Wednesday, August 2, 2023


       So, last Friday, a massive fire broke out in a bum jungle homeless encampment in Seattle, Washington. Now, while to our foreign readers this may seem like shocking news, such events are fairly common in our exceptional paradise that you're supposed to look up to as the world's role model. The fire took place in what's ridiculously termed here as a 'green space' on East Jefferson Street. This is in a part of Seattle that was once an upscale neighborhood called Yesler Terrace and was a few hundred feet from both Interstate Highway 5 and the largest medical facility in the Northwest, Harborview Hospital. 

    Investigators learned over the weekend, the fire was actually the result of a bombing. Apparently, a tent where Fentanyl was being distributed was targeted by a rival drug gang. Unfortunately one of the dealers spotted the device before the explosion, and the pushers escaped, although gunfire reportedly was exchanged. Oh well: at least it was close to a hospital in case there were casualties, though I'd hate to be a patient there with gangs bombing and shooting each other outside the window. Sadly, too, a number of valuable trees were destroyed.

    The mayor of Seattle belatedly decided that it was time to clean out the area and prohibit camping there. Better late than never, we suppose. 

     Here in the exceptional United States, there are an estimated 12,000 'homeless' in Seattle alone; with jungles just like these all down the I-5 Corridor from Bellingham to the California Bay Area. The US Government estimates around 600,000 such cases nationwide; the West Coast alone has about 40% of them. Let's note the numbers in the Pacific Northwest:

Washington: 23,000

Oregon: 15,000

Idaho: 3,000

Alaska: 2,000

    Somehow, it seems as though---given the billions spent on the Military-Industrial Complex to defend black budget sites like Ukraine and Taiwan---that dealing with about 45,000 displaced persons shouldn't be that difficult. Consider that a country as financially strapped as North Korea managed to do it recently in under four months. As an interesting side-note, North Korea doesn't seem to have much of a problem with fentanyl-trafficking gangs blowing up infrastructure in their major cities either. Why can't we deal with it?

     In contrast here in the land of the Ameroboob, we're more focused upon indicting or impeaching each other's leaders than wiping out crime or eliminating poverty. It's a higher cultural value over here to one up the other guy and not be overly concerned with society's losers, even when such terrorism on our city streets is very clearly being orchestrated. The crime and poverty rampant in our Western cities is not accidental at all; it's there by design and grows worse also by deliberate intention---though the policy is greatly facilitated by public apathy and selfish interest. Part of the agenda of the Great Reset is building back better with high-tech concentration camps 'smart cities' and nothing will make people want them more than making our current cities hopelessly unlivable. The human lives washed out by dope and gang violence in the meantime are only collateral damage---pawns to be sacrificed for the greater glory of the Global Financial and Commercial Elite.

    As for the City of Seattle, it isn't going to fix anything and it's not intended that it should. Situations like we saw on Jefferson Street are going to continue and worsen until the American pull their heads out of their dope and media-induced stupors and start standing up to these Great Reset clowns. But nobody's holding their breath waiting for that to happen.



  1. Well said. Thanks for bringing some attention to this issue! I spent a few years trying desperately to get cops and local politicians to care about the dangers of people on drugs building and using pipe bombs, to no avail. Darkly humorous, but one person actually tried to suggest that I might just need some anti anxiety meds. Gee, ya think?! Tragically a guy about a mile from my house finally blew a giant smoking crater in the ground, shook the whole town, and lost some major body parts. I'm exceedingly grateful the random explosions at all hours of the day and night now seem to have slowed down.

    1. Yes I remember that story. Few people are aware (or want to know) how dangerous these encampments really are. A lot of them like this one are run by gangs who prey on the others (and I suspect give a 'cut' to the so-called homeless activists who lobby for them). They're also filled with criminal fugitives. They need to take these people off the streets: give the deserving poor a real home, send the addicts and mentally ill to rehab, and put the rest in jail. For Heaven's Sake, if they can do this in Communist countries they can do it here.
