Wednesday, July 26, 2023


      Well, today's news contained an {ahem, clears throat} 'investigative report' by those totally objective and impartial folks at the Washington Post. Bezos and his camarilla apparently are upset because doctors who dissented from the Official Narrative during the Scamdemic weren't sufficiently punished for their heresies against Scientism. 

     “We allow the profession to police themselves. And when they fail to do that, even in the most egregious cases, what they are abetting is the erosion of trust and respect for doctors," said Wendy Parmet, director of Northeastern University’s Center for Health Policy and Law, who has written about the harms of covid misinformation." Now, of course, the Post left out a few minor details such as the Center's deep connections with globalist NGOs such as Action Lab, whose Senior Advisor has worked for several WEF and Soros-backed initiatives. Or Salus Populi, which is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation---an organization heavily tied to WEF Top 100 Strategic Partner Johnson & Johnson and whose CEO was Obama's former head of the Center for Disease Control.The Foundation's Vice-President served on the Biden Junta's COVID-19 Advisory Board. But that's about what we'd expect from both postmodern Academia and postmodern Journalism.

   The World Economic Forum's main theme for 2023 centered on cracking down on dissent combatting so-called 'misinformation.' To that end last weekend, the Junta---evidently acting on orders from Bezos' confederate Bill Gates---established a new bureaucracy called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. This agency was established by the Senate in 2022 by a Bill co-sponsored by Whacko Leftist Patty Murray (whose top donors include the University of Washington, Microsoft, Amazon, and Pfizer); and RINO Richard Burr, who now works as a lobbyist for Big Pharma. The Republican Party, BTW, saw 21 Senators jump in and vote for it; including many so-called 'Conservatives.'

   Its manifesto explains: "This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens that could lead to a pandemic or to significant public health-related disruptions in the United States. OPPR will take over the duties of the current COVID-19 Response Team and Mpox Team at the White House and will continue to coordinate and develop policies and priorities related to pandemic preparedness and response." This is in conformity with a proposal which has emanated from the World Health Organization---another group under Gates' control---suggesting a supranational accord which would give the Techno-fascists the ability to uphold Scientism militarily simply by declaring a "State of Emergency." 

   To underscore the paramilitary intention of the new agency, Head-of-State Biden appointed a military officer and longtime Deep State spook, General Paul Friedrichs as its chief. Friedrichs was in charge of the Pentagon's imposition of the Loyalty Vaxx and has some rather questionable connections to bioweapons research, including the recently-discovered labs in Ukraine

    The new agency likewise is mandated to give a cursory report to Congress every two years, which naturally will have a huge impact upon oversight and transparency. Not that there would be much oversight anyway: Nancy Pelosi, then- Chair-xhe of the Rump Parliament, folded the original bill into an Omnibus Spending Package, allocating a $5 billion jackpot for Friedrichs and his merry-men. 

  Politico quoted during the budget debates: “This is a critical resource to ensuring there is awareness for biopreparedness at the highest level,” said Saskia Popescu, an epidemiologist and assistant professor in George Mason University’s biodefense program, adding that among its chief jobs will be breaking “a cycle of neglect in preparedness efforts.” {Query: why is a university involved with a military project? Especially a university heavily tied to vested financial interests.} 

   In normal times, all of these things would lead to public pushback: unfortunately, here in the Land of the Ameroboob, it will go unnoticed until the next LARP like we had in 2020. If anybody imagines that we've learned anything since, they are greatly over-estimating their fellow countrymen. The Great Reset is rolling along according to schedule, and we see no clearer example of it than here. Sadly, the effects will go unnoticed until they hit us. 



  1. Well said. Unfortunately much of humanity seems to need to learn everything the hard way. I'm one of those people who prefers to just learn from history and human nature, but apparently most people need to get really up close and personal with the results of tyranny before they object.

    Here where I live the health dept is actually testing the sewer water for covid levels and issuing weekly color coded alerts so people will know when to don their masks or stay home. It is very effective on perhaps a third of the people and downright terrifying to bear witness to.

    1. I have a bad feeling that something's in the wind. It's like Gates holding Event 201 right before the 'outbreak' they're clearly putting mechanisms in place. WHO has a summit for their proposed accord coming up in September: this is all coming together in a bad way.
