Sunday, May 15, 2016


    As predicted here when the story broke, the Western Media Cartels ignored the horrific massacre perpetrated by Obama's moderate rebels against the people of Zara, Syria. As details have begun to surface, including many from the terrorists themselves via social media, the truth about the nature of these freedom fighters and those who support them are coming to light.

    On Saturday, the Syrian envoy to the United Nations submitted a formal demand to the Security Council that Al-Nusra and its affiliated groups be proscribed as international terrorist organizations---a move previously vetoed by the US, UK, France, and the Neo-Nazi government in Ukraine. Syria also presented evidence that these terrorist groups have been aided and abetted by the governments of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Dubai and called for official condemnation of these regimes.

   It's highly unlikely that the UN will act unless France changes its position---which, given French public sentiment today could conceivably happen. This would put Obama, Cameron, and their confederates in position where accountability for their crimes could no longer be ignored.

    Hundreds of protestors demonstrated yesterday in Constantinople (Istanbul) against Turkish complicity in Al-Nusra's crimes. Today it was reported that Allied forces launched a counterattack to recover Zara from the terrorist forces.

      Al-Nusra has received direct support from the Obama Administration and its parrots in the American Media Cartel. Nearly all US news reports from Syria come either from the Pentagon or from the Al-Nusra front-group, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Al-Nusra is using US-made weapons including 500 TOW missile batteries shipped to them last January. Obama has dispatched an unknown number of his LGBTQ-friendly elite special forces to train and equip Al-Nusra. Al-Nusra trains and equips from secret, CIA-backed bases in Turkey and their forces augmented by professional soldiers from the fanatical Wahhabi regimes in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and Kuwait. Al-Nusra was formerly known as Al-Qaeda Syria before Western PR agencies suggested that a name change would polish its image in the West.

         But don't take our word for it. Here are some social media photos released by the terrorists themselves from Zara which illustrate graphically their moderate character and commitment to Syrian freedom:
                                                  Obama's Moderate Rebels Arrive in Zara

                                 A Hero of the Obama Administration Celebrates a Great Victory 

Obama's Moderate Rebels Liberating Zara from the Assad Regime
                                         Obama's Policies Bringing Peace to the Middle East

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