Friday, January 21, 2022


    There are probably a few who wonder why we write articles on and link to sites where issues like gender and relationships get discussed. With the Anglosphere firmly in the grasp of Jacobin psychopaths one might reasonably question why such things still matter. The answer is very simple: it's been neglect of these issues that set us up for where we've found ourselves. Essentially, the men of Anglosphere countries immolated themselves; hence it should be no surprise that an effete and sterile Technocracy would rise in our midst as leaders proclaiming a New Order. 

    When the Junta seized power last January and announced its commitment to the Great Reset, I predicted then (and still believe) that it will ultimately fail. The reason for this is because too many peoples outside of the U.S. still believe in the family as the basis for society. Even the Communists gave up on schemes to change traditional gender roles a long time ago. In Europe, where the population hasn't been completely cowed like we have, the Great Reset crowd is having some real problems. The Czech Republic recently voted out its pro-Reset government; Denmark is on the verge of doing the same. The Netherlands is teetering on the edge of outright Civil War and Bulgaria came very close to that actually happening last week. It has been widely reported that parts of Austria, Greece, Romania, Italy, and France are unable to enforce Scamdemic restrictions because of local resistance. Even the rats at Davos had to postpone the WEF's annual meeting this month because of unrest in Switzerland. There are even signs that the Regime's hold over Britain may be cracking.

     Here on this side of the Atlantic, some Tech Oligarchs caused a controversy this week by suggesting that artificial wombs would be a worthwhile technology for society to invest in. Sahil Lavingia, of the E-Commerce site Gumroad, made the suggestion which was supported by Vitalek Buterin who heads the Ethereum Corporation, a software company deeply interested in Cryptocurrency. "Disparities in economic success between men and women are far larger once marriage + children enter the picture. Synthetic wombs would remove the high burden of pregnancy, significantly reducing the inequality." Buterin opined.

Actually, just looking at a photo of these two worthies really tells us all that we need to know about why they would be in favor of such an idea.

   About what we'd expect: a pair of anemic, low-T perpetual Incels who think that sex, love, and family interfere too much with efficient economic productivity. It's also no surprise that the top-level banksters and Tech Lords at the World Economic Forum use the products of these two companies heavily since they essentially share the same ideology. Klaus Schwab has been a grand proponent of transhumanism and replacing the subhumans workers with machines since The Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution was published; and only a few years ago set 2025 as a goal for automatons to perform most of human labor.

On social media sites, the reviews were mixed with a few Feminist nitwits applauding the idea. This was rather ironic because the Red Pill cultists were the first ones who really began pushing Artificial Wombs about a decade ago. Manosphere sites during the 2010s were loaded with fantasies about transhumanist futures where women would be replaced with realistic sexbots and instilled with artificial wombs. If anyone is inclined to laugh these ideas off as fantasy, consider how these infernal devices have advanced during the last century. They've already begun to integrate them with Artificial Intelligence and the cost is roughly the same as a medium-priced new car. Add to this that mad scientists are also nearly on the verge of fully-functional womb transplants for transgendered males. The Red Pill cultists are still cheering on all of these developments. This is yet another example of why cults are dangerous. Despite what Lavingia and Buterin say, it's obvious that what the Red Pills say is actually true: that so far from empowering women, translating their sexual and maternal functions to machines effectively eliminates any need for them at all.

This idea isn't going to go away; in fact the Media Moguls have planned to release a feature film this year called The Pod Generation in which a married couple (inter-racial of course) where artificial wombs are a central plot theme. The film is slated to start production in March; which means that Elites are starting to disseminate the concept already through propaganda. Will Americans really accept this as the New Normal in the not-so-distant future? Of course. If recent history is any indication, Ameroboobs will swallow just about anything provided that what they're hearing isn't the truth.

An editorialist named Brendan Heard actually summed up the situation best: "Just how far science in the West today is willing to go to facilitate the whims of gender theory enthusiasts currently seems boundless. If they can frame their argument as an end to some form of ‘oppression,’ then billions will be spent investing in it. Already they are willing to ‘change the gender’ of children too young to understand what that means, so if you think they will show the slightest hesitation ‘for the sake of the children,’ you are mistaken. Nothing will stand in the way of explorative science, in order to give our spoiled post-gen-x generations something that nature has denied them." 

   All of which is 100% true. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with making child-rearing easier. If it were, these tech oligarchs would propose a sensible social program like Vladimir Putin initiated in Russia a few years ago. Putin extended the social safety net for single mothers to all stay-at-home mothers---and Russia's declining birthrate has reversed. The numbers of divorces and abortions in Russia have radically declined. Instead, what the Western Elites are doing is pandering to our modern aversion towards responsibility; as well as pandering to selfishness and egocentricity. It's totally in keeping with our cultural attitudes towards everything. One can go to a factory, custom-build a partner and pretend it's love. Then create kids in a synthetic womb, dump it in a public school and pretend it's parenting. In a synthetic society we can make synthetic people: we already live in a culture where surgery can change your gender, drugs can change your moods, history can be revised, facts and reality can be whatever you want them to be. 

   This isn't progress, however much the paid propagandists and mad scientists say it is; because Nature is always going to take its course. In primitive times, science tried to defeat Nature. It was believed that certain spells and formulas could change the forces of Nature. Our greatest scientific achievements came when Man realized that by working with Nature, he could use its power to his advantage. Nobody ever flew because they wished it; but by learning the Laws of Gravity and Relativity, they can land astronauts on the Moon and bring them home again. 

   It's the same way with relationships. Accepting that men are one way and women are another and that both are needed to create and sustain life makes a happier and more stable society that fantasizing and wishing ever could. This is why learning how to be men and women is actually still important. Those grounded in Reality are the ones who will survive. If anyone is inclined to disbelieve this just consider that about a half-dozen Atomic bombs could take out America's power grid, and with it satellite communications; and so in less than one hour all of your AI-driven sexbots and artificial wombs will cease functioning. Those with a self-preservation instinct, who've learned to care for and to depend upon others will get through a disaster like that. And the way many of these same nutjobs have been spouting off about Atomic War lately, don't assume for an instant that it can't happen. Whatever happens, we will need strong men and women to rebuild the future.




  1. Very apt. The loser artificial womb versus the normal birth. The picture of these geeks tells you all you need to know about that. Of course China is supposedly using gene-editing to make super-babies but who knows what's really happening there.

    1. I've seen a few stories about it in the Chinese Media, they say that it's research to combat birth defects. The first artificial wombs they made in Europe a few years ago were for saving premie babies. Leave it our Elites to figure out to cash in and use it for automatons.

  2. The fact that they're sitting around thinking this stuff up explains what their dating life must be like. It's like those PUA guys: all the time they spend online and at seminars it's obvious they're not actually doing anything.

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