint is just virtue-signalling, like wearing a mask to stop an equally nonexistent 'pandemic.' Real science never fears free inquiry; and all of this hysteria and eagerness to shut down any opposition to the consensus ought to raise suspicions in anybody's minds. 

   But sadly most Americans prefer lives of drug-induced drama to living in freedom; so Kerry & Co. can push their apocalyptic scenarios without much concern about the narrative being questioned . 

   In spite of all of the climate-hysteria they preach, these WEF and UN jugheads don't believe a word of their own propaganda. Population Control and monopolization of resources are the real objectives here. The world's population really isn't too large for the Earth to sustain it. It's too large for the Elites to find forced employment in the new economic paradigms they've envisioned. History teaches that slave surpluses can be dangerous to the slave-holding classes, so they see culling the herd as necessary. Terms like Eugenics, Lebensraum, and Ethnic Cleansing have fallen out of favor; so the Elites have devised new terminologies to disguise their actual intentions. Isolating us and reducing us to poverty via the Scam-demic is the first step towards taking us useless eaters out piecemeal. Controlling the food supply and restricting transportation (along with Contact Tracing) is the way they control the workers until they become expendable too through transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence. 

  That's the world that the Elites envision: a sort of perverted Garden of Eden where they live as earthly gods and repopulate the world with their own kind. 

     Now, the Elites aren't real gods, and their whole Great Reset is founded upon and sustained by lies. Thus, it ultimately it is doomed to fail. But these scum can create a lot of suffering and misery before that happens. Bear in mind what destruction they've caused already. This is not going to stop until we stop it; and there are ways that this can be done. One way is for farmers in local communities to form cooperatives and bypass the national distribution chains (i.e. set up independent contracts with smaller grocery stores in local areas). This can be accomplished with the assistance of independent trucking firms. While this won't knock Big Ag out of business, it takes away a significant share of their profits (which would go directly to farmers for a change) as well as taking a huge portion of the nation's food supply out of the system while keeping local markets supplied. Disengage, disconnect, disunite. These Climate-Control fantasies can stay in Glasgow. 


     Note: Most of us are well aware of the suspicious deaths surrounding the Clinton Family, but it's not generally known that the Bush Family likewise has racked up a considerable number of political opponents who met untimely ends. The aforementioned Senator Heinz was a Reaganite who vehemently opposed Bush Sr.'s New World Order schemes was rumored as a potential primary challenger in 1992. The following day after Heinz' death, Heinz' friend, ex-Senator John Tower, who was also opposed to Bush's policies and threatened to expose him in an upcoming book, died in a similar mishap. The manuscript was never found, and Tower's daughter, who was transcribing the work, perished in the same crash. 

    Under Bush Jr., Senator Paul Wellstone, who had become the leader of the opposition to war in Iraq, died in an aerial accident shortly after vowing to expose the Administration's lies about Iraqi involvement in the 9/11 Attacks. Oddly enough, there were allegedly no flight recorder instruments found on Wellstone's plane. Rep. Paul Gillmor, GOP Banking Committee chair blocked big box stores like Amazon and Walmart from collusion with banking interests and was found dead "from blunt head and neck trauma consistent with a fall down the stairs." Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who was driven from office on trumped-up charges after opposing Bush's conflicts of interest with a new regulatory agency he'd set up to oversee oil drilling, died in a 2010 plane crash. This was only a week after Stevens reopened his investigation into Bush following the BP Oil Spill. Rescuers didn't search for Stevens until three days after the crash citing "bad weather conditions." 



Thursday, January 28, 2021


      After a week in power, the Junta has begun the rather foolish display of Senate Confirmation Hearings for its new Commissars. This is all a ridiculous farce, of course. The very fact that our government could be seized with such ease taught these career politicians what power Corporate America is really capable of wielding. That, and the sad reality that the American People---the last line of Democracy's defense---wasn't going to have their backs in resisting the overthrow. 

    Thus it was that when 'America's Mayor,' the glittery Pete Buttigieg, came up for approval as Secretary of Transportation that the Senators could barely restrain their fawning attitudes. Buttigieg has become something of a national celebrity despite having served only one term as mayor of a decaying Midwestern town. 

   “You know what the hell you’re talking about, and that’s pretty damn refreshing,” slobbered Sen. Jon Tester. I wonder what Mitch McConnell thought, considering that his wife was Trump's Transportation Secretary? (Probably nothing: McConnell likely has been cucked by other men so many times that he no longer cares.)

   RINO Senator Roger Wicker said "I am quite certain” that you will be confirmed and I cordially invite the nominee to come to Mississippi and see the Amtrak route along the Gulf Coast." Ah, a romantic train-ride. For those of Buttigieg's (and maybe Wicker's) sexual orientation, the Gulf Coast has become something of a trendy destination recently. Trump's policy was to cut funding for the wasteful and inefficient Amtrak System---which was born during a 1971 corporate bailout---and invest instead in local, more modernized commuter systems. 

   The whole Hearing seemed rather bizarre to watch. Buttigieg seemed to be sitting in a higher chair of some kind---or maybe it was just a camera-trick---but he appeared to be (literally) looking down at the Senators. Again, given Buttigieg's known sexual perversions, needing a cushion to sit upon might be understandable; but the smug look on his face and almost condescending tone in his voice makes me suspicious that this was staged. For example, when Senator Cruz asked the only tough question of the day---what happens to all the jobs lost with the recent oil pipeline cancellations---Buttigieg arrogantly replied that they "could find other work."


   Take a good look at this dork, because he's rumored to be on the short-list of hand-picked successors to the current Head-of-State. Remember that we're dealing here with a populace who think that hearing 'the first openly-gay' whatever is a great thing; while hearing 'Orange Man Bad' is enough to support a Color Revolution. 

  Buttigieg is also a prime specimen of what American Masculinity has degenerated down to. Getting to talk down to men like Senator Cruz; gloating over rugged oilfield working men being reduced to poverty; being held up as a national icon: for the first time in Buttigieg's life he must have felt like a man. 

  Another specimen of postmodern American Manhood has been elevated to Hero Status by Big Media and Big Tech is 18-year old Jackson Riffitt of Wylie, Texas. Now, what did Riffitt do to become a national hero? Being from Texas, we imagine he's a red-blooded iron-man type who risked his life to save others, or some other heroic action. 

   Well, guess again.

   No, this little pipsqueak was triggered because his father went to Washington on January 6th to protest the coup; and so Jackson denounced him to the Secret Police  FBI. His dad's in the clink now, though he broke no laws while in D.C. Actually, I think the elder Mr. Riffitt should be in jail for producing a son like this. 

  The Junior Riffitt is reportedly afraid of his own shadow fearing 'reribution' of some kind. The New York Times, for whatever their words are worth, states that  "The teenager is reportedly no longer staying at his family’s home and declined to say where he was for fear of his safety when asked by the newspaper." What's even more revolting is the effete little scumbag has a GoFundMe page, which is into six figures of donations from sympathetic Ameroboobs. 

    Now nobody here is trying to sound like some old fuddy-duddy carrying on about how "things were better in my day." Things was I was 18 weren't especially rosy either and we had a few creeps like these running around too. But we're not talking about fads in fashion or music either. Something has changed radically about the way men are being raised. 

    We have been writing for a long time about how our culture is failing our men. It's become evident that we concomitantly have failed our boys as well; because we're clearly failing to turn them into men. 

    I suspect that at the root of this problem is the cultural depreciation of Masculinity. Young boys see and observe the dismal future offered traditional men today and no longer want to be just like dad (assuming that Dad is even involved with their upbringing). No, they learn rather quickly that the safest and most socially acceptable course is to be more like mom or any other female with whom they can identify. 

   Even if a boy grew up without a father, there were plenty of positive social role models for them to identify with. Just compare what I saw growing up:

 To what a boy today sees:

    I think that any objective reader can see that these are not minor differences. And last year, we saw that there wasn't enough left of American men to stop a gang of international bullies from effecting a hostile takeover of the Government. I hate to point this out, but if we couldn't stop that, we're not going to stop a hostile foreign power if one decides one day to slap us down. 

   Since the end of the Cold War, Americans have become complacent, slothful, and effete. Neocons, Churchians, and others had better start pulling their heads out of their butts and realize that, yes: culture matters. We're on the road to disaster and if we don't turn it around quickly, Nature is going to take its course. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


      The last week has seen a flurry of decrees coming from the Oval Office; mostly countermanding policies enacted by the legitimate President. The Junta has ordered the Mask of Shame to be donned on all public transit and in all federal buildings. Most NPCs were disappointed that the Mandate didn't go further; but realistically it's impossible to enforce. Though pro-Scamdemic fanatics no doubt would enjoy their new-found power by attacking those who refuse to comply.  

      The nominal Head-of-State has also reinstated Federal Guidelines that empowered Federal bureaucrats. (Yes, we did warn you that this would happen). Anyone who's had any recent dealings with governmental bureaucrats can't help but notice that the old arrogance is rapidly returning. I noticed the same shift in attitudes among them right after the 1988 elections. Note this nauseating proclamation from the U.S. Department of the Interior:

     "Immediately following his inauguration, President Joe Biden signed Executive Orders that take critical first steps to address the climate crisis, create good union jobs, and advance environmental justice, while reversing the previous administration’s harmful policies...The President also took swift action to begin an urgent, robust, and professional response to the growing public health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus outbreak. An additional Executive Order will help slow the spread of the virus by asking all of us to do our part and requiring masks and physical distancing. The Interior Department will have additional department-specific guidance in the days and weeks to come."

    In the wake of these revolting developments, there has been some news leaching through the news filters that Bill Gates---one of the architects and leaders of the Coup---has been buying up American farmland at an alarming rate.

    Gates is not alone because others within our new ruling class like Jeff Bezos are scooping up land as well. But Gates has been the most aggressive buyer recently. After ruining thousands of farmers through the fake Pandemic, Gates and Bezos are pouncing on the spoils. The goal, of course, of these Elites is to seize control of the national food supply, regardless of whatever humanitarian excuses that their paid propagandists tell the public. 

   The Elites are not grabbing all of this land as an investment opportunity; their control of the Government now ensures that they'll get taxpayer funding to run these operations. A recent report on NPR noted that  "Some are now calling for a U-turn in the department's priorities, saying that the USDA could become a prime sponsor of action on climate change. That's partly because the agency has money to spend. Its budget already includes billions of dollars for programs that can be used to pay for solar and wind power in rural areas, or for agricultural practices that capture carbon dioxide from the air. The USDA also has a multibillion-dollar pot of money, called the Commodity Credit Corp., which the Trump administration used as a funding vehicle for its payments to farmers. The head of Biden's USDA transition team, Robert Bonnie, has called for converting the CCC into a 'carbon bank' that would pay farmers for practices that limit greenhouse emissions."

    What an amazing coincidence that the front group non-profit that Gates set up less than two years ago just happen to have the very same objectives making it eligible for the funds in the CCC. As the article noted, Trump was using the funds to aid distressed small farmers. But---Orange Man Bad; and now those funds will be diverted to help finance the Elites' objectives of buying out more independent farms. 

    To facilitate the transition, the Elites inserted Robert Bonnie, a Deep State environmental operative, into the USDA's policy-making nexus. Bonnie is a former Obama adviser who mostly recently headed Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The Institute itself is located in the so-called 'Research Triangle' in Durham, North Carolina. Duke works in conjunction with NC State and UNC to maintain this consortium, which has become a hub of Great Reset and Deep State activities.


     It's rather telling that the bulk of Bonnie's publications center on studying and reforming positions on 'Climate Change'---particularly in Conservative sections of the country. 

    "Stakeholders need to be at the table, their interests and concerns need to be heard and addressed, and it needs to be a two-way street of communication,” he opines. “This requires more than conservation professionals dictating and regulating the conservation process. It calls for engaging landowners and other community stakeholders and building joint-ownership and empowerment through the process. These dynamic policy solutions would also allow rural communities to adjust federal legislation to fit the needs of a specific region while also encouraging rural support for federal regulations.

    "Policymakers can go a step further by also creating stronger pathways for science to reach rural constituencies. More work is needed to increase the reach of science in rural communities. One way policymakers can support this solution is by investing in local institutions and working with trusted local messengers to build connections between rural America and the nation’s top scientists...Looking for those folks—those trusted voices in Rural—and figuring out ways to work with them to deliver good information, is important when thinking about this issue.”

    To translate from Academic gobbledygook, Bonnie suggests that since rural voters are dumb Red State rubes, they'll never understand that Liberal policies are in their best interests unless we identify their local leaders and co-opt them. (As if rural Americans can't think for themselves). Gates and Bezos are making the process easier by becoming the biggest local 'stakeholders' and appointing their own men as local leaders. 

    The Institute was founded by billionaire Big Pharma mogul Peter Nicholas who still runs operations behind the scenes. It is currently headed by Tim Profeta, a former staffer for Senator Joe Lieberman. William Reilly, Bush Junior's former EPA chief, is another Institute Board Member. Reilly was also involved in Obama's cover-up of the 2010 BP Oil Spill. Currently he serves with TPG Capital, a leveraged buyout firm. TPG owns 51% of McAfee Security Software, which just coincidentally, partners with Microsoft. At least two professors at the Institute---John Virdin and Jonas Monast---are contributors to the World Economic Forum. 

    This is only the beginning; because the Elites have much bigger plans for our food supply and how it can be used to control the public. It wasn't any coincidence that dine-in restaurants and small-to-midsize food processors were singled out and targeted for extermination by the Great Reset's leaders. 

   The average Ameroboob is convinced by the Mass Media that millions of Americans die of hunger each year. In reality, the number of starvation-related deaths is so small in the U.S. that even the Government doesn't bother keeping death statistics on it. But nobody bothers to look at actual numbers---hysteria does its work---and Americans were willing to sacrifice the freest and most abundant food production system in human history for the 'security' (which nobody even needed) of central control. And so, once again, Americans' eagerness to stick to the man led to them being the only ones getting fleeced. 


Saturday, January 23, 2021


      The day after assuming office, the nominal Head-of-State (no doubt after fumigating the Oval Office) took to his desk and began signing Executive Orders prepared for him by his Elite overlords. To the delight of the Arabian Monarchies and British shipping monopolies, the Junta stopped America's first real move toward energy independence  since Wall Street started selling off our oil production capacities during the 1970s. 

    But one other decree incited worldwide laughter and ridicule; causing it to be rather buried by a shamefaced American press. According to RT News: 

   "Titled 'Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation', the order allows athletes to compete in high school and college sports in accordance with their gender identity, not biological sex. 'Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports,' it states.

   I'm not exactly sure how high-school and collegiate-aged people are classified as 'children' although many are legal minors. Considering, however, that the whole decree denies biology anyway, I suppose it's a moot point. It is quite telling that with all of the mass-hysteria and manufactured crises of the past year, that this was considered important enough to address on Day One of the New Order. 

   Now the Title IX grifters school administrators of women's athletics are outraged that boys pretending to be girls legally can now hijack the whole system for themselves. We should here remind you athletically-inclined ladies that Donald Trump opposed this policy. But, it was Orange Man Bad, remember?

   "Sad day for women’s sports." One feminist jughead opined on Twitter: "Women must compete against biological males at the risk of injury and loss of title, thanks to a new Biden executive order. Don’t ever tell me this is 'pro-woman.' It’s not. It’s destructive and malicious."

A bit ironic considering that for the last few decades, these same Feminists have insisted on lowering standards and putting up Glass Ceilings to take over male space without concerning themselves much over the damage that those policies could do. It's also rather peculiar that the same Feminists expected a Regime which owes its very existence to cheating would play fair. By the same token, I'm not sure why they expected High School and Collegiate Athletic Departments---institutions that are rife with corruption and dirty politics---wouldn't seek to expand their territories.

Let's not pretend that cheating hasn't become a way of life here in the postmodern United States. It's not simply shady athletic departments spouting platitudes about 'commitment to excellence' while wining and dining (and graduating) ignorant hood-rats who couldn't pass a 3rd-Grade reading test and padding their playing schedules with opposing schools that have 1/100th of their athletic budgets. From top to bottom, our Culture is based on a win-at-all-costs mentality which equates Success by Force; as opposed to our traditional definition that Success must earned. Our Culture preaches the latter while looking the other way and actually practicing the former.

To see how that translates from the school to the so-called 'Real World,' just compare the way that American Life currently mirrors the situation in sports. For example, the Pentagon---another institution rife with corruption--- gives us platitudes about 'our brave men and women in uniform' while dumbing-down recruitment standards and destroying defenseless countries which have 1/100th of our Defense Budget. Wall Street---another corrupt institution---gives us platitudes about 'rags-to-riches free enterprise system while maintaining armies of lobbyists and paid politicians to enact unfair laws and tax policies to wipe out their more honest but less cunning competitors.

Administrators at high school and collegiate levels preach about 'education as an investment in America's future' and 'upholding the spirit of free academic inquiry' while gouging every last dime possible from the public to stuff their bloated salaries. Every last one of them got his position through nepotism, Machiavellian office politics, and any other means except merit or honest effort. That's the real, unspoken lesson students are supposed to learn: that the road to success in today's America comes from imitating such creatures.

Note that celebrity academics like Dr. Phil, Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are really mental pygmies but widely revered as great geniuses. This is because they learned that the art of self-promotion gets results while actually seeking truth gets one nowhere. Others like Dr. Fauci simply say what they're paid to say and give it an air of authority whether they believe it themselves or not. This attitude is spawned in a culture where research grants are dependent upon gaming a corrupt system. In fact, grant-writing itself is now a big growth industry for unscrupulous writers hoping to grab a piece of that coveted bottom line.

I recall talk-show pundit Dennis Praeger once citing a poll that indicated that more parents of teenagers feared their offspring being expelled from school for smoking cigarettes than cheating on exams. That's where the standards of Ameroboob values really lies. They fear doing something politically incorrect, but if you try to cheat and get caught---that's just another learning experience. Be more careful in the future, or you'll never get ahead. Actual learning doesn't get you anywhere these days; pretending that you know---now that opens the door to success.

Is it any wonder how jokers like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden get elected to represent a nation? They're nothing but the Supreme Frauds in a country where symbolism over substance is considered a personal Code of Conduct. Consider that since yesterday's Executive order, some father's son is going to decide to become his daughter instead, end up dominating NCAA Women's basketball, and that father will consider an achievement to be proud of!

All of this cheating has finally culminated in The Great Reset which is the biggest fraud devised in the last 100 years. Success based upon Force and Fraud is the ethos of the Bully and it's made us weaker, not stronger. Mussolini's Italy was a great historical example of a similar culture. On paper, Italy looked invincible. When put to the test, the country ended up in ruins from which it has never fully recovered. Americans had better start screwing their eyeballs back into their empty skulls and facing Reality for a change because our ongoing cultural complacency and corruption is going to end in disaster. If any Liberals want to snort about that dire prediction, just imagine a few years from now a powerful country like Russia or China deciding to call our bluff, like the Allies called Mussolini's. In fact, let us not forget just how close that actually came to happening under Joseph Biden's old boss.

If we're going to survive as a culture---or a nation---we're going to have to start standing up and saying 'no' to the bullies and the poseurs; and above all stop acting like them. If we don't, these foreign powers are going to do it and that is not going to end well for us.

Friday, January 22, 2021


      Starting yesterday, and for the rest of the month or so, the Junta is putting on some performances to look like a legal and legitimate transition of power has actually taken place. From Harvard to Hollywood; from Seattle to Savannah---all of that unthinking and irrational national libido that chanted Orange Man Bad for four years at long last feels security and relief. 

    They will for a time, anyway. The only thing these kinds of people hate worse than Trump and his supporters is each other. 

     Meanwhile, up in the state of Vermont those outspoken pioneers of the Great Reset at Ben & Jerry's have come up with a ice cream new flavor befitting our current state of society. Presenting:

    I can't think of anything more fitting for a state that went from producing men like Ethan Allen to producing cretins like Bernie Sanders than consuming a non-dairy (meaning it's full of soy) concoction featuring Colin Kaepernick. One really has to be a dedicated virtue-signaler to get a pint of that swill down and pretending to like it.  

  Vermont itself is currently headed by a RINO named Phil Scott who runs one of the most repressive lockdown regimes in the country. In a state that was the first independent country to join the United States, here's what life in postmodern Vermont looks like:  "Gov. Phil Scott (R) extended until Jan. 15 tighter coronavirus-related restrictions. Social gatherings between multiple households are prohibited (immediate family members who reside in different households can still get together). Bars are closed. Restaurants can continue to operate at 50 percent capacity but can now only seat one household per table and must close in-person dining by 10 p.m. (takeout and delivery is allowed). Scott put recreational sports on pause and announced that businesses must reinstate teleworking policies as much as possible. Previously, Scott ordered people 2 and older to wear a face covering in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, when physical distancing isn’t possible. Hair salons and barber shops can reopen, but they must take appointments and limit occupancy. Hotels, inns, bed-and-breakfasts and other lodging areas were allowed to resume operations May 22, but all nonessential travelers must follow a self-quarantine mandate. Alternatively, nonessential travelers can quarantine for 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test."

    Back in Ethan Allen's day, however, it took real men with some respect for real rights to fight for their independence. Kaepernick, on the other hand, is a typical Left-wing bully who feels empowered because other, more powerful, bullies have his back. He himself is a product of NCAA and NFL bullies who've been a blot on society for the last 30-40 or so years. Collegiate and professional sports, led by their win-at-all-costs and anything-for-a-fast-buck owners and administrators have done at least as much damage as Hollywood has in leading American Culture from our traditional values of fair play, honest competition, sportsmanship, the pursuit of excellence into the cesspool of Political Correctness. 

     What we're talking about here are masculine values, because these types of team sports taught young men the values that men needed to survive in and drive a common culture. (Women had teams too, but the values were more geared toward feminine development). Men learned to work as a team, deal with pain, work harder to do better, learn from experience, etc. The players were role models for men. It's noteworthy that many NFL teams adopted names relative to the occupation or history of their home cities: i.e. the Cowboys, Steelers, Packers, Oilers, 49ers, Patriots, etc. The cheat, the grifter, the bully, the weakling were despised. Thanks to mass media and big money, however, that group of social failures went on to become Liberals and social influencers. 


     But in spite of what Madison Avenue tells you, Kaepernick and his new Corporate overlords are not working for some fight for freedom based in "joy, love, and justice." Ben & Jerry's has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of the transnational corporate cartel Unilever for 20 years. Unilever is an agribusiness powerhouse based in London with (known) assets of around $80 billion. Ben & Jerry themselves are just spokesmen---like Kaepernick---hired to put a populist face on a product. 

    Unilever's CEO is a pig named Alan Jope, a native of Scotland and member of the World Economic Forum. Last September, he began contributing to the WEF's Great Reset Dialogue Series. 

   "We have a unique moment and opportunity to create a collective and ambitious vision for food systems. We should be asking ourselves what is the food supply equivalent of the goals of [the Paris Accord] on climate change. How can this summit become the Agenda 21 for food? Jope said during a CNBC interview, "We really need to bring stakeholders together from across the food system to solve this problem. Too much decision-making is made centrally by the global North and I couldn't agree more that we need farmers, social workers, entrepreneurs, academics. And one important player is the private sector---the private sector helped with the ambitious goals of the Paris Climate Accord, and we're prepared to do our part on food systems. [nota bene] We need a big goal and a collective effort." 

   If the private sector is so effective, why does it need government power backing its policies? These WEF hypocrites never really mean free enterprise; they mean Crony Capitalism and Fascist 'government-business partnerships.' Some may argue that the WEF is addressing things which need addressing, like agrarian reform and sustainability. It may be so; but we're quite capable of obtaining these things in a free country; and we don't need a dictatorship of non-elected Corporate despots to do them for us.

   After the Biden 'inauguration', Jope ominously tweeted that "w
e must build a more equitable and inclusive society. Today Unilever is announcing ambitious commitments to raise living standards across our value chain, create opportunities through inclusivity and prepare people for the future of work." Jope then wrote on the company's website that “The two biggest threats that the world currently faces are climate change and social inequality. The past year has undoubtedly widened the social divide, and decisive and collective action is needed to build a society that helps to improve livelihoods, embraces diversity, nurtures talent and offers opportunities for everyone.”

   Does anybody not see now that Kaepernick and his 'racial resistance' gangs---as well as Ben & Jerry---are nothing but pawns of the smug, self-appointed 'Elite' that now comprises our ruling Junta? These people are no more standing for their rights than the British Tories were during the War of Independence. They're a bunch of Paper Tigers who exist only at the good pleasure of their Masters in High Finance. Knowing this also explains why the Corporate Media is painting thugs like Black Lives Matter as noble freedom fighters, while demonizing peaceful Trump supporters as terrorists. Vermonters need to read their own history: the Duke of York did the same thing with different actors. 

  Jope goes on to quote one of his WEF confederates, noting that  “As disruption to labour markets and education systems continues, the need to double down on reskilling and upskilling initiatives is clear,” says Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director of the World Economic Forum. “Unilever’s latest commitment is precisely the kind of ambitious initiative that’s needed to tackle job displacement and prepare workers for the labour markets of tomorrow.” This doesn't sound especially like they're talking about a Free Enterprise system here. Rather it sounds like they're determined to keep free workers impoverished through the Scam-demic (which of course they created) while re-educating the populace for wage-slavery in the Corporate Oligarchy. 

   Ben & Jerry like to spout that they're believers in free enterprise. Want to know which of their competitors that Unilever also owns? Breyer's, Fudgsicle, Grom Gelato, Good Humor, Heartbrand, Klondike, Magnum, and Popsicle---among the brands sold in America. They also own the so-called generic brand 'Best Foods'. The Crony Capitalism even extends to Ben & Jerry's supply-chain. In 2019, the company was sued in Federal Court for false advertising after claiming their dairy suppliers were 'free-range' when in reality they were large corporate farms. One of the reasons that the Corporate Oligarchs wanted Trump out of office was because things like this were happening to them far too frequently. 

   It also shows why they want punks like Colin Kaepernick to become role models for the New American Male. Guys like this will never stand up to them and can always be had for a price. 



Tuesday, January 19, 2021


     If the events of the last year have proven anything, it's that the real pandemic in America today is the dearth of anything remotely resembling real manhood. 30 years of emasculating our society has done its work. Instead of inspiring American men with a positive role model for the last four years, President Trump became the target of their envy. America elected---or at least allowed to be appointed---candidates more reflective of their own interpersonal dynamics: the weak man controlled by the dominating female. 

     This social pathology was also on full display during Obama's term; especially the 2nd term when the contrast between the effeminacy and weakness of the American President stood in stark contrast to the virility of Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi on the world stage. Obama's jealous passive-aggressiveness was often unleashed upon smaller countries whose leaders he also despised. 

So yesterday on Youtube, we got another sad glimpse of the state of American so-called 'manhood.' A Norwegian vlogger I follow named Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen announced that his recent video had been taken down by some Youtube bureaucrat as 'offensive'. Hansen is a former businessman and professional skier who recovered fully from a broken neck to become a successful novelist and authority on the Viking Age. His vlogs are mostly about Viking lore, social commentary on what it means to be a man, and bushcraft skills. Hansen offended the metrosexual mob at Youtube by what they called "spreading medical misinformation." Hansen claimed that 13 Norwegians had died from taking the COVID vaccine. His source was VG, Norway's second-largest news service; which, in turn, was quoting numbers from the Norwegian Ministry of Health. 

   Meanwhile, on another podcast I follow, Revenge of the CIS, (which was itself recently purged from DLive) had a short segment covering an interview with the serpentine mad scientist, Dr. Fauci. Fauci was interviewed on a podcast hosted by a group of four American males called the Try-Guys. Here is the link to the actual interview, with the caveat that our blog is not responsible for the physical disgust or psychological depression that watching it could cause. 

   The interview itself was nothing remarkable: just a few softball questions thrown at Fauci who reeled off the usual Big Pharma talking-points. What was especially revolting was seeing four late 20s/early 30s American males in their natural element. Bear in mind as you watch this, that these are not homosexual males. One is actually engaged to be married, and the other's partner recently had a baby. As one of ROTC's commenters said, "These guys look like the types who'd cry if you threw them a football." 


     Royce Lopez, one of the ROTC hosts, noted that on a previous Try-Guys episode, the 'guys' were pooh-poohing a 'conspiracy theory' about declining testosterone levels in the U.S.. All four of them got tested, and none of them were at normal levels. And apparently, they announced the fact publicly. 

     If these guys are mainstream specimens of mature American men, then our country has no future. The fact that their Youtube channel has 7,500,000 subscribers and that they have a fan page on Wiki doesn't make me feel especially optimistic. When I was in High School, these are the kinds of guys that the girls would beat up. In fact, the next time I hear a young woman say that she "doesn't need a man" I'm going to have to stop and think about what kinds of 'men' she might be talking about. Any of these guys would be useless---worse than useless in fact---to any normal woman. 

After watching the interview and their behavior with Dr. Fauci, it also is no mystery how creatures like Biden and Obama actually get voted into office. These guys are obvious masochists with severe Oedipal and Castration Complexes, so the figure of the 'strong' man being dominated abusively by the likes of Hilary Clinton and Kamala Harris is something that they vicariously identify with. 

    How did we get to this point? Well, families without fathers, public education 'deconstructing' masculinity, the feminizing of every male social space: once again, we did try to warn you but our culture laid its eggs and the Try-Guys and their imitators are what hatched. 

   How we fix this problem is another matter. Undoing the damage done to American men from 30+ years of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness is going to be an even bigger problem than China faces trying to undo their radically failed 'One-Child Policy,' or that Russia faced solving their declining birthrate crisis. At least Putin and Xi have red-blooded men to deal with. America has barely functioning biological males to work with and---as of tomorrow---no political will to change the situation. 

  We're going to have to fix the problem from within, whether or not we have the social will to do it is another matter. 




Friday, January 15, 2021


        Yahoo News, a fake-news outlet mostly known for its effusive praise for the Gay Mafia and its eagerness to publish any salacious rumor about President Trump whispered in anybody's ears, graced us all this morning with gleeful hand-wringing over hopes that the Trump Family was crashing economically.  I doubt that there's any more truth to the story than anything else published at Yahoo; but the story illustrates a particular viciousness within the Left which has really come out in the open during the last few years: they don't merely want to see us out of power, they want to see their opponents reduced to abject poverty. 

      During the Leftist purges of Media, Academia, Wall Street, and elsewhere which went on unabated during the post-Reagan years, some of us warned of unofficial blacklists that were circulating on top of people unjustly losing their jobs. Despite seeing these things with our own eyes the reaction among Conservatives was either to write them off as kooky conspiracy theories or shrug them off with indifference. "This is still America! Go create your own job!" pundits rolling in Murdoch's cash would tell us, "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! This is the land where fortunes come by hard work and dedication!" The lockdowns and the looting of 2020 showed us all how well that strategy worked. It never seemed to occur to these guys that most of the people purged had followed that advice already and ended up on Skid Row for their hard work and dedication. 

    The purpose of blacklisting is to assure that nobody purged for their lack of sufficient devotion to the Marxist ideology can earn a living---much like the Soviets used to exile dissidents to Siberia. Ironically, some of those fake Conservatives who denied blacklisting existed---like the RINOs at Forbes Magazine---a limp-wristed, low-testosterone writer named Randall Lane initiated a blacklist for Trump Administration officials who served as his press secretaries and legal counsels.

    "Our national reset starts there!" the little man thundered. "Don’t let the chronic liars cash in on their dishonesty. Press secretaries like Joe Lockhart, Ari Fleischer and Jay Carney, who left the White House with their reputations in various stages of intact, made millions taking their skills — and credibility — to corporate America. Trump’s liars don’t merit that same golden parachute. 

   "Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie. We’re going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we’d approach a Trump tweet. Want to ensure the world’s biggest business media brand approaches you as a potential funnel of disinformation? Then hire away."

      Such is the sad state of American masculinity in 2020s society when a guy who looks like he could be one of Carl the Cuck's two dads gets to boss productive businessmen around; all-the-while salivating with sadistic exuberance at the fantasy of seeing the likes of Kayleigh McEnany reduced to the level of a street prostitute. It's very clear what psychodyamics are at work here. Throughout Lane's school years and beyond, girls like Kayleigh probably would have nothing to do with him because he is an obnoxious little cretin: now it's payback time. Just about everyone in The Great Reset could, in fact, provide volumes of case-studies for future generations of psychiatrists. 

   But now that the Whacko Left Wing and their RINO camp-followers finally have admitted that keep blacklists and are kind enough to publish them for us, growing businesses and even State and local governments which are disengaging, disconnecting, and disuniting from the incoming Regime have a ready-made employment list of able and competent potential employees. The best that Lane and his brother-cucks at Forbes can do with their blacklists is give these enterprises free advertising. 

   Make sure if you know of such non-conformist businesses, schools, or local governments that the Trump Administration is going to have a surplus of such excellent employees soon, and where to find them. 😇