Friday, July 28, 2023


        In our last article, we explained how the Junta quietly had created a new agency tasked with overseeing (and enforcing) future 'national health emergencies,' and how the Mainstream Media is calling for those professionals who committed heresy against the Settled Science to be punished. Now today there was this story:

       "The owner of Mercola Market, Dr. Joseph Mercola, tweeted on Tuesday that 'Chase bank has shut down our business bank accounts along with the accounts of my CEO and CFO, as well as their family members (including spouse and child). They’ve refused to provide any reason for doing so, the oldest account has been active for 18 years.'”

      Dr. Joseph Mercola was an outspoken critic of the Scamdemic, and has a business selling alternative medicines. The self-styled 'public health officials' in the Junta are notoriously hostile to alternative medicines and have been harassing Mercola since seizing power in the 2020 putsch. This action against Mercola would have been draconian enough if it only involved some FDA regulations; but following Mercola's tweet, several other doctors came forward sharing similar experiences.

   Dr. Syed Haider, an internal medicine specialist and an outspoken dissident during the Scamdemic wrote:

  "I just tweeted about how my business bank account and PayPal were shut down with no notice for no reason and today my AirBnb rental was cancelled 3 days into a 28-day stay...this is the passive-aggressive dystopian, woke social-credit hellscape that is our dying country."

  Dr. Thomas Seager also tweeted: "Chase has placed my accounts under review. I have no idea what that means."

  JP Morgan Chase, Paypal, and AirBnb are all WEF Top 100 Strategic Partners, so I think that we can all make a safe assumption as to what it means. This is very same kind of economic retaliation and social repression that we saw Tiananmen Trudeau employ against the Canadian Truckers over a year ago. We might recall that during the Scamdemic Trudeau and many other sock-puppet politicians owned by the Corporate Oligarchy were talking about freezing dissidents out of society; and it would appear that our figurehead government is gearing up to do the same. 

   We've said here from the beginning that the Regime never had any intention of relinquishing the arbitrary and authoritarian powers it assumed during and after the Color Revolution. Certainly they've relaxed a few rules. But they've never dismantled any of the machinery for doing it again---in fact, they've refined and expanded it. This ought to (but probably won't) give the average NPC pause to think about this smooth rhetoric that we're returning to normal. 

   Likewise, it should (but probably won't) dispel any illusions from our side about any impending 'Red Wave' in 2024 that's coming to save us all. Why anyone still believes in the electoral process at this late date is truly astonishing; but it's discussed widely as though it were a genuine possibility. 

   The above story not only illustrates that the enemies of our liberties are ruthless amoral fanatics; it also highlights the disregard for justice and the Rule of Law that they now feel safe to exercise. They are in control of nearly every institution in the United States. Whether the Right wants to admit it or not, the two leading Opposition candidates---President-in-Exile Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis---are much closer to jail than they are to the White House. The Republican Party itself has no issues of any significance: immigration, China, and Hunter Biden are about the extent of their political depth. Their obstructionism and treachery during the Trump Administration demonstrated beyond all doubt their complete uselessness. The prospects too of Robert Kennedy unseating the Establishment are slim to none.

   This new breed of Oligarchy is not the slightest bit interested in winning the majority. They've basically reversed the old Reagan maxim that 80% agreement on the issues was a consensus. These people hold that a minority holding all of the mechanisms of power is all that matter. They count on the selfishness and apathy of the American public not to contest their authority.

    Sadly, Dr. Haider's assessment that our nation is a dying one is accurate. The Elites now treat us as slaves and they do so with absolute impunity. Whatever 'emergency' they have planned for us next likely will be what finally finishes us off. We have to prepare accordingly. 




  1. An excellent read and roundup of what is so true and yet the GOP is moribund in any attempt to deal with it. The Senate? Once the oracle on issues remains mute and leaves it to a few lowly House members to carry the ball.

    1. The article also mentioned a media firm which had its assets frozen. I looked them up and they work for the DeSantis Campaign. Florida recently passed a law against this kind of political retaliation, so they're deliberately targeting Scamdemic critics. For the banks to do this is actually illegal; but Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and SEC Chairman Gary Gensler are both former Goldman-Sachs (WEF Top 100 Strategic Partner) executives; and FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg is an ex-banking lobbyist, so I don't expect much sympathy from the Feds.
