Thursday, August 12, 2021


       It's about time there was some good news. I got a message today to check out Red Pill Cult leader Vox Day's website. And I would have done so, had there been an article to read. Instead, all there was was a message from Blogger stating that "This blog is under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations and is open to authors only."

    "Possible violations?" Seriously, I've wondered how Vox got away with so many blatant violations for so long. Vox and the other Red Pills are part of the reason why it's become so difficult to publish anything online today. These guys---and Vox was especially bad about it---would continually and flagrantly violate Terms of Service policies and thumb their noses at the Tech Lords to do anything about it. The Tech Lords dealt with it by setting up censors who, of course, were all 'woke' and on the lookout for "extremists" whose content was anywhere to the Right of the Khmer Rouge. Thanks to these based Red Pills, writers and producers either have to walk on eggshells to keep their place or have to deal with shadow-bans and other forms of harassment. 

   Vox Day and his Alt-RINOs "supported" President Trump, though this was really a grift to try and cash in on the MAGA movement. By projecting onto Trump all of the sick racism, latent homosexuality, and neo-Conservatism existing in their own heads; Vox handed the Left a treasure-trove of material to smear us with. Single-handedly too he managed to alienate entire demographic groups from seeing the Trump Administration objectively. 



    Of course, Teddy Spaghetti is a slippery eel who's been cornered before and always manages to slither away. But sometime ago, his other blog, Alpha Game Plan was closed and his other projects haven't been amounting to much. The general thought on the Gamma Secret Kings Subreddit is that Blogger may have suspected Money-Laundering activities, something that we saw in connection with his expulsion from a crowdfunding site; and that was behind the ban. Vox does have an extensive media network and isn't going away quietly like Dalrock and Heartiste went. Milo Yiannapolous has archived Vox' stuff and Vox can still write there though comments are disabled. Let's hear what the Supreme Dark Lord had to say:

      Well, we've all seen the effectiveness of the Legal Legion of Evil. So far, this collection of manly Alpha leaders has yet to win a single legal battle; including one who has problems keeping out of jail himself. 

     I suspect that this is the effectual end of Vox Day. He'll go on along the fringes of the Internet like Andrew Anglin/Daily Stormer has; but the day and age when he sucked many a vulnerable young man into his cult of the ubermensch is over with. There are rumors afoot that Vox has even been run out of Italy. 

   Congratulations and thanks to everybody who had a hand in bringing down the Beast and saving a lot of people a lot of grief. Ipse Inquisitor, Gamma Secret Kings, Mersh and Royce at Revenge of the CIS, Davey Crocko, Kiwi Farms, Insanity Bytes, Camestros Felapton, File 770, the Owen Benjamin Subreddit; with apologies if we left anybody out who helped expose this fraud for what he was over the years. One of Vox' only truly amazing accomplishments was to unite people of widely different political and social beliefs to join together and put a stop to what he was doing. We'll keep an eye on things; but it's likely a matter of playing whack-a-mole as far as Teddy Spaghetti is concerned; and, like Heartiste and Dalrock, Vox made a contingent of toadies and imitators who are still very active and will have to be dealt with. 

   With Vox Populi gone, the Manosphere already feels like a cleaner place. The sooner these Game/PUA charlatans and 'Alt-Christian' types can be driven out, the sooner we can have a legitimate forum to deal with Men's Rights and Men's Issues again. 


  1. Never followed this Red Pill Cult nonsense, but the ladies clapping is a riot.

  2. Is this the final chapter for Ted Beale? Only time will tell. We will certainly continue to keep an eye on him. Good to see you back in form of covering Ted's shenanigans.

    1. Thanks Ipse and for all your good work. I wouldn't put it past him to try and slither underground and pop again with some other front where he pulls the levers behind the scenes: but given his huge ego that would be a tough one to pull off.

      And let's not forget that Owen's still out there lol

  3. Two bloggers whom I should mention also who contributed to Vox' downfall (but sadly didn't live to see this day) are the late Bob Wallace of 'Uncle Bob's Treehouse' and A. Guy Maligned of 'What Women Never Hear.' Both exposed these 'Game' charlatans in the Manosphere and a lot of others' subsequent work grew out of their efforts.
