Tuesday, July 2, 2024


      It's really somewhat of a sad commentary on the state of our society when the Supreme Court actually doing its job for a change is a topic of national debate. The recent decisions overturning Roe v. Wade and repealing the abominable Chevron Doctrine was enough to send the Whacko Left Wing into chimp-out mode alone; but yesterday's decision to extend justice to President-in-Exile Trump has thrown Trump Derangement Syndrome into the mix. We really haven't seen paroxysms of rage at this level from the Left in over three years

    If we look at the US Constitution, it's noteworthy that half of our first Ten Amendments (4-8) are specifically designed to prevent weaponization of the Legal System. Both parties have been trying to turn all five of them into a Dead Letter for decades have succeeded in doing so in some cases. The Political Class didn't care so much as long legal abuses effected everybody else, but until yesterday it was starting to spread even to that previously untouchable group. Immunity under the Color of Office was put into our Founding Principles for a reason. Without it, nobody in a position of authority could make a decision without putting themselves at personal risk. Our Founders restrained legal abuses as much as possible; today all one has to do is look at the British Government with its pompous poseurs strutting around in their ruffled robes and ridiculous powdered wigs screaming at each other on the floors of Parliament over the most trivial policies to get an idea of what we escaped. 


     Likewise, we managed (mostly) to avoid the scenes of many South American Republics who make a regular habit of throwing their political opponents in jail. A Judicial Tyranny is still a tyranny. The legal issues surrounding President Trump and the equally execrable calls from the Right to take legal revenge on the Democrats was leading us into that very kind of Vicious Circle. 

    Americans today aren't in the habit of stopping to think and reflect; but they should look at yesterday's decision a sign that our Legal System is in serious need of reform. The Whacko Left---now that their ox has been gored---is talking about 'reforms;' which, as usual, means making the situation worse. When we speak of reform, we mean reining in a system that's largely out of control and danger to our liberties moreso than being a protector of them. 

   The actual purpose of the Judiciary is not to validate political agendas, exact personal revenge, or enrich lawyers as most Americans seem to believe. The Judiciary is part of a Balance of Powers that protects the general population from both Executive and Legislative over-reach. Unfortunately, too many Americans seem satisfied with the idea of over-reach in those branches too, which is part of the problem. 

   Via the Corporate Media and well-publicized fat Court judgements and sensationalized trials, the American Public has come to venerate the Legal System with an air of sanctimony formerly devoted to religion. This has led to the Legal System becoming an industry with the most egregious corruption and venality being disguised as a Pursuit of Justice. All of the judicial persecutions of President Trump highlights the depths of depravity to which the System has sunk. Trump was vindicated in this case and Justice was served; but we can see from the circumstances leading up to yesterday's decision that the system, metaphorically speaking, is on life-support. The few remaining Jurists and honest lawyers that our country has are all that's holding this System together from plunging into complete anarcho-tyranny.

   The ultimate problem is that there is neither the political nor the popular will to change the Status Quo since too many people benefit from the injustice and corruption that has now become systemic. Again, this is a problem entirely of our own making: we've looked the other way too long, grabbing our slice of the pie instead of holding lawyers and judges accountable and demanding that our government enforces the Constitution. Instead, we hear croaking from the Punditocracy on both the Left and the Right that the Court doesn't favor Interest Groups enough. Yesterday's decision was a good start; but until we address the root of the problem, it may only be a temporary victory.


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