Thursday, July 4, 2024


      So, today is the 4th of July which, up until a few years ago, was observed as the anniversary of American Independence. The Cultural Elites in our Postmodern Era were---for obvious reasons---never comfortable with a holiday commemorating a time when Americans united to overthrow an aristocratic tyranny and establish a system of self-government. The story swirling around this year's shadow of the former holiday concerns, of course, the controversy surrounding our current Head-of-State. 

   Granted, this 'Administration' seized power---probably illegally by with the collusion of the so-called 'opposition' in the first place. Americans' attention-spans don't typically last as long as three years, however; and the Deep State has been suffering considerable buyers remorse over their figurehead leader. It's not so much that they're concerned about any impact that Biden is having on the United States in general; their obvious concern is whether or not he is competent to follow their instructions and impose their agendas. To that end, Jeff Bezos' organ The Washington Post has chimed in with the rest of the Corporate Media delivering an ultimatum from their Overlords that a decision is going to have to be reached on Biden's future. To underscore this urgency, the head of British-based Financial Octopus Signum Global Advisors demanded something happen by the end of the weekend

   Now, let us consider something here. The Democratic Party ran Biden as a candidate in the Primaries largely unopposed. Nonetheless, though, in theory, supporters of the Democrats elected him to represent them. Whether or that is technically true or not is irrelevant here: the question that everybody should be asking is 'Since when do Corporate Oligarchs decide for us whom our representatives will be?' Indeed, this question should have been asked by the American people a long time ago and many of us already knew that it was going on, but statements like these are fairly blatant admissions that the Globalist Commercial and Financial Cartels are the ones really making the important decisions. It's a topic that Americans should be reflecting on this 4th of July; but unfortunately most don't possess an especially deep comprehension of what Liberty actually involves.

     The Controlled Opposition has been collecting support from the Cartels too, almost as rapidly as the Junta is seeing donations dry up. This is hardly a cause for celebration. Like the Democrats, the Republican True Believers are convinced that their woke Oligarchs really have the interests of the American people at heart, and that their candidates won't be the least bit influenced by organizations throwing millions of dollars in their direction. Anybody who promises top-down solutions to everybody's problems wins support in America these days.

   It must always be remembered that the forces behind the New World Order and their objectives of a Great Reset are not ideologues. It doesn't matter to them whether their servants call themselves Left- or Right-Wing. Wealth-transfers through inflation and government spending are just as effective as austerity programs and deregulation so long as the Plutocrats write and enforce the laws. 

   We shouldn't be centered this holiday on who will replace this or that politician. We should be thinking like our Founding Fathers and be centered on removing the entrenched Elite who are obstructing self-government and depriving us of our freedoms. Running people like Bezos and organizations like Signum Global Advisors out of the country would do us much more good than simply changing political parties ever could. 

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