The 15th Annual BRICS Summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, was to everyone outside the Western Corporate Media's sphere of influence a major success. Some have even called it a turning-point against the Neoliberal hegemony which has dictated global affairs since the 21st Century began. The major shift was the inclusion of six more member states: four of which are OPEC Nations (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Egypt). This move likely will spell the downfall of the so-called 'Petrodollar' and greatly shift the locus of world petroleum power to Russia. In fact, Russia announced that the small, oil-rich state of Abkhazia may soon hold a plebiscite to join its expanding Federation. Just as a reminder, only a few years ago, the US was on a path towards energy independence; but Orange Man Bad and now we'll be forced to depend upon the tender mercies of the woke Energy Cartels as they transition (us peons, not themselves) toward 'Green Energy.'
The other new members were Argentina and Ethiopia, both heavily endorsed by China. The two nations are already part of China's New Silk Road project, a trade system which Xi Jinping describes as based upon "win-win cooperation." It's actually a sophisticated barter system where China trades its sophisticated technology and infrastructure development to poorer nations in exchange for resources---especially agricultural---which China needs. Argentina and Ethiopia are major beef producers and the Chinese completed a new railway transport system from Ethiopia to a state-of-the-art port which they also constructed in neighboring Djibouti. Again, just as a friendly reminder, only a few years ago, China was opening up to create an American agricultural boom; but again Orange Man Bad and the Scamdemic LARP, so now we're paying hyperinflated prices while Big Ag scoops up distressed farmland at bargain prices and lectures the rest of us on eating more synthetic foods. Oh well, at least marijuana's back to being the leading American cash-crop again. Just today, the Junta even showed its support for Big Ag by refusing to prosecute any more environmental pollution caused by Corporate farms. (We're certain though that USDA regulations will be strictly enforced upon small farmers, however.)
During the Summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proudly announced that his nation had become the 4th world power to execute a successful mission to the Moon. The US, of course, has been falling rapidly behind Russia, China, and India on space exploration and technology. This was another issue which the Trump administration tried to address, including expanding educational opportunities within our highly scientifically-deficient public schools. Today, only billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are allowed the luxury of space exploration. In fact, the Junta today brought suit in federal court against Musk's SpaceX company for its lack of workplace diversity.
Many pundits believed that this year's Summit would seek to establish a new currency in alternative to the US Dollar, though that doesn't seem to be on the table. The most important thing that came from BRICS is more a determined policy to bypass the Dollar by accepting trade payments in the national currencies of the various members---which has the double-effect of bypassing the Dollar while strengthening the economic sovereignty of BRICS trading partners. At the end of WW2, the Allied Powers agreed to tie their currencies to the fixed rate of the US Dollar---which then was backed by gold. In the 1970s, the US unilaterally terminated this agreement, abandoning the Gold Standard, and opening the door for High Finance to engage in monetary speculation, which in subsequent decades has led to a global system of Dollar Hegemony. We've seen this used extensively by the US Deep State in imposing economic sanctions against nations which insist upon maintaining their sovereignty.
Breaking this economic stranglehold has been one of the main goals of the BRICS countries and the nearly three dozen nations petitioning to join. Exasperated by American/NWO economic and military bullying and cultural imperialism; the BRICS offers an opportunity for nations to escape the dubious blessings of 'American Exceptionalism.' The Chinese already operate several independent banks extending credit to developing nations as an alternative to the WEF/NWO-controlled IMF or World Bank.
"The changes that have taken place in BRICS economies over the past decade have done much to transform the shape of the global economy. However, the new wave of protectionism and the subsequent impact of unilateral measures that are incompatible with WTO rules undermine global economic growth and development," said South African President Cyril Ramaphosa.
“Some country, obsessed with maintaining its hegemony, has gone out of its way to cripple the emerging and developing countries. The Cold War mentality is still haunting our world, and the geopolitical situation is getting tense. Development should not be a privilege reserved for a few but a right for all countries. I am glad to see the growing enthusiasm of developing countries about participating in BRICS cooperation. And quite a number of them have applied to join … we need to accelerate the Brics expansion process to bring more countries into the Brics family," said Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“We are against any hegemony, the notion of exceptionalism promoted by some nations, and the policy of neocolonialism derived from that claim. We believe in the formation of a multipolar world order, truly just and based on international law,” stated Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Can anybody argue with their goals? I live in the US and even I want to be free of the US Deep State and the rotten society that upholds it. These nations are moving forward on a path expanding their sovereignty and prosperity. What headlines are driving the US Corporate Media today? Well, we learned that officials apparently ignored the Maui Wildfire until it devastated the whole island and now greedy developers are swooping in to buy the prime real estate. We learned that our already testosterone-deprived generation of young men are increasingly sterilizing themselves. We learned that the Oligarchs in Davos seriously are floating the idea of ending electoral democracy (not that it's actually existed in the Anglosphere for a long time, but that's beside the point). And ooo! ooo! When are the Trump mugshots coming out? We can't wait!
The BRICS Summit has given us a glimpse of the future contrasted with the decadent shadows of what was within many of our lifetimes the Civilization which the world aspired to emulate. If the Western world doesn't pull its collective heads out of its lethargic and self-righteous stupor soon, "Go East, Young Man," will be the slogan of the future.