Wednesday, July 24, 2024


       Just in time for the implosion of the New Right, the Churchian wing of the GOP-controlled Congress is rolling out the red carpet for the spiritual successor of King Herod, Israeli strongman Benjamin Netanyahu. The purpose of the visit originally was part of a publicity stunt to bolster the Official Counter-Narrative that Biden was being too much of a weenie when it came to supporting Israel by not encouraging even more barbarities than he was already doing. The Churchians, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson, are nonetheless determined to double-down on their posturing on behalf of their hybrid Judeo-Christian faith; Johnson recently vowing to arrest elected representatives who might question Netanyahu on certain details of his policies.

     With Biden no longer in the picture, and Conservatism Incorporated not having a backup plan, the Party pundits are having difficulty shifting their attacks towards Kamala Harris. Some have even accused the current Deputy Head-of-State of being an anti-Semite---woke Conservatism's equivalent of accusing people of homophobia. It happens awkwardly enough though, that Kamala Harris is not only married to a Jew; her domestic partner happens to be a prominent figure in the pro-Zionist lobby. In fact, Hubby Harris heads the White House Task Force suppressing pro-Palestinian dissent combatting anti-Semitism. Even before the Palestinian Civil War broke out, Harris' husband organized a roundtable on the subject which included a few currently very prominent Republican political figures

    Whatever Netanyahu says or does during this visit is actually irrelevant to much of anything since any political points either Party hoped to score off it are more or less moot. Netanyahu is going to meet with Biden, Kamala, and Trump; given his WEF connections, Netanyahu is probably taking advantage of the situation to analyze the American political situation so that his bosses in Davos can better determine a winner this November. The best that the world can hope for is that the IDF takes advantage of Netanyahu's absence and stages a coup. 

   The Oligarchy here, however, seems to be shifting towards Kamala. Yesterday, the slithery Elon Musk to Red Pill cultist Jordan Peterson that he is apparently having second thoughts about whether or not the GOP is a good investment after all.

   "'What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,' Musk told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson in an interview aired on Monday. 'I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump'... In the interview with Peterson, Musk said he created America PAC, which he said would support Trump but 'is not supposed to be a sort of hyperpartisan.' The X owner said he was drawn {note the past tenseto the Republican candidate because he believed {nota bene}the GOP was {nota benemore in line with his thinking around issues like meritocracy and freedom.

    "'One of those values being meritocracy, as much meritocracy as possible, so you get ahead as a function of your skill, and nothing else,' Musk told Peterson, adding that he hoped {nota beneTrump would bring as much freedom from government intervention as possible. Musk also said his political thinking is not the same as Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again, but rather 'MAG,' Make America Greater. The Tesla co-founder added that he doesn’t follow any cult of personality around Trump, but feels the former president showed 'great courage' after surviving an assassination attempt."

   Musk has had a long history of buying influence with candidates---mostly Democrats---and it wouldn't be surprising to see to him and the other billionaires currently investing in the Red Wave start slipping towards Kamala, especially after she (predictably) began overtaking the President-in-Exile in the polls. The GOP all along has carried an inflated opinion of its own support; believing that the public's lack of confidence in Biden translated into support for themselves. They inferred from that faulty logic that they could snub their own base and that we would just have to take it for lack of an alternative. 

  They should have noted though that their other candidates aren't doing all that well. Congress' own approval rating is barely out of single digits; and it's unlikely that cracking down on protests and threatening their opposition with arrest is going to improve their favorability very much. They've followed the same strategy that's lost time and time again and executed it with an intolerable arrogance; but instead of reforming, their pundits will probably spend the next three months trying to figure out how to blame their failures on China.






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