Sunday, July 14, 2024


       Yesterday, in the middle of a speech outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, President-in-Exile Trump and three others were shot by a local dirtbag. One is dead, two in critical condition, and Trump was left with an injury to his ear. The Whacko Left Wing has been all over Social Media displaying their various mental disorders for all to see; while the Controlled Opposition---never letting a good crisis go to waste---is exploiting the tragedy for all of the political capital that they can possibly squeeze out of it. 

     In a degenerated culture like ours, these kinds of events are bound to happen. With both factions of the Uniparty playing to the lowest common denominators in society and to the worst elements in human nature, it should come as no surprise that political violence is going to occur. For the past few weeks, the Corporate Media and the Left in general have been calling for this very thing. Their denunciations of the shooting only add hypocrisy to their other crimes.

    The Controlled Opposition has been playing the hypocritical game too. Despite all of their fake outrage, they not only egg on political violence, they defend it when it actually occurs. Names like George Allen Kelley, or Daniel Perry, or Michael Cassidy, among others, come to mind. 

    Aside from the mendacity and the mercenary attitudes of the Political Class, what we really witnessed on Saturday was another manifestation of the Strategy of Tension.  The Wikipedia site summarizes the Strategy of Tension as "a political policy wherein violent struggle is encouraged rather than suppressed. The purpose is to create a general feeling of insecurity in the population and make people seek security in a strong government."

   This should be concerning to us all as the recently-adopted Republican Party Platform has abandoned, along with most social issues, standing against fiscal responsibility and the growth of the Police State. It should be noted too that the five finalists for Trump's Vice-Presidential selection are all Big-Government, authoritarian-leaning RINOs; and yesterday's shooting should remind us how easily any one of them could assume the Oval Office. 

   We must now especially guard ourselves against Reactionary elements. Two wrongs don't make a right; and our focus should be centered on stopping the elements within our Deep State who profit off of sowing violence and division.


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