Monday, January 17, 2022


      One longstanding position we've taken here from the beginning is that the two greatest threats to Western Civilization are Neoliberalism and cultish movements. Since the Putsch of November 2020, the first of these threats has been coalescing into authoritarian Technocracy---which in many ways has cult-like features of its own. 

     Cults have always existed and always been sources of trouble everywhere they rise up. They cause enormous damage either by misleading the vulnerable and alienated who are often failed by weak or incompetent existing institutions; or, as we saw in the previous article, they give focus and direction to unstable and dangerous elements. The so-called 'Red Pill' cult of the 'Alpha Male' has apparently arisen again and begun attracting a new following of disillusioned men with the same failed formulas as their predecessors. The fact the last group of would-be influencers and Manly Alpha leaders have more or less faded into varying degrees of oblivion should be a warning to anyone playing footsie with these jokers.

   Just this weekend one of Vox Day's notorious cronies, Baked Alaska---a character whom we've spoken of here before---got 30 days in the Clink for pepper-spraying a bar-bouncer after being ejected for being a public nuisance. According to the Alaska Daily News, Baked Alaska already had a warrant outstanding for vandalizing a Hanukkah Display; and apparently, he's been booted out of various retail establishments for causing disturbances over Mask policies as well as having a part in the January 6th Protests. And James Robert Clark, whom we mentioned in the previous article, also had a rough weekend. Apparently, Clark got caught engaging in online stalking again---this time involving legal minors---and he's been spiralling---evidently without sleep---for the last 72 hours howling at his detractors and playing the Victim-Card. Real role models for men there.

   This also brings up another reason why I despise these people. They're not only counterfeits of Masculinity who give all men a bad name; they graft themselves onto social issues and become foils for our opponents. I oppose Mask Mandates, and support the Jan. 6th Protesters and Age-of-Consent reforms too; but weirdos like these interjecting themselves into the debate make things worse. During the Trump Administration, they were a continual thorn in everybody's side. Characters like Vox Day with his endless droning about "god-emperors on their cherry-blossom thrones" and continually attempting to graft their White Supremacist and Dark Triad Game nonsense onto Trump's policies fed mountains of disinformation into Leftist hands. On top of that, their social media spamming, doxxing, harassment, and continual abuse of platforms led directly to the type of censorship we're experiencing today. 

     As many commenters have pointed out during the whole James Clark Saga, that people like these Red Pills are also ruining online dating for normal single men. Online Dating is already bad enough given the lopsided numerical advantage women already have. I don't know of any actual research that's been done on this subject, but I strongly suspect that the scarcity of women on these sites has a correlation to the number (or intensity) of these Red Pilled nitwits who cause no end of trouble for them. Baked Alaska himself doesn't mind practicing his Game on livestream either: as the Phoenix New Times noted: "In a turn of events that's uncomfortable to watch, he seems to have begun a romantic relationship with a woman he met on the stream, all while his racist and antisemitic viewers egg him on and speculate about her character." Red Pills of the 2020's seem to have added Voyeurism to their repertoire: the ones of the 2010's only used to brag about their conquests without showing any real proof.

     The Red Pill/Game Cult even has infiltrated churches, thanks largely to the activity of the now-defunct Dalrock blog. Dalrock was considered a leading proponent of this New Wave Christianity until he was publically humiliated in a 2019 interview with Warhorn Media. Dalrock's massive ego received an irreparable blow and declining audiences led to him fold in early 2020. Pastor Doug Wilson---one of Dalrock's arch-rivals---has picked up the slack and apparently has been positioning himself as some wise old owl dispensing (mostly bad) advice to young men. He's been running a series purporting to give advice to a presumably younger fellow named Dawson: it's all Red Pill Game without some of the more lurid commentary. It could probably be called Gateway Game, because anybody following Wilson's theories could easily transition into any of the Red Pilled sites out there with little effort.  

     Wilson's latest post, also churned out before the weekend, was titled A Matter of Rank, and is a prime example of everything wrong with Alpha/Red Pill philosophy as far as interpersonal relationships go. Literally, if one took Wilson's article, merely switched the gender references and substituted Marxist propaganda for the out-of-context Biblical references, it would be a Radical Feminist article.

    For example, Wilson writes: "The desire that a woman has to usurp the rule of her husband is a desire that goes back to the third chapter of Genesis. This is the source of the running tension between the sexes." How is this the slightest bit different from the Feminist claims that the first caveman who carried an unwilling female back to his hut instilled in all men desire to commit rape? 

    Again:  "But husbands will rule over their wives. The woman wants to usurp the authority of the man, and he reacts, sometimes unkindly, and rules over her."  This is nothing by role-reversed Marxist-Feminist theory which extends class struggle to gender relations. Wilson further asserts that "complementarianism is simply an invertebrate form of the patriarchy, and feminists hate it just as much as they do the patriarchy;" Red Pills also hate it, and Wilson completely misses the irony in what he just wrote.

  Like the Feminists, the Red Pills are also great historical revisionists. Wilson actually says: "Up until very recently, men and women both understood the natural order of things. The man was the head of the home, and there you go." This has been repeated so often by Feminist influencers that most people believe that it is true. Men were never the head of the home. The home has always traditionally been the wives' responsibility. The man's responsibility in the natural order of things is to the community. He is to provide for his home by contributing to the economic production, the civil governance, and common defense that makes home and family possible. In Ancient Rome, we have records of those large aristocratic estates. The men owned them; but it was the women who maintained them down to hiring employees, keeping the budgets and financial accounts in addition to raising the children. It wasn't any different in Plebeian homes except that the wives did more of the manual labor themselves. That's what it was really like "up until very recently". The Feminist lie that women were kept "barefoot, pregnant, and dumb" would have been hooted down by our great-grandmothers and the silly Red Pills who preached it as an ideal probably would have fared worse at their hands. 

    In a real 'Patriarchy' men like Wilson, Clark, and Baked Alaska would be just as much on the fringes as the Male Feminists they condemn would be. There's no real difference between what they are both trying to do. Male Feminists want to 'deconstruct' Masculinity to bring the standards of manhood down to their level. The Red Pill, would-be Alphas want to 'redefine' Masculinity to bring the standards of Manhood down to their levels. Neither approach works out well for anybody. 



  1. Well said. Some of these so called "leaders" like Wilson or VD either don't understand or don't care how their nonsense and hyperbole inspires people who are either not too bright or have mental health issues. It's actually the same thing some of our liberal politicians do, exploit people, pour fuel on a fire, and then sit back and watch the riots and vandalism go down. Meanwhile it's the little guy who winds up in jail, who suffers all the consequences. We're all responsible for our own behavior, it just makes me angry when these lunkheads lead others astray.

    1. Back in Mediaeval times, there were stories about how some of these degenerate Royals would incite witch-hunts and panics in towns they controlled and then have parties or picnics up on a hillside where they could watch. I totally believe that guys like Schwab, Gates, and Fauci do that. Vox Day too, although he usually gets caught doing it lol
