Tuesday, July 30, 2024


      Among the news items in the Controlled Opposition Media today was a piece from the Pink Triangle boys at Breitbart highlighting remarks by President Trump about the horrible display opening the Paris Olympic Games. 

     “I thought the opening ceremony was a disgrace, actually,” he said. “I thought it was a disgrace...We won’t be having a Last Supper as portrayed the way they portrayed it the other night. Look, I’m for everybody. I’m very open-minded. but I think what they did was a disgrace.”

    There is no doubt that it was a disgrace or that the Trump Campaign has proven itself to be quite open-minded (i.e. flexible) when it comes to such matters. It's not a disgrace, of course, that this year alone Mar-a-Lago has hosted at least one homo 'wedding' or that homo activists have raised millions for the Trump Campaign with at least three fundraisers. It's not a disgrace that perverts like Elon Musk and Peter Theil are directing the campaign and even choosing its top candidates

   “The mocking of The Last Supper,” alcoholic single-mom Laura Ingraham replied. “Catholics and Christians across the globe are outraged.” There likewise was no such outrage at opening the GOP Convention with a prayer to a heathen deity. 

       The President-in-Exile and the Establishment simps on Fox News weren't the only ones faking outrage and hoping to spin the narrative for political gain. Andrew Tate, one of the New Right's role models of "offering a different vision that encourages men to seek respect by becoming impressive" was involved in an anti-Olympic protest too. Tate is currently out of jail but unable for legal reasons to leave Romania. 

  "I am protesting outside of the French embassy for mocking Jesus during the Olympic ceremony." Tate proclaimed. "I was expecting a large crowd. Where are the Christians in Romania? Why are there only a few protesters? I was expecting a huge crowd of Catholics and other Christian groups to register their protest over the mockery of Jesus across the world." 

  I would suggest that the reason is that---unlike their American counterparts---no self-respecting Romanian Christian wants to be seen within a mile of the likes of Andrew Tate. While it's true that American Churchians with their devotion to the Prosperity Gospel may see such statements as



....are perfectly consistent with the teachings of Christ and 2,000 years of theological scholarship and the highest divisions of philosophy and natural science, Christians living in far-off lands unacquainted with the blessings of American Exceptionalism seem to hold on to unrealistic superstitions like the Golden Rule or that Christ, not grifters or politicians, should be imitated and respected.

   All of this brings up an interesting question: while we've seen just about everybody on the Right condemning the Paris Olympics, why no criticism of the Trump Campaign cozying up to the Rainbow Mafia? Why isn't anybody speaking out against Andrew Tate? Or, if the so-called Christian Right doesn't wish to condemn such things, let's hear some of their defenses for it.

   Somehow, I doubt though that we'll hear either any criticism or justifications. As we've pointed out before, winning the elections (i.e. coming into power) has become for the so-called American Right an end in itself. No matter how much rationalizing, no matter how much paranoia and fear-mongering, or how much ridiculous and petty mudslinging that they engage in, nothing can disguise the mounting evidence---increasingly obvious to everyone---that the New Right has nothing to offer the nation that makes them better than the Democrats. Their message from beginning to end has been based on the Cult of the Superman, the worship of Force, and appeals to the basest elements of envy, greed, and revenge in human nature. As reactionaries, they have only accomplished the feat of exceeding the Left in self-righteous arrogance and blatant hypocrisy. 





  1. Ha! Well said. A gold medal in hypocrisy, indeed.

    The Bible actually says "don't be surprised," when you encounter vile things. One reason why we shouldn't be surprised is because if we had an self awareness at all, we wouldn't be.

    I agree with you about how "they have only accomplished the feat of exceeding the Left in self-righteous arrogance and blatant hypocrisy." We can add virtue signaling to that mix, too.

    Still, it's a 100% better than the alternative. At least a hypocrite has a standard to fall short of.

    1. I don't know: at least with the alternative we know where we stand. The other side is open about what it's doing and why: 'our side' does the same things and tries to disguise it as 'national security' and 'family values' and 'upholding the free market.'
