Wednesday, November 8, 2023


      Blogger Citizen Tom had a post yesterday titled The Ceasefire Reflex where he was debating another blogger named Marcus Ampe. Tom takes the position held by the Republican Establishment, while Marcus argues essentially the Democrat Establishment's position. While I don't agree with Tom on the Middle East issue, I give him credit at least for defending his positions with argument. There's no reasoning with most other Conservative writers on this subject. a la Ben Shapiro, who react to opposing views much like Liberals do when someone suggests that things like 'Systemic Racism' are hoaxes.

      The reason that Citizen Tom's article is instructive is because it illustrates the False Dichotomy between Liberals and Conservatives. The Conservative position basically boils down to this: the Zionists somehow represent Western Civilization and values; they are under attack by an alien culture, and---while it's regrettable that there is collateral damage among Palestinian civilians, the Zionists' Final Solution to the Palestinian Question is a necessary evil to save the world for our great-grandchildren. 

    Marcus Ampe's position is not much different than the Biden/Harris Junta's policies. The Liberals advocate Ethnic Cleansing with a Smiley-Face: they want a ceasefire and a chance to relocate the already-dispossessed Palestinians to someone else's backyard. 

    Whether on takes the realistic Conservative approach or the humanitarian Liberal one; the end result is the same. Whether the Palestinians are exterminated or loaded on boxcars and shipped off to camps, the Zionists still seize the territories and the Gaza oil fields for the Greater Glory of the New World Order. No one is debating whether or not that is a desirable outcome. 

    Aside from the peripheral moral detail inherent in offering about 5 million people the choice between Genocide and forced deportation (and then shamelessly playing the Victim Card when they choose to fight back instead), there exists a strange mentality among many Americans that somehow Supranational Globalist Commercial Cabals with a fanatical desire to 'reset' all of humanity is less of a threat to Western Civilization than developing countries on the other side of the planet are. There is endless bowtie-clutching and nail-biting afoot over what Islamic fundamentalists (whom most Islamic States actually oppose) might do to us, when criminal combinations like the WEF and their affiliates are already here, undermining our Culture and subverting our Democracy. 

   All Moslems combined make up barely more than 1% of the US population and not a fraction of those have any sympathy with the Jihadists. In contrast, the Commercial Oligarchs pushing the Great Reset have infiltrated---by their own admission---not only our Government but have our great ally on our Northern Border completely under their thumb. Here in the US, they own most of the important land, they have de facto control over our media, our schools, our military, most of our justice system, many of our churches, and most large businesses. They hold vast control over our food supplies, water, transportation, healthcare, fuel, housing, and energy. They aren't finished yet either, they want even more control. 

   Israel---whose President is a WEF member---is a model State according to these Oligarchs. If anyone doubts this, just go to the WEF website, type 'Israel' into the search-box and read the effusive praise that Klaus Schwab and his merry-men slobber all over the Zionist Regime. They can't celebrate hard enough Israel's draconian response to the Scamdemic, their innovative surveillance technologies, their experiments with 'Smart Cities' or their homo inclusiveness. Klaus Schwab even penned a Statement on October 14th, which had not a word of criticism for the Zionist Regime though he strongly condemned the Palestinian Freedom-Fighters. 

  American Liberals are, for the most part, hopelessly out of touch with reality, which is self-evident from nearly every statement coming out of the White House on the Middle East. In the case of American Conservatives, it is a genuine conundrum. For example, when Conservatives talk about open immigration, they argue that native-born Americans are being supplanted by an alien culture and praise people who try to defend it against 'invaders.' I don't necessarily endorse that position, but what they're describing is precisely the position of the Palestinians. It was the Arabs who governed and lived in Palestine for nearly a millennium in relative peace until they allowed unrestricted Jewish (both legal and illegal) immigration and saw their own culture and society replaced by an alien one. Since 1948, half of Israel's Prime Ministers weren't even born in Palestine and none of them were from families who'd been there more than three generations. 

   The Arabs not only lost control of their Government, they lost most of their civil liberties to the point where they literally have no rights that a Zionist need respect. They've been pushed off their own land into de facto reservations, had the Zionists close down and persecute their religious institutions---including forcing Zionist and NWO propaganda on Arab children---even to the point where the Regime openly boasts about holding homo Pride Events in holy sites like Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The Palestinians are fighting back---with more determination and courage than the Keyboard Conservatives in America have ever shown---and yet the American Conservatives defend the secular tyrants and call the freedom-fighters 'terrorists.' 

     I believe that an explanation for this type of Cognitive Dissonance on the Right is rooted in fear. It's a two-pronged type of fear. Many haven't forgotten 9/11 or the horrors of the ISIS Caliphate and see Jihadism as a tangible threat, albeit a relatively remote one, at least to Americans. On the other prong, they mentally cancel out the more dangerous and omnipresent threat---one which they experience on a daily basis---deceiving themselves that by voting or something that they can actually change it. The bogey-men, whether Arabs, Chinese, Russians, or immigrants are 'enemies' they can focus upon to compensate for their utter powerlessness against the real enemies who are actively working to enslave us (and succeeding, BTW). 

   What Americans need to do is look at Palestine as an example rather than a threat. We need to do what they're doing: putting aside our superficial differences and distractions and uniting against the Deep State and the commercial interests upholding them. Across the Middle East, the Freedom Fighters are proving that the Oligarchy is not invincible. Hopefully Americans won't be reduced to the level of the Gaza Strip before they decide to resist; but I'm not optimistic about that happening.



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