Monday, January 31, 2022


     I came across another story today symptomatic of the barbarism to which our society has fallen. Apparently some delayed flights in NYC led to some extraordinary mistreatment of the passengers. We say extraordinary because airline travel in the United States today is characterized by dehumanizing and degrading conditions. A few decades ago, airlines handled these problems by giving passengers a place to stay, often with meal vouchers and other perks if they had to delay flights. But that was then, this is now.

   In Postmodern America, both Government and Corporate bureaucrats seem to take delight in humiliation rituals, which is what this incident at JFK Airport was. Humiliation Rituals have no actual purpose except as a form of legalized bullying designed to put us little people in our places and to serve as a constant reminder of how worthless and powerless we are compared to our Masters. Mandatory Masks, Social Distancing, and being forced to declare one's medical status for the privilege of participating in social events are also Humiliation Rituals which have their precedents in earlier rites. Masks are direct product of mandatory seat belts, and helmet-laws; Social Distancing stems from anti-smoking harassment; the Vaxx Passport comes from national drinking-age laws. Taking the Loyalty Vaxx as a condition of employment comes from the Drug War, where employees were forced to submit to the humiliation of urinating in front of a bureaucrat to prove they were drug free. 

    In fact, these forms of public harassment and degradation have been going on for so long and so continuously that most Ameroboobs slavishly submit to them without even noticing any more. We've really reached such a state of abasement that we march dutifully through metal-detectors, present our papers on demand, comply with asinine rules, submit to background checks: in short, while calling ourselves free, we're forced to behave like suspects or actual criminals.  

    Corporate America---who actually own the political classes---have been doing the same. When mergers and outsourcing became legalized during the Clinton and Bush Eras, we saw the common sight of men who'd given 20, 30, or even 40 years to given company dumped onto the Unemployment lines. "I got mine, sux to be you!" was about as much sympathy as any of them got. The few jobs available were increasingly lower wage, longer hours, and zero labor rights. The monopolies created gave these same bullies the power to push around consumers too. Anyone who's purchased a home recently must realize that all they actually got is a Lease-Option with the banks and insurance cartels actually owning the property and arrogantly dictating terms. 

   If what happened at JFK Airport this weekend had happened 50 or so years ago, the FAA and FTC would have stepped in and likely Congressional Hearings would have been opened. But again, that was then, this is now. Today there is neither the political nor the popular will to change. We've very much become a nation where bullies are respected: admired by many and feared by most. 

   Since the situation is unlikely to change, the best defense we have is avoiding---as much as possible---situations where these humiliation rituals are practiced. However, public humiliation has become such a pervasive and accepted practice, it's nearly impossible to avoid completely. Especially since the Elites have uniformed thugs on standby to back up their will at gunpoint. Even if one cannot avoid them, understanding what they are and what their purpose is takes away much of the intended effect. 


Saturday, January 29, 2022


       Outside of the US, January as been a difficult month for the Great Reset gang. The month began with a series of fairy-tales about a supposed 'variant' for the ongoing nonexistent 'Pandemic' which was met with another round of Government and Corporate crackdowns. In Europe, the public responded with resistance. In the Czech Republic, the pro-NWO government was voted out of office and polls show that Denmark is headed the same way. In most of the rest of Europe, is seething on the verge of open revolt and governments have been forced to ease restrictions as protests have become more frequent, larger, and more violent. 

     The anti-NWO revolt has spread to Britain, a country whose leaders are strongest proponents of the Great Reset. The situation started unraveling when Prime Minister Boris Johnson, several Royals, and other high officials got caught on several occasions during the holidays whooping it up at celebrations in violations of their own Mandates. Some were even reportedly heard laughing in their sleeves over what fools the British people were; as well as boasting about how their allies in High Finance planned the whole Scam. This scandal came on the heels of the one surrounding Prince Andrew Mountbatten over his ties to Jeffery Epstein. The MSM has been focusing on the sexual aspects of that case---desperately trying to evade the fact that Epstein was a notorious Deep-State spook, a transhumanist, and supporter of the Great Reset agenda. 

   This Friday, British parliamentarian William Wragg who chairs the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee introduced proceedings to investigate a Black-Ops Unit in British Intelligence Services called ‘The Behavioural Insights’ Team. According to the London Telegraph, the Committee received a signed petition from 40 psychiatrists who apparently had been in touch with a whistleblower who claimed that the Unit was being employed to “inflate fear levels” to gain support for the Scamdemic. 

  "Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice" the petition stated, "It is highly questionable whether a civilised society should knowingly increase the emotional discomfort of its citizens as a means of gaining their compliance.” That is a typically British understatement, but also true. 

  The Canadian Government even admitted last year that their Counter-Intelligence programs were doing the same thing. It's been a well-researched subject that mass-psychology can be misapplied in the wrong hands. There's been some backlash in Canada. Reaction in the US, however, has been predictable:

       Here in our country where low-T feminist men bow to 'settled science' and 'go-along-to-get-along' Conservatives are hiding behind Bruce Jenner's skirts, the New Normal is mostly accepted. There have been a few dozen resignations over Loyalty Vaxx Mandates but not enough to turn back the Junta.  That hasn't stopped Conservatives from talking tough behind keyboards, but we all know by now that they'll cave in just as soon as the next 'state of emergency' is declared.

   Revolutionary Regimes usually aren't around too long before they start wars; and the Great Reset is no exception. While they've been prodding China and Iran, the epicenter of their fears has shifted radically towards Europe this month. They've manufactured another 'crisis' in Ukraine with Russia as the supposed 'threat.' Now, the reality is that the majority of Ukrainians and probably most of the rest of Europe would welcome the Russians as liberators at this point. Bulgaria and Croatia so far have already told NATO that they would not participate in military intervention in Ukraine---it's very likely that Greece, the Czech Republic, and possibly Turkey will not join either. 

   From the Elites' perspective, Europe right now represents the greatest threat---not because of the Russians---but because they can't afford to lose Europe. The rise of anti-NWO governments on that continent would be a serious blow to their plans. What I believe is that they are setting up a situation where the States loyal to them will send their militaries to Ukraine as part of a NATO 'peacekeeping force' while US and Canadian troops are stationed in Europe to 'maintain order.' The result is a de facto Occupation Force to prevent populist uprisings. 

   The European people need to stand firm now and continue their determined resistance against the Great Reset or any wars they may try to incite. Losing Europe---and Britain especially---would be a major blow to the Elites. Not all Americans are in sympathy with the Elites, and we should do what we can to support our allies fighting to stop the NWO. 

Friday, January 21, 2022


    There are probably a few who wonder why we write articles on and link to sites where issues like gender and relationships get discussed. With the Anglosphere firmly in the grasp of Jacobin psychopaths one might reasonably question why such things still matter. The answer is very simple: it's been neglect of these issues that set us up for where we've found ourselves. Essentially, the men of Anglosphere countries immolated themselves; hence it should be no surprise that an effete and sterile Technocracy would rise in our midst as leaders proclaiming a New Order. 

    When the Junta seized power last January and announced its commitment to the Great Reset, I predicted then (and still believe) that it will ultimately fail. The reason for this is because too many peoples outside of the U.S. still believe in the family as the basis for society. Even the Communists gave up on schemes to change traditional gender roles a long time ago. In Europe, where the population hasn't been completely cowed like we have, the Great Reset crowd is having some real problems. The Czech Republic recently voted out its pro-Reset government; Denmark is on the verge of doing the same. The Netherlands is teetering on the edge of outright Civil War and Bulgaria came very close to that actually happening last week. It has been widely reported that parts of Austria, Greece, Romania, Italy, and France are unable to enforce Scamdemic restrictions because of local resistance. Even the rats at Davos had to postpone the WEF's annual meeting this month because of unrest in Switzerland. There are even signs that the Regime's hold over Britain may be cracking.

     Here on this side of the Atlantic, some Tech Oligarchs caused a controversy this week by suggesting that artificial wombs would be a worthwhile technology for society to invest in. Sahil Lavingia, of the E-Commerce site Gumroad, made the suggestion which was supported by Vitalek Buterin who heads the Ethereum Corporation, a software company deeply interested in Cryptocurrency. "Disparities in economic success between men and women are far larger once marriage + children enter the picture. Synthetic wombs would remove the high burden of pregnancy, significantly reducing the inequality." Buterin opined.

Actually, just looking at a photo of these two worthies really tells us all that we need to know about why they would be in favor of such an idea.

   About what we'd expect: a pair of anemic, low-T perpetual Incels who think that sex, love, and family interfere too much with efficient economic productivity. It's also no surprise that the top-level banksters and Tech Lords at the World Economic Forum use the products of these two companies heavily since they essentially share the same ideology. Klaus Schwab has been a grand proponent of transhumanism and replacing the subhumans workers with machines since The Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution was published; and only a few years ago set 2025 as a goal for automatons to perform most of human labor.

On social media sites, the reviews were mixed with a few Feminist nitwits applauding the idea. This was rather ironic because the Red Pill cultists were the first ones who really began pushing Artificial Wombs about a decade ago. Manosphere sites during the 2010s were loaded with fantasies about transhumanist futures where women would be replaced with realistic sexbots and instilled with artificial wombs. If anyone is inclined to laugh these ideas off as fantasy, consider how these infernal devices have advanced during the last century. They've already begun to integrate them with Artificial Intelligence and the cost is roughly the same as a medium-priced new car. Add to this that mad scientists are also nearly on the verge of fully-functional womb transplants for transgendered males. The Red Pill cultists are still cheering on all of these developments. This is yet another example of why cults are dangerous. Despite what Lavingia and Buterin say, it's obvious that what the Red Pills say is actually true: that so far from empowering women, translating their sexual and maternal functions to machines effectively eliminates any need for them at all.

This idea isn't going to go away; in fact the Media Moguls have planned to release a feature film this year called The Pod Generation in which a married couple (inter-racial of course) where artificial wombs are a central plot theme. The film is slated to start production in March; which means that Elites are starting to disseminate the concept already through propaganda. Will Americans really accept this as the New Normal in the not-so-distant future? Of course. If recent history is any indication, Ameroboobs will swallow just about anything provided that what they're hearing isn't the truth.

An editorialist named Brendan Heard actually summed up the situation best: "Just how far science in the West today is willing to go to facilitate the whims of gender theory enthusiasts currently seems boundless. If they can frame their argument as an end to some form of ‘oppression,’ then billions will be spent investing in it. Already they are willing to ‘change the gender’ of children too young to understand what that means, so if you think they will show the slightest hesitation ‘for the sake of the children,’ you are mistaken. Nothing will stand in the way of explorative science, in order to give our spoiled post-gen-x generations something that nature has denied them." 

   All of which is 100% true. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with making child-rearing easier. If it were, these tech oligarchs would propose a sensible social program like Vladimir Putin initiated in Russia a few years ago. Putin extended the social safety net for single mothers to all stay-at-home mothers---and Russia's declining birthrate has reversed. The numbers of divorces and abortions in Russia have radically declined. Instead, what the Western Elites are doing is pandering to our modern aversion towards responsibility; as well as pandering to selfishness and egocentricity. It's totally in keeping with our cultural attitudes towards everything. One can go to a factory, custom-build a partner and pretend it's love. Then create kids in a synthetic womb, dump it in a public school and pretend it's parenting. In a synthetic society we can make synthetic people: we already live in a culture where surgery can change your gender, drugs can change your moods, history can be revised, facts and reality can be whatever you want them to be. 

   This isn't progress, however much the paid propagandists and mad scientists say it is; because Nature is always going to take its course. In primitive times, science tried to defeat Nature. It was believed that certain spells and formulas could change the forces of Nature. Our greatest scientific achievements came when Man realized that by working with Nature, he could use its power to his advantage. Nobody ever flew because they wished it; but by learning the Laws of Gravity and Relativity, they can land astronauts on the Moon and bring them home again. 

   It's the same way with relationships. Accepting that men are one way and women are another and that both are needed to create and sustain life makes a happier and more stable society that fantasizing and wishing ever could. This is why learning how to be men and women is actually still important. Those grounded in Reality are the ones who will survive. If anyone is inclined to disbelieve this just consider that about a half-dozen Atomic bombs could take out America's power grid, and with it satellite communications; and so in less than one hour all of your AI-driven sexbots and artificial wombs will cease functioning. Those with a self-preservation instinct, who've learned to care for and to depend upon others will get through a disaster like that. And the way many of these same nutjobs have been spouting off about Atomic War lately, don't assume for an instant that it can't happen. Whatever happens, we will need strong men and women to rebuild the future.



Monday, January 17, 2022


      One longstanding position we've taken here from the beginning is that the two greatest threats to Western Civilization are Neoliberalism and cultish movements. Since the Putsch of November 2020, the first of these threats has been coalescing into authoritarian Technocracy---which in many ways has cult-like features of its own. 

     Cults have always existed and always been sources of trouble everywhere they rise up. They cause enormous damage either by misleading the vulnerable and alienated who are often failed by weak or incompetent existing institutions; or, as we saw in the previous article, they give focus and direction to unstable and dangerous elements. The so-called 'Red Pill' cult of the 'Alpha Male' has apparently arisen again and begun attracting a new following of disillusioned men with the same failed formulas as their predecessors. The fact the last group of would-be influencers and Manly Alpha leaders have more or less faded into varying degrees of oblivion should be a warning to anyone playing footsie with these jokers.

   Just this weekend one of Vox Day's notorious cronies, Baked Alaska---a character whom we've spoken of here before---got 30 days in the Clink for pepper-spraying a bar-bouncer after being ejected for being a public nuisance. According to the Alaska Daily News, Baked Alaska already had a warrant outstanding for vandalizing a Hanukkah Display; and apparently, he's been booted out of various retail establishments for causing disturbances over Mask policies as well as having a part in the January 6th Protests. And James Robert Clark, whom we mentioned in the previous article, also had a rough weekend. Apparently, Clark got caught engaging in online stalking again---this time involving legal minors---and he's been spiralling---evidently without sleep---for the last 72 hours howling at his detractors and playing the Victim-Card. Real role models for men there.

   This also brings up another reason why I despise these people. They're not only counterfeits of Masculinity who give all men a bad name; they graft themselves onto social issues and become foils for our opponents. I oppose Mask Mandates, and support the Jan. 6th Protesters and Age-of-Consent reforms too; but weirdos like these interjecting themselves into the debate make things worse. During the Trump Administration, they were a continual thorn in everybody's side. Characters like Vox Day with his endless droning about "god-emperors on their cherry-blossom thrones" and continually attempting to graft their White Supremacist and Dark Triad Game nonsense onto Trump's policies fed mountains of disinformation into Leftist hands. On top of that, their social media spamming, doxxing, harassment, and continual abuse of platforms led directly to the type of censorship we're experiencing today. 

     As many commenters have pointed out during the whole James Clark Saga, that people like these Red Pills are also ruining online dating for normal single men. Online Dating is already bad enough given the lopsided numerical advantage women already have. I don't know of any actual research that's been done on this subject, but I strongly suspect that the scarcity of women on these sites has a correlation to the number (or intensity) of these Red Pilled nitwits who cause no end of trouble for them. Baked Alaska himself doesn't mind practicing his Game on livestream either: as the Phoenix New Times noted: "In a turn of events that's uncomfortable to watch, he seems to have begun a romantic relationship with a woman he met on the stream, all while his racist and antisemitic viewers egg him on and speculate about her character." Red Pills of the 2020's seem to have added Voyeurism to their repertoire: the ones of the 2010's only used to brag about their conquests without showing any real proof.

     The Red Pill/Game Cult even has infiltrated churches, thanks largely to the activity of the now-defunct Dalrock blog. Dalrock was considered a leading proponent of this New Wave Christianity until he was publically humiliated in a 2019 interview with Warhorn Media. Dalrock's massive ego received an irreparable blow and declining audiences led to him fold in early 2020. Pastor Doug Wilson---one of Dalrock's arch-rivals---has picked up the slack and apparently has been positioning himself as some wise old owl dispensing (mostly bad) advice to young men. He's been running a series purporting to give advice to a presumably younger fellow named Dawson: it's all Red Pill Game without some of the more lurid commentary. It could probably be called Gateway Game, because anybody following Wilson's theories could easily transition into any of the Red Pilled sites out there with little effort.  

     Wilson's latest post, also churned out before the weekend, was titled A Matter of Rank, and is a prime example of everything wrong with Alpha/Red Pill philosophy as far as interpersonal relationships go. Literally, if one took Wilson's article, merely switched the gender references and substituted Marxist propaganda for the out-of-context Biblical references, it would be a Radical Feminist article.

    For example, Wilson writes: "The desire that a woman has to usurp the rule of her husband is a desire that goes back to the third chapter of Genesis. This is the source of the running tension between the sexes." How is this the slightest bit different from the Feminist claims that the first caveman who carried an unwilling female back to his hut instilled in all men desire to commit rape? 

    Again:  "But husbands will rule over their wives. The woman wants to usurp the authority of the man, and he reacts, sometimes unkindly, and rules over her."  This is nothing by role-reversed Marxist-Feminist theory which extends class struggle to gender relations. Wilson further asserts that "complementarianism is simply an invertebrate form of the patriarchy, and feminists hate it just as much as they do the patriarchy;" Red Pills also hate it, and Wilson completely misses the irony in what he just wrote.

  Like the Feminists, the Red Pills are also great historical revisionists. Wilson actually says: "Up until very recently, men and women both understood the natural order of things. The man was the head of the home, and there you go." This has been repeated so often by Feminist influencers that most people believe that it is true. Men were never the head of the home. The home has always traditionally been the wives' responsibility. The man's responsibility in the natural order of things is to the community. He is to provide for his home by contributing to the economic production, the civil governance, and common defense that makes home and family possible. In Ancient Rome, we have records of those large aristocratic estates. The men owned them; but it was the women who maintained them down to hiring employees, keeping the budgets and financial accounts in addition to raising the children. It wasn't any different in Plebeian homes except that the wives did more of the manual labor themselves. That's what it was really like "up until very recently". The Feminist lie that women were kept "barefoot, pregnant, and dumb" would have been hooted down by our great-grandmothers and the silly Red Pills who preached it as an ideal probably would have fared worse at their hands. 

    In a real 'Patriarchy' men like Wilson, Clark, and Baked Alaska would be just as much on the fringes as the Male Feminists they condemn would be. There's no real difference between what they are both trying to do. Male Feminists want to 'deconstruct' Masculinity to bring the standards of manhood down to their level. The Red Pill, would-be Alphas want to 'redefine' Masculinity to bring the standards of Manhood down to their levels. Neither approach works out well for anybody. 


Wednesday, January 12, 2022


   In recent years, we've seen the disgrace and downfall of several top characters who had corrupted the Men's Movement and built personality cults around phony Evo-Psych and pop-psychology theories purportedly with the goal of building better men. They call this "taking the Red Pill" and "becoming more Alpha." Alpha, being rather loosely defined; but in actual practice, it did little more than elevate all of the negative Feminist stereotypes about Toxic Masculinity into a Masculine Ideal. As these cults always do, they began fizzling out as their Magic Bullets and Keys to Power and Success didn't translate into real-life successes. Vox Day was really one of the last of this group: today he's a pathetic character, drifting about Europe preaching his grandiose schemes to dwindling audiences. 

  Apparently, in the vacuum left behind, some of the pygmies who followed these cultists have sprouted up again and begun preying upon vulnerable men left drifting in a culture which admittedly holds Masculinity in contempt. What makes the Red Pill so dangerous is that what it offers is not Masculinity, but a counterfeit of it. The recent scandal surrounding Manosphere vlogger Jack Murphy is a prime example of that fact. Norwegian author Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen summed up the situation succinctly. Hansen is absolutely correct in his assessment that these cultists are preaching a superficial and immature caricature of manhood; and that their Manly Alpha Leaders are mostly a pack of ignoramuses and charlatans. 

  Hansen has interesting backstory. Several years ago, he was severely injured in a skiing accident. His doctors believed that he would never regain full use of his extremities. Not only did he recover, during the time of his convalescence he learned and studied Viking Culture and Lore. Today, he's a recognized authority on the Viking Age, has published several books and has since married and supports a family with his work. That is part of what being a man is all about. One can't simply become a man by looking like one---any more than a man can become a woman simply putting on a wig and a dress. "It's all smoke, mirrors, and Revlon" as one female impersonator used to say to fans who got carried away. 

   The real danger of the Red Pill Cult is that has real-life effects that we often don't see until they become real-life casualties. Insanity Bytes had a good article up explaining some of the dynamics of this. There is a more concrete example in the saga that's been hugely covered in various Internet forums over the last 2-3 months. The character involved in this drama is a Red-Pilled loser from Philadelphia named James Robert Clark III. 

    Clark is exactly the sort of male to whom the Red Pill would appeal. No history whatsoever of any achievements---including productive work---admittedly sexually dysfunctional; but with an enormous ego and sense of entitlement. Despite his constant boasting of his superior intellect, Clark has done at least one stint in a Psych Ward and made multiple trips to the local jail. Charges in his background include multiple counts of Conspiracy to Receive Stolen Property; Theft by Taking Movable Property; Harassment; Loitering and Prowling at Nighttime (i.e., being a Peeping Tom); and multiple Trespassing charges. 

  To my knowledge, Clark hasn't cited any Red Pill authors, but I didn't have to see much of him to see the influence---both in his character and what he did to gain himself notoriety. He admittedly has hung around Alt-Right sites for about a decade, when characters like Vox Day and Chateau Heartiste were in their heyday. These cultists tend to mimic their leaders, and Clark uses the same expressions, and has the same pompous and condescending attitudes towards those as he perceives as his 'inferiors' as Vox does. He also has exactly same proclivity for blaming these same 'inferiors' for his failures, always claiming victory in the humiliating defeats, etc. At one point, he even sported a Vox Day haircut.

    Like other Red Pills, Clark also shares the same low opinion of women; considering them 'accessories' useful only for 'breeding purposes' and the 'necessity' of breaking their spirit and keeping them in subjection. This is and always has been the essence of what the Red Pills call Game. Sadly, men who take this kind of advice usually find a target to work their infallible system upon, and the unfortunate female whom Clark sought out was a young and beautiful Argentine mathematics student named Eliana Morales. 

   For nearly seven years, Clark relentlessly stalked and harassed Eliana online. Anyone familiar with the kind of tactics advocated on these Game sites can see the systematic procedures these people employ. Clark was intentionally doxxing her, creating sock-accounts to spread false information about her, attacking her family, doxxing male friends of her's and spreading lies---all the while making daily videos positioning himself as her only true friend and the only man who understood her and could save her. Eliana's family was deeply concerned about her over this. It was effecting her life adversely in this digital age. Despite her attempts to block him, he continued his gaslighting---including sending Eliana pornographic and generally very weird photos of himself.

Clark's plan unravelled last Fall when ROTC Media---the same group who triggered Vox Day's downfall incidentally---picked up the story. The exposure of Clark's activities gave Eliana the legal proof that she needed to contact the Argentine authorities with a Restraining Order---which because of International Treaty has probably been forwarded to Interpol and landed Clark on various watch-lists. Eliana appeared on Daywave to give her account of what happened and how she'd suffered at this creep's hands.

     Eliana recovered her reputation, has since finished her education, and gotten engaged to be married. Clark is no longer a threat to her or anybody else for that matter. He's become such an Internet laughing-stock and his crimes so widely discussed that any woman over the age of 12 has ample warning to beware of him. Eliana's story had a happy ending, but sadly other females targeted by Red Pills haven't fared so well. I know personally of at least one driven to suicide by a scum just like James Clark. 

   As for Clark himself, he's since spiralled, just like Vox Day, into impotent rage. Blaming everyone but himself, threatening lawsuits, challenging his detractors to fights, boasting of his superiority that no one appreciates, etc. 

   A lot of our men who are feeling lost and alienated these days can draw a lesson from this saga too. You can take the Red Pill and end up like James Robert Clark, Jack Murphy, and Vox Day; or look up to actual men like Bjorn Bull-Hansen, Royce Lopez of Daywave (who is also a successful entrepreneur and family man), or Eliana's fiancee---whose name is Daniel and has a bright future ahead of him. There's no magic pill that makes one a man and everyone who takes the Red Pill ends in disaster. 



Sunday, January 9, 2022


    This week, we entered Year II of the New Order amidst surging inflation, RINO shiftiness, and threats of global conflict. There were also several weather-related problems, notably a major traffic backup on Interstate 95. Such things are not all that uncommon any more; in 2010, Interstate 5 marooned traffic for over ten hours too. Last year, we saw Texas' energy grid fail during bad weather. The Trump Administration had proposed new infrastructure upgrades: Orange Man Bad, and Ameroboobs decided to squander this advantage to have a panic attack over an ordinary influenza outbreak. 

   Revolutionaries typically have a distinct fondness for creating new anniversaries and holidays. January 6th was bound to figure highly in their new cultural mythology. The jackals in the Corporate Media "relived the horrors of that day" when a handful of American citizens had the audacity to protest a stolen election. Capitalizing upon their recent success in convincing our rather gullible public into believing that a bad cold was a global pandemic and that Opioid overdose deaths were caused by police procedures, they repackaged the protest as an "insurrection." The Oligarchs in Davos must have been laughing in their sleeves at that one; considering how they had just seized power themselves. 

    The nationwide manhunts, media demonization,  and kangaroo-courts that followed the protest was calculated to send a message to the public; that is, that the New Order has very distinct and definite approach towards both its political opposition and its administration of justice. Political Correctness is now the criterion upon which public behavior will be tolerated; and that this will be enforced by secret police, censorship boards, and sham trials, if necessary. But it also establishes the groundwork for further repressive acts.

   Since the success of the November Putsch, the Elites understood that Electoral System---however rigged they already had it---is too unstable a foundation for establishing a permanent tyranny. Their goal became to establish a one-party State which they could control without inconvenient superstitions like the Right to Self-Government occasionally rising up and interfering with their programs. Their secondary objective beyond making examples of the January 6 Protesters is to create a climate where they can bring the President-in-Exile and other members of his Administration to trial. This is probably going to happen this year. Americans are still naively expecting Elections this year; whether or not the Regime will stage a bipartisan contest or suspend them under some pretext in 2022 remains to be seen; but the open elimination of political opposition clearly points the direction in which the trend is moving.


      The Elites also having been driving forward with further imposing their schemes of Technological control. In a very surprising move, the U.S. Senate failed to ratify the Infrastructure plan---which was heavily backed by the Tech Lords. This setback will no doubt lead them to redouble their efforts to abolish Representative Government. We saw in the wake of the Rittenhouse Verdict their desire to eliminate jury trials. The Tech Lords and High Finance will push harder with a new Infrastructure Plan this year. The whole plan, of course, is centered on the Great Reset's goal of concentrating populations in so-called 'Smart Cities' which they hope will replace the collapsing  existing urban centers. 

    Some technologies have already been implemented. 5G has been opened up after the Tech Lords succeeded in lobbying against Chinese providers operating the West. China is the leader in 5G technology, but there were concerns that their product contains considerable ability for domestic espionage. The Elites don't care especially about spying on the public; their real objection was that they didn't want China to be doing it. The so-called Five Eyes, which is really only the cyber intelligence arm of the Tech Lords, has taken over the small matter of securing domestic privacy. 

    The Junta signed into law another 'smart technology' requiring all US automobiles manufactured from this year on to be equipped with a 'kill switch'; that is a way of being able to lock up a vehicle remotely. This of course will vastly expand the Regime's power to restrict travel and monitor the movements of ordinary Americans. So far, the 'Q Code' and the Loyalty Vaxx Travel Passport haven't been imposed with same ferocity here as in Europe---as usual, enough Ameroboobs are going along with them voluntarily so that Elites haven't yet made mandating them a priority. We'll likely see the efforts to mandate them greatly extended during 2022, however. 

    The biggest tech announcement came with Lord Zuckerberg's unveiling of the so-called Metaverse. This very weird social networking technology combines Virtual Reality with existing instant messaging platforms and allows people to interact as avatars. In normal times, this would be a really intense and fun way of video gaming; but that's certainly not what Zuckerberg is advocating. His stated goal is that this is an advance in social interaction---I can't imagine a single positive benefit that would come out of that approach. Americans already have very little grasp on reality and this can only make matters worse. 

   What the Metaverse's real purpose is is to effect further isolation of individuals, more Escapism, and normalizing the Great Reset's push towards Transhumanism. 

    The Corporate Elites have also been pushing forward with mandating the Loyalty Vaxx; and likely are frustrated with a few scattered defeats that the Junta has suffered in Courts. In spite of the growing casualties associated with the jab, and the number of job losses because of it, the Regime is pressing forward and will continue increasingly repressive measures to enforce it. Economic and literal casualties are mere collateral damage as far as the Oligarchy is concerned. Their attitude is no different toward issues like runaway price inflation or out-of-control urban crime. In fact, from their perspective, the more poverty and chaos the better. These conditions make it easier to sell more authoritarianism to the public. 

    The threat of war is also a possibility. The Oligarchs have at least a long-term plan of wiping out potential competitors. China is at the top of the list as an economic rival with the European Union a close second. Russia is leading a coalition of nations resisting the New Order. The Chinese, however recently sent an Expeditionary Force to the Solomon Islands to put down a Western-backed Color Revolution. The Fascist Australian Government was pushed out of the small but strategically important country after it attempted to send so-called 'peacekeepers' there. More recently, a Russian-led coalition defeated an attempt by NWO interests to seize the oil-rich and strategically important country of Kazakhstan. In recent years, Russia has foiled NWO plots in Georgia, Syria, and Crimea. 

    While it's true that the Western Elites desire another World War, they realize that they are not prepared to fight one. The Pentagon and its Corporate contractors are still in the process of final purges in the armed forces. What we will likely see in 2022 is further militarization of domestic Law Enforcement, with these international 'threats' grabbing headlines as well 'domestic terror' bogeymen. 

    Meanwhile, we're seeing a spate of polls indicating that Americans believe that our Nation is decline; that the Junta has negative approval ratings, that we fear for the future, etc. There is some bad news for these S.O.B.'s: we're already there. We see on supposedly Conservative sites incredibly out-of-touch articles; with headlines telling us things like: "In Biden’s America, Citizens Live in Fear." As mentioned in the comments section of that article: I am old enough to remember when the Government swooped in and mandated seat belts, cycle helmets, and national drinking ages because we supposedly had an epidemic of highway deaths. We had to do something---anything---to save our children, even if it meant a little inconvenience and loss of liberty. That's led us to where we are now. During the course of my lifetime, I've seen laws enacted and liberties stripped because Postmodern Americans can't control their proclivity towards Hysteria. At various times, there have been drug pushers, paedophiles, or potential rapists lurking behind every rock and tree. Right-Wing Militias, Islamic Terror Cells, and school shooters could strike anywhere at any moment. Systemic racists are everywhere, plotting against minorities; people are dying by millions by second-smoke, climate change, and the Common Cold, etc. etc.

    We've managed to raise two whole generations who have never known anything other than Surveillance, Security, Political Correctness, declining economic conditions, broken families, and submission to every 'New Normal'---backed up by an all-powerful Legal Establishment if all other coercion isn't sufficient---and our 'Conservatives' want to clutch their collective bowties and pretend that they don't know how it came to this. It came to this when Conservatives somewhere decided that looking the other way and looking out for #1 were traditional American values. Now that more powerful Oligarchs with the same indifferent attitudes consider them expendable, they want to complain.

   Liberals aren't off the hook, either. They turned their backs on traditional Democratic Party positions like Equality Before the Law, protecting jobs, and social security in favor of organizing into narrow special interests seeking advantages and opportunism. They played footsie with 'woke' Oligarchs who funded their activities. Now a lot of these same groups are finding out that they have served their purpose, and are expendable as well. 

   In a sociopolitical system predicated upon self-government, a populace whose primary objectives are instant gratification of greed and selfishness will inevitably bring about tyranny. The majority of Americans need to change from within before they can change anything externally. For the rest of us, knowing and accepting the Reality can better help us prepare to reject and resist the New Order.