Sunday, June 30, 2024


      Prior to the 'debate' last Thursday---although most Americans have probably forgotten already---the previous week's Story of the Century was panicking us all with tales of a heat dome; an unprecedented heat wave; etc.--- all due to 'man-made climate change,' of course. Also as typical, the pundits were right on top of Climate Change Denialists who couldn't see the proof of the impending apocalypse right before their very eyes. Unfortunately for the knee-jerk supporters of the Settled Science, somebody actually waited until the end of June to collect some actual facts

    This should serve as a friendly reminder to us all that whenever the Media Cartels are all on the same script pushing any 'narrative,' it's time to start asking questions about what we're being told. 

   Just before the 'Great Debate,' the Controlled Opposition was priming its loyal dupes with tales of how CNN was "rigging the debate" to favor Biden. Less than 24 hours afterwards, every major media outlet was droning about "Biden's dismal performance" and even had lists of replacements carefully prepared. It is a bit suspicious too, that for the first time in history a debate was held before a nominating convention.

  From what excerpts I've seen of Thursday's farce, Biden didn't really perform any better or worse than he usually does. It's not as though nobody has noticed that his speaking skills are less than stellar: even when Biden was Obama's Vice-President, the Administration rarely let him go off and speak on his own. However, just a few weeks before the Convention it's suddenly become an issue of concern for the Uniparty. 

  True, the Controlled Opposition has been playing up Biden's 'feebleness' for a long time: mostly to divert attention from their own aged candidate's problems as well as the GOP's utter lack of any substantive issues. The so-called 'Right' has been carrying on all weekend like a bunch of cannibals dancing around a stew-pot; gleefully anticipating the Head-of-State's imminent downfall. I don't know what the Conservative-Industrial Complex hopes to gain: if Biden withdraws, they'll lose about 90% of their entire platform---which is wholly centered on personal attacks against the current White House. 

      I certainly am no supporter of the Biden/Harris Junta, but this whole event is starting to smell fishy. The weird scheduling of the debate; the controlled circumstances under which it was conducted; the RNC downplaying expectations; the uniform chorus from the Establishment in the aftermath; all of these very convenient polls suddenly showing Trump surging---none of this is adding up to anything positive. 

    The True Believers, who've convinced themselves that simply ridding our country of the Biden Junta magically will fix all of our problems, won't be bothered by any of this. I have a suspicion, though, that they will be bothered once we find out what the Deep State actually has up its sleeve. 

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