Sunday, August 20, 2023


      Yesterday, among the recommended channels I keep getting from Youtube, one vlog popped up titled The Male Loneliness Epidemic. The subject interested me, and the hostess was very cute😇 so I decided to hear what she had to say. I don't know much about her but she does have a large subscription base. From what she said, I get the impression that her politics are Left/Progressive: but to my amazement, this girl gets it.

   She actually covers much of what we've spoken of here: the commodification of relationships; the rise of the Red Pill/Alt Right, etc. On this last issue, she was especially prescient: "Twelve year-old white boys on Twitch are not being pulled into Fascism because of some Machiavellian desire to preserve and expand their privileges. It's because the Right talks to them and the Left doesn't." "It's all systemic issues and societal factors until the Left talks about men, then it's 'pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.'" And that's just a couple of the highlights. 

   All of which is true, and it's especially refreshing hearing it from a Leftist perspective. It's encouraging because it shows that younger women like this are waking up to the lie that they've been fed all of their lives. She likely grew up after the Clinton Co-Presidency's "Gender Wars" and where Feminist supremacy and toxic masculinity devolved into a New Normal. The Wall Street Oligarchs pulling the wires on the Clinton Administration of course cared nothing for women's rights anymore than the ones pulling the current Junta's wires do. In fact, radical Feminism served it's purpose by alienating and weakening men, eroding families, and depressing wages; and so it was quickly discarded in favor of the Homo Agenda once the Biden/Harris Junta was installed as the National Government. 

  Younger women like these are beginning to see through the Lie that is postmodern America. Growing up in a world where the State promoted 'female empowerment' and 'believe all women' and 'bring-your-daughters-to work days,' they came to maturity in a culture which suddenly found them as expendable as it had men before. Those of us who grew up in the 80s well recall that the Corporate bosses and politicians once praised the indispensability of the American working man. 

   Then, a few years later when the same wealthy business interests could outsource jobs to low-wage foreign labor pools and found that women could fill the new service and tech economy at 75% of what they paid men, all of us unemployed and unemployable men were tossed aside like so much garbage. Today's women are experiencing much the same thing. The Corporate interests are discarding them in favor of the Homo Agenda, by their own admission, because homosexuals and transsexuals have fewer familial concerns and tend to support their own communities. Thus, an 'LGBTQ-friendly' corporation has by definition a more loyal workforce.

   The bottom line here is something that the hostess actually observed: "Because feeling alienated under Capitalism apparently isn't a thing." The Corporate Cartels are not worried in the least about the quality of life of citizens or workers, a point that we and others have made here before about exactly what kind of sham 'democracy' we really live under. FYI, for anyone concerned about 'homo equality' that group will get discarded too; once these Corporate Oligarchs have perfected AI, robotics, and transhumanist technologies to the point that they don't need human workers so much. 

   "Don't get me wrong: the Republican Party will do nothing to help any of this" she quite truthfully asserts, "but the Right is, at least rhetorically, offering men something other than nothing or the eternal HR department...a lot of men simply feel that they have no purpose."

   That sums up the problem perfectly. As the late blogger Sir Guy said at his site What Women Never Hear pointed out that a man's greatest innate fear is insignificance. We've created a dysfunctional culture where insignificance is imposed on men from birth and wonder why they drop out, take drugs, or end in suicides; if not being lured into the cultish claws of charlatans a la Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Vox Day, Doug Wilson, Rollo Tomassi, ad nauseum. 

  It's really a hopeful sign that an increasing number of young women are seeing through the hypocrisy of Neoliberalism without embracing the other extreme of Alt-RINO neofascism. Women aren't by nature community leaders, however their innate abilities as the future of the human race instinctively knows when a given society is headed on a dangerous course. 

  Check out her video on the link above, it's worth watching. 



  1. Shoeonhead has been around the interweb for years. She was friends with Lauren Southern, apparently she has distanced herself from her these days, but I have no idea what the situation is now with them. Here's a link to a cringe collab they did years ago

    She's also had a public spat with Lauren Chen, see

    You are right tho, she makes good points in the video have posted about, but I wouldn't exactly call her a ray of hope.

    1. Thanks for the info. This is only video I've seen from her and didn't know much about her. I don't actually follow very many vlogs. TBH, to me it was kind of a 'ray of hope' because it was one of the few from her demographic I've ever seen that made any sense. It was a good job to have exposed Balenciaga, though.

      Still, she is super cute. It brought back memories of how when I was a kid I used to watch Linda Ronstadt's videos with the sound turned off lol.

    2. I can understand that. She's older than she looks though. She's in her early thirties.

      She can be entertaining, here is a video where she is commenting on her old videos

      And another addressing her criticism from Sargon of Akkad on how she has changed over the years

      To me she sounds like a socialist of the old school variety, (apparently she voted Bernie Sanders in 2016) but doesn't have much time for all the woke nonsense from either side.

    3. Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time I've been influenced by big, dark expressive eyes lol. You could be right about her politics; a lot of the old-school Socialists were very strong believers in gender polarity. I recently read a Socialist website (don't remember which) where the author was complaining that woke politics was a distraction by focusing on gender and race when the true struggle was economic. There's truth in that: I don't believe either that any of these 'woke' oligarchs believe in any of that nonsense themselves, but only push it because it's politically expedient.

    4. I just watched this video she did on tiktok trad wives. I think you'll enjoy her take.

    5. It was pretty good, although the comments that she read from the Leftists were depressing. I saw an interview with her over the video commented here:

  2. Another interesting point re Shoeonhead is she is attributed to have directly exposed the balenciaga scandal. See
