Thursday, February 6, 2025


      During the 19th Century, Protestant Churches throughout the English-speaking world saw an outburst of a new movement called Millenarianism. Based on misreadings of some of the apocalyptic writings in the Bible, some ministers believed that they could predict the date on which Christ would return and establish his Kingdom on Earth. Believers gave away possessions and gathered awaiting the Second Advent; but as that did not happen, the majority returned home sadder but wiser men. 

     Then, as now, though, facts didn't deter a minority of them and new movements and interpretations grew. The belief of these people changed to the notion of what is called in Theology, Dominionism, or the notion that Christ's Advent is determined by man's actions on Earth. The movement was relegated to the fringes of society throughout most of the 20th Century, but with the coming of mass-media, it saw a resurgence beginning around the 1970s. Media spectacles like the Left Behind series generated considerable revenue and spread the cult's doctrines to mainstream audiences. Movements like Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism are based in Dominionism as well. 

    With the breakdown in the family and the decline in both secular and religious education, such doctrines easily became substituted in many minds for actual teachings of the Christian Faith. Church leaders point out that it is certainly beneath the Dignity of God to communicate His ultimate purposes through riddles and enigmas that only an enlightened few are able to decipher. The doctrines of modern Megachurches are really closer to Gnosticism than they are to anything resembling Christianity. The Apocalyptic writings in the Bible were written in symbolic terms to people living during times of persecution for their Faith, and meant to convey the teaching that God would be faithful to His worshippers until the end. That's the message that these passages have for us today; and it is an absurdity to imagine that these are mathematical and dialectical puzzles pertaining to 21st Century America and that God is somehow anxiously waiting for our generation to figure them all out and bring them to fruition through political and foreign policy. 

    The knaves leading these postmodern movements (for their own sinister purposes) counter that the mainstream churches are in a state of apostasy, and that people should only listen to them because they have the spirit rather than a formal education. That this is Gnostic ought to be obvious; but tying it as they do to politics and economics makes it even more apparent. From an historical standpoint, this doctrine in its entirety is simply a proletarian version of the Divine Right of Kings, and we can hear it echoed everywhere in the effusive and uncritical hymns sung the glory of the Neocons now in control of the US Federal Government. We saw this before to a lesser degree too during the last Bush Administration.

    It is noteworthy that the bulk of criticism aimed at Established Churches rarely centers on actual doctrine, but instead is overwhelmingly focused on political policies like climate change, immigration, social spending, etc. In other words, they've largely absorbed the Leftist ideology that "the personal is political" although in their case, spirituality factors into the same axiom. Thus, opposing the Genocide in Palestine or the treatment of immigrants can qualify one not only as a political dissent, but a tool of Satan as well. 

     It's indisputable that the secular National Government has a duty to safeguard the shared values of traditional religions within its jurisdiction. The Russian Government under President Putin set up a model of just how such an organization could operate under the complexities of a modern Democracy---a model which has been copied by other nations. That, however, is not what the Dominionists have in mind. Their's is an exclusionary cult---and a nihilistic and anti-democratic one at that. We would have supposed that after these cultists' influences on the 2nd Bush Administration had been exposed that we would recognize the dangers of allowing such people near the levers of power again, but apparently not.

    Instead, the Dominionists have grown in power and influence to the point where they are taking over entire State Governments and imposing their perverted fantasies upon the helpless populations. Worse still, the Federal Government is now infested with these dangerous cults and some even hold high positions where they can do real damage

    Now more than ever, Christians must hold fast to their fundamental beliefs, because the assault upon us coming from pious frauds is an even greater threat than the ones coming from outright secular atheistic materialists. Rainbow Churchianity is a threat to the faith, it is true; but Pharisaism, is far more insidious, especially when adopted as Public Policy for obviously cynical reasons. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


        Imagine for a moment that the Democrats had 'won' the 2024 Elections and Kamala immediately had proceeded to elevate a henchman of George Soros and homo-rights activist to the Treasury Department; who then proceeded to open the Department to a WEF Young Global Leader and seized control of agencies investigating his Wall Street cronies. Imagine if Kamala had blocked background checks to potential employees of government agencies, fired all of the departmental inspectors-general, and began systematic purges of Civil Service to appoint Party loyalists. 

      Imagine if Kamala's Pentagon boss banned media outlets from press conferences and unilaterally suspended the 1878 Posse Comitatus law (which was put into effect by an actual Conservative Republican) and gave the military internal police duties. 

      Imagine if Kamala's Intel Director appointee was a WEF Young Global Leader and her FBI appointee was a former Obama Intel Operative, both of whom assured the Senate that they would support no clemency for Edward Snowden and fully backed Government Domestic Espionage programs. 

     Imagine if Kamala had created new positions to direct Federal spending without Congressional approval, deregulate Cryptocurrencies without regulatory oversight, and fund an initiative to create databases on all Americans. 

    Imagine if Kamala had turned over the Interior and Agriculture Departments to stooges of Bill Gates, again with no regulatory oversight involved. 

    Imagine if Kamala had declared a State of National Emergency her first day in and began issuing Executive Orders for mass-raids, building concentration camps, sealing borders, and contact-tracing and mass-registrations. 

    If all of these things had happened, do we suppose that there would be nothing but slobbering praise coming from the so-called 'Alternative Media?' Or would we would we be hearing 24/7 outrage over what those Commie Liberals were doing?

   I think that we know the answer to those questions. The question that arises now is: Are we going to stop looking the other way and start standing for the Constitution and self-government again?

Saturday, February 1, 2025


       It is commonly believed that the scourge of Christian Nationalism is confined to certain cultish Megachurches which nominally are Protestant, and that the poisonous doctrines haven't infiltrated Catholicism to the same extent. After all, Pope Francis and several high-ranking officials in the Church have denounced the movement, and there is precedent for it as well. After the suppression of the Cathars in Mediaeval Europe---whose doctrines contemporary Christian Nationalists mirror in many ways---the Council of Florence convened under Pope Eugene IV ruled in 1441:

    "Whoever, after the passion, places his hope in the legal prescriptions of the Law of Moses and submits himself to them as necessary for salvation and as if faith in Christ without them could not save, sins mortally. It does not deny that from Christ's passion until the promulgation of the gospel they could have been retained, provided they were in no way believed to be necessary for salvation. But it asserts that after the promulgation of the gospel they cannot be observed without loss of eternal salvation."

    Christian Nationalism has strong ties to the Zionist Cult; both believe themselves people chosen by God (i.e., a Master Race) to impose their interpretations of the Old Testament via the Force of Law upon their 'inferiors.' Many Catholics seem to be under the delusion that the Christian Nationalists include them in their chiliastic and nihilistic fantasies as well, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. In fact, the Worldwide Web during the last two weeks have been filled with some of most appalling and degrading degrees of fawning apologies for, as well as revolting displays of utter servility to, the Uniparty; even when the very leadership of the Church---whom we presume are better versed on Christian Ethics than Deep State technocrats---say otherwise.

    The Department of Homeland Security---an institution which really has no justification for existing under our form of Government, is currently headed by a rabid Christian Nationalist, former South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Governor Noem recently staged a photo-op in New York City of herself posing as the Aryan Valkyrie leading the White Knights into battle against the foreign-born who are corrupting our Blood and Soil. 

       It doesn't seemed to have dawned on these very based and Red Pilled Catholics that around 100% of the immigrant roundups and forced deportations are targeting people from predominantly Catholic countries; or that Governor Noem singled out Catholic Services for the proposed funding freeze. Only few years ago, when the Democrats were attempting to defund Catholic organizations over their refusal to implement pro-abortion and pro-homo policies, that was an assault on religious liberty and overt discrimination against Catholics. But when Republicans do it, in the service of the same Uniparty though re-packaged and re-sold under a different agenda, the Catholic laity decides to sit on their hands and do as they're ordered.

     Some of the apologists for the New Order emphasize the few crumbs that the Republicans have tossed us on Social Issues, and blown the significance of these things wholly out of proportion. These actions aren't being done because the Administration cares so deeply about issues important to Catholics; they are doing them because they happen to dovetail with issues pressed by the Christian Nationalists. On top of that, they are mostly hollow gestures: publicity stunts that won't actually effect much of anything. Terminating Federal support for things like Abortion Mills and homo 'equality' doesn't mean making these things illegal: the Reactionaries are simply outsourcing Woke Ideology to State Governors and Wall Street Corporate Oligarchs.

     Why are so many Catholics falling into the Christian Nationalist trap? Like many other Americans, they value the security of an authoritarian government more than things like religious liberty; and---also like many Americans---live in a State of Denial that Government Overreach will ever be employed against them. Many Catholics in 1930s Germany made the same rationalizations and it didn't work out so well

    It's not going to work out this time either. The Reactionaries have a history going back several years outlining their plans to usher in their version of the Great Reset; and their contempt for Catholicism has been noted for just as long. At best, they consider all religion a useful tool to keep the masses in subjection---an ideal not far removed from the typical Megachurch leadership, but considerably far from the traditions of the Catholic Church. Denial and refusal to stand on principle has never worked, and never will.


Thursday, January 30, 2025


      On Tuesday, a Federal Court Judge derailed another illegal attempt by the Uniparty to circumvent the Constitutional Division of Powers and establish Rule-by-Decree. It isn't as though the Constitution has been more or less of a dead letter during the past three decades already, but the New Right has been driving toward its final extinction.

     The Decree that was blocked this time would have frozen Federal Grants and ultimately based them upon Party Loyalty. Among the proposed defunding of the Enemy Within would have been such organizations as Catholic Community Services. Treasury Commissar Scott Bessent, homo-Rights activist, architect of Soros' social engineering schemes and an elder in a Rainbow Church, supported the plan; as did incoming Christian Nationalist OMB Chair, Russ Vought.  One would naturally suppose that American Catholics would be horrified at this too; but evidently Party Loyalty comes before Faith among them too

     The Republican Party of today is not Conservative; it is Reactionary. The reason that we see alliances between Globalists like Bessent and Churchians like Vought is because both ideologies share a common contempt for Popular Sovereignty and the ideals of the Enlightenment (for those who went to public schools, that was the era when our Nation was founded). The Techno-feudalists of the Global Oligarchy and the believers in a State Church are natural allies. Both envision a pre-democratic utopia where mind-control and social conformity are imposed

     To this end, the Reactionary Government is moving to stamp out any form of dissent or Congressional oversight, which is one reason that the Federal Court blocked the proposed spending freeze. There are other initiatives being challenged as well, such as the mass-purges of Civil Service personnel. Laws preventing these kinds of purges were instituted in 1871, when we had an actual Conservative Republican in the White House.

    Americans had learned from the experience of the Civil War that partisan appointments could lead to dangerous intrigues (Jefferson Davis was formerly the Defense Secretary, for example). Critics of the current system allege that Civil Servants form the Deep State; in reality, the Deep State operates independently of the Government and civil servants typically just do as they're told. Replacing them with Party Loyalists expands the power of the actual Deep State while making Regulatory Capture permanent. 

    To the same end of Regulatory Capture, the New Right also instituted a purge of the Inspector-Generals' Officers. This move is totally illegal, of course: the law establishing non-partisan positions in the Cabinet to enforce adherence to the law was approved by another actual Conservative Republican in 1974.

      The Snake Oil being peddled by the New Right has nothing to do with reducing Government Over-Reach or making it more efficient. The New Right is about transferring power from the people to the hands of Corporate Oligarchs. The so-called Golden Age they promise is merely the Accelerationist phase of the Great Reset

     In order to gain public support, the Reactionaries will throw a few crumbs to Conservatives to divert attention from their broader goals and intentions. To this end, they have the full assistance of the Controlled Opposition Media which trumpet the Official Party Line while discreetly ignoring inconvenient truths and facts. That there are serious problems both with Federal Funding grants and the Civil Service cannot be denied; but a genuine Conservative approach would be reform and not revolution. 

    What we're seeing from the Reactionaries is not reform in any meaningful sense. They are not returning power to the people, but transferring it to other top-down agencies and institutions which will operate with even less responsibility and transparency than before. A Government of would-be Alpha Supermen is hardly an improvement over a vacillating and indecisive one. A modern government is one that serves the people, and one where the people have the ultimate power. We've gotten into this situation by outsourcing our Rights to institutions and expecting them to make top-down decisions. The Oligarchs have encouraged this, to be sure: but demanding more authority and less accountability is not the answer.  




Saturday, January 25, 2025


      If one only reads the Controlled Opposition Press, one would get the impression that President Trump's wholesale capitulation to the WEF Oligarchs on Thursday was some kind of bold statement standing up to the Globalist Elite. Trump's speech was actually met with thundering applause. Borge Brende, head of the WEF's sprawling internal bureaucracy and moderator of the event gushed: "Thank you very much, Mr. President, for that very powerful speech, and I think you could hear the applause all the way from Davos to the White House. But next year, it will be even better, because then you can get the applause here in Davos. So, we wish you welcome to our village next year."

   Trump was then addressed by the panel of four top financial cartel chiefs, three of whom donated to his campaign and have been frequent guests at Mar-a-Lago; which sounds rather at variance with some of the headlines screaming from the Controlled Opposition.

      As a specimen of the Administration's subservience to the WEF, Trump remarked during his speech that:  "Already, American's economic -- and you can see this, I think, maybe even in your wonderful, wonderful room--- so many of my friends...SoftBank has announced between a $100 and $200 billion investment in the U.S. economy because of the election result. And just two days ago, Oracle, SoftBank, and OpenAI announced a $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure. Other companies, likewise, have announced billions and billions and billions -- adding up to trillions -- of investment in America, in the United States."

     Trump was referencing Project Stargate, which was rolled out shortly before the speech, setting up a Federally-subsidized plan to turn AI and DNA gene-sequencing over to Big Tech. The applause had barely died down at Davos, before the White House announced the creation of another new bureaucracy which will subsidize and manage Digital Currency schemes. Both of these initiatives dovetail with this year's WEF Top Agenda item, titled Collaboration for the Intelligent Age

      David O. Sacks, a jovial character of whom we've had occasion to speak of here, here, and here, was appointed Commisar of the project. Interestingly, the same Executive Order states that its purposes are: 

       "Protecting and promoting the ability of individual citizens and private-sector entities alike to access and use for lawful purposes open public blockchain networks without persecution, including the ability to develop and deploy software, to participate in mining and validating, to transact with other persons without unlawful censorship, and to maintain self-custody of digital assets"


     "Providing regulatory clarity and certainty built on technology-neutral regulations, frameworks that account for emerging technologies, transparent decision making, and well-defined jurisdictional regulatory boundaries, all of which are essential to supporting a vibrant and inclusive digital economy and innovation in digital assets, permissionless blockchains, and distributed ledger technologies."

     According to the Order, however, these secret currencies will be mandated to be tied to the US Dollar; hence the provision for Regulatory oversight---but we read next that the Order includes "prohibiting the establishment, issuance, circulation, and use of a Central Bank Digital Currency within the jurisdiction of the United States."

     In other words, what this new initiative seems to intend is the creation of a de facto Central Bank Digital Currency---but one managed outside of the Federal Reserve Board's authority by nominally 'independent' banks. This might sound interesting on the surface until we realize that Globalist High Finance already has the technology to manage such a system established. The legal Central Bank simply will be circumvented and the same Financial Oligarchs applauding Trump's WEF Speech will manage it under a something like say, a shadow organization in Switzerland. With a henchman of Soros about to take over the Treasury Department and a Clinton Machine apparatchik in charge of the Department of Commerce, it appears that Regulatory Capture of the system is now very much completed. 

    I don't really know what to say here: Americans sat by passively while other fake 'national emergencies' gutted all of our banking privacy laws and fake 'deregulation' allowed for High Finance to emerge into a sprawling monopoly more powerful than the Government. This week's Corporate takeover of the US Monetary Supply was made possible by all of these precedents. We're seeing the same reaction to this week's moves as we saw to the previous ones: denial and deflection---with the Media outlets dutifully obeying and convincing us all that such policies are consistent with economic freedom while sweeping the truth of the situation under the rug.

Friday, January 24, 2025


       On Thursday, President Trump addressed the World Economic Forum via television. Admittedly, it was quite a performance: one aptly suited for a TV show. Headlines in the Controlled Opposition Media are spinning it along these lines:

      Yes, it was a fiery speech. I'm sure that when the Oligarchs in the audience finished laughing, they congratulated their PR teams on a job well done. The actual fact here is that the WEF owns this Administration just like it owned the last one. 

      Trump's top advisor, Elon Musk, is WEF. If Trump goes away, Vance's owner, Peter Thiel is WEF. The Bush Machine, which has a representative on the WEF Board of Trustees, owns the White House Chief of Staff, the House Speaker, the Senate Majority Leader, the State Department, CIA and soon the Pentagon. Soros' people have the nominees in the Treasury Department and the economic branches. Bill Gates' henchmen have the Interior Department, Agriculture, and are close to taking over the healthcare-related branches. BlackRock still holds a big share of our National Debt.

    All four of the newly-elected Republican Senators are billionaire ex-CEOs with ties to Globalist concerns. This includes one whose brother was on the WEF Board of Trustees. One of the first things the New Administration did this week was initiate Project Stargate, which is wholly in line with the WEF's theme this year of expanding the Digital Police State. The next project the Administration launched was imposing the same internal Security-State measures---under the guise of fighting illegal immigration---that their predecessors proposed to deal with the Scamdemic.

     For some reason, though, a significant number of Americans want to believe that the term 'Uniparty' doesn't include Republicans. It seems as though today all one has to do is call themselves a Conservative Christian and they get a free pass from the whole American Right to behave like Atheistic Liberals. 

     If we want to see how real Conservatives deal with organizations like the WEF, we should look to Europe. In France, Marine LePen proposed declaring the WEF a hostile foreign government and forcing French companies aligned with them to register as foreign agents. In Belarus, President Lukashenko expelled all WEF-connected NGOs as foreign provocateurs, and Russian President Putin did the same. There are similar movements underway in Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Austria. 

    A State under the control of unelected and unaccountable Corporate bureaucrats is no less a tyranny than one under the control of a Central Party bureaucracy or an Absolute Monarchy. Yet, here in the birthplace of modern Constitutional Government, the State is passing into the hands of Neoreactionaries, Social Darwinists, Christian Nationalists, and other groups who want to revert back to a social order based on power and privilege. There is also no shortage of flying monkeys who hope to capitalize on this kind of Paradigm-Shift, and they are well-represented in think-tanks, NGOs, and the so-called 'Alternative Media.' 

    Those who still value our Liberties need to beware of the tendency to outsource our thinking to these kinds of people. They are very skilled at saying one thing while doing another, and disguising their real purposes and intentions behind noble slogans and narrative-control. We have to see beyond those things and examine closely how both their words and actions match what they want us to believe. 



Thursday, January 23, 2025


       Less than a week after the White House issued a decree nullifying the 14th Amendment, Federal District Judge John Coughenour---one of the last sitting judges appointed by the Conservative President Reagan---flummoxed the attempted Neocon power-grab, issuing a two-week restraining order pending further Judicial Review.

    “I've been on the bench for over four decades. I can’t remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one. This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,the Judge scolded the Swamp RINOs arguing on behalf of the 'emergency decree.'

     The Order in question was part of a flurry of illegal edicts, and in this case, would empower the Executive Branch the authority to decide who is and who isn't eligible for Citizenship and, by extension, the protection of what's left of our Bill of Rights. Other edicts are being challenged as well, such as those modifying immigration criteria on ideological grounds; establishing contact-tracing and setting up new Federal Registries, building a system of Concentration Camps, authorizing the military to invade sovereign US States, sealing borders, etc. All of these things were issues that 'Conservatives' claimed to oppose when the Democrats suggested doing them during the Scamdemic. 

    Actual undesirable foreign immigrants who routinely do things like act as agents for foreign globalist governments, disseminate alien ideologies through our mass-media and buy elections are the very ones accusing other immigrants of doing what they do. None of them, of course, would be touched by any of the White House edicts.

       During the Reagan Era, characters like these were on the fringes of the Conservative Movement. Immigrants were welcomed, Neo-Nazis were shunned, and foreign Oligarchs were not allowed to run the US Government. But that was then, this now. 

      As an example of how radically things have changed, I recall Reagan giving a speech where some Leftist hecklers interrupted making the same salute that Elon Musk and other Neo-Nazis have since popularized (although they were attempting to mock Reagan). Reagan said, "If those people had their way 40 years ago, we'd be heiling a different type of National Leadership now." The hecklers were laughed out of the audience; and of course if Reagan were alive today, he'd be denounced as a 'Marxist' or a RINO-Republican, at best.

     Especially in so-called Christian Conservative circles, defending the humanity of immigrants and refugees (exempting certain ones, of course) brings down a firestorm of outrage. Recently, for defending Pope Francis' remarks on a Catholic website brought us an avalanche of Fan Mail. Here are some excerpts:

    "Clearly you are a lost leftist and ignorant about the Faith. I doubt you are even a true Catholic."

     "You've clearly drunk some hypocrisy-spiked leftwing KoolAid. Have you volunteered to take any undocumented, unvetted 'immigrants' into your home, sight unseen? You should, for the same reason. It is easy to sit back and criticize from a distance, claiming the US isn't Christian unless we let anyone walk across the border and do whatever they want, when you take zero responsibility for the outcome. That is not only foolishly ignorant, it is self-serving hypocrisy. Neither is Christian."

    "This election pitted good against evil, right against wrong, freedom against tyranny, God against Satan."

    "Jesus Christ our Lord is not quite the permissive softy you think He is. In fact, quite the contrary, like the most perfect Father He is, He does not abide breaking the law, such as illegally crossing borders, and other heinous Crimes Against Humanity."

     Actually, I seem to recall Jesus welcoming Samaritans and driving money-changers out of the Sanctuary, but postmodern Christians seem to have reversed that paradigm. Power and Wealth; Success and Force---these are the Fruits of the Spirit these days. Compassion and a desire to help the less fortunate, not so much.



Wednesday, January 22, 2025


        So, in the aftermath of the new National Emergencies that Americans have chosen to impose on themselves, a few of those troubling minor details about what's actually involved begin to emerge. Acting first and thinking later is the default approach Americans today reflexively take toward any 'crisis,' real or imaginary. We've seen it before: Bush Sr. did it with the 'Drug War,' Junior did it with the 'War on Terror,' and RINO Governors did it with the Scamdemic. The American People can't sacrifice their Rights fast enough during any good Media blitz. 

      The latest national Panic Attack centers on the 'threat' of immigration. Supposedly, every American community is being invaded by hordes of barbarians committing all sorts of mayhem. For some reason, nobody in my area seems to know where any of these gangs are, and doesn't know anybody affected by them; but they're convinced that they really exist. It's much like the Scamdemic: more people are said to have died from the flu outbreak than all of our major wars combined; yet nobody knew where all of the bodies went and nobody saw anybody succumbing locally---but we were supposed to don the Mask of Shame and dutifully present our Vaxx Passports if we didn't want to be frozen out of society. Or, previously, we were assured that every hamlet, every neighborhood block had a Terrorist Sleeper Cell just waiting to be activated. Nobody ever found one; but surrendering half of the Bill of Rights wasn't too small a price to pay just in case there were. So on and so forth; drug dealers, pedophiles, sexual deviants---all hiding behind every rock and tree and maybe your neighbor's house too. The threat never comes from the Leadership Class and, of course, the Media doesn't lie. 

     Yesterday, Elon Musk's bosom-buddy and Mark Zuckerberg's next-door neighbor Larry Ellison---the CEO of domestic-espionage contractor Oracle, appeared at the White House with other Tech Lords to announce the launch of Project Stargate, which is being coordinated with their confederates at the World Economic Forum. Trump patted Ellison on the back, remarking that  "I will invoke Emergency Declarations to help speed up the Stargate project. I’m going to help a lot through emergency declarations, because we have an emergency and we need a lot of help...Stargate will build the infrastructure to power the next generation of AI and this will include data centers. Massive facilities…These are big beautiful buildings. Our team is already scouting the nation for sites on which to build new data centers. This is to me a very big deal. It could lead to something that could be the biggest of all.”



     Naturally, rooting out all of these immigrant hordes is going to require more than just requiring carrying and presenting Identification Papers which those sneaky brown and yellow people can always fake in their insidious attempts to poison our blood and steal our jobs. Before the knee-jerk Republican apologists come out with their reflexive "If you're not doing anything wrong, you've nothing to hide," schtick, consider that Ellison specifically added that DNA collection and databases would be a big part of the project. Naturally, he tried to forestall any possible concerns that the Ameroboobs might raise by eliding the threat of another Health Emergency into the mix. 

    “You can do early cancer detection with a blood test. And using AI to look at the blood test, you can find the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. Then beyond that, once we gene-sequence that cancerous tumor, you can then vaccinate the person, and design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer, and you can make that mRNA vaccine. You can make that robotically using AI in about 48 hours. You can have that vaccine available in about 48 yours. This is the promise of AI and the promise of the future.”

   All of this right after Trump and his team met with Bill Gates and the WEF is discussing implementation of such projects: what a coincidence. Admittedly, in the hands of responsible medical personnel such technologies could be of benefit to humankind. However, in the hands of irresponsible Technocratic Elites with depopulation agendas, we might have a problem---especially with their long history of faking emergencies to expand the police state, and their known proclivity for developing bioweapons. 

    But instead, we'll all go on believing that the Conservative-Industrial Complex is on some Grand Crusade to save us all from ourselves and make the world safe for American Exceptionalism. The New World Order crowd is counting on us to keep believing so and trusting the plan. 



Monday, January 20, 2025


       Shortly before the Republican Wing of the Uniparty assumed control on Monday, Senator John Barrasso told the Corporate Media in an interview that the New Right was preparing a Shock and Awe campaign to overwhelm the American people. The term originated in the Bush Administration to designate their blitzkrieg against Iraq in 2003. Barrasso, who is a political protege of Dick Cheney, no doubt felt nostalgic about the New Right's prospects, promising a "blizzard of Executive Orders from Day One!" 

     Barrasso's confidence was understandable. The day after Trump had one of his productive meetings with Bill Gates, his Team summarily purged Robert Kennedy's staff of medical people who had exposed the deaths resulting from the Loyalty Vaxx, while arch-RINO and Bush Machine acolyte Marco Rubio today was unanimously elevated to head the State Department. Elon Musk, meanwhile, mounted the Presidential Podium and expressed his approval.

     Musk went on to purge Vivek Ramaswamy from DOGE, the latter having fallen out of favor with his New World Order owners for insisting on too much autonomy from the more powerful Musk. Trump, meanwhile, did sign a stack of decrees, mostly re-instating some policies that Corn-Pop had repealed, while revoking some of the ones that Biden had instituted to appease his supporters in 2021. 

    The J6 protesters were freed, and these were positive developments; but in the bigger scheme of things certain other minor details have been passed over quietly in the midst of the hero-worship flowing from the Controlled Opposition Press. Small things like unilaterally nullifying the 14th Amendment and declaring not one, but two, States of National Emergency---this is part of the Shock and Awe that Barrasso alluded to. Another decree made it easier to remove Federal employees on purely ideological grounds.

    All of these things were done or proposed by the Democrats under different pretexts, but the end result is the same. The Democrats proposed building Concentration Camps for the Unvaxxed and depriving us of Due Process; the Republicans simply superimposed an alleged "immigrant invasion" for the same purpose. The Democrats proposed a 'Climate Emergency' to turn over our resources to the Energy Cartels; the Republicans are doing the same under the cover of 'Energy Independence.' The Democrats used ideology as a Spoils System to fill governmental positions with Party Loyalists; the Republicans are doing the same, despite their pretenses to 'merit-based employment.' 

    As with Bush 1.0 and Bush 2.0, we can expect the True Believers and the so-called Alternative Media to be apologizing for and whitewashing anything that happens under Bush 3.0. As with the two previous Neocon incarnations, though, the Reality will be harder and harder to ignore as time goes on.





       Today, as the American Uniparty ceremonially changes Management Teams, the actual rulers of the Western World are also meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The timing probably is not coincidental; and the incoming Head-of-State is going to check in with them on Thursday via a virtual address

     With the US moving into Technocracy, it's natural that this year's WEF top agenda item is Collaboration for the Intelligent Age. They have five major symposiums scheduled, all dealing with plans to implement Technology to secure the power of the Globalist Oligarchs. The final meeting, titled Industries in the Intelligent Age concludes with this goal: "In this context, it's crucial for businesses, governments, and civil society to work together to find common solutions and take decisive action. Through its Centres, the World Economic Forum integrates public-private efforts to achieve greater impact." 

    Finding common solutions and Taking decisive action is the one consistent theme threading throughout all of their agenda items. With the sheer number of WEF-affiliated personnel coming into Washington in 2025, and the Republicans' stated goals of imposing top-down solutions upon American stakeholders citizens, we can imagine that the Great Reset will achieve its goals on schedule. 

    Today's WEF meeting is themed Rebuilding Trust; which is a carry-over from last year's meeting. There has been concern among the Oligarchs over a growing skepticism among their serfs that the Plutocracy really has the best interests of the people in mind. This probably is the motivation behind management changes in the US and elsewhere. 

   "In an increasingly complex and fast-moving world, societal divides have deepened as people seek to reaffirm their identities." the WEF says, as diplomatically as possible, and they go on to stress that AI and the Digital Economy is essentially to stakeholders to boost the fortunes of International Capital. 

   It doesn't sound, to my mind, especially reassuring to hear about 'reaffirming identities' in the same context as promoting AI and digital economic schemes. It's even less assuring when transhumanist ideologues like Vance, Musk, and Ramaswamy are assuming powerful positions bankrolled by the likes of Silicon Valley Tech Lords. 

   Day 2 is themed Reimagining Growth, which---as we might expect---essentially translates into Wealth-Transfer schemes. "With limited fiscal space and monetary policy tools at their disposal, policymakers will need to look towards new frontiers and sources for growth. Innovation will play a central role in fully achieving global economic recovery," the WEF asserts. 

   This, of course, is another diplomatic way of advocating so-called Public-Private Partnerships; although the current trend appears to lean in the direction of outsourcing as much of Government to Corporate interests as possible. Creating new agencies like DOGE---which is headed by two WEF Young Global Leaders---will facilitate these wealth-transfers quite smoothly. 

      Day 3: the theme of which is tellingly titled Investing in People. By this term, however, they don't mean investing in people, as in human beings. The description reads: "How can the public and private sectors invest in human capital development?" The WEF goes on to answer that question: "Among the most urgent of these impacts is the need to reskill and upskill people to meet the demands of the economy of tomorrow and capitalize on the millions of new jobs in emerging and frontier fields." 

     I think that we can see where this is going without too much need to elaborate. The WEF, throughout its history, has never exactly been strong on ideals like free and fair competition or national self-government. What does this mean for us as a new Management Team takes over the United States?

    Throughout the 2024 Campaign, we've heard a lot of similar rhetoric---especially in regard to managing human capital. We've been told that Facts don't care about your feelings; frequent references to subhumans; Success and Force elevated to near idolatrous levels; demonizing critics as motivated by envy; and a very unsettling emphasis upon ideological unity and Party discipline. In fact, to many of us over 30 years old or so, a lot of bad memories of Bush Era Neoconservatism seem to be coming back, especially recalling the sweeping contempt for those of us whom the Neocons consider their inferiors.

    Make no mistake about it, that is exactly how these Oligarchs both in Davos and the Beltway see us: no more than a herd of livestock to be managed for the benefit of their owners; and beyond that, we are wholly expendable. 250 years ago, the Founders of the United States rejected the concept of a Master Race of entitled self-styled 'elites;' but their descendants seem to be more accepting of the idea.

    Contrary to what many Postmoderns want to believe, the human race is not a hierarchy of glorified apes where the Alphas are at liberty to take what they want from the herd. Man, as our Declaration of Independence tells us, is created equal and endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable Rights. During the last few decades, we've largely turned our backs on our Creator, our Rights, and our Manhood. The results speak for themselves, and are going to be speaking even louder in the near future, unless we find our way back to our core principles.





Saturday, January 18, 2025


      After his loyal toady Doug Burgum was interviewed by RINO yes-men during Thursday's Confirmation Hearings, Burgum's owner Bill Gates met with the Incoming Head-of-State for a three-hour Power Luncheon.

       "Reflecting on Trump’s role during the Covid pandemic, Gates recalled how he had 'accelerated the vaccine innovation,' and urged Trump to take a similar approach with the HIV cure that the Gates Foundation is actively working on. 'So I was asking him if maybe the same kind of thing could be done here. And we both got, I think, pretty excited about thatI was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up,” he added, noting that Trump appeared “energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation.”


        There is no word on whether or not Gates will join Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos among the woke Plutocrats attending the Inauguration ceremonies at Mar-a-Lago yet, but he'll likely be in close contact. Besides Doug Burgum, the Incoming Government has one of Gates' confederates, Vivek Ramaswamy, who was working with Gates to develop Vaxx Contact-Tracing software for the Biden Administration. With the USDA appointee a Revoving-Door Beltway lobbyist and in the probable event that Robert Kennedy is thrown under the bus by the Senate, Gates' fellow-WEF confederate Mehmet Oz can take over HHS and Gates will be right where he was before.

       None of this, of course, will convince any of the True Believers. Not that it matters, one of Trump's first-day agenda items is to check in with his bosses at the WEF right after being sworn in

      I wish that we had some words of consolation for everybody; but I'm afraid they're lacking. For the last year or so we've tried to warn people about the direction that the Republican Establishment was taking; and we just got shouted down for our trouble. People wanted to replace the Government with a Corporate Board of Directors under a figurehead leader---because that system has worked so well in the past; but Postmodern Americans are all about acting first and thinking later.

     Too, there's the contingent who rationalize and say words to the effect that: "Well, it would have been worse if Kamala had gotten in." I agree that it wouldn't have been any better; but wouldn't Kamala have had business meetings with Gates and had Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg at her inauguration too? Wouldn't she have appointed WEF-connected people to positions of power; or George Soros' right-hand man to lead the Treasury Department? Wouldn't Kamala have hosted homo-rights activists and appointed them to key positions too? Wouldn't she bring in people like Kash Patel and Tom Homan who were high-ranking people in the Obama Administration; or top Democrat fundraisers like Howard Lutnick to head the White House Transition Team?

     Questions like these were (and still are) rarely ever raised. The repulsive and very questionable characters surrounding the Republican Campaign of 2024 were never examined in any detail, which is bad enough; but add on to this the evasions of their candidates when pressed for solutions and their proclivity for publicity stunts in lieu of actual policy and we see overall a movement built on nothing but a tissue of lies and chicanery. It's no argument to point fingers at the Democrats: the Democrats' multitudinous crimes don't justify the Republicans' copying them. 

     With the phony 'transfer of power' less than 48 hours away, we have to start facing the Reality of what's about to happen. The goals of the Great Reset haven't changed, the same people are going to be directing it, the Constitution will continue to be eviscerated; and all we're really getting is one class of scapegoats substituted for another and one brand of Political Correctness superimposed over the old one.






Thursday, January 16, 2025


     In today's Congressional Media Circus, two titans of the Great Reset Agenda are up for a nominal vetting by the WEF lapdogs in the Senate. Doug Burgum---a former software executive who has been associated with Bill Gates for over 20 years is up for Interior Secretary, while Scott Bessent, homo-rights activist and close associate of George Soros has been picked to head the US Treasury.

    Judging by the headlines in the Controlled Opposition Media little is being said about these minor details in these two Oligarchs' backgrounds. Certainly nothing was said during the Campaign even though their histories were no secret. Burgum was the initial choice for Vice-President while Bessent was being talked about since last March, at least. 

    We've written articles here about both Burgum and Bessent before: all of which warnings fell on deaf ears. As heads of powerful federal departments, though, now their activities are going to be a little more difficult to ignore.

    The U.S. Department of the Interior is responsible for managing all Federal lands; national forests, Indian reservations, the Coastlines, our mineral resources, weather services, etc. They have a close relationship with the USDA, NOAA, FEMA, several research facilities, and the EPA. All of these vast resources are about to about to fall into the hands of Bill Gates. While I realize that it's difficult to imagine Gates having more control over the Federal Government than he already has, Burgum's nomination will represent an exponential expansion of these powers.  

    Scott Bessent will hold the 4th most powerful position in the Federal Government. He's conceded by many to have been something like the evil genius behind George Soros' financial empire. Bessent was largely responsible for Soros' currency-manipulation schemes as well as many of his social engineering programs.

   The Republican Establishment has further Treasury picks. Dan Katz, a former hedge-fund manager with WEF Strategic Partner Goldman-Sachs, and currently of the Neocon/CIA-connected Manhattan Institute, will be Bessent's Deputy. Ken Kies, a wealthy tax attorney and Revolving-Door Beltway lobbyist and PAC bundler will be in charge of national tax policy. 

   Are we all tired of winning yet? One hopes so. For the past year all we heard was how that all we had to do was get rid of them Demmy-crats and that would be the end of these Great Reset/New World Order schemes. Everything would be made in America again; workers would sing in Land of Peace and Prosperity; everyone would be in Megachurches on Sunday and all of the young girls would be virgins again from Day One. Never mind that absolutely nothing that the Republicans said or did during the last two years corresponded in the least to these illusions---mass-hysteria about immigrant invaders and other such smaltz allowed the 'Conservative' Uniparty to run the Official Narrative without question or opposition. 

   People like Burgum and Bessent sent off a train of Red Flags a mile long, and now we're told that nobody knew. The reality is, of course, that American 'Conservatives' wanted instant gratification; were so blinded by their hatred for the Democrats; and so convinced they were part of some grand crusade to save the country that they ignored what was obvious. If the Democrats had 'won' and they were stocking a Cabinet, creatures like Burgum and Bessent would be exactly what they would have chosen. Now we have to face the reality for a change.