Friday, January 10, 2025


      The Financial Oligarchy which seized power in the United States in 2020 is moving along to speed up the Great Reset. Phase 1, under the Democrats and their figurehead, Biden, prepared the groundwork with downsizing unprofitable foreign assets like Afghanistan and solidifying their holdings among other foreign colonies in the Middle East, Europe, and East Asia. In 2025 we are seeing the Expansionist Phase, which will garner more resources and transfer more wealth into the hands of the Ruling Elite; both domestically and in Foreign Policy.

     To the latter end, the Globalists in the Incoming Government are fomenting Color Revolutions in Europe under the same pretexts they did here: ginning up stories about violent immigrants raping White women and, of course, hyping the 'China/Russia Threat.' Elon Musk has been funding various traitors and malcontents in EU countries using the same blueprint that his predecessors Bush, Soros, Obama, etc. used to overthrow foreign governments and install those more amenable to the goals of their confederates in the WEF.

    Before even taking office, Team Woke at Mar-a-Lago have turned their larcenous eyes Northward, apparently making the Arctic their first goal of conquest. Trump Jr and Christian Nationalist Charlie Kirk travelled to Greenland this week to meet with Fifth Columnists to negotiate the surrender of the island to the New Order.

      The traitor in the video is named Tim Zeeb. Unlike the American Media, the Danish Press actually probed into Zeeb's background a bit, and discovered that he has a lengthy criminal record including a four-year stint in prison for smuggling narcotics; was once the subject of nationwide manhunt after breaking out of jail; and several violent-crime convictions. 

     Oops! Well, given the kinds of people that the New Right embraces as role models and the types of characters they choose as community role models, it shouldn't be surprising that Zeeb would be among the based and Red-Pilled. 

     In Canada, the move for Anschluss is being spearheaded by 'influencer' Kevin O'Leary; another Globalist lowlife, who has been meeting with fellow-Tech Lord Musk at Mar-a-Lago to negotiate the surrender of Canada to the US Corporate Deep State. O'Leary infamously bragged about using AI software to freeze out undesirables on the Deep State's behalf. O'Leary shamelessly refers to himself as 'Mr.Wonderful,' is supporter (for now) of Canadian Controlled Opposition Leader and WEF operative, Pierre Poilievre

      One would think that Canada and Denmark---even given their rather lax approaches to criminal behavior---would have some kinds of laws against citizens meeting with foreign governments to negotiate the surrender of sovereign territory. After the Second World War, such laws were enforced fairly rigorously; it might be time to dust off a few of them and bring Zeeb and O'Leary to justice Nuremberg style. As for Musk, the EU is already considering proscribing him as an undesirable alien: something that Americans ought to consider doing as well. 

   On a more positive note, the blustering of America's Ruling Class may be the wake-up call that Canada and Western Europe desperately needed to alert them of the true ends of the Great Reset. It doesn't include them after all. In fact, these annexation schemes are simply a revival of Bush's plan to create the North American Union after the Republicans reneged on their campaign promises to repeal NAFTA in the 1990s. In 2005, Bush Jr. met with Canadian and Mexican leaders to issue the following:

“We, the elected leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, have met in Texas to announce the establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

“We will establish working parties led by our ministers and secretaries that will consult with stakeholders in our respective countries. These working parties will respond to the priorities of our people and our businesses, and will set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. They will outline concrete steps that our governments can take to meet these goals, and set dates that will ensure the continuous achievement of results.

“Within 90 days, ministers will present their initial report after which, the working parties will submit six-monthly reports. Because the Partnership will be an ongoing process of cooperation, new items will be added to the work agenda by mutual agreement as circumstances warrant.

    The plan of a North American Union has been the dream of Techno-Fascists going back several years, though current schemes seem to include the British Isles. 

     I don't really know what to say here: the transhumanists, globalists, and Techno-Feudalists' hold over the Republican Establishment hasn't been any great secret, and their objectives were fairly well advertised, including Elon Musk's proclamation of the New Order dressed in the black-and-gold colors of the Dark MAGA (i.e. Red Pill Cult) movement. The presence of Neocon Bush-Machine holdovers---fully committed to Bush Sr.'s New World Order ideology--- in the 2024 Campaign was no great secret either. But Americans chose to ignore those things, as they always do, and latch on to anybody who looks powerful and to whom they can outsource their thinking. 


Thursday, January 9, 2025


      Scarcely a week had passed since Arch-RINO Mike Johnson was appointed House Speaker than he quietly took out provisions from the proposed House Rules barring gender dysphoric Congress-xhes from using the appropriate gender's facilities. Johnson previously had both included and endorsed a rule requiring that Capitol Hill employees use restrooms corresponding to their biological sex.

     Tim McBride, who changed his name to Sarah, won a Congressional seat in Delaware last November. This was a cause of concern for some Congresswomen; who, like most Republican supporters, assumed that the woke New Right actually would do anything to re-establish traditional gender norms in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. “We welcome all new members with open arms who are duly elected representatives of the people," the hypocritical Johnson proclaimed, “I believe it’s a command that we treat all persons with dignity and respect.”


       I don't really know what to say here that hasn't already been said: usually when pointing out that the Republican Party and the Incoming Government was front-loaded with transhumanists, perverts, and latent-homosexual misogynist Red Pills, it typically resulted in getting hooted down as a 'Marxist' or down-voted into oblivion in comments-sections. Actually, that still happens quite frequently.

      At this point, it's impossible to believe that Republican supporters didn't see this coming. Denialism is one of the worst problems our culture faces. It's not manifested only in the political sphere. Our public schools are hellscapes for most children and teens---90+% of parents don't believe it (despite experiencing it) and send their offspring there anyway. Homosexuality and abortion rot societies from the inside out: people are content to believe these things are fundamental human rights. Our healthcare system is a disaster area of corporate greed and run by people who philosophically believe in depopulation: but it's the best in the world. Our military couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag: but America is the global superpower. Most of our cities look like war-zones with people living in tents on the sidewalks and flash mobs looting stores: but this is the greatest, most exceptional country on earth. The list could go on. 

    This proclivity on the part of the public to live contrary to reason and even in spite of evidence is how the Elites get away with has much as they do; in fact it's what they count on. It's reached the point where the Elites don't even bother making up plausible excuses for what they do---in many cases, they don't even lie about it anymore. 

    One thing that we must always bear in mind is a point we've stressed here since the Color Revolution of 2020: we are the Counter-Culture. We're not alone in this, but we are a minority now. This is why it is important to network with others of like mind locally because the closer that we come to full implementation of the Great Reset, the more that we will need one another. To quote one of the Old Testament prophets: It is an evil time. We also must remember, as these prophets also said, the Oligarchs don't have the final say. Their utopian schemes will fail in the end. 



Tuesday, January 7, 2025


      This weekend, after elevating Lesbian Feminist Media pundit Tammy Bruce to the State Department post of Official Spokesxhe, Team Woke took to the Controlled Opposition Press to denounce outgoing Head-of-State Biden for doling out awards to various Deep State apparatchiks. In one of the more hypocritical denunciations, incoming President Elon Musk fumed:

    “A travesty that Biden is giving Soros the Medal of Freedom. In my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity. He’s doing things that erode the fabric of civilization." Coming from Musk, this about the most egregious example of psychological projection imaginable. Steven Bannon, another top hypocrite, demanded that whoever runs the next Administration should rescind the award.

    Neither Musk nor Bannon mention people like, say, 'Border Czar' Tom Homan, who was decorated by Obama in 2015 when Homan worked for that Administration. Nor are there any calls for Trump to rescind nominations of Soros-connected officials like Scott Bessent or Vivek Ramaswamy. That, of course, is what all of this manufactured controversy is really all about: to divert attention from the Globalist leanings of the Republican Establishment by accusing the Democrats of doing what the Republicans do. 

       Throughout both the Campaign and the Nomination Process, there has been a distinct lack of any scrutiny over any of the people hovering around the 47th President. Sure, Matt Gaetz was panned: but that was only to get him out of Congress to pave the way for Mike Johnson, whom Gaetz opposed, to be coronated House Speaker. Nearly all of these people have long and well-documented histories of supporting various New World Order schemes: globalist techno-feudalists like Musk and Vance; supporters of the Great Reset like Bessent and Ramaswamy; Bush Machine holdovers like Rubio and Pam Bondi; and various representatives of Churchian Dominionist cults like Hegseth and Johnson. 

     Instead, we've been conned by distractions and the controversy over Biden's awards is just another diversion. We've seen how it's run: it was run before in both Bush Campaigns: keep the True Believers occupied with tall tales about saving America while laughing in their sleeves selling out wholesale to Globalist interests. This is in keeping with the system installed by the Bushmen and supported by the Clinton/Obama/Biden faction: keeping the public focused on scapegoats and from focusing on their loss of liberties and fundamental human rights. Sadly, in a culture dumbed-down by Media and Academia and heavily dependent on drugs, this is not at all a difficult task for the Globalists to manage. 

   It is not as though Americans are unaware of these things: the problem in our Culture is that most simply don't want to know. It's more important for the average contemporary American either to jump in on one side and be part of the winning team or simply sink into apathetic oblivion hoping that things will somehow work out. This situation isn't new: in fact, it's gone on for so long that it is an open question at this point whether or not we really can turn things around on our own. This is especially true with younger Americans who've never lived in a society where our Rights were respected and community was important. As things are shaping up at this point, Bush 3.0 is simply going to accelerate Neoconservatism to its logical conclusion: Techno-fascist domination. 



Saturday, January 4, 2025


       So on Friday, the Uniparty returned Arch-RINO Congressman Mike Johnson to the House of Representatives' top position. There initially was some pushback from some Republicans, but after one of those productive conversations with the boys at Mar-a-Lago, most changed their minds and went with the New Order. It was somewhat reminiscent of last month's fight over the Spending Bill. Johnson spoke with Trump who demanded it not be passed; but after a hour on the phone with Elon Musk who gave his approval, it passed anyway; which once again demonstrates who is actually in charge of the Republican Party. 

    It's a good thing that we got rid of Biden who was an 80-year old figurehead letting others make his decisions for him, right?

    The Democrats put up some token resistance, voting unanimously for Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries who, like Johnson, is a major recipient of AIPAC lobbying cash. In his concession speech, Jeffries underscored his commitment to the Uniparty, stating: “The American people need us as their elected representatives in this season to put down our partisan swords and pick up bipartisan plowshares. It’s time for us to come together, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans to get things done for the people...House Democrats will work hard to find bipartisan common ground with our Republican colleagues in the incoming administration on any issue, whenever and wherever possible.” 

   By this, of course, Jeffries means the interests of Wall Street, as Johnson is very much owned by Oil Cartels and Defense Contractors. Johnson himself said as much accepting the Speakership: "We are going to pass legislation to roll back the size and scope of government. ... And in coordination with President Trump and his administration, we are going to create a leaner, faster, and more efficient federal workforce...and expedite new drilling permits!" Johnson also added: “It is time now to reinstate fear in our enemies, refocus our mission on lethality, and realign commitment to peace through strength right now. We have to prioritize the things that matter most. We have to make adequate investments in defense!”

   Johnson went on to voice his support for expanding the Police State and sealing the Borders under the pretext of fighting illegal immigration, as Jeffries and the other Democrats nodded in agreement. Actually, fortifying the Borders and expanding the Police State are the only infrastructure and jobs programs that the Republicans offer other than extending H1B Visas to better-paying positions. It's rather like the New Right's version of DEI. 

    It's not surprising that Democrats would put up no resistance. They showed their hand after the first Presidential Debate when a dozen or so Wall Street Oligarchs nullified Biden's unanimous sweep of the Democrat Primaries and coronated Kamala Harris. After Musk/Thiel Trump/Vance were elevated to the White House, these same Oligarchs shook hands with their Republican counterparts and went about organizing the new Administration with nearly two dozen Globalist billionaires and WEF operatives appointed to key positions. 

    The recent controversies over extending the H1B-Visas, the Government Spending Bill and the installment of Speaker Johnson has caused even a few of the True Believers to begin waking up (belatedly) to Reality. They've collectively fallen back on the typical Christian Conservative excuse "We didn't know!" even though the information has been out there for over a year. The Republicans aren't suddenly changing directions, it's the same direction they've been taking for several months. Too many on the Right simply didn't want to see: they were so deeply infatuated with the idea that everything wrong just started under Biden and voting in anybody with an 'R' after his name would bring back America's Glory Years starting on Day One. 

       Instead, what they're going to get is Bush 3.0: while the US catapults full-steam into the Great Reset and the Techo-Feudalism envisioned by the likes of Musk, Ramaswamy, Thiel, and others like them. Soros, Gates, Bezos, and BlackRock aren't going to be left behind either, as they all have several operatives in the New Administration. In short, the supporters of the New Right might not get what they want; but they'll get everything they deserve. 


Tuesday, December 31, 2024


       Since the online controversy over Elon Musk's position on H1B visas exploded late last week, it would appear that Musk's already-fragile mental state---which has been teetering precariously on the edge of outright insanity for a long time---has finally tipped. Apparently without sleep and probably bolstered with Amphetamines, the Tech Lord Supreme has been banning anybody from X who questions his will and posting hysterical outbursts about "going to war with MAGA" and other such nonsense. Yesterday, Musk got caught using a voice-changer to fake an interview with himself and today unveiled a new online persona:

     There are times when one just doesn't know what to say. It isn't as though nobody knew; although that sentiment is floating around the Controlled Opposition comments sections a lot. Like this specimen, for example, which has gone viral:

      Like many others, 'DRG' no doubt was quite happy with other people being denied employment or getting censored---it just wasn't supposed to happen to him. The only advice that I give to someone like this is to remember that facts don't care about your feelings; and that his son should remember his personal brand and not protest too much because Big Tech has that covered too. But on the positive side, with the mass-deportations that Conservatism Incorporated and the Prison-Industrial Complex have planned from Day One, there will plenty of jobs for Junior washing dishes, picking strawberries, mixing concrete, etc. 


      Vivek Ramaswamy also explained workplace conditions under the New Order, which likewise has seen some pushback:

     Of course, if Chrisman had said this during the campaign, he'd have been labelled a 'Marxist' and envious of people who work hard. Again, he no doubt was quiet during the campaign, content in the belief that Mediaeval-level working conditions were going to be for other people. 

    Maybe it would have been a better idea to start asking questions before November. Instead, though, the so-called 'American Right' chose to ignore all of the blatant warning signs and grab the first gang who supported top-down solutions and magical cures for all of society's problems. If they don't like the way it's going now, they have no one to blame but themselves. 


Friday, December 27, 2024


     Typically, we don't follow too much of the drama that goes on in Social Media or Conservatism Incorporated's echo-chambers; but the last two days have been a firestorm, mostly on Elon Musk's network, X. To summarize this controversy as best that we can, on Wednesday Musk called for an extension of H1B visas to import more cheap labor for Big Tech. That would have been bad enough, but both he and Vivek Ramaswamy responded to criticism---mostly from the hardcore racist element of the New Right who hate all immigrants---by doubling-down and complaining that Americans weren't producing enough quality people (which is putting what they actually said rather diplomatically). The rhetoric ratcheted up and Musk has been chimping out for almost 24 straight hours, suspending and banning accounts that disagree with him. In short, Musk is behaving like some of the Biblical oriental tyrants who fly into paroxysms of rage whenever their will is questioned. 

    There are two points worth mentioning here. The first are all of these anti-immigration MAGA people who feel betrayed. I'm not sure where they've been for the last six months, because what Musk is proposing has been the New Right's stated position since then at least. 

      It has been the objective of the Tech Lords to create a two-tiered immigration enforcement system: round up the immigrants they can't use (while expanding the Police State and the Prison-Industrial Complex) and giving others a free pass (which saves them the expense of outsourcing). 

     The second point here is that Musk is actually half-right for a change. He isn't right in crushing dissent which, fortunately (for now), he can only do on Twitter. We here have long advocated, however, sensible immigration reform, somewhat like Musk is proposing, which would augment our workforce and increase our declining demographic problems. Let us all candidly admit that Musk's and Ramaswamy's assessment of the quality of American education is not altogether exaggerated. Along with immigration reform, we need to invest heavily in educational and vocational reforms. However, most of the Postmodern Right isn't interested in reforming either sector.

    The issue here is that the Conservative-Industrial Complex---Musk and Ramaswamy included---have engaged in some of the most vile xenophobic propaganda as well as praising state officials for executing barbaric actions against refugees and immigrants. In other words, the New Right has sown the wind and reaped the whirlwind. One can't bombard the public with rhetoric about immigrant invaders who are poisoning our blood and then expect that one's supporters are going to welcome foreign tech workers with open arms no matter how qualified they may be. 

    The Republican Leadership has brought this internal revolt down upon their own heads. Their failure to call out extremist elements within their movement; their shameless hyping and distortion of the immigration issue; and their abject failure to address the underlying problems behind the demographic crises facing the native-born is the direct cause of the dissent growing against them now. The billionaires running the 2024 Campaign never hid nor disguised their intentions, to wit, that they intended to promote one thing while doing another. The protesters are complaining now that they were misled; in reality they deluded themselves.



Wednesday, December 25, 2024


       With all of the pandering that the New Right has been doing lately to the Megachurches, one would think that Christmas Day would be a time when they exalted such traditional values. However, as we might have expected from a political movement that opened its own convention with an invocation to a deity whose followers ritually consume cannabis, Christian themes were few and far between.

     The son of the GOP's Official Figurehead did post a meme fantasizing about the New Right's proposed future foreign conquests:

      Apparently, Junior has forgotten what happened the last time that Dad thought about waging winter wars in cold climates. As for repeating Bush's adventures in Panama, the utterly dismal state of our system of canals and inland waterways should be addressed before seizing other countries' facilities. It also doesn't seem to make any sense that Party promising to deport 11 million immigrants now hopes to absorb ten times as many foreign nationals by seizing their territory.

     Nonetheless, though, the nominal President doubled down, making threats to all enemies, foreign and domestic:

     “Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in repair money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about anything,” 

    “Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World,

    “Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will!

    “Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics, who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME,”

    “ I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky souls, instead, I will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

    Meanwhile, the de facto President-Elect, Elon Musk had some Christmas cheer of his own: offering to donate a billion dollars---not for the purposes of actually doing anything that might benefit anyone; but instead renaming Wikipedia after his own dysfunctional male sexual organ. The equally neurotic Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, bought billboards throughout Latin America to spread these words of Holiday Cheer: “How much did you pay to have your daughter raped?"  and “Danger Ahead. If you cross you will regret it forever!”

    So, if people haven't already noticed it, what we've seen in these statements issued during the Christmas Season is a very fair specimen of the moral and spiritual levels of the Incoming Government. I'm equally certain that the True Believers will hand-wave all of this aside as some kind of joke; even if that's true, it's hardly appropriate for this particular holiday. In any event, like most of these kinds of statements, there's something ominous underlying the 'humor.' Freud pointed out over a hundred years ago that such 'humor' is "a form of catharsis for repressed hostility." Repressed Hostility ceases to be a laughing matter once the jokesters actually have power enough that their hostility no longer needs to be repressed. 

    Since this too is one of the most important holidays in Christianity, we do have to ask ourselves whether or not Jesus would speak to us today encouraging world domination, glorifying crimes against refugees, and suggesting obscene names for online encyclopaedias. We are told however that "by their fruits you shall know them," and American Christians ought to start examining the fruits that the New Right is offering before swallowing them.