Friday, July 19, 2024


        So last night, the RINO-fest in Milwaukee came to a merciful conclusion. Reince Priebus and the other Establishment Republicans who organized this whole carnival at least can't be faulted for rushing through a flurry of very carefully scripted and choreographed performances which blew in and blew out before anyone had a chance to analyze any of it. To this end, they received considerable (and rather suspicious) support from the Corporate Media despite an equally considerable lack of any substance from any of the speakers.

     There was considerable irony manifested at the performance. There was effusive thanksgiving to God mentioned for Trump's narrow escape from an assassination attempt---shortly after the invocation to “Waheguru, our one true God” at the opening ceremonies. Waheguru is the chief divinity of India's Sikh religion which, probably fittingly for the Convention, "traditionally drinks shaheedi degh, an infusion of cannabis, to become closer with God." After considerable denunciations of the alleged immigration invasion changing the American political landscape, foreign-born Elon Musk pledged $45 million to the Cause. There was also extensive bashing of China---supposedly good friends with Biden and exercising undue control over the government---which was followed by an Israeli operative bragging of his country's influence over the GOP. After denouncing DEI programs and Political Correctness in American schools, another Israeli operative appeared on stage to applaud the Right's push for DEI and Affirmative Action for his co-religionists. At least four WEF Young Global Leaders spoke at the convention while other politicians denounced the Globalist Agenda.

    On the final night, Trump called for 'National Unity' although what noticeably was absent from the 'Conservative' rally was much tolerance for pro-Life, pro-Family, or Constitutionalist Conservatism. 

   Pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan gave a roaring speech on the final night concluding by ripping off his shirt; he was preceded by a musical performance by Kid Rock. This followed up a week of other figures from pop culture: porn star Amber Rose and country singer Lee Greenwood. 

   So we'll ask again: Are you tired of winning yet?

    Typically in American politics, a candidate sees a boost in poll numbers following a Convention; but neither that nor the recent assassination attempt on Trump nor the rapidly deteriorating health of Head-of-State Biden nor the servility of the American Media has produced much momentum. Trump's favorabilty ratings are about what Hillary Clinton's were in 2016 with over half of Americans having an unfavorable opinion of the GOP. He and Biden are virtually tied if a (fair) election were held today. The Republican-controlled Congress is still struggling to stay into double-digits of favorability

    Despite these inconvenient truths and their wholesale abandonment of anything remotely resembling Conservatism, the Controlled Opposition's pundits are already making plans for loading the Executive Branch with suitable RINOs. Bill Gates crony Doug Burgum stated that he was in line for a Cabinet post---likely USDA. Billionaire hedge fund robber baron John Paulson is a leading contender for the Treasury Department, although CEO of WEF Strategic Partner JP Morgan Chase Jamie Dimon is also being considered. Slimy Neocon Mike Pompeo and psychopathic Senator Tom Cotton are among those considered for Defense and CIA posts. Bush Family operative Marco Rubio is in line for the State Department. Tom Homan, former head of the notoriously corrupt ICE and general thug, is said to be the leading contender for the Department of Homeland Security. WEF Young Global Leader Vivek Ramaswamy has been suggested for a post.

     For some reason, many on the Right seem not to grasp the truth: the term 'Uniparty' includes Republicans. We can't expect national salvation from the Republican Party any more than we can expect it from the Democrats. Willful ignorance of this truth is what the Establishment Republicans are counting on to bring their faction into a position of authority. What they will have only amounts to 'authority' because, like the Democrat politicians, they will have no real power. The sole purpose of the Political Class is to manage the territory of the United States on behalf of Globalist economic powers. If by some chance, the Oligarchs decide to appoint the Republicans to power in November, it is not a Second Trump Administration we'll be getting but a Third Bush Administration with Trump as an unwitting proxy. 

    Our so-called 'System of Government' ceased to be a representative republic many years ago. Today, it is a Managed Democracy---both controlled by and operated like a vast corporation. Trump is expendable, as the situation that we're seeing with the Democrats' leader Joe Biden clearly shows. So are all of the RINOs he's currently surrounding himself with, and so are all of the Democrats. The people who actually own the United States don't care about the personal ambitions of any politician, nor about the interests of the American people. This is what makes all of this smug 'Alpha' peacocking from the 'leaders' on the Right so appalling and unbearable. Not only are they themselves the cringing, fawning toadies of people more powerful than they are; they have the gall to pretend that they are superior to the rest of humanity and that everyone else envies or fears them. 

     The American people, however, are by definition the ultimate leaders of their own country; and we have no one but ourselves to blame for this sorry state of affairs. Out of a combination of selfish personal greed and a cowardly desire to evade personal responsibility by hiding behind a strong government, we've essentially sold ourselves into serfdom. The clown show we saw in Milwaukee was not merely a silly political demonstration, it was a reflection of how calculating marketers and advertisers appeal to the masses and what they think of the psychology of their intended audience. The reason that these campaigns sink lower and lower every year is the same reason that commercials and advertising get worse and worse: the lowest common denominator is getting lower. 

     There is no political solution to our problems today. We fundamentally have to change as a culture, whether we still have it in ourselves to do so is an open question. 



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