Sunday, July 9, 2023


       In our last two posts, we've sought to clarify the false dichotomy which has emerged in American public discourse over the emotions and reason. For the last several decades, opinion leaders among Conservatives have tried to paint Liberalism as 'emotionally-driven' and that emotion, or feeling, is a sign of weakness. We must be on our guard against this type of propaganda. Just as we shouldn't allow others to do our thinking for us, we shouldn't allow the Crowd to dictate our feelings either. 

     A major part of the problem is that too many on the Right have fallen into the trap of dismissing emotions as categorically wrong. This leads us to two fatal errors: one it absolves us of responsibility for the consequences of an ideology; and secondly leads the dangerous doctrine that Laws must be upheld simply because they are the Law. Both of these are roads to Absolutism, because all human circumstances don't fit so neatly into a box. 

   An example of this tendency came from the pen of Conservative pundit Victor Davis Hanson, who in another incredibly hypocritical article opined that "What the Left now fears most is the revolutionary model it has bequeathed to America—and what might happen if its monstrous creation falls into politically incorrect hands." Aside from this being very wishful thinking; as Conservative myself, I prefer to see this 'monstrous creation' dismantled than to fall into anyone else's hands. 

   A second major problem is that too many on the Right have accepted the Left's redefinition of various terminologies. InsanityBytes brought up this point in a recent article, explaining how, for example, the Whacko Left Wing has distorted the concept of 'love' to defend such loathsome policies as homo 'equality.' Of course, anyone who is actually cognizant of the facts understands that it is both an act of love---and yes, that horrific term 'social justice' to suppress such movements for the national good. Stripped of those awful feelings and emotions it's difficult to justify a pro-family with little more than the same arguments the pro-Rainbow crowd employs: "It's right because everybody says so." 

  The Radical Left is also notorious for exploiting the Right's weakness in denying emotions by protecting their own negative emotions onto their opponents. They frequently accuse our side of being motivated by hate and fear. The Third Rail that goes unsaid is that hatred and fear is precisely what motivates both the LGBTQ leadership and, most importantly, the NPCs who fall in line with accepting it. It hardly needs explanation or elaboration that the 'Gay' activist leadership is driven by a hatred for normal sexual relationships, but nobody wants to discuss the fact that fear is what drives the anomalous public acceptance of it. 

   As we've stated before, the Herd Mentality is focused on a fear of responsibility by deferring to a consensus. For the past 30-40 years, as part of the Strategy of Tension and the deployment of fear tactics were widely disseminated via the so-called 'Gender Wars' fomented by the Clinton Co-Presidency. What all of this led up to was a Climate of Fear within interpersonal relationships. Men were conditioned to walk on eggshells for fear of the consequences of 'offending' someone; women began seeing every man as a potential rapist or serial killer. Normal sexual attraction was demonized and scandalized; micromanaged in every conceivable way. Families were depicted as undesirable, largely because of unequal applications of the law, paedohysteria, and constant negativity from media propaganda outlets. Parents grew to dread that Midnight knock-at-the-door from those charming folks at Child Protective Services; and couples learned to meet in secret knowing that a 'scandal' could break out at any moment over whatever the cultural censors deemed inappropriate behavior. 

   In this Climate of Fear, it wasn't a difficult matter for the Gay Mafia to step in and offer freedom from responsibility and the approval of the Crowd. Naturally, they've backed this up with suppression of opposition; but if anybody's wondering why the homo lifestyle has gained such resounding approval from the public (and little opposition from so-called Conservatives), there is the answer. Or, as Insanitybytes says:  "it is a bit of universal truth we all agree on it is just that, the tyrants are us. WE are actually the ones who fear love because it creates a world we can’t control."

   Therein lies the truth of the matter: the unspoken fear that too many on our side of the aisle won't face. They'd rather hide behind the safety of the consensus, and justify it with appeals to 'reason' and 'realism;' all the while seeking an 'Alpha' superman who'll come to the rescue and break the chains of freedom while he's at it. 



  1. Nightwind- you are very much correct- and i want to send my condolences with the passing of David Marcello-He was a force to bring to light as you have the grifters of the Alt Right and this whole social hierarchy nonsense. You were aware Rosh V is no longer part of the reactionary left? He is born again and post on his vlog. I want to thank you, Citizen Tom and Insanity Bytes for being steady against the "Legion Of Evil" legal threats. I also applaud you on writing about these issue that go back decades not just since 2020 and often the conservatives become engrossed with sex scandal's that are not true and based on false claims- hat tip about the 1990s and what we see today is spot on. You do not have to post the comment- just wanted to say i enjoy the vlog.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Dave was a freedom fighter---I learned a lot from his show. Roosh is on the blogroll now too.

      I remember that the 'Legion of Evil' was trying to doxx me, and I had Davey help feed them a fake doxx that ended up sending Vox' minions to the L.A. Coliseum. lol They were complaining about it on Vox' site, but Vox took the comments down because he was so embarrassed by it. The fake name they had from a Rams' football player from the 50s.

      Even though our system's always had problems, I do think that it really accelerated after Bush and Clinton sold out and we went to Neocon/ Neoliberalism. The GOP has bought into the Alt-Right nonsense today too---that's another movement that had some deeper roots too.

  2. "Herd Mentality is focused on a fear of responsibility by deferring to a consensus"

    Oh, amen! That's well said. Thank you for the kind mention, too.

    1. You're welcome. Like the previous commenter mentioned, people don't get a free pass just by putting an 'R' after their name or saying they're 'based.'
