Wednesday, May 15, 2024


     Much to the delight of Leftist hypocrites and their flying monkeys on the Churchian Right, the Zionists began an offensive into the southern part of the Gaza Strip this weekend. The military strategy of the Zionists seems to be to push the displaced Palestinians into the center of the region between two pincers before completing the first stage of their Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem. (Ethnic Cleansing of the West Bank will be the second stage). Though not reported in the Corporate-controlled media, Hamas has been fighting valiantly: contesting every inch of ground in spite of being greatly outnumbered and inadequately armed. They've inflicted heavy casualties on the Zionist invaders and the Civil War is now in its eighth month, despite US military experts assuring us that it would all be over by last December. 

   The Palestinian people, too, realizing that they have no future under the Techno-Fascist Israeli Regime, have resisted with determination despite being cut off from from necessities like food, water, sanitation, medicine, housing, and energy for over half a year. According to such statistics as have managed to leak out, the average Palestinian is subsisting on 245 calories per day (for those who went to public schools, that's about the equivalent of two slices of bread) and even that has been cut off since the Zionists seized control of the only humanitarian corridor on Sunday and are standing idly by while those very peace-loving Israeli citizens are looting the aid convoys.  


    The Democrats are somewhat divided on the issue of supporting Israel, leading to a few symbolic actions from the Biden/Harris Junta for media consumption to pose as humanitarians. The Republicans, to their extreme discredit, are almost unanimously supportive of the Regime. The vast majority of Americans probably don't even know where Palestine is and could care less.

    The Conservative-Industrial Complex and their Churchian confederates lost out in the Marketplace of Ideas defending the Zionist Regime a long time ago; so they've joined the pro-genocide Democrats in resorting to the most blatant acts of terrorizing and silencing opposition that we've seen since the Antifa and BLM riots in 2020---in fact, they've resorted to many of the same tactics. The so-called Right is digging itself into a deeper and deeper hole; since now they not only have to justify Israel, they have to find excuses for their own repressive measures

   To try and keep their dupes in line, the Controlled Opposition Media has been pushing what passes for an intellectual elite among their ranks to promote the new settled science that anyone who opposes genocide and ethnic cleansing are nothing but anti-Semitic racist meanies---like BLM says about anyone who questions their dogma of systemic racism.  

   Dennis Prager, one of the foremost blowhards among Zionist apologists sent out another encyclical yesterday which, even for him, was setting the bar of political discourse another degree lower. Echoing the sentiments of the GOP-sponsored DEI/Hate Speech Bill, Prager brings up the specter of the so-called Blood Libel and equates that with criticism of Israeli atrocities. 

   Prager begins his article by proving that he doesn't know (or is deliberately lying about) what the 'Blood Libel' actually is. He brings up an anecdote from Mediaeval History about some anti-Semitic rumors happening in a few backwaters of the least developed parts of Europe several centuries ago and tries to present this as a widespread practice. It's basically the same propaganda from Black Lives Matter about white guilt and nonsensical stories about sharks still following the slave-trade routes repackaged. 

   What the 'Blood Libel' actually refers to a misinterpretation of a passage in the Gospel of St. Matthew which at the trial of Jesus, Pilate offers to release Jesus in exchange for Barabbas. The crowd demands that Christ be crucified, to which Pilate symbolically washes his hands in their sight and says: "Guiltless I am of the blood of this righteous man, see to it yourselves." The crowd answered: "His blood be upon us and our children." St. Matthew related this story to show that the Jews had rejected the New Covenant; and like their forefathers did with the prophets brought Judgement upon themselves. Anti-Semites (the genuine ones) have used that passage to implicate all Jews in the judicial murder of Christ, just like racists (the real ones) tried to justify slavery by pretending that Noah's curse of Ham applied to all Africans; or that modern Zionists try and pretend that God's Covenant with Abraham applies to themselves. 

   Interpreting the Blood Libel in the way that Prager does, is obvious in its intent: for giving the truth about its history might bring the Christian Zionist cult who signs his paychecks in collusion with Hollywood Liberals under some scrutiny. He goes to make this incredible assertion:

  "For centuries, Jews had to confront the fact that all around them, throughout Europe, a vast number of people believed an enormous lie about them. Jews have to confront the same thing today. We are now living through the Second Blood Libel: the claim that the Jewish state is committing genocide. But, unlike the first Blood Libel, this libel is not the product of Christians; it is the product of Muslims and the left. The very people against whom the greatest genocide in recorded history—the Holocaust—was directed are now accused of the very same crime."

  Prager's argument about alleged discrimination of Jews sounds suspiciously similar to the WEF's 2022 position-paper on Critical Race Theory, which states: "CRT acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of colour, continues to permeate the social fabric of American society...Critical race theory is a way of thinking about America's history through the lens of racism. It examines how the legacy of slavery and segregation in the US is embedded in modern-day legal systems and policies. And is the idea that racism is not a matter of individual bigotry but is systemic in America."

   His affinity with radical Left ideology aside, however; Prager's assertion that Israeli actions against the Palestinians are only a figment of our over-heated, inherently racist imaginations is truly astounding. It's much like the apologists for CRT---who try to blame the problems in the Black community on White racism---only taking the argument up to an incredibly cynical degree. The failures of the Black communities in the US are due mostly to their own leadership which scapegoats Whites for their own incompetence: but Israel's actions are a deliberate, government-organized system of plunder and murder on a scale not seen since the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia. To argue, as Prager does, that ethnic Jews could never be guilty of a crime that their forefathers historically suffered under is nonsense. History is replete with examples of oppressed peoples turning into savage oppressors once they had power: consider the French Revolution under the Jacobins or the Russian Revolution under the Bolsheviks among others.

   The rest of Prager's article is filled with historical and statistical non sequiturs all designed, as is true with most postmodern 'academics,' to appear well-informed and educated to the masses. None of what he says here has the slightest bearing on contemporary events in Palestine, so there is no point in debating any of them since they are all merely academic points and anyone who wants to challenge any of them easily can do so for himself. 

   The real problem here is that Prager's intended audience are fanatics and ideologues who want re-assurance instead of the truth. The problem isn't with the speaker so much as it is with the listeners. Unlike Prager and his kind, I wouldn't demand that his views be censored or blacklisted; but the fact that so many alleged Christian Conservatives uncritically accept what he says is disturbing. 

   It is not simply a matter of accepting Left-Wing ideology and rhetoric. Consider how few on the so-called Right actually stop to think about what the Israeli Government actually is, and what the Palestinian cause is really all about. To borrow some of the contemporary Right's own talking points, Israel's government is extremely Left-Wing, comprised of literal immigrant invaders who displaced the indigenous culture and relegated them to the status of second-class citizens. The Palestinians are fighting to regain their country and re-establish their traditions and wrest their national liberties and state sovereignty from a globalist corporate cabal. That sounds very much like a cause that traditional Americans would support: instead they side with the objectives of the Great Reset both there and in our homeland. 

   Even more disturbing is the willingness of American Christians to fall into this way of thinking. It was bad enough during the Scamdemic that so many looked the other way while churches were padlocked and ministers jailed by government edict; but to look upon the wholesale massacre of an innocent people---many of whom are our fellow-Christians---is inexcusable. It's as disgraceful as watching the Whacko Left during the last decade whooping it up at every report of an ISIS slaughter of some Christian community in Syria. American Christianity is spiritually vitiated at this point. American Conservatism may be only a shadow of its former self: but American Christianity is more like a ghost, a body with only its outward form remaining. 




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