Tuesday, July 16, 2024


     So barely had President-in-Exile Trump emerged from the hospital than the next installment of the Election Year Extravaganza kicked off in Milwaukee with the Republican National Convention. The controversy over the assassination attempt---really just another specimen of bungling American Law Enforcement---must have come as a relief to the Conservative-Industrial Complex who were spared having to discuss their rather watered-down Party Platform

    The star-studded gala---featuring such celebrities as cue-ball headed Amber Rose---along with Tucker Carlson, Kimberley Gillfoyle, Franklin Graham, Lee Greenwood, and several RINO politicans and fat-cat woke billionaires is expected to drag on until Thursday night.

     The big news of the day was the selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, a longtime associate and former Corporate lawyer for some of the most woke Tech Lords in Silicon Valley. Like Barack Obama, Vance has only served two years in the US Senate before being elevated to a position perilously close to a seat in the Oval Office.

    In 2016, Vance was a vocal Never-Trumper who supported independent candidate Evan McMullin. He rose through the ranks of Ohio politics---notoriously run by Never-Trump fanatics John Kasich and Mike DeWine. Recall that RINO DeWine was the one of the first State Governors to suspend the Constitution during the Scamdemic. In 2022, his old boss WEF Young Global Leader, Log Cabin Republican, and Tech Lord Peter Thiel  heavily bankrolled his campaign and, along with other globalist interests, were instrumental in promoting Vance's meteoric rise to the Vice-Presidency. Vance stated at the Convention tonight his commitment to making certain that the Defense Contractors in Big Tech would be well taken-care of.

          Despite much of his talk about opposing arming Ukraine, Vance has been on board with the idea since the beginning. His nomination today drew praise from many leading Neocon war-hawks:

     What's probably even more concerning about Vance is that, by his own admission, he is deeply influenced by the poisonous philosophy of the Dark Enlightenment. He sees Curtis Yarvin, also known as Mencius Moldbug, as sort of intellectual and spiritual leader. Yarvin is an advocate of Transhumanism and an outright Neo-Fascist. "What America needs is a national CEO [or] what’s called a dictator. If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia." 

    The is the direction that the so-called New Right is taking; but it's really a throwback to the Techno-Fascist Scientism which characterized 1930s Europe. Then, as now, the blind fear and fanatical hatred of the Left (which admittedly posed then as now a real threat) drove people to seek the 'protection' of a strong, reactionary government instead of demanding greater Rights and freedoms for themselves. The Conservative-Industrial Complex reacted to yesterday's assassination attempt with a plea for unity but their actions say something more akin to you're with us or with the enemy. 

    It's time to stop and think. Trump is a 78-year old man and he is all that stands between us and unrestrained Bush-Era authoritarianism. The incompetence and stupidity of the Democrats is certainly a threat; but is the solution an efficient and determined Reactionary clique? 



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