This week, we entered Year II of the New Order amidst surging inflation, RINO shiftiness, and threats of global conflict. There were also several weather-related problems, notably a major traffic backup on Interstate 95. Such things are not all that uncommon any more; in 2010, Interstate 5 marooned traffic for over ten hours too. Last year, we saw Texas' energy grid fail during bad weather. The Trump Administration had proposed new infrastructure upgrades: Orange Man Bad, and Ameroboobs decided to squander this advantage to have a panic attack over an ordinary influenza outbreak.
Revolutionaries typically have a distinct fondness for creating new anniversaries and holidays. January 6th was bound to figure highly in their new cultural mythology. The jackals in the Corporate Media "relived the horrors of that day" when a handful of American citizens had the audacity to protest a stolen election. Capitalizing upon their recent success in convincing our rather gullible public into believing that a bad cold was a global pandemic and that Opioid overdose deaths were caused by police procedures, they repackaged the protest as an "insurrection." The Oligarchs in Davos must have been laughing in their sleeves at that one; considering how they had just seized power themselves.

The nationwide manhunts, media demonization, and kangaroo-courts that followed the protest was calculated to send a message to the public; that is, that the New Order has very distinct and definite approach towards both its political opposition and its administration of justice. Political Correctness is now the criterion upon which public behavior will be tolerated; and that this will be enforced by secret police, censorship boards, and sham trials, if necessary. But it also establishes the groundwork for further repressive acts.
Since the success of the November Putsch, the Elites understood that Electoral System---however rigged they already had it---is too unstable a foundation for establishing a permanent tyranny. Their goal became to establish a one-party State which they could control without inconvenient superstitions like the Right to Self-Government occasionally rising up and interfering with their programs. Their secondary objective beyond making examples of the January 6 Protesters is to create a climate where they can bring the President-in-Exile and other members of his Administration to trial. This is probably going to happen this year. Americans are still naively expecting Elections this year; whether or not the Regime will stage a bipartisan contest or suspend them under some pretext in 2022 remains to be seen; but the open elimination of political opposition clearly points the direction in which the trend is moving.

The Elites also having been driving forward with further imposing their schemes of Technological control. In a very surprising move, the U.S. Senate failed to ratify the Infrastructure plan---which was heavily backed by the Tech Lords. This setback will no doubt lead them to redouble their efforts to abolish Representative Government. We saw in the wake of the Rittenhouse Verdict their desire to eliminate jury trials. The Tech Lords and High Finance will push harder with a new Infrastructure Plan this year. The whole plan, of course, is centered on the Great Reset's goal of concentrating populations in so-called 'Smart Cities' which they hope will replace the collapsing existing urban centers.
Some technologies have already been implemented. 5G has been opened up after the Tech Lords succeeded in lobbying against Chinese providers operating the West. China is the leader in 5G technology, but there were concerns that their product contains considerable ability for domestic espionage. The Elites don't care especially about spying on the public; their real objection was that they didn't want China to be doing it. The so-called Five Eyes, which is really only the cyber intelligence arm of the Tech Lords, has taken over the small matter of securing domestic privacy.
The Junta signed into law another 'smart technology' requiring all US automobiles manufactured from this year on to be equipped with a 'kill switch'; that is a way of being able to lock up a vehicle remotely. This of course will vastly expand the Regime's power to restrict travel and monitor the movements of ordinary Americans. So far, the 'Q Code' and the Loyalty Vaxx Travel Passport haven't been imposed with same ferocity here as in Europe---as usual, enough Ameroboobs are going along with them voluntarily so that Elites haven't yet made mandating them a priority. We'll likely see the efforts to mandate them greatly extended during 2022, however.
The biggest tech announcement came with Lord Zuckerberg's unveiling of the so-called Metaverse. This very weird social networking technology combines Virtual Reality with existing instant messaging platforms and allows people to interact as avatars. In normal times, this would be a really intense and fun way of video gaming; but that's certainly not what Zuckerberg is advocating. His stated goal is that this is an advance in social interaction---I can't imagine a single positive benefit that would come out of that approach. Americans already have very little grasp on reality and this can only make matters worse.
What the Metaverse's real purpose is is to effect further isolation of individuals, more Escapism, and normalizing the Great Reset's push towards Transhumanism.
The Corporate Elites have also been pushing forward with mandating the Loyalty Vaxx; and likely are frustrated with a few scattered defeats that the Junta has suffered in Courts. In spite of the growing casualties associated with the jab, and the number of job losses because of it, the Regime is pressing forward and will continue increasingly repressive measures to enforce it. Economic and literal casualties are mere collateral damage as far as the Oligarchy is concerned. Their attitude is no different toward issues like runaway price inflation or out-of-control urban crime. In fact, from their perspective, the more poverty and chaos the better. These conditions make it easier to sell more authoritarianism to the public.
While it's true that the Western Elites desire another World War, they realize that they are not prepared to fight one. The Pentagon and its Corporate contractors are still in the process of final purges in the armed forces. What we will likely see in 2022 is further militarization of domestic Law Enforcement, with these international 'threats' grabbing headlines as well 'domestic terror' bogeymen.
Meanwhile, we're seeing a spate of polls indicating that Americans believe that our Nation is decline; that the Junta has negative approval ratings, that we fear for the future, etc. There is some bad news for these S.O.B.'s: we're already there. We see on supposedly Conservative sites incredibly out-of-touch articles; with headlines telling us things like: "In Biden’s America, Citizens Live in Fear." As mentioned in the comments section of that article: I am old enough to remember when the Government swooped in and mandated seat belts, cycle helmets, and national drinking ages because we supposedly had an epidemic of highway deaths. We had to do something---anything---to save our children, even if it meant a little inconvenience and loss of liberty. That's led us to where we are now. During the course of my lifetime, I've seen laws enacted and liberties stripped because Postmodern Americans can't control their proclivity towards Hysteria. At various times, there have been drug pushers, paedophiles, or potential rapists lurking behind every rock and tree. Right-Wing Militias, Islamic Terror Cells, and school shooters could strike anywhere at any moment. Systemic racists are everywhere, plotting against minorities; people are dying by millions by second-smoke, climate change, and the Common Cold, etc. etc.
We've managed to raise two whole generations who have never known anything other than Surveillance, Security, Political Correctness, declining economic conditions, broken families, and submission to every 'New Normal'---backed up by an all-powerful Legal Establishment if all other coercion isn't sufficient---and our 'Conservatives' want to clutch their collective bowties and pretend that they don't know how it came to this. It came to this when Conservatives somewhere decided that looking the other way and looking out for #1 were traditional American values. Now that more powerful Oligarchs with the same indifferent attitudes consider them expendable, they want to complain.
Liberals aren't off the hook, either. They turned their backs on traditional Democratic Party positions like Equality Before the Law, protecting jobs, and social security in favor of organizing into narrow special interests seeking advantages and opportunism. They played footsie with 'woke' Oligarchs who funded their activities. Now a lot of these same groups are finding out that they have served their purpose, and are expendable as well.
In a sociopolitical system predicated upon self-government, a populace whose primary objectives are instant gratification of greed and selfishness will inevitably bring about tyranny. The majority of Americans need to change from within before they can change anything externally. For the rest of us, knowing and accepting the Reality can better help us prepare to reject and resist the New Order.