Monday, July 1, 2024


     For whatever they're worth, polls since the 'Debate Debacle' are showing surging support for the Republican figurehead and his Party. Most of the support is coming from interest-groups like the Log Cabin Republicans and Bush-Machine donors who were supporting Democrats and RINOs until the Conservative-Industrial Complex also decided to go fully 'woke.' It could be that the RNC strategy of pandering to the worst elements in human nature more efficiently than the virtue-signalling Liberal pandering is getting results. Based and Red-Pilled is only the Reactionary form of Woke and Politically-Correct; and in a system of Managed Democracy like ours, the ends always justify the means. 

   Among the Plutocracy transparently posing as Populists, Tech Lord Elon Musk and his confederate David O. Sacks are the top-level ringleaders roping in Wall Street and WEF Oligarchs for a hostile takeover of the MAGA Movement. Bolstered by servile propagandists who tell us that bowing before our betters and accepting our places as peasants and serfs is the new normal for Conservatives, the aforementioned Sacks was all over social media venues this weekend praising all of the Billionaires who've joined in the effort to replay the 2000 Elections and seat a Neocon on the Royal Throne. There too was no shortage of potential courtiers praising all of this.

     Sacks shamelessly said on one these podcasts---in what has to be a textbook example of psychological projection (or blatant hypocrisy) that: "The Democratic Party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power. The Democratic Party is the party of government. Its goal is to allocate money and power from the government to the collection of interests who backed the Democratic Party. In other words, it’s basically a collection of, of interests who want to loot the Republic."

   I have no argument with that definition of the Democrats, but to try and pretend that it doesn't define the Republicans just as precisely is to ignore reality. Republican Administrations and Republican Congresses have presided over the most massive wealth-transfers in US History from the productive class to wealthy parasites since the first Bush Administration abandoned Reaganomics---a policy which actually did benefit the working class. 

   There has been effusive fawning online over some new Plutocrats who've come on board. For example, Doug Leone, CEO of Sequoia Capital which bankrolls some of the most predatory corporations on Wall Street---many of whom are government contractors themselves. Leone made a bundle off the Scamdemic as part of Trump's COVID Task Force, and later threw Trump under the bus after the January 6th protests. Sequoia Capital is heavily invested in Tik-Tok and pushed for the forced sale of that venue to cash in on "the smooth sale to a US Corporation." Steve Mnuchin, another of Trump's Cabinet who baled out on him, is part of a consortium angling to take over Tik-Tok

   Another sterling character praised by the True Believers for returning to the GOP fold is Stephen Schwarzman of whom one said, with wholly unintentional irony, "has made a sharp U-Turn and is now Kissing that Beautiful round Orange Ass of Donald Trump too." Schwarzman is CEO of the Blackstone Group, a WEF Partner which has been heavily involved in promoting 'Smart Cities.' Schwarzman is himself a WEF member, and deeply connected to the Bush Machine and Neocon Establishment

  These developments don't exactly restore much confidence here that the next Republican Administration will represent the largely-disenfranchised American people as much as the Controlled Opposition Media would like to claim. As one of Sacks' fundraisers put it, "
Donald J. Trump is the real deal. Put your money where it will do the best for you and this country." The problem with this statement is that what is best for the Corporate Deep State and what is best for the country are mutually exclusive. I think that it's a safe bet which of the two is going to have precedence over the other when it comes to the Plutocracy. 

   It would be interesting to hear from the True Believers any good reason as to how the support of these unaccountable Robber Barons in any way benefits the Conservative Movement. It seems though that 'Joe Biden Sucks' is about as deep as their reasoning goes, so the proponents of the Great Reset may just see more gullible pigeons on the Right than on the Left. 


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