Tuesday, June 18, 2024


     The 2024 US Presidential Election is one of some interesting contrasts. Within the last two weeks, both factions' candidates toured the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in Southern California, once again smashing fundraising records at various events. The contrast here is that, while there's growing electoral enthusiasm among the Nation's Top 20%, poll numbers among us 80% of the Great Unwashed---for whom this farce is being staged---is at its lowest level of candidate favoritism in nearly 40 years. Of course, anyone suggesting that American Elections are anything but fair and wholly reflective of the popular will is dismissed out-of-hand as some sort of radical or conspiracy kook. 

     Our nominal Head-of-State was at a star-studded event in Hollywood this weekend with his former boss, Barack Obama in tow and emceed by media figure Jimmy Kimmel. Top seats at the Peacock Theatre---a venue formerly owned by Bill Gates but now property of the powerful Anschutz Corporation---ran up to $500,000. Biden is so subservient to these interests that he actually left the G-7 meeting early, crossing ten time-zones in a single day, to rush out to the event. The New York Times even shamelessly reported of Biden that “Aides said the taxing schedule made clear that even at age 81, he still demonstrates the endurance to manage his many duties,” proving once again what a national disgrace our media really is. 

    Slimy Hollywood media mogul Jeffery Katzenberg organized the event, which raised (at least what was reported) about $30 million. George Clooney, a former actor was co-chair. Clooney now heads a 'philanthropic' organization which was exposed recently in the foreign press as little more than a Black-Budget operation

   The Hollywood Elites are a major player among the Democrat faction of the Uniparty. In February, Biden attended another mega-fundraiser hosted by billionaire mogul Haim Saban. Saban---a dual US/Israeli citizen and a Zionist fanatic---apparently has enough pull with the White House to dictate US Foreign Policy. Our Head-of-State evidently isn't taking any chances: his satrap Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass mobilized more police to corral pro-Palestinian protesters than actual protesters who showed up. 

   President-in-Exile Trump barnstormed the posh circles of Southern California during the previous week, hitting Beverley Hills and Newport Beach. Like Biden's events, ticket-prices topped out well into six figures: though we're assured by Conservative pundits that, in our case, any suggestion of influence-peddling is only because of envy towards the successful. Trump had earlier visited Silicon Valley and raised $12 million at an event hosted by billionaire David O. Sacks. Sacks has ties to Elon Musk and several defense contractors. Like Musk, Sacks supposedly gravitated from the Left to the Bush Machine-backed DeSantis Campaign and has now become based and Red Pilled (i.e. woke) and begun backing Trump. Chamath Palihapitiya, a billionaire 'venture-capitalist' and former supporter of Michael Bloomberg and WEF Young Global Leader Vivek Ramaswamy also came onboard. A protege of Mark Zuckerberg, Palihapitiya had a reputation as a bully-boy at Facebook, which---given the current moral character of the GOP---sounds like he's found his political home. 

   Palihapitiya once made this remarkable statement on a 2017 Youtube video: 

  “Here's the thing. There's about 150 people that run the world. Anybody who wants to go into politics, they're all f----g puppets, okay? There are 150 and they're all men that run the world - period, full stop. They control most of the important assets, they control the money flows. And these are not the tech entrepreneurs. Now they are going to get rolled over the next five to ten years by the people that are really underneath pulling the strings. And when you get behind the curtain and see how that world works, what you realize is, it is unfairly set up for them and their progeny. Now, I'm not going to say that that's something that we can rip apart. But first order of business is, I want to break through and be at that table. That's the first order of business.”

      As if this weren't depressing enough, Trump's Beverly Hills stop (raising about $6 million) at the private home of one Lee Samson, former CEO of Windsor Healthcare Management which operates a chain of nursing homes. Samson is also a Board Member of the Neocon Republican Jewish Coalition
He finished his California tour at the Newport Beach home of another health-insurance mogul, John Word where he was joined by another Musk associate, defense contractor Palmer Luckey

    Somehow, this year's version of the Most Important Election of our Lifetime doesn't seem to be focusing on the popular interest all that much. In fact, like many other aspects of our cultural institutions, the people actually running them seem less and less concerned with even bothering to pose as though they're working in the public interest. Actually, campaigns today more closely resemble Corporate Lobbying than they do self-government.

   The Elites staging these performances though don't care. In our current system of Inverted Totalitarianism, the objective is to maintain the Status Quo: we, the people, simply vote for management teams in what amounts to a popularity contest. Effective change will never come until we challenge the people actually behind the Political Parties. Whether the American people can shake themselves out of their self-delusion and apathy and do that though is another question. 

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