Monday, July 31, 2023


     While the jackals in the Corporate Media are busily trying to convince the Ameroboobs to settle passively into the Great Reset, events of some significance are happening in the landlocked, Saharan nation, the Republic of Niger. Last week, finally fed up with their government's constant toadying to Western Corporate interests, the Nigerien Military finally intervened and are in the process of establishing a new government. 

    Of course, most can't find Africa on a map, let alone understanding why this country has any significance for the world. Niger doesn't export marijuana, homo pornography, or lab-grown foods, so the average American probably doesn't know why it's important. The coup was important enough to receive a resounding denunciation from the White House; in fact, WEF sock-puppets Biden and Macron have bases in that country (both of which have since been asked to leave). 

    Niger is a country that is a major supplier of critical minerals uranium and gold. The last time Niger was much in the American news was when the Bush Administration falsely claimed that Niger was supplying Iraq with uranium for atomic weapons. Despite its mineral wealth, nearly half the population lives in poverty and 98% earn less than $10 per day. In fact, an estimated 8% are outright slaves. (Not counting, of course, the former government which voluntarily enslaved itself to Wall Street and the EU Central Bank). 

    This display of sovereignty has provoked enough outrage that the Biden/Harris Regime has called upon its surrogates in Nigeria to lead a proxy war against the Nigerien people. Nigeria---a much larger country---has been owned by the Gates Foundation for about a decade and is the epicenter of many of the Oligarchy's schemes in Africa. But now, they're facing a bit of pushback.

    Two of Niger's neighbors, Mali and Burkina Faso have issued ultimatums of their own: flatly stating that an attack on Niger would be an attack upon them as well. While the average Ameroboob might be inclined to roll his eyes at the relative strength of African militaries, consider that we're talking here about what would amount to desert warfare in a region where hostility towards the Western New World Order isn't exactly mild. It would take a much longer essay to give the backstory a complete explanation: but intervention in Libya; the Beltway creating new countries and regimes out of whole cloth; US and NATO troops on their soil while the population is impoverished; and Western NGOs using their populations as human guinea-pigs and force-feeding them Woke Liberalism hasn't endeared the African population to American Exceptionalism or to the virtues of Neocon Crony-Capitalism. 

   In other words, Niger is a powder-keg about to blow up in the NWO's faces. The Oligarchy has to depend upon unreliable foreign proxies---and we see how well that worked out in Yemen and how well it's working out in Ukraine. Another option is to seize Niger's resources and illegally occupy it like the Syrian Oil Fields or the Afghan opium and mineral trades; but that failed in Afghanistan and it is only a matter of time before the Pentagon is driven out of Syria. The US currently doesn't have a Military capable of doing much more than enforcing Scamdemic lockdowns upon complacent Americans---which has been the purpose of its reorganization. Since the Bush Era, the policy has been to rely increasingly upon outsourced military and paramilitary groups to bring noncompliant nations to heel.

      This isn't a situation that is going to go away quietly. The desperate people of Africa may have just fired the first shot in the reaction against the Western Oligarchy. The tyrant Macron recently changed the French motto Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood to the more NWO-friendly Work, Order, and Progress. But it seems that their former colonies are leading the fight for freedom. 


  1. Niger stands up to western tyranny.... by running into russian communist tyrants arms. hope that works out for you better than South Africa, tanzannia, and the DPRC.
    and Iraq did, in fact, have 500 tons of yellow cake they bought form Niger.

    1. Maybe things like this wouldn't happen if the West would play fair with these countries and stopped treating them like colonies to be looted. And it probably wouldn't hurt for you to take a good look at our own culture before pointing fingers at Russia.
